Rebirth Evolution

Rebirth Evolution

Experience the Journey of Disruption, Awakening, Transformation, &
Elevation your core existence. Welcome to Rebirth Evolution!

We are dedicated to guiding you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and elevation in all areas of your life. Our educational platform offers expert knowledge, innovative strategies, and a supportive community to help you unlock your true potential and create meaningful changes. Join us to explore an approach to personal transformation, where we delve into mindset, relationships,

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 16/08/2023

A message to your limiting beliefs:

Self-doubt, your time is up. I'm no longer listening to those limiting beliefs holding me back.

I'm breaking free and unlocking my true potential.

The real me is powerful beyond measure.

Watch me shine bright as I step into my greatness!

Follow for inspiration tips

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 10/07/2023

Personal growth is a lifelong journey, and it requires continuous effort and commitment.

Remember, your journey to change starts with you ! secure your free spot today. Link In Bio!

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 06/07/2023

Unleash Your Creative Brilliance: Shattering the Status Quo 💥✨

It's time to disrupt the status quo and reshape the world with your creative brilliance.

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 05/07/2023

Rebirth Evolution is a place where people from all walks of life embark on a transformative journey, eager to disrupt their old patterns, awaken their dormant abilities, and elevate themselves to new heights.

Welcome to Rebirth Evolution


Rebirth Evolution

Success is not a solo journey. It takes the right mindset, guidance, and support to truly thrive in business.

That's why we are excited to announce our 1:1 coaching program, where you'll receive personalized guidance from our coaches


Join Entrepreneur Mic Pass live this Saturday and take advantage of the opportunity to network with some of the most ambitious and driven entrepreneurs in the industry.

This open space serves as a hub for connecting, collaborating and making things happen.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your professional network and grow your business.

We look forward to welcoming you to the first episode: Pilot.

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 07/12/2022

Struggling how to get clients at your door step?

This is one question that every business struggles with and being able to answer it determines whether you succeed or quit.

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 06/12/2022

Lessons learnt that shaped the way we run our community!

Valuable ?- Priceless
Painful? No words to describe
Worth it? Oh Yeah.

Let’s have a chat if you want help in setting up your business today! Link in bio.


Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 05/12/2022

A game plan in your backpack 🎒 will give you clarity, be able to reroute faster and get you there faster.



Your Mindset Is Your Key To Unlock The Impossible!



A rebel mindset is your key to success. Whether personal relationships or running a business. An outward look to life with that kind of mindset will get you far than anyone who has all the required skills.

Do you posses a rebel mindset?

Comment below.


Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 11/11/2022

Innovation is a buzzword that’s used by every company in the world. But how many of them actually innovate?

It’s a way to stay relevant and keep up with the ever-changing needs of your audience. People are always looking for ways to improve their lives, and if you're not offering them something new and exciting, they'll find someone who will.


Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 04/11/2022

Change your mindset about competition!

As a coach just starting out, you're competing with hundreds — if not thousands — of other coaches who are also looking for new clients.

Here are steps to help you say “I am killing the competition”.

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 05/10/2022

I have seen many people who are uncomfortable with messaging on Instagram, I think it's because they're not used to it. Most of us were raised in a time where we were taught to be "polite." We were told never to disturb someone unless there is an emergency or something important.

But social media is changing everything. It's becoming more and more acceptable to message others on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. And that's good news for anyone who wants to build relationships with potential customers or new friends.

It’s not easy as an entrepreneur, get on and build your network!

Photos from Rebirth Evolution's post 07/09/2022

Focus on Serving!

The most successful companies are those who focus on serving their customers, not selling to them. It's no secret that the best way to get more sales is to be obsessed with the wants, problems, and solutions of your customer.

If you're just trying to sell something, it's easy for your clients to feel like they're being sold something. But if you're obsessively focused on what they need, then they'll never have that feeling because it will always seem like you're providing a solution to their problem.

Selling is not bad but putting your focus on serving will get you more sales and referrals.




When it comes to handling objections one of the thing that many people lack is confidence in you and or your products and potential clients can smell that.

You do all the hard work, get a prospect on a call, either your confidence is what kills it or simply what your offering is not something new or worth paying.

Ask questions to get a clear understanding like what is important, is there something else they would do to get rid of the pain and what impact will it have and would they get the same intended results?


Your business is like a child, one that you birthed with your passion for something. Can you predict and meet all its needs? No, of course not! But can it survive without some guidance from an experienced adult from time to time? Probably not.

The market rewards this behavior with more headaches, not more income.

Before you can make money, you must believe in you, your mission, your purpose, knowing, understanding and caring about your client.


Your business is like a child, one that you birthed with your passion for something. Can you predict and meet all its needs? No, of course not! But can it survive without some guidance from an experienced adult from time to time? Probably not.

The market rewards this behavior with more headaches, not more income.

Before you can make money, you must believe in you, your mission, your purpose, knowing, understanding and caring about your client.


It's not just the offer.

Your offer stinks.

There, I said it! Your offer stinks.

Now, before you start getting all defensive, let me explain what I mean. You see, there are two issues here:

The first is that your product or service may be great and solve a lot of people's problems, but if you're not making sales then your offer stinks. The real issue is that you think you know what people want instead of doing market research and finding out what they need. If your product doesn't fit their needs then no matter how much they want it or how good it is they won't buy it from you because they don't want it enough to pay for it.

The second issue is that even if your product fits their needs perfectly and solves all their problems they still might not buy from you because they don't trust you (and why should they?). This means that even if they do want something very badly they won't buy from you until they know who you are, what your reputation is like, whether or not they can trust your claims and promises etc.



If you want to attract your first 5 coaching clients on Facebook, then you have to be real, authentic, and not robotic about it. This was a HUGE lesson for me.
FACTS: No one likes robots; everyone loves people who are open, warm, friendly, know how to interact, how to connect, and build great relationships.
If you are real and authentic with your content, people will feel connected to you and will naturally want to work with you because they feel that you understand them.
Social media is not a good place for self-promotion but an excellent place for building relationships that lead to business opportunities.


I've had a number of people ask me what I did to get my first 5 coaching clients. The short answer is: I was shameless. The long answer is, well, longer.

I'm going to be blunt: you're probably not going to get a lot of clients through your front door. Even if you do, it will take a long time and a lot of work.

So Where Do These Mythical Creatures Exist?

You're better off putting yourself in front of people who are already interested in what you have to offer. That's where social media comes in (Facebook groups, we will discuss Instagram some other time).

If you're just starting out and you're trying to figure out where your potential clients hang out, it's useful to think of the 3 P's: playgrounds (places they frequent), peers (people they usually interact with), and paychecks (what they spend their money on).

In the beginning, my challenge was finding just one or two groups where I could provide valuable content, build relationships, and become an expert.

If you can figure out where your ideal client plays on social media, go there and never leave. Be consistent, give value, and show them that you know what you're talking about. It doesn't matter what industry you're in—you can find a group for almost anything.



Not knowing where your business is heading.

It's like treading water, there are no signs of improvement but you're not moving backwards either?

Not getting enough customers. Naturally, you feel like something is wrong with your business. You may have even asked yourself the same question – “Why am I not getting enough clients?”

Well you are not alone; millions of other small business owners have faced the same problem as you.

DM me the word "ELEVATE" and we will take a look at what you are currently doing to get clients and offer you 2 tweeks to implement and is totