A Piece of Light poetry

A Piece of Light  poetry

Poetry and quote blog


Patience has paid me a visit
And it reminded me
Good things take time to happen

Peace has visited me
And it reminded me
That I must remain calm through the storms of life
No matter the chaos around me

Hope paid me a visit
And it reminded me
Better days ahead soon

Humility has visited me
And this reminded me that I can do it
nope not trying to shrink myself
But focusing on serving the world and uplifting those around me

Kindness has paid me a visit
And it reminded me to be kinder, forgiving and compassionate towards myself
And those around me

Confidence came to visit me
And it reminded me
Not to hide or delete my gifts and talents.

Present came to visit me
And it reminded me
that the judgements of others concern themselves

Freedom has visited me
And it reminded me
Let no one control my mindset, thoughts and well being

LOVE has visited me
And it reminded me
That I don't need to look for it in others
Cause he's already within Me.

✍️ Tahlia Hunter
🎨 unknown
Readings By Roxy


I fell in love 🥰 with being a mom.
It's my favorite part of my life. 🫶✨

📸: unknown (DM for credit)






An open letter to myself:

I always wanted to say sorry to you because, most of the time, I fail to love and appreciate you. I always tend to forget that you are special too. I don't value you sometimes, and I even think that you are worthless. I want to say sorry to you for all the times that I've never been kind to you. I should've been more gentle with you. I should've reminded you every day that you were worthy. I should've made you believe that you were enough. I'm sorry— you didn't deserve all the pain that I've caused you.

I want you to know right now that you deserve to love yourself more each day. Speak kind words in front of the mirror and remind yourself that you are a beautiful soul. I want you to know that you should stop settling for less than what you deserve and start finding your worth. You are enough. You are worthy. And most importantly, your existence matters every day.
Please kindly don't forget to follow my page Everything Real.


Dear self,

I miss you a lot. I mean, I wish I could bring back the version of you that was still happy and whole. I wish you could still be that person who used to be confident and fearless. But most importantly, I wish I've treated you better.

I'm sorry.

For all the things that you've been through, I know it's not enough to just say sorry. I know how many times you begged me to love you, but I never listened to you. I know how many times you've been hurt by the ones you cared the most, but I never had much strength to comfort you. I despised you when everybody else have made you feel worthless. I hated you so much that I wouldn't even dare to take care of you. I was never been gentle to you; instead, I've hurt you many times because I never really loved your entire existence.

I'm sorry.

It took me a lot of time to finally look at you and embrace everything about you. And it took you so much scars before I realize that you needed saving. But now, I hope you understand that you are worthy— even how imperfect you are. Everything that made you sad yesterday, you don't deserve it. Everyone who made you feel worthless, and those who became the reason why you hated yourself so much, you do not deserve them. I hope you know that you deserve so much more.

Forgive me if I couldn't protect you when I was busy grieving each day. I forgot that you needed my love, too. I only watched you hurting and dying at the corner. Forgive me if I never came earlier to save you. Your smiles are gone now, and I could see it in your eyes that you're already tired. But I hope I could save you this time. I hope everything will get better soon.

And I hope it is not too late to finally love you.




My spirit is heavy. Maybe it’s the endless rain or a multiple of many things. I know that this darkness is not going away. 🦋🩵✨🩵🦋




I love this writing

The next time
you refuse to sing
because you’ll never
fill a stadium
or decline the joy of dance
for fear of looking
or you resist risking
the new adventure
because you’re
not entirely ready or
you dim your shine
because you’re not
completely healed and whole

the next time
you hold yourself suspect
because you’re not
entirely qualified

just remember

a bird doesn’t sing
because it’s talented
a bird sings because
it has a song

the moon doesn’t only shine
when it’s whole
it can show up with
a single sliver of itself
and still light an entire
night sky

show up. sing. shine.
the world needs you
as you are

~ © Angi Sullins
Art by Jane Rae


There comes a day when you realize that the fear never really goes away,
that if you really want something,
you have to be willing to do it afraid.

And maybe this is the only way you ever get to discover your fullest potential.
Maybe you just have to dive right in and face the thing that scares you the most.

Because in the end,
it's not the rejections and so-called failures that will haunt you.
It will be your own potential left unexplored.

So maybe you don't need to wait until you overcome your fears to take the first step forward.

Maybe you just need to know there's something more important than fear. Something greater.
Something worth fighting for.

And maybe overcoming your fears is the least important part of your story anyway.

Maybe what matters is that you're scared but still determined.
Shaky but still standing.
Afraid but still willing to try.

- Zanna Keithley

Artist: Skategirl
Sisterhood connecting as one.


