Virginia Beach by Night - A Vampire Chronicle

Virginia Beach by Night - A Vampire Chronicle

A persistent-world Vampire the Masquerade Revised-V20-Homebrew game set in modern-nights. Discord PBP

Crossroads: Philadelphia by Night Wiki 08/06/2021

Is the Camarilla on the rise in Philadelphia after losing it all those years ago or is that a façade it is trying to establish? Is the years long cold war between the Sects still holding strong or are new arrivals and old faces returning to the night unbalancing the stability in power?

Come into the night, see for yourself... bring peace or bring war, but come to the City of Brotherly Love and see how you would fare in the World of Darkness.

24/7 Active Living World Community playing Vampire the Masquerade with Play By Post on Discord. Our Edition is Revised, but we homebrew from other editions and New Player friendly.

Play as a vampire and see how well you uphold the Masquerade and your Humanity ... or how thoroughly you discard it. Welcome to the city of Philadelphia set in the Gothic-Punk World of Darkness.

Please visit our Wiki at:

Crossroads: Philadelphia by Night Wiki Philadelphia by Night is a living world Vampire the Masquerade Revised Discord server, set as you can probably tell in Philadelphia itself. Crossroads is a Revised/Homebrew server, set after the most recent fall of one of the last Camarilla bastions in the New World. A city of intrigue and secrets,....


Our numbers in the night are growing! More vampires, strange creatures, innocent and not so innocent mortals...

Come by to see how you would fare in the World of Darkness.

24/7 Active Living World Community.

Play as a vampire, and see how well you uphold the Masquerade and your Humanity ... or how thoroughly you discard it.


A name change that was long coming, but finally done! Welcome to the city of Philadelphia set in the Gothic-Punk World of Darkness. We are a 24/7 Persistent World play by post Vampire the Masquerade Server on Discord and our setting is modeled as a living city. We run Revised Rules, but also have a spattering of homebrew and snippets of other editions to help run things smoothly as we are a game with many players.

Content is player-driven.

New to VtM? Don't worry! We accept players with all levels of experience and help introduce them to the lore of both the setting and the overall world. Do you have problems using your mobile Roll20? That's fine, we have customized character sheets that can be used through Google Drive so you can play whenever you are able, even on mobile. Our server uses bots to help roll dice, track experience, bloodpool and other similar important stats for you to allow for ease of access.

Other perks? Play as one of the Kindred afflicted by the curse of Caine: Most Clans and Bloodlines are allowed, with a few exceptions, detailed on our website! Enter a city in a cold war of the Sects: you can enter play as a Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch, Independent Clan, or Autarkis! You can gain power in the city at large through various spheres of Influence, carve out a place for yourself with custom channels for your place of haven, business, and similar.

We do not allow multiple main vampire characters at this time, but you can play as your main character as well as their retainers: wraiths, spirits, animals, or human ghouls. An older vampire who has sired others into the night? We allow you to build and play your Brood. But remember... even those that vampires control have their own motives and desires.

Custom paths, Disciplines, and even bloodlines can be brought into the world with sanctioning and balancing by the Staff for suitability of the setting.

As a Play By Post server reading the setting information and hand outs, as well as writing your character story and actions are important. Optional creation backgrounds are available to those who really want a dive into the gritty details of a long and well written backstory as an older vampire, former ghoul, or former revenant. Every month additional reward can be garnered through creative writing or art that enhances a character and the setting in general.

Interested in playing in a dark world where dangerous creatures move... as one of the dangerous creatures? This might be the game for you. Just remember... there are other dark things out there too!

Please visit our Wiki at:

Crossroads: Philadelphia by Night Wiki 09/04/2021

Hello folks. Want something to do and get your.creative juices flowing? Come try Philadelphia by Night, where we play creatures of... You got it... The night!

Is the place to look at if you're curious to join us. We are a roleplaying group who play on Discord in a persistent world setting of modern Gothic Horror. Here you play vampires holding onto humanity... And guess what? No Covid! Come join us and be a part of a very energetic and close community.... Of blood suckers!

Crossroads: Philadelphia by Night Wiki Philadelphia by Night is a living world Vampire the Masquerade Revised Discord server, set as you can probably tell in Philadelphia itself. Crossroads is a Revised/Homebrew server, set after the most recent fall of one of the last Camarilla bastions in the New World. A city of intrigue and secrets,....


Philadelphia by Night is launched and going strong. Many players of Sabbat, Camarilla, Anarch, and Independents for that living-city feel.

Stop by, have a glance. Make a character and embrace the night!

Also, we have a sparkling new Wiki to make navigation easier as we start closing out the clunky website! -😜

Crossroads: Philadelphia by Night Wiki😜 - Crossroads: Philadelphia by Night Wiki There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or create this page. Retrieved from "😜" Community content is available under CC-BY-SA...


