Yoga Group for man

Yoga Group for man

Listen to your body and be in the moment


Invert! Go upside down every day! Shoulder-stand, headstand and viparita karani are all fantastic practices. There are so many wonderful health benefits from inverting. Plus, it’s a great way to clear your head and get a new perspective on things. I always feel happier and better about life after a few minutes of hanging out upside down.


Are you now ready to take your yoga to the next level, preventing these common yoga mistakes people make so you too can transform your body, calm your mind and tap into your soul?

Here's a quick summary of how to do this safely:

Prevent Joint Hyper-extension

Use Correct Alignment

Engage Your Core

Breathe Deeply

Move Mindfully

Don't Compare Yourself To Others

Stay For Savasana!


Create Your Own Flow
Do you find following along with yoga videos stressful? Skip over following another person lead your yoga session and give yourself the chance to decide how you need to nourish your body.

Creating your own movements based off of what your current mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical needs are.

Your yoga session doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complex (unless that’s what you want to do). If you’ve experimented with other yoga practice options and think that leading yourself through your own yoga session, feel free to experiment with what feels best for you and your body!

10 Min Yoga for Men Beginner Routine - Easy Men's Yoga Workout - Best Yoga Workout for Dudes 17/04/2020

10 Minutes Yoga for man

10 Min Yoga for Men Beginner Routine - Easy Men's Yoga Workout - Best Yoga Workout for Dudes Get the best core training, yoga for men and women with Sean Vigue Fitness 👊🏽 Get my FREE MEMBERS ONLY VIDEO: Try my FREE GIFT video fr...


Yoga, which traditionally had been practiced only by men, began to be dominated by women. Today, an average yoga class will have more female than male students. A lot of men worry that yoga is not appropriate for them because they aren't naturally flexible. But flexibility is not a prerequisite for yoga.


Men are often less flexible than women, so if guys don't stretch at all, they're at a big disadvantage. Men who practice yoga regularly are able to build more muscle fibers, which means bigger muscles. And with advanced flexibility, they are able to explore more positions between the sheets