Trisha Hayden-Coaching and Healing

Trisha Hayden-Coaching and Healing




Photos from Trisha Hayden-Coaching and Healing's post 13/07/2024

Running on empty is not only doing YOU a disservice, it affects those around you as well.

Signs you need more self-care:

👉🏻Constant Fatigue: If you’re consistently feeling tired, despite getting a full night’s sleep, it might indicate that you’re not giving your body and mind enough time to recharge. Self-care can help alleviate exhaustion.

👉🏻Increased Irritability: Finding yourself more irritable or short-tempered than usual can be a sign of stress and emotional depletion. Taking time for activities that soothe and reset your mood might be necessary.

👉🏻Sleep Disturbances: Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or experiencing restless nights, can be signs that your mind is overactive or stressed. Implementing a relaxing bedtime routine can be an effective form of self-care.

👉🏻Physical Symptoms: Headaches, stomach issues, and other physical symptoms can sometimes be linked to stress and a lack of self-care. Listening to your body and addressing its needs through practices like yoga, meditation, or proper nutrition can help.

👉🏻Feeling Detached or Disconnected: If you feel disconnected from others or from activities you usually enjoy, it might be time to refocus on your well-being. Self-care can help you reconnect with your feelings and improve your emotional health.

By recognizing these signs, you can take proactive steps to enhance your self-care practices, promoting better health and a more balanced lifestyle.💕


Feeling overwhelmed? Looking for a way to recharge and find balance? Discover the gentle, restorative energy of Reiki! 💫

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a holistic energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and fosters overall health and well-being. It works on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels to balance your energy centers and enhance your body’s natural healing abilities.

Why try Reiki?

🌟 Stress Reduction
🌟 Emotional Healing
🌟 Enhanced Well-being
🌟 Improved Sleep
🌟 Pain Management

Join me for a session and feel the stress melt away as you connect with your inner peace.

📅 Book your Reiki session today and take advantage of special pricing for limited time. Book in the link in my bio or go to


If you have not experienced an Akashic Record Reading, I encourage you to do so. The Akashic records are a beautiful space for healing, receiving clarity, and valuable insight.

I amaze myself everytime I access them for I discover more gifts inside of me and have helped my clients discover a whole new level of healing, expansion, and growth. 💫

If you would like to experience this for yourself, book a session. We could do it virtually or in person if you are local 💕


If it’s in your mind and in your heart, it’s meant for you. 💕

Guided Meditation for Empowerment 27/06/2024

are about transforming how we feel and empowering YOU to fully realize your potential and power. This 8 minute Guided Meditation on Empowerment will increase your confidence, having you feeling your self-worth, and will re-ignite and shift your energy. 🌟

Download it for free💫🦋💕

And as a reminder, my other products are 10% for the remainder of June. Use save10 at checkout 😊

Guided Meditation for Empowerment Shift your thinking and your energy and feel empowered! This 8 minute guided meditation will have you feeling more confident and will re-ignite the light within💕


We don’t create abundance, abundance is always present.
We create limitations.

Photos from Trisha Hayden-Coaching and Healing's post 22/06/2024

If you have not experienced an Akashic Record Reading, I encourage you to do so. The Akashic records are a beautiful space for healing, receiving clarity, and valuable insight.

I amaze myself everytime I access them for I discover more gifts inside of me and have helped my clients discover a whole new level of healing, expansion, and growth. 💫

If you would like to experience this for yourself, book a session. We could do it virtually or in person if you are local 💕


The colors of foods and what they are for are also representative of the chakras and their location in the body and depending on what are you would like to expand you can eat the color to coordinate with that chakra💕💫

Red-ROOT: safety, grounding, stability, foundation
Orange-SACRAL: self confidence, reproduction, sensuality
Yellow: SOLAR PLEXUS: personal power, will, motivation
Green-HEART: love
Blue: THROAT: speaking your truth, communication
Indigo: 3rd EYE: clear seeing, intuition
Violet: CROWN: clear knowing, connection to higher self and the divine.

Food is medicine.🫶




When I work with my clients sometimes we use our session time for Coaching, other times we add in different modalities such as sound bath, guided meditation, energy healing, or tapping into the Akashic Records. I love how the sessions can be so intuitively guided to what is needed for my Clients expansion. 💫

My client today got a special sound bath experience combined with an energy healing session. Needless to say she felt amazing, relaxed, rejuvenated, and balanced. 💕

Check out my services below👇🏻 and as a reminder, sessions are 25.00 off for the remainder of June, so book today! (virtual or in person if local)


To fly you must first feel you are worthy of what is you desire. You are your biggest obstacle. Overcome your limitations and and what you desire will find its way to you OR something better. 🙌🏻

Its magical when unfolds for you when you believe in YOU 💫💕




are about transforming how we feel and empowering YOU to fully realize your potential and power. This 8 minute Guided Meditation on Empowerment will increase your confidence, having you feeling your self-worth, and will re-ignite and shift your energy. 🌟

Download it for free💫🦋💕

And as a reminder, my other products are 10% for the remainder of June. Use save10 at checkout 😊


People used to ask me “how are you not medicated and not depressed” when about 8 years I was going through absolute hell with a family member. I forced myself to work out 5-6 days a week and I called my workouts my “antidepressant”.