Awesome news!

1. We have opened the Pillar Clan only ban, and now accept Malkavian Concepts again. This means most clans and bloodlines welcome, save Baali and True Brujah.

2. Camarilla, Anarch, Sabbat and Independants welcome.

3.Changeling, and all Numina humans open for splats and backstory related lore.

4. 14th and 15th gen flaws now allowed. No Gehenna or Dhampirs.


Crossroads Players are able to share the pinned post and their experiences with the game!

Home - Crossroads - Enjin 11/03/2020

Chronicle Name: Crossroads: A Player Driven Experience

Main System: Vampire The Masquerade - Revised + Homebrew [Detailed on Our Enjin Website]

- VtM Revised for Player Characters.
- Other Revised splats as Supplementary.
Splats not Currently Used [Subject to Change]:
- Demon: The Fallen
- Kindred of the East
- Changeling the Dreaming

Homebrew: Welcome with Storyteller Approval, including brew from Dark Ages, V20, etc.

Staff: Currently 6 Storytellers & Multiple Narrators

- Discord Text for day-to-day General Play
- +Discord Voice for large Combat Scenes and or Events
- Roll20 for Character Sheets and Maps when needed
- Forums on Enjin Website -

Times Played: This Server is run 24/7 as a Persistent World; this means that whenever you have time to step in and play, you can! We understand that people have real life jobs, family, and other concerns and commitments to keep, so we keep General Play 100% open to the times the players have available. Events are scheduled by the Staffer running the scene and players involved to offer the best time for all parties involved. We have players and staff in multiple time zones around the world.

General Play: You don't have to have a Staff Member to direct you in a scene. You can hop right in and roleplay with another player socially at any time. This is General Play. The only time a Staff Member needs to be pinged is if you are rolling something against another player, trying to work a magical effect, etc. So, if Tommy Tremere is roleplaying with Sally Salubri and wants to Aura Perceive them, then the players ping a Storyteller or a Narrator to oversee the interaction, but until that point the scene is up to the players.

Event Play, NPCs, Kine: If your character is trying to interact with a NPC, a random human in the city, or is attempting to solve a mystery - likely you need a Staff Member to oversee this. Events having to do with special plots generally require the Storyteller who is running that plot, but most NPCs and humans can be played by any Staff Member.

Age Requirements: 18+ simply due to the darker themes often present in World of Darkness. We do not conduct NSFW content in Crossroads but allow for DMs / PMs between consenting parties. Harassment / NSFW pressure is not tolerated and will result in a ban of the offending party - keep things respectful.

A Bit About the Game: Vampire the Masquerade, come and spin a tale with us of political intrigue, hidden violence, dynamic power struggles, endless gambits for survival and the daunting challenge of maintaining some form of morality in the face of the damnable beast within. We will be using Chicago as an inspiration for our geographical location but (and hopefully this goes without saying but…) we will be creating a fictional story that may or may not bear any resemblance to real places in and around Chicago.

Some understanding of English is required because all scenes are done in English. That being said we do our best to work with anyone who speaks English as a second language because we respect the effort you are making!

All levels of experience with Vampire the Masquerade and World of Darkness are welcome but we do not tolerate a player blurring the line between in character and out of character - if caught doing this a player is subject to being removed from the game.

------------------- HOW TO JOIN -------------------
1. Follow the link to our Enjin Website.

2. Register to Enjin and then please fill out our RECRUITMENT TAB. This will ask you a couple of questions about what kind of character you will be wanting to make. You will then be messaged by an admin who will either discuss your concept and what clans / bloodlines you are interested in playing.

3. After approval you will be able to see the links to our Discord in the Home Screen of the Enjin Website. Join the Discord. You will be given the Roll 20 Information after you join Discord. A character sheet will be assigned to you.

4. You will receive the Under Construction role and will work with a Storyteller to make your character. A Google Drive is a requirement, and you will be asked to make a folder for your character in one and link that to the Storyteller Team - no one but you and the STs get to see this folder. In it will be stored important templates such as your Experience Log, Influence Sheets, Ghoul Templates, Backstory, write ups for Havens, etc.

NOTE: Backstories are not 100% a requirement but they are 100% HIGHLY recommended. When a backstory is turned in and approved the player may receive Build Experience as a reward for the work they have committed to the process; this Build Experience [Up to 200 XP for a very good Backstory] will be recorded in your Experience Log and your character will be launched in Discord with this experience taken into account. Backstory can also affect what Generation your character starts play as well. Characters with no backstory may not start with the same advantages as one with a backstory - what the player chooses to put into the game is what they will get out of it

Home - Crossroads - Enjin Crossroads is a classic Vampire the Masquerade game using the table top method of play primarily from the revised edition published by White Wolf.