Gigi McGuire

Gigi McGuire

Hi! Together with my family, we're the host of "Everyday Can Be A Sunday" YouTube Channel! Help your family tune into the Sunday Gospels. God bless!

Before mass, watch our short videos. Click here to watch our latest episodes:


“BIG BOOK, BIG BRAIN!!! small book, small brain!!!”, said my Professor.

Then my Quick Witted classmate said - “But Sir, NO Book, NO Brain.”

In my younger years, about 20 something pounds ago, our professor discovered we were reading a summarised version (300 pages) of 2 Big Books that were about 2000 pages EACH.

Why am I telling you this?

St. Jerome famously said, “Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ.”

And studying God’s word can be overwhelming. Not to mention the crazy busy schedule of the world we currently live in.

The Good News is - we’ve done some of that heavy lifting for you with our short videos of the Sunday Gospels here.

So don’t worry. Just do your Best. And God will do the Rest.

Check out what you might be missing here:


Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God!

1-1-23 CATHOLIC SUNDAY GOSPEL READING and FUN SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON | Luke 2:16-21 ❤ In this 1-1-23 Catholic Sunday School cartoon, Fun Fact Lesson & Discussion Question, we go over the the Gospel Reading for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of ...

How do you know Jesus Is The Messiah? | Sunday School Made Easy | Matthew 11:2-11 09/12/2022

How do you know Jesus Is The Messiah? | Sunday School Made Easy | Matthew 11:2-11 12-11-22 Sunday Gospel Cartoon about John the Baptist in Prison and The Messiah from Matthew 11:2-11 | A Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Fun Sunday School L...

10-23-2022 | Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon & Discussion | PHARISEE & TAX COLLECTOR | Luke 18:9-14 19/10/2022

“The prayer of the humble pierces the cloud…” Sirach 35:21

In this Sunday’s parable, Jesus teaches us that Humility is the foundation of prayer.

In this day and age, it takes humility to believe that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. The latest Pew Research unfortunately show that only 31% of US Catholics believe in Transubstantiation.

May this beautiful Prayer Before Communion from Forte Catholic be an expression of our humble trust in Jesus.

Let us pray:

O Jesus, as I approach your altar to receive you in the Holy Eucharist, let me desire nothing but divine union with you. Stand guard over my heart. Defend mee against all distractions and attacks against my faith. Help me in my imperfect love to return love to you. Amen.

Please ‘boop’ the like button so that this Gospel message reaches more people. Thank you and God bless!

10-23-2022 | Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon & Discussion | PHARISEE & TAX COLLECTOR | Luke 18:9-14 PARABLE OF THE PHARISEE AND TAX COLLECTOR from Luke 18:9-14: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Intr...

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Family Discussion 10-16-2022: PARABLE OF THE WIDOW AND JUDGE 12/10/2022

“If you want to deepen your prayer life, remember who you are talking to,” says Fr. Pete Literal, an old priest friend of ours in the community.

Growing up, I would see my Mom praying often at the foot of our altar at home.

One day, during my rebellious teenage years, she told me to keep praying to ask God for help with my problem. Then my young self said, “Why? I don’t think God hears my prayers.” I was discouraged at that time.

That made her cry. She said I hurt God’s feelings and I should say sorry to God for not trusting Him.

God loves us so much that even "if we are faithless, He remains faithful. For He cannot deny Himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13

Help your family Know, Like and Trust God.

So that when they become teenagers and the storms of life come their way, they will keep praying and remain on solid rock.

Watch now:

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Family Discussion 10-16-2022: PARABLE OF THE WIDOW AND JUDGE PARABLE OF THE WIDOW AND UNJUST JUDGE from Luke 18:1-8: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Intro0:11...

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Gospel Family Discussion 10-9-2022: JESUS CLEANSES THE 10 LEPERS 04/10/2022

Our daughter just started her religion classes for her upcoming First Holy Communion this school year.

It starts with the first 3 Blessed Videos from Dynamic Catholic here:

And in the 3rd video (Season 1, Episode 3), they teach that the Jewish Rabbi encourage their people to count their blessings and see if they can get to 100 (each day).

This Sunday, as we spend our Hour of Power at Mass, we are reminded to Thank God for all His blessings.

Before Mass, watch the story of the Grateful L***r for this Sunday’s Gospel:

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Gospel Family Discussion 10-9-2022: JESUS CLEANSES THE 10 LEPERS JESUS CLEANSES THE 10 LEPERS from Luke 17:11-19 : Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Intro0:14 Gospe...

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Family Discussion 10-2-2022: PARABLE OF THE MUSTARD SEED 28/09/2022

What Tree was mentioned in this Sunday's Gospel?
Carpen-Tree? 😃
Find out the answer here.
And be encouraged ... we are reminded that the Faith the size of a Mustard Seed can Move Mountains.
God bless.

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Family Discussion 10-2-2022: PARABLE OF THE MUSTARD SEED PARABLE OF THE MUSTARD SEED from Luke 17:5-10: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Intro0:10 Gospel ...

