Gravy Wheels

Gravy Wheels

Gravy Wheels is the brainless brain child of 3 highschool friends reconnecting after the apocalypse, and talking about games and such and stuff.


Did you know that Mike Meyers was supposed to say “Gravy Baby!” instead of “Groovy Baby!” in the Austin Powers movies?

021 - The Man of Pepsi by Gravy Wheels • A podcast on Anchor 19/10/2020

Episode 21 is LIVE!

021 - The Man of Pepsi by Gravy Wheels • A podcast on Anchor Amazon Prime Day! A new Analogue thing! But most importantly, our Lord and Saviour, PEPSIMAN. Come get dumb with us.


Y’all ever think there’s just too much hate in this world, and not enough Gravy?

Gravy Wheels 013 - SilverThigh 008 05/09/2020

Episode #013: SilverThigh 008

Gravy Wheels 013 - SilverThigh 008 When will they stop? Do they not know hubris? It is only a matter of time before the internet opens its maw wide and swallows the Gravy Guys whole. Topics th...


We're bad at using this space!