

Tasty and healthy!


🥜The buckwheat is the mastodon of the cereal?

Do you know how many vitamins and minerals are stored in a jar from your kitchen cabinet with the inscription «Greasy cereal»? It’s a treasure trove! The queen cereal is a unique source of iron, calcium, iodine and other useful substances. At the same time it is considered to be low-carbohydrate, so a variety of diets are popular, in which the buckwheat plays a major role.
The use of buckwheat is not only for grain and flour, but also for medical purposes, which once again speaks of its use for the body. Here is a complete list of the benefits of buckwheat grain that you will find useful.

🍽Nutritional value and properties of buckwheat
The buckwheat contains 146 calories in a quarter cup. The seeds are high in carbohydrates and have a moderate amount of protein and fat. Grease is a large source of vitamin B6, A, C, D, E and K. High content of minerals such as manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium. The buckwheat naturally contains several healing properties necessary for the normal functioning of the organism. It is also rich in phyto-enzymes and antioxidants, which can prevent a number of chronic diseases. Flavonoids (routine) are present in the greasy grain, which contributes to health.
🍱Health benefits of the buckwheat
If you use the buckwheat regularly, you can lower your cholesterol and your blood pressure. Compounds such as rutins, which are found in the greasy grain, prevent blood clotting and oxidation of free radicals, which can lead to heart disease.
High levels of magnesium in Greek improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Adding buckwheat to your daily diet can control blood sugar levels and alleviate hunger. Consumption of buckwheat can even prevent type 2 diabetes at an early stage. One bowl of buckwheat every morning can help you lose weight.
Insoluble fibers in the buckwheat can prevent the formation of gallstones.
🥙Greasy cereal contains an important substance for lignin, which can prevent breast cancer, as well as other hormone-dependent organisms.
It is recommended that post-menopause women eat buckwheat porridge, which will help reduce associated health problems such as high cholesterol and blood pressure.
🍚Food fibers in the buckwheat also help digestion and can treat constipation.
Buckwheat can improve immunity and reduce coughing and cold.
🥗The antioxidants in the buckwheat make it the perfect antidote to radiation during procedures such as X-rays.
A diet of buckwheat flakes can also prevent asthma in children.
🍢For weight loss, Porridge is an integral part of both therapeutic diets based on medical advice (dietary tables) and the classical mono-diet for weight loss (with or without the addition of kefir).

Homemade whole wheat bread (without flour) Ingredients: 3 cups of whole wheat beans (nuclei), tea spoon of salt, 1 cup of water, vegetable oil for lubrication of shape, sesame seeds or poppy for sprinkles. Pour water on the buckwheat and leave it for the night. In the morning, drain the water, let the grain run dry. Combine a buckwheat with salt, a cup of water and purge in a blender to a uniform state (grind ingredients not less than 2-3 minutes). Pour «dough» into a clean glass vessel, cover with a towel and leave to wander in a warm place for 24 hours. The next day, heat up the oven to 200 degrees. Grease the mold with vegetable oil, and lavish the bottom and sides of the mold with sesame or poppy seeds. Pour «dough» into form and bake at 180 degrees for an hour. Cut the bread already completely cold. Green buckwheat (without thermal treatment) is also a good choice for making such a buckwheat bread. If you want, you can add ground olives, pumpkin seeds, raisins.


🥒Peas are the green champion among vegetables?

Peas are the world’s most popular vegetable, loved by adults and children alike. This inexpensive but nutritious and useful product can be added to many soups, salads, porridge and even pies, so this vegetable can be experimented with a lot.
🥬The use and harm of the peas became known to ancient Greeks and Romans tens of centuries ago. Today, however, few people think specifically of the harm of peas, and many do not even know that they can harm human health at all. For peas to be of maximum use to your body, it is necessary to know in what form and in what quantities it is taken.
The utility of peas has long been unquestionable. The peas contain a lot more citric acid than the potatoes. It contains 2 times more vitamins of group B, 1.5 times more vitamin B2 and 5 times more vitamin PP (!) than crude flour bread, which is known to contain more vitamins than bread of higher grades.
The peas contain pyridoxin, which is involved in the fission and synthesis of irreplaceable amino acids. Lack of this substance in the body can cause dermatitis and convulsions. The selenium pea inhibits the intake of heavy radioactive metals into the human body. For such properties, peas are considered to be an anticarcinogenic agent, which is an invaluable asset for peas.
Common in Russia, traditional medicine advises the use of fruit and foliage broth as a diuretic agent to dissolve kidney stones. For all the benefit of peas and even their indispensability in the human diet, the caloric value of peas is higher than that of other vegetables. The caloric value of the peas is 298 kcal. by 100 gr. and is higher than that of soybean.
đź«‘What vitamins are contained in peas
Useful substances in peas are primarily represented by vitamins. The product contains:
• Ascorbic acid
• Vitamin B6
• Niacin and Thiamine
• Vitamins A and K;
• tocopherol
• Folic acid
• riboflavin.
The use of fresh grains is very useful for digestion and immunity. It is less valuable in canned or boiled peas, although it is still able to improve the body condition.
🥒Mineral composition of peas
In addition to vitamins, valuable mineral substances are present in useful peas. These include the following:
• Iron and magnesium
• phosphorus;
• calcium;
• Zinc and sodium
• potassium.
In 100 g, the peas contain about 21 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of proteins and just 0.3 g of fat. The nutrient content of the healthy grains is 118 calories.
🥦What good are fresh peas
If consumed moderately, a healthy fresh product serves to prevent a variety of diseases. In particular:
• strengthens the vessels and reduces cholesterol in the blood;
• Protects against heart disease and prevents the development of heart attacks;
• Prevents atherosclerosis
• Regulates sugar and serves to prevent diabetes;
• Helps to take care of the health of the eyes and prevents loss of vision;
• Remove slag from the body and regulate appetite;
• improves exchange processes;
• Strengthen immunity and reduce vulnerability to viral infections;
• Prevents the development of anaemia through high iron content;
• Helps to reduce chronic fatigue;
• Strengthens bones and joints;
• Improves brain function and memory
• helps to combat inflammatory processes in the body.
It is recommended to consume a product to prevent stomach cancer. The liver benefit of peas is that they remove toxic substances from the tissues and reduce organ stress.
