

JCWellness is for women who are ready to prioritize their health and get their energy back!

Photos from JCWellness's post 02/08/2024

favourites from july ☀️

scotland, home, running, teaching, ice cream, algonquin & my paddle girls!

Photos from JCWellness's post 31/07/2024

Meet Leslie 🌻


I'm excited to announce that I am taking on NEW Personal Training clients!

If you are looking for a Personal Trainer, or have fitness and health goals you are trying to reach send me a DM or click below and I will be in touch! https://form.jotform.com/241918269399070

Photos from JCWellness's post 25/07/2024

6 tips live a healthier life


Photos from JCWellness's post 06/07/2023

June 2023 ☀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏊‍♀️⚾️

Early morning runs, swimming, pride, bff visits, jays games, revival retreat, 10 day reset, yoga, workouts

Photos from JCWellness's post 23/06/2023

Summer in the city, or at the cottage? 🇨🇦☀️🌊

Photos from JCWellness's post 02/06/2023

may ☀️🌊

cottage weekends, back to running, more lake weekends, some blonde highlights, yonge st 10k, smile cookie, back to the pool, I’m still not finished my book from april, ontario summer are my favourite 💕

Photos from JCWellness's post 31/03/2023

march 2023:🌷🩼🌊

spring vibes, bone broth, back to , sunsets, beach time, fracture clinic, healing meals, 2 books, lots of laughs, lots of tears

here’s to a new month 🌷🌷


Introducing JC Wellness online! 🎉

I know, it is already online… but this is a new version. We now have a place where you can login and access all things JC Wellness.

A library of videos on meditation, exercise, nutrition, sleep & stress that you can access whenever you want to. You are now able to follow along with my morning routine, pop on a weekly wellness video and sign up for my monthly masterclass all in one spot.

By now most of you know my burn-out story, and how overwhelmed I got when I brought everything online in 2020. finally feels like home online, a place for everything and it was a stress free set up for me.

We officially have a home for everything and I can’t wait for you to see it!

Click the link in my bio that says 'video library’ to check it out.

See ya there!

xo, jc


do you know what it feels like to wake up with energy?

to wake up feeling rested and ready for the day?

not a clue what that would be like? you're not alone.

in our go, go, go world wired tired is way to common.

you're tired all day, but then you can't sleep at night.

an evening routine can play a huge part in helping you get the restorative sleep we all need at night.

I know it can feel hard to add things into your evening when you are already exhausted but these 4 simple things really can make a difference and help you waking up feeling rested.

📱 eliminating blue light - blue light from our electronics and lights suppresses your bodies natural production of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that your body produces at night to help you sleep.

🫖 tea - teas with camomile, lavender, valerian root & pasionflower have sleep promoting qualities and can help with insomnia, stress & anxiety.

🧘🏼‍♀️ meditation - meditation lowers your heart rate, activates your parasympathetic nervous stems and slows your breathing. All excellent things to set yourself up for a good nights sleep.

📖 reading - I highly recommend reading fiction at night. Getting lost in a story you enjoy can help take your mind off anything that you are thinking about that could prevent you from falling asleep.

while an evening routine can be extremely helpful it is only one part of the sleep puzzle.

to find out how to fully fix your sleep and wake up with energy click the link in my bio to access my NEW VIDEO LIBRARY.

i have a 10 minute video with everything you need to know about sleep. watch it this weekend and start sleeping better next week.

as always let me know if you have any questions. i'm here to chat in the DMs.

xo, jc

Photos from JCWellness's post 23/02/2022

how was your weekend? 😊

here’s a recap of mine ➡️

i have a very fun & eventful weekend coming up so this one was quiet & relaxing for me 🤍

how is it wednesday already?

i know it can feel a bit wonky getting back into work after a long weekend & it can feel hectic with a short week so let’s focus on the basics:

- are you drinking enough water ?
- make time for a couple deep breaths
- take those vitamins
- get outside (if you’re in Toronto look at that ☀️ today!)

bonus: move your body for 20 mins

5 days left in feb friend, we got this ☀️

xo, jc


you want to start prioritizing your health but don’t know where to start.

i hear this all the time.

you’re overwhelmed and confused.

and, you think you have to do 100 things a day (you don’t!).

if you watch my stories this checklist will look familiar - this is what I remind you to do every single day (and then we do the breaths together).

you think you need more than this (and maybe you do) but the truth is you need to start here.

you need to get really good at these 4 things, make them a habit and a non-negotiable in your day.

let’s try for a month a see how you feel.

so many of the symptoms you are struggling with lead back to your body being stressed AF.

stay hydrated, take your vitamins, get outside and take a couple of minutes a day to breath and see how you feel.

“ok but Jordan, I need to be doing XYZ”

“I know I need to do those things but I need more”

do you?

you might feel like these things are small and insignificant but they’re not.

can you commit to your health and this checklist for the next 30 days? and then decide what else you need?

if this resonates, this is your sign.

send me a DM if you have questions.

tag a friend you want to hold you accountable.

your health and how you feel every day is in your hands. It’s up to you to decide how you want to feel, and it’s up to you to keep the promises you make to yourself.

take care of your body - it’s the only one you get.

enjoy your life - it might be the only one we get.

xo, jc

Photos from JCWellness's post 15/02/2022

weekend homework recap ➡️

✔️ water (always)
✔️ pancakes, chocolate & french fries
✔️🐶 makes the walk part easy
✔️so much fun skiing

when you see me post the weekend homework on friday use it as your cue to check-in with yourself.

what do you need from the weekend?

how can you give it to yourself?

here’s to doing our homework and starting the week inspired, energized and rested 🌱

and if you’re struggling with energy and feeling tired all the time my complete burn-out healing guide will be out next week, and it has everything you need 🤍

xo, jc

🥞 my go-to pancakes:
- 1 banana
- 2 eggs
- vanilla
- oats or oat flour* (you know I don’t measure things 🤷🏼‍♀️)
- cinnamon
- fruit & maple syrup

*blend oats in a blender to make oat flour and add a little bit at a time to eggs & banana until you get a good pancake consistency


Allow me to (re)introduce myself 👋🏻

Hi, I'm Jordan!

I’m a 12 year business owner & personal trainer turned health coach for female entrepreneurs 🌱

After I burned out in 2020 I combined 2 of my favourite things: female business owners and health... and from that I created JC WELLNESS 💙

If you're new - this is me:
🐶 dog mum
♍️ double virgo
🏃🏼‍♀️ runner
✨big thinker

You can catch me:
☕️ drinking a decaf coffee on my yoga mat
💦 teaching a HIIT class on a Saturday morning
🌊 in a baseball hat by the lake all summer
📓 writing biz ideas in 1 of my 100 notebooks

I'm here to help you understand your body & your hormones so you can reclaim your energy and your life.

If you feel overwhelmed and exhausted all the time I get it - I was there.

If you feel guilty for not prioritizing your health but too tired to know where to start I get it - I’ve helped women just like you.

I promise there is a way back to energy and health, and I'm here to make it simple.

xo, JC


coming very soon!

hi, hello… we’re almost ready. See a sneak peek of the new branding in my stories ✨

see you soon. xo, j