One Year Bible Challenge

One Year Bible Challenge

Join us in reading through The One Year Chronological Bible this year.


Did you know there is only one book in the entire world that claims to be the word of God? Genesis opens with the words “God says” 10x in the first chapter, and the phrase “the Lord spoke” is written at least 3,800x in the Old Testament.

The bible declares it is the word of God. His communication to humanity. Its God’s story of redemption to save his people.

In it we learn about the existance and nature of God, who created human beings in His image. We disover the identitiy and purpose for man. We learn about our sin (our rebellion from God) and why brokeness and pain exist in the world. We also learn of God’s good news, (the Gospel) Jesus, God in the flesh, come to rescue us and restore us to Himself!

Many of us have never spent time in God’s word in spite of going to church or hearing Bible stories as kids, so many of us (myself included for a long time) have never read it, or havent read it all the way through.

We often either accept or reject christianity based on what we have been taught or behavior we have observed in those who claim to follow Christ, yet have never examined what God says about Himself in the Bible.

You don’t need a phd to read the bible, God’s word is for everyone! I encourage you to join me in examining Christ for who He says He is.

In case you missed my post yesterday, - group of us will be reading through the chronological bible starting January 1st. Let me know if you want to be added or would like more information.


As we’re shifting our focus from Christmas to the New Year, and thinking about vision for 2023, consider making the commitment of reading through the bible a goal.

This year, one of my new year goals is to encourage others to read God’s word via an online community! We will be reading through the bible chronologically (the story in the events that bible scholars believe they have occurred). Many people dont realize this but the bible is one cohesive story, with a beginning, an ending and a main character (spoiler alert: its Jesus).

We will be using The One Year Chronological Bible. They have a free plan in the bible app, as well as multiple hard copy options. You can order a hard copy (they have study and journaling options available as well) here- The One Year Chronological Bible NLT (Softcover)

In addition to the daily bible reading, I will be providing daily commentary, additional context, explanation, application, videos, etc. via a facebook group- to help people get more out of it!

Please comment below or PM me to be added to the group, would love to have you join - and please feel free to extend to any interested friends, the more the merrier!
