Total Recall Software

Total Recall Software

The leading records and information management software for commercial, corporate and government record centers worldwide.

Leader in Records, Destruction and Data Protection Management Software. DHS Worldwide is a leader in information management technology for commercial, corporate and governmental organizations. Over 1200 RIM operations around the globe have trusted Total Recall software by DHS Worldwide. Total Recall software suite of products includes Records Management, Secure Destruction, Data Protection and Dig


Shredding Company Increases Profits By $500,000!

Learn how Patriot Shredding increased profits by $500,000 using Total Recall Envision Software. Patriot reduced route costs by 20%, gained over 1,700 extra hours per year, and increased route profitability by 35%. Discover how your business can achieve similar results by visiting:


Attention All Total Recall Software Users! Unleash Your Business Potential with us at our 2023 Total Recall Software Company Update Webinar. Join us to discover the latest innovations in our software and get a sneak peek into the upcoming game-changing developments by DHS Worldwide.

Date and Time: August 17th at 11:30 AM EDT

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Happy New Year to all our valued clients and industry friends! In case you missed our end of year newsletter, you can access news at

As we enter 2022, we are committed to furthering our “DHS Worldwide Difference” (found at Our mission is to help our customers be successful by providing exceptional technology and support.

As referenced in our latest TR Connect, keep a look-out for the upcoming 5th major release of our 3rd Generation production—Total Recall Envision 5.0.