A baby crowning, a moment of truth,
A sign that the end is near, uncouth.
The culmination of months of waiting,
The beginning of the journey breathtaking.

With each contraction, the baby descends,
Closer and closer until it transcends
The barrier between the womb and the world,
And into a new reality, it's hurled.

The head emerges, a miracle to see,
A small, dark, and downy chick, carefree.
The body follows, slick with fluids and blood,
A little life, all at once, understood.

The mother groans, a primal sound,
As she pushes and strains until she's unbound.
The baby slips out, with a final heave,
Into her arms, where it can safely breathe.

And there it is, a baby crowning,
A new life, a miracle, surrounding.
A tiny being with infinite potential,
Ready to grow, to thrive, to be essential.

So let us celebrate this moment so rare,
As we witness the start of a journey, so fair.
A baby crowning, a beginning anew,
A reminder of the beauty that life can ensue.

Here's our group for moms WORTHY MOMS

💛 words and


Some things that break our hearts, open our eyes. My eyes are wide open and I see me, the person I am and the person I am striving to become. I accept what has happened and have surrendered to the entire universe, as my life is to be lived, even when I didn't want to.

As I crawl to walk again, I see things totally different and will not squander the second chance I have been given to thrive. All I ask for, is what I need right now. Tomorrow will worry enough about itself as I celebrate the now, a new chapter as I embrace the great unknown of what is my life today. I'm not holding back, fighting or even questioning what I find of myself that is left. I am listening. Instead I decide to cover it all with grace in love for the journey I am embarking on. My present moments are blessed by legions of angels, ancestors and the God I got so used to avoiding and ignoring. But he never left and he's saved my life more times than I can count. I looked in the mirror and saw my destiny instead of my shortcoming and fall. It is coming, not behind me left in the ashes of yesterday's version of me.

I have a saying on a plaque that says, Find Joy in the Journey and that's exactly what I'm going to do from now on. I kept asking myself where this joy was and is, everyday.... It's been inside of me all along but it was covered and buried in fear, abandonment, self sabotaging and lack of love for myself.

Today I say, no more. Tomorrow I will say no more again. I will and have found joy in the unknown moments of myself. The blank pages that are begging to be filled and written in from my heart. I will open the doors that are in front of me that have been slammed shut for close to 20 years. I found God amidst my own demise and it was divine timing.

Nothing ever happens by accident and it's all been a silver lining of serendipitous events. I consider myself lucky for all I put myself through. Lucky that I can pay it forward and stand here, use my voice and know it's ok to be powerful now, in my purpose as I share with you. I am finding joy in the simplest of things, beauty abounding from places, faces and the little miracles my life really is. I embrace and accept the pleasures I can and do create from them all. I am grateful for things that no one even knows about or knows that I know. Battles I have fought in secret and victoriously won. Dark battles with my own demons. A lot of those battles have been with myself and the past I needed to reconcile with, love and then leave behind as it all brought me to this epiphany in this moment. I know now. It was too heavy for me to carry any longer. The past versions of me that all had something to say to this present version of myself. As I look in the mirror I don't recognize who I see but I love her and will do whatever I need to do now.

Somewhere along the line, in my darkest hour, I found my soul and my heart started to expand in purposeful roads and desires. Passionate desires for my entire intimate life and connection in relationships with other people and realms for my greater good. My purpose here on this earth is so worth exploring, as this is my greatest adventure yet. I will be brave. I will be strong as I get to the good parts. However uncomfortable I am, I'm going to open and walk through all the doors that lead me back to God and myself. I'm not begging for people to stay, I'm asking God's grace for those I love and whoever loves me back to stay and the rest to go in sweet surrender.

Asking whatever is not for me, to leave. I am ok with however everything does turn out. I want to be happy and I want that for everyone I love so dearly, in their unique ways, not how I see it. I ask for forgiveness from everyone I have harmed with my own calamities. It's not anyone else's burden to carry. It's my train wreck to get back on track after severe repairs have been made. I can do this. I can do all the little things as they turn into big things, as my heart opens and expands beyond what I knew, thought or felt. God sees who I really am. I'm not ignoring him/her anymore. I'm growing my spirituality.

I'm not going to be discounting myself anymore, nor my value or self-worth by bowing to self in anything other than love, transparently humble in gratitude for the journey back home. I will not carry my suffering, pain or loathing, I finally let it all go as it almost killed me. I will not turn into a label someone else deemed for me but strive every single day to be better, even despite my worst self and moments I wish I could take back. I stand inside my own truth, from my intuition and trust it explicitly. It has never been wrong and I'm finally starting to listen. And I am better for it, as I decide to acknowledge what I already knew to be true, about myself. I am stronger than the storm. I already knew, I just had to remember.