This video makes perfect sense that working out truly is an antidepressant. The body is truly amazing ❤️


In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel the rush to ‘fix’ ourselves. But true healing is a journey, not a race. 🌱💫

🦋Accept Where You Are: Every part of your journey is valuable. Acknowledge and honor where you are right now. This acceptance is the first step toward profound transformation.

🦋Focus on Your Next Steps: Instead of overwhelming yourself with the end goal, concentrate on the immediate steps you can take. Small, intentional actions lead to quantum leaps over time.

🦋Release the Rush: Let go of the urgency. Healing happens in its own time. Trust that each phase of your journey is unfolding perfectly for your highest good.

🦋Practice mindfulness and patience. Meditate on your progress and celebrate all victories, big and small.

Remember, every moment is an opportunity for growth. By accepting and appreciating where you are today, you open the door to tomorrow’s limitless possibilities.🌟


This is your reminder to meditate today 🧘‍♀️🫶✌🏻


An Akashic Record Reading is a powerful tool on your journey. 💫

I had a very powerful session with a client recently and we were able to go into her Akashic record and change the trajectory of her energetic alignment in healing the masculine wounds and allowing her to step into the feminine. 🌸

The wounds of the masculine are rooted in protection, unfeeling unsafe-wanting to control everyone and everything related to deep seated fears.

What happened to you as a child was NOT your fault and the protection mechanisms you put into place are ready to be healed for you to fully realize your power and step into who you came here to be in this lifetime and to follow the plan💕

The Akashic records can provide valuable insight on ANY journey you are on. Book a session here 👇🏻

Overcome Obstacles 13/06/2024

My gift to you! Download now for free! Break through obstacles in your personal and professional life. 💪 While your there, check out my other offerings and products and take 10% off with the code SAVE10 and have a beautiful day my loves!

Overcome Obstacles This PDF resource is essential for anyone looking to develop critical skills in overcoming challenges effectively. Inside, you'll find a comprehensive suite of tools including a guided visualization, strategic approaches, and tailored journal prompts, all designed to enhance your ability to navigate...


Did you know that your body has energy centers called chakras? Keeping these chakras balanced is key to maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Here’s how balancing your chakras can change your life:

🌟 Physical Health: Improve organ function and boost your immune system.
🧘‍♀️ Mental Clarity: Enhance your focus and decision-making.
💖 Emotional Stability: Achieve peace and reduce anxiety.
🔋 Energy Boost: Feel revitalized and full of life.
💬 Better Relationships: Communicate effectively and empathize deeply.
🌍 Spiritual Connection: Deepen your meditation and heighten your intuition.

Download my 7 chakra guided meditations and instantly feel the shift.💕 And please share this with someone who could use a little balance in their life! 💫

Photos from Trisha Hayden-Coaching and Healing's post 13/06/2024

Why do I work with Coaches/Mentors? I’ll sum it up…

Because of the guidance and insight they are able to see that I am not seeing myself. 💥

A coach can guide and provide valuable insight to your journey. They are your biggest cheerleader and desire to see you succeed! 🫶

A coach will walk with you, hold space for you, shift your perspective, and help you elevate on all levels.

So my friends, the secret is…

👉🏻there is NO perfect time to get started other than now.
👉🏻your mind will try to convince you with excuses because of the fears of discomfort.
👉🏻Stepping OUTSIDE the comfort zone is where growth happens.
👉🏻if YOU don’t believe in YOU, who will?

No matter your journey, whether it’s health related, personal growth, professional, or all of the above…I got you! 🙌🏻

As an RN for over 2 decades, a Health Coach, Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach, Akashic Record Reader I have the knowledge, skills, and tools to guide you on this amazing journey. 💫

Check out my website and if you feel called, set up a session, I’d love to hear what your goals are and how I can help. 💕


Ladies! Don’t miss out on this one 👇🏻🥰

Last Call for Santorini Retreat!

📢 Attention Ladies! 📢

Time is running out to join us on the picturesque island of Santorini, Greece for a transformative retreat experience.

Registration for this exclusive getaway closes on July 3rd, so don't miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!

🌅 Picture yourself basking in the warm Mediterranean sun, surrounded by stunning cliffs, pristine beaches, and iconic white-washed buildings. 🏖️

Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of this mesmerizing island. From exploring ancient ruins to indulging in delicious Greek cuisine, Santorini has something for everyone.

💆‍♀️ During the retreat, you'll have the chance to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul through daily breakout sessions and meditation led by one of three hands on facilitators.

In addition to the wellness activities, you'll have ample time to explore the island, swim in crystal-clear waters, and take in awe-inspiring sunsets that Santorini is famous for. 🌅

🗓️ Remember, registration for the Santorini retreat closes on July 3rd. Don't delay, secure your spot today and embark on a journey of self-care, adventure, and personal growth. 🌟

📲 DM us now for more information and to reserve your place in paradise!