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Family Discussion 9-25-2022: PARABLE OF THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS 20/09/2022

Has your kid ever asked you why bad things happen to good people?

There are many angles to tackle that discussion. And this week’s parable might help provide one point of view in answering a tough question.

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Fun Family Discussion 9-25-2022: PARABLE OF THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS PARABLE OF THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS from Luke 16:19-31: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Intro0:10...

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Family Discussion August 28, 2022: PARABLE OF THE WEDDING BANQUET 24/08/2022

Do you like going to Wedding Parties? "I do." 😉

This Sunday, Jesus teaches us the Happiness in Heaven is like the Joy at a Wedding Party. He also teaches us the 2 Values we need in order to get to Heaven.

Please consider taking a sneak peek into this Sunday's Gospel here. God bless!

Catholic Sunday School Lesson & Family Discussion August 28, 2022: PARABLE OF THE WEDDING BANQUET PARABLE OF THE WEDDING BANQUET from Luke 14:1,7-14: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Readin...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion August 21, 2022: THE NARROW DOOR 17/08/2022

Did you know there are 604,800 seconds in one week? Spend just 5 minutes (300 seconds) with your kids and God’s Word each week through the help of these videos and watch that Mustard Seed of Faith Sprout!

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion August 21, 2022: THE NARROW DOOR THE NARROW DOOR from Luke 13:22-30: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Luke 13:22-3...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion August 14, 2022: JESUS CAME TO CAST FIRE ON EARTH 10/08/2022

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion August 14, 2022: JESUS CAME TO CAST FIRE ON EARTH JESUS CAME TO CAST FIRE ON EARTH from Luke 12:49-53: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Readi...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion August 7, 2022: RETURN OF THE MASTER 03/08/2022

“Walk with your feet on Earth, but in your heart, be in Heaven.” - St John Bosco 😃

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion August 7, 2022: RETURN OF THE MASTER RETURN OF THE MASTER from Luke 12:32-48: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Luke 12...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 31, 2022: THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL 29/07/2022

Which Saint has donated $20 Million in support of schools and churches? Find out in this week’s video. God bless!

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 31, 2022: THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL from Luke 12:13-21: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: ...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 24, 2022: THE LORD'S PRAYER 20/07/2022

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 24, 2022: THE LORD'S PRAYER THE LORD'S PRAYER from Luke 11:1-13: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Luke 11:1-1...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 17, 2022: MARTHA AND MARY 13/07/2022

This Sunday, Jesus teaches us about "Sitting before Serving." God bless! =)

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 17, 2022: MARTHA AND MARY MARTHA AND MARY from Luke 10:38-42: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Luke 10:38-4...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 10, 2022: THE GOOD SAMARITAN 06/07/2022

Have you watched the Minion movie, “The Rise of Gru”?

If you’re Catholic, there’s something you should know about this movie before you go with your children.

“The laughs provoked by screenwriter Matthew Fogel’s script come frequently and its emphasis on loyalty, teamwork and true friendship is pleasing. But the fact that the Vicious 6 numbers among its members a traditionally habited religious sister called — what else? — Nun-Chuck (voice of Lucy Lawless) may not sit well with some viewers.” (

A religious Nun is portrayed as one of the Villains. Her weapon is occasionally held in a Cross. And towards the end of the movie, she turns into a Snake. I felt disturbed by this.

Jeff Cavins in his Bible Study Timeline course has mentioned that if we don’t tell God’s story to our children … the World has its own story to tell.

You can teach God’s story to your kids with clean, good humor here.

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 10, 2022: THE GOOD SAMARITAN THE GOOD SAMARITAN from Luke 10: 25-37: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Luke 10:...

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 3, 2022: 70 DISCIPLES 29/06/2022

Children are good observers, but they need help with interpreting things. It's not enough to bring them to mass. We need to engage them in discussion. Let's keep our Kids Catholic.

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion July 3, 2022: 70 DISCIPLES 70 DISCIPLES from Luke 10:1-12, 17-20: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Luke 10:1...


Psalm 37:4 Promises "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."


Worried about Gas Prices? God can multiply our Earthly Resources.

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion June 12, 2022: HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY 08/06/2022

Reflect on St. Augustine's words, "You see Trinity, if you see love."

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion June 12, 2022: HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY from John 16:12-15: Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: John 16:...


Sunday Gospel Reflection May 15, 2022: There they strengthened the souls of the disciples and encouraged them to continue in the faith, saying, “It is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22

Pop Quiz: How will everyone know that we are Jesus’ disciples?

A. When we love one another
B. When we sing in the shower
C. When we wash, brush and always flush
D. When we wear bug spray … and deodorant

The correct answer is A! When we love one another. 😊

Easier said than done, though, right? I find this especially hard when I’m tired, sleep deprived, not feeling well or hurting somewhere. The past couple of days, my left knee felt really swollen and going up and down the stairs has been challenging. I have to ask Mike to carry the laundry or toys because my knee wasn’t feeling stable. It’s now taking me twice as long to do things and it makes a big dent in the amount of time left for me to give to my family.