- Rachel's Heart


I can't stop the rain.

But I will hold the umbrella.

Even as my children grow older,
taller, and closer to adulthood.

Even as I understand that life is both sunshine and rain, immense joy and immense hardship.

I can't stop the rain.

Despite giving my all, despite cherishing deeply,
despite loving unconditionally.

The rain comes.

In aches, in grief, in uncertainty, in trials.

I can't stop the rain.

And I'm not meant to.

Because it's my role to shield them from life's storms, and to equip them with the skills to navigate the waters.

To protect them from the floods,
and to recognize that some rain is essential for growth.

It's a sacred dance we perform as mothers.

A rhythm of shielding, while fostering independence.

Of preparing them to be ready and capable,
while still nurturing and protecting.

Of holding on, while gently letting go.

I can't stop the rain.

But it's my job to teach them to navigate through it.

And for as long as I can,

I will hold the umbrella.

Because while I can't stop the rain,
I can give them the gift of knowing
that no matter what they go through,
if the storm becomes too overwhelming,
there will always be someone standing beside them
holding the umbrella.


Inspired by "You Are Loved - Emily Roussell'


🤰"Nunca me digas
que no puedo hacer algo.

A mí, que bailé con dos corazones y respiré
con cuatro pulmones.
A mí, que fuí hielo,
fuego y viento.
Que llevé en mi vientre
el peso de dos mundos,
y parí la vida a gritos.

Yo, que abracé la tristeza sin miedo y lloré sonrisas.
No me digas que soy incapaz de algo o de todo".🤰

~Eva Lopez Martinez~


"I've met my demons and they walk away."
Not mine.
Mine wanna fight and cling on for dear life until I make friends with them, then they leave. Normally they give me their names, grief, pain, abuse, loss...etc. and then I find out they were just the unhealed parts of me.

We are our own worst enemies. Until we get with ourselves, look at ourselves in the mirror and love what we see, we will be tormented or taken on a cycle that doesn't end until we learn our lessons. Might sound harsh but it is the truth, for all of us. Individually they look vastly different but they are all the same and come from the same places, within us.

The only way to truly conquer them is to face them. Ask the right questions as we are openhearted to all the answers involving the pure acceptance of ourselves. Only then are we free because we decided to love ourselves even more than they hated us. We surrender. Then they stop hanging on so tightly. They tried to suffocate us within repeated suffering until we love ourselves enough to say enough, no and create healthy boundaries. We learn to love ourselves so much they have no choice but to be subservient of our love.

They are there for a valid and divine reason. Ask them why. Some just need to be returned to the sender. Others healed. Others we just pack around because we were told and taught something horrifically untrue about ourselves somewhere along the line and we believed them. The more we love ourselves and create boundaries the less we have this darkness within us. When we love ourselves it drives out all fear and we no longer care what others think. We know who we are. We know we are born into both light and darkness for the awaking of our soul's purposefulness in destiny.

Stop being afraid of yourself. Stop listening to those committed to fully abusing or misunderstanding you. Take your power back and kick that s**t to the curbside like trash. They won't come back if we heal and value ourselves. No one is perfect but we can choose how to dance with our demons and win at life. You be the judge and decide.

Do so in kindness and compassion, even when no one else will. You need to accept yourself. Who cares what anyone else thinks.the right people will see right past those demons and love you. They will love you because they see your glow and heart's desires and dreams in certain ways of you. They will embrace your uniqueness of self expression for good, bad and ugly. They will not take advantage, gaslight you, reject you or treat you less than. They won't even get angry when you share your concerns, emotions or feelings. If they do it on them and their own heart conditions.

Everyone has their own path and all roads lead to the same destination regardless of how you want to perceive or process it all. If you hear nothing I say please hear this... love yourself even harder and f**k them all. You can be broken and still stand. You can be all alone and still be happy. You can say goodbye to those who treat you badly and live larger than life. You still deserve to be in your plight, now more than ever. If you stand alone, stand proud and tall. You are the miracle. Someone told me that the other day and I sure didn't feel like it. And then I was forced by the heavens to be that miracle as I advocated and fought for myself and my vital needs and rights as a human.

When you start doing that for you you will never go back to the old ways or old pain of past demons. That's when they flee, as you have legions backing you up. They are and will seek retribution in surrounding you with peace, love and a new way with new faces to begin again and bloom in happiness as you shine from the inside of your soul out into the world. And you become so tenaciously strong, the weight and the suffering has no choice but to lift as well, making more room for joy and gratitude for love into connections...the tried and true connections. The ones that support you and lift you up, not belittle you. The ones that remind you of who you are and how to love yourself all over again by showing you love. Teaching you how to trust in their consistency for you in actions of their unwavering presence inside your life and heart with positive energy and solutions. Not finger pointing or gaslighting. That speaks volumes of who they are and what is inside of them that needs to come out.

