Mallory Kennedy

Mallory Kennedy

Hi! I'm Mallory, I'm an author and film producer with Margrette Bird Pictures.

Medicine or Poison: How Are You Using Music? 17/02/2023

🎼Music is a universal language that can bring people together, uplift our moods, and provide a sense of comfort and solace. However, just like any other powerful tool, music can also have a detrimental impact on our mental and emotional well-being if used incorrectly. This week on my blog, we'll explore how music can affect us both positively and negatively, while examining the important role that our choice of music and listening habits can play in determining its overall impact on our lives.🪗

Medicine or Poison: How Are You Using Music? We likely all have special songs and albums that we put on when we need to get ourselves into particular mindsets. Whether we are trying to relax from a busy day at the office, motivate ourselves to get the housework done, or to run a little faster at the gym, music is a powerful mood regulator and....


As the world readies to watch the Super Bowl and the half-time show, remind yourself that advertisers and Dark forces are coming out with guns blazing today, and you are their prey. Being able to recognize when we are being baited and seduced takes their power of trickery away, and enables us to prevent ourselves from falling under their spell. Safeguard your minds, y'all!

If you want to learn more about how Weapons of Mass Seduction are wielded against us, you can read my article here:

Transform & Thrive: Are you ready for a Femininity Makeover? 03/02/2023

Are you ready for a Femininity Makeover? There was a time when I sure needed one 🤷‍♀️ This week on my blog I'm talking about True Femininity, and how discovering it within yourself can change your relationships, and entire life for the better 😻

Read it here!

Transform & Thrive: Are you ready for a Femininity Makeover? Whether you consider yourself a girly-girl, tomboy or somewhere in between, when it comes down to it, there are only two types of femininity: Dark and Divine. In today’s society, we are all very familiar with Dark Femininity, even though we may not label it as such. This is the type of Femininity ...

Have You Been Outslutted? 24/01/2023

💕My new book OUTSLUTTED is out now! Want a sneak peek? 👀

Have You Been Outslutted? Last week I released my fourth book, OUTSLUTTED, and I sure hope the title was enough to get your attention, and spark your curiosity! By sharing personal stories of my successes and failures, OUTSLUTTED aims to help females stop competing with each other, break self-limiting habits and uncover thei...


There is nothing wrong with having a nice glass of wine with dinner if you are truly enjoying it, and are not drinking to get drunk or block out unpleasant emotions. --but many of us are dealing with a broken heart, and if we are honest with ourselves, this is why we turn to alcohol, thinking it will help us be able to move on. --but alcohol will never heal a broken heart. It will only amplify the ache. Alcohol, or any other addiction, won't quell loneliness, ease depression and anxiety or extinguish anger, either. You can't put a bandaid over a gunshot wound, and expect to be fine in the morning. To heal these parts of us, we must look inside ourselves, as nothing on the external will ever do the trick.

On my blog this week I'm sharing a bit about why I was using alcohol, and how I made a change for the better by simply asking myself "why?" You can read my article "How I got California Sober, and beyond" here --->


📖Have you gotten your copy of OUTSLUTTED yet?
Get it now on Amazon! ---->


🪙💰Companies make huge amounts of money by convincing us that we "are not good enough." --but the truth is you are enough just as you naturally are. Don't let the fashion and beauty industry, influencers or Hollywood make you feel otherwise. You are beautiful, and you are enough!💞

Have You Been Outslutted? 30/11/2022

Last week I released my fourth book, OUTSLUTTED, and I sure hope the title was enough to get your attention, and spark your curiosity!

I've got a sneak peek of the first few chapters up on on my blog today, check it out!

Have You Been Outslutted? Last week I released my fourth book, OUTSLUTTED, and I sure hope the title was enough to get your attention, and spark your curiosity! By sharing personal stories of my successes and failures, OUTSLUTTED aims to help females stop competing with each other, break self-limiting habits and uncover thei...

OUTSLUTTED: Performing a Divine Feminine Makeover 23/11/2022

💕📔✨I'm excited to announce that my latest book OUTSLUTTED is now available! This time around, I decided to share an extremely personal portion of my story that deals directly with Feminine Healing, and trauma recovery.

OUTSLUTTED is an intimate testimonial account of my journey down the rabbit hole, and into the experience of Divine Feminine healing that will also give you the tools you need to begin performing your own Divine Feminine Makeover.

Get it here:

OUTSLUTTED: Performing a Divine Feminine Makeover OUTSLUTTED is an intimate testimonial account of the author's journey down the rabbit hole, and into the experience of Divine Feminine healing that will give you the tools you need to perform your own Divine Feminine Makeover.

Finding Solace in the City 23/08/2022

🚁😖🚨Screaming sirens, honking horns and squealing brakes, sometimes the simple sounds of the city can make peaceful living seem impossible. So, how do we drown out all the noise?