But I am inspired by a sharing by George Gabriel and his example keeps me going.

He was one of the Feast Servant Leaders in the past that has now moved abroad. I interviewed him a couple of years ago during the Pandemic and he tells me how he wakes up early in the morning to make sure he has everything ready for his wife and kids. And he also stays up late, sometimes until 12 midnight, to make sure the house is picked up and ready to go the next day. By sacrificing his time and doing chores when the family is still asleep, he’s able to spend more quality time with them when they’re awake.

I wish we didn’t have to go through all these hardships. But the reading states today, “It is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22 When we sacrifice ourselves to love others, that’s when we bring the Kingdom of God here on earth.


Lord, today, we receive all of Your love for us. We let You love us. We let You heal and strengthen us. We let Your love protect us. Everything in our hearts that has gaps and needs love, please fill it with Your love. So that we can let that love overflow to those around us, especially our families. Amen.

Jesus in me loves you,


Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion May 15, 2022: LOVE ONE ANOTHER 11/05/2022

How do people know that we are Jesus’ disciples? Is it when we wash, brush and always flush? What are the 5 Love Languages for kids? These and more on this week’s episode. 😃

Sunday Catholic Gospel Fun Family Discussion May 15, 2022: LOVE ONE ANOTHER LOVE ONE ANOTHER from John 13:31-33a, 34-35 : Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Family Discussion Question. 0:00 Gospel Reading: Jo...

Sunday Gospel Reading & Discussion for Catholic Families May 8, 2022 (MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE) 04/05/2022

Discussion Question: How do I know it is Jesus' voice I am listening to?

Sunday Gospel Reading & Discussion for Catholic Families May 8, 2022 (MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE) MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE from John 10:27-30. Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Discussion for the Sunday Mass on May 8, 2022 0:00 Gos...

Sunday Gospel Reading & Discussion for Catholic Families May 1, 2022 (Jesus and Peter) 27/04/2022

Jesus' question this week: Do you love me?

Sunday Gospel Reading & Discussion for Catholic Families May 1, 2022 (Jesus and Peter) JESUS and PETER (Do You Love Me?) from John 21:1-19. Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Discussion for the Sunday Mass on May 1, 202...


Sunday Gospel Reflection:

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” - John 19:30-31

I remember a story about a kid caught in a house fire.

He was stuck in his room and his Dad was outside his 2nd floor window. His Dad told him to JUMP so he can be saved from the fire.

The boy was crying because he was scared. But his Dad reassured him and said ~

“Trust me. I’ll catch you.”

His son jumped and his Dad caught him!

In this day and age, I think having trust can be challenging.

But I remember this beautiful prayer I learned during one of our Feast Virtual Conference. It’s called the “Litany of Trust” from the Sisters of Life.

This Divine Mercy matter what you're going through...I invite all of us to say this prayer together so we can have peace in our hearts.

Litany of Trust by the Sisters of Life:

From the belief that I have to earn Your love
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear that I am unlovable
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the false security that I have what it takes
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear that trusting You will leave me more destitute
Deliver me, Jesus.

From all suspicion of Your words and promises
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the rebellion against childlike dependency on You
Deliver me, Jesus.

From refusals and reluctances in accepting Your will
Deliver me, Jesus.

From anxiety about the future
Deliver me, Jesus.

From resentment or excessive preoccupation with the past
Deliver me, Jesus.

From restless self-seeking in the present moment
Deliver me, Jesus.

From disbelief in Your love and presence
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being asked to give more than I have
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the belief that my life has no meaning or worth
Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of what love demands
Deliver me, Jesus.

From discouragement
Deliver me, Jesus.

That You are continually holding me, sustaining me, loving me
Jesus, I trust in You.

That Your love goes deeper than my sins and failings
and transforms me
Jesus, I trust in You.

That not knowing what tomorrow brings
is an invitation to lean on You
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You are with me in my suffering
Jesus, I trust in You.

That my suffering, united to Your own,
will bear fruit in this life and the next
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You will not leave me orphan,
that You are present in Your Church
Jesus, I trust in You.

That Your plan is better than anything else
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You always hear me
and in Your goodness always respond to me
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You give me the grace
to accept forgiveness and to forgive others
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You give me all the strength I need for what is asked
Jesus, I trust in You.

That my life is a gift
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You will teach me to trust You
Jesus, I trust in You.

That You are my Lord and my God
Jesus, I trust in You.

That I am Your beloved one
Jesus, I trust in You.

Jesus in me loves you,

Sunday Gospel Reading & Discussion for Catholic Families April 24, 2022 (DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY) 20/04/2022

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!

Sunday Gospel Reading & Discussion for Catholic Families April 24, 2022 (DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY) DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - JESUS and doubting THOMAS from John 20:19-31. Catholic Sunday Gospel Cartoon, Bible Trivia, Fun Facts & Discussion for the Sunday Mass...


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