Everything has rhythm.

Ever noticed how everything in life dances to a rhythm? From the gentle rise and fall of your breath to the bustling pace of your daily routine, life is a series of rhythms and cycles. 🌊🌿

🔄 Why Embrace Life’s Rhythm?

👉🏻Harmony: Syncing with life’s natural rhythms can bring harmony and balance to your daily life.
👉🏻Productivity: Understanding your personal rhythm can boost efficiency and creativity.
👉🏻Well-being: Aligning with natural cycles promotes better health and wellness.

🌟 Tips to Tune Into Your Rhythm:

👉🏻Observe: Take a moment to notice the natural cycles in and around you.
👉🏻Adapt: Adjust your activities to flow with these rhythms—work with your energy peaks and rest during troughs.
👉🏻Celebrate: Embrace and celebrate the unique tempo of your life through music, dance, or quiet reflection.

Let’s groove to the natural beat of life together! Share how you sync up with life’s rhythms using . 🌍💃


Every day we turn a page in the our book of life and each day is a clean slate. What you write is up to you.💕


Who you are is entirely up to you.


Did you know that acknowledging and integrating your shadow self can lead to profound personal growth and enlightenment? Our shadows hold the parts of us we’ve denied or suppressed, but they also contain immense potential for transformation.🫶

🔍 Understanding the Shadow: Your shadow isn't something to fear. It's a vital part of who you are. By exploring these hidden aspects, you can unlock new strengths and insights.

Steps to Integration:

🌟Acknowledge: Recognize the parts of yourself that you usually keep hidden.
🌟Understand: Seek to know why these aspects formed and what triggers them.
🌟Accept: Embrace all parts of yourself with compassion and understanding.
🌟Transform: Use this awareness to bring positive changes and healing.

🔄 Integrating your shadow can illuminate your path in ways you’ve never imagined, bringing a richer, more authentic existence.

Dive deeper into self-discovery 👇🏻


The problem is the never the problem. Its deeper.

When we focus on the problem, we create more problems.

Focus on the SOLUTION🔥

What you focus on grows. Period.



Felt this this morning, my body is tired and sore from doing a yoga and dance 30 day challenge.

I am also on day 5 of NO SUGAR. Cut my daughter a piece of DQ cake and watched her eat it, craved it for a hot second then quickly realized my outcome outweighs caving in. 🙌🏻

We are faced with decisions everyday , choices. Do your choices support your goals or move you further away?

Motivation will always get you started, but determination gets you the finish line. Push through the mind telling you “ I’m too tired” or “just eat one, it’s fine” . Stay committed to the process. If you can’t, what stories are you telling yourself of WHY you can’t do it?

Overcome your thoughts and habits and Master your Life and achieve ALL your outcomes 🙌🏻

What outcomes are you currently working toward? Comment below👇🏻



A dysregulated nervous system due to stress is your body’s signal to breathe.

Whether in movement or in stillness, intentional breathing brings the body back into balance.

This is your reminder to B-R-E-A-T-H-E🧡


Mindfulness offers a wide range of benefits across various aspects of life, impacting mental, emotional, and physical health. Here are some key benefits:

🌟Reduced Stress: Practicing mindfulness helps decrease stress by enhancing your ability to manage and cope with daily stressors effectively.

🌟Improved Emotional Regulation: Mindfulness can aid in regulating emotions by increasing your awareness of emotional triggers and reactions, thereby providing emotional resilience.

🌟Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Regular mindfulness practice can sharpen your ability to concentrate and stay focused.

🌟Lowered Anxiety Levels: By promoting relaxation and presence, mindfulness can significantly reduce feelings of anxiety.

🌟Better Sleep: Mindfulness techniques, especially mindful meditation before bed, can improve the quality of sleep by helping to calm the mind and reduce insomnia.

🌟Increased Self-Awareness: Mindfulness fosters a greater understanding of oneself, which can lead to insightful self-reflections and a deeper sense of personal authenticity.

🌟Pain Management: It can help reduce the perception of physical pain and improve coping mechanisms by altering the cognitive and emotional experience associated with pain.

🌟Boosted Immune System: Regular mindfulness practice has been linked to an improved immune response, which can help fight off illnesses.

🌟Improved Relationships: By teaching you to respond rather than react, mindfulness can enhance your interactions and relationships with others.

🌟Greater Overall Well-Being: Mindfulness encourages a positive attitude and can lead to a more satisfied, balanced, and fulfilled life.

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Embracing my divine feminine got me like….Honoring and expanding my gifts, increased confidence, feeling empowered, and ...
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THIS. This is why I do what I do 🥰 #blessed #grateful #journey #empower #heal #journey #transformation
Beauties. Its time. It’s time to heal the deep wounds of the masculine and embrace your femininity. 🦋In the journey of s...
Activate your divine feminine and your sacral chakra. Guaranteed to boost your mood, shift your energy, and leave you fe...
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