Finding Solace in the City Three years ago, my partner and I relocated from New Orleans, Louisiana to Los Angeles, California for a series of film projects. While I was happy to be here, and experience new surroundings, making the transition from the muggy Gulf Coast to the dry weather of the West was quite significant. I nev...

Wielding Weapons Of Mass Seduction 15/08/2022

👤💋Secret agents regularly use seduction to get the upper-hand over their targets when conducting covert operations. --but these same kinds of manipulation tactics are also being used against "normal people" on a daily basis. So what exactly is seduction? Is it an art, or a weapon?

Wielding Weapons Of Mass Seduction Historically, seduction is a go-to tactic used by spies, intelligence agents, and the like, when conducting matters of espionage. They do this in order to set traps that allow them to extract information while gaining power and control over the people they target. Sometimes referred to as “sexpian...


💐🚽Potty Town is now streaming!

Fakery vs Sustainable Living 08/08/2022

🥸 –fake Lambos. –fake lashes. –fake lips. –fake lives. It seems we are now living in a false reality… Is it sustainable? What do you think?

Fakery vs Sustainable Living Sustainable living is usually discussed as it pertains to preserving the Earth’s resources, but it can also be applied to the way we conduct, and present ourselves online. Sustainable online living means maintaining congruence between what we post on social media sites, blogs, bios, etc, and our t...


🌺We are less than a week away from the release of our latest documentary 'Potty Town!' 🚽💐

Nutritional Exorcism 02/08/2022

👩‍💻I'm excited to share that Part Two of my Nutritional Exorcism Book Series is now available! 'How to Perform Your Own Nutritional Exorcism' is a quick-step guide that will give you the information you need to start taking charge of your health and healing immediately.

📗⬇️Download the series ebook bundle today at

Nutritional Exorcism *eBook - Digital Download - Non-Fiction by Mallory Kennedy - Nutritional Exorcism is a testimonial account of the author's journey, and experience in overcoming severe illness, making it to the other side and into a state of well-being. It explores the need for emotional and spiritual healing in ord...

Troll Outbreak: Another Pandemic, Online and in Our Personal Lives 26/07/2022

👹TROLL ALERT🤬 Whether online or in our personal lives we've all dealt with trolls in some form or fashion. So, what's the best way to handle these types of run-ins? --and why do you think trolling is becoming such a trend?

Troll Outbreak: Another Pandemic, Online and in Our Personal Lives I encountered a few trolls this week regarding an article I had written about possession, which I guess is appropriate in light of the subject matter. I wasn’t exactly expecting it because it was something I had written several weeks back, and when I saw the notifications it really did take me by ...

Are We Addicted to Ourselves? 20/07/2022

🤳✨ Are we addicted to ourselves? I know there was a time in my life where I certainly was, and I didn't even realize it. 🤷‍♀️ Is this a society-wide problem? What do you think? Lets talk about it!

Are We Addicted to Ourselves? “Thank you for your service.” This is a phrase usually reserved for military veterans and first responders who live a life that is dedicated to helping others through a sense of duty. –but what about the rest of us? Are we without duty? Shouldn’t we all be dedicated to a life of Service to O...

BOOK EXCERPT: Are We All Possessed? 15/07/2022

📚I've got a new book coming out soon, and I'm sharing another excerpt on my blog! This time its about Dark spirits, and asks the question "are we all possessed?"👹😵‍💫👺

BOOK EXCERPT: Are We All Possessed? Although it can be unnerving and very weird to fathom or talk about, a common theme throughout my books involves the subject of possession. Over the course of my Nutritional Exorcism I came to understand that most people are indeed possessed by Dark spirits and Dark thought-forms. I certainly was. U...


We've got a new documentary coming out on August 9th! Potty Town is a quirky tale about toilets, small town power struggles and begs the question "what constitutes art?"

Pre-order the film on I-Tunes:

Is an "F'that" Attitude Hexing You? 22/06/2022

I'm excited to share that I've got a new website in the works, as well as a new home for my Nutritional Exorcism blog! While I'm working on migrating everything over, check out this new entry that discusses how our word choice can impact our everyday lives🤬🤭😬

Is an "F'that" Attitude Hexing You? F’that, F’them, F, F, F… we’ve become a society that uses these terms constantly, casually and without any real knowledge of what we are actually doing. Whether it’s aimed at ourselves, something, someone or a whole group, many of us are quick to use these kinds of flippant phrases, and as...

'Stu's Show' Insights: Where do we go when hospitals become inhospitable? 07/06/2022

🏨On this weeks blog I'm talking about filming 'Stu's Show,' and the insights and questions that arose as we heard the first-hand accounts of people who experienced instances of neglect and unkindness inside the health care industry. Have you or a loved one experienced something similar? --and what do you think we can do to create change, and a caring environment that is more conducive to healing?🩺🩹

'Stu's Show' Insights: Where do we go when hospitals become inhospitable? Have you seen 'Stu's Show' yet? I’ll do my best not to expose any spoilers in case you haven’t, but our latest documentary is a love story ...