Life changes as we know it and will never be the same as our personal values increase, our connections become more specific to our needs without having to beg for crumbs as we get kicked around when we are down and out. When we are at our worst we find out who true friends are and they fill our gaps and bleed our heart with love as they invest in us and know our truth to be honest, as we would do the same for them in sweet reciprocation. We learn we aren't for everyone and we are here for our own spiritual life and precisely sacred journey.

We don't care about all those opinionated peers anymore. We fought our demons and won in silence, alone. Those peers also have to decide to do the same or they won't be in my circle. My circle gets smaller by the day but that means I must be doing something right.i didn't make this decision out of judgment, i was forced for self preservation and growth.

It is not ever my job or responsibility to explain anything to anyone. Not anymore. I just can't do it. I don't have the mental space for the mind games. I don't owe you an explanation so you can pick it apart and tell me what you think I did wrong or how I should feel, think or do just for me. I'm a good person to the core. My kindness doesn't ever make me stupid. Don't believe it or in me? Then don't be in my life. C'est la vie, what will be, will be as I find my experience of peaceful serenity. Sound selfish? It isn't. Its serendipitous waves of restoration and will to keep moving forwards.

To keep walking away from what no longer serves me. Nothing personal. It is called self love and respect for ourselves. It arrives from within to the point people don't recognize us or walk out on us. And that's ok too. Not everyone has the heart and soul of a warrior. Not everyone wants to be reminded of the darkness they carry within.

Me, I am transparent and open hearted as I vulnerabilities are taking my power back and deciding to just not give a f**k what you think of me anymore. Wanna love me, prove it in your actions. Wanna hate me? Ok, but that's on you, not me. I will fix myself, not you or anyone else. Not my gig. That's self love at its finest moments of battle in action. That move is the checkmate in the game. I am no pawn. I am the queen of my reality and magical self. That's me meeting myself as is, inside real love.

Most won't commit to this sacred act. I didn't. I was put through the same lessons until I had to. My life was on the line. I totally lost myself for a while but now I'm back. Most don't, won't or can't recognize me. Some will reject the new me but let me tell you something, I will never lose myself for anyone or anything else ever again unless it is love and that starts within myself. At the end of the day I have to look at myself in the mirror before I sleep with my heart, head and soul outloud in inspiring awareness… Boom.

Hi! My name is Rachel. Have we met before?

- Rachel's Heart


Sweet Child,

Although I'm the parent, you are my greatest teacher.

You taught me that it is possible for my heart to burst with love.

You taught me that there is no more beautiful sound than your laughter.

You taught me to erase any notion I had of motherhood.

You taught me that there is no such thing as being a perfect mother.

You taught me that motherhood is chaotic, unpredictable, life-changing, and absolutely beautiful.

I am forever changed, and I am forever grateful.



Written by: Surviving Mom Blog with Randi Latzman (follow their page)
Artwork by: angelica.ch.r


They don't have a clue.

Nobody has the slightest clue about the war she is going through.

They don't know about the countless battles she fights inside her head with every day that passes.

They don't know about her pillow wiping away her tears when nobody else would.

She's emotionally exhausted to the point where she feels nearly broken.

Yet she is the one who always tries the hardest to make others happy because she knows what it's like to feel completely worthless.

So she does everything in her power to make sure nobody else feels the same way.

No matter how she is treated or what life decides to throw at her, she still manages to keep a smile on her face for everyone around her.

And she shares her good heart and kindness with anyone in need.

Even though in spite of all this .... she knows she's the one who truly needs it the most.

~ Cody Bret


An evolution that continues to evolve day after day, year after year!

Let us grow! 🌱❤️



She was slowly drowning
With no way to escape
The water was surrounding
And she was about to break

Cast out to the sea
In her self-made prison
She longed to be free
But she lost her vision

Encased, in her mind
With panic overwhelming
She longed to find
Freedom from her dwelling

Every time she tried
To take a little breath
Her hateful thoughts would lie
Until, nothing was left

Can someone break the glass
and set this woman free?
Escaping pain from her past
So, she can finally see

Know that she is worth it
And realize she can swim
Her fight is not over yet
Her light, no longer dim

© Janelle Erin Elizabeth Peters all rights reserved 2021 picture art found on Pinterest


Love this ✨💜✨


"Loving yourself is the best gift
you can give yourself.
Look in the mirror, and
tell yourself how awesome you are!"
~ Your Angels


🖤 Indeed 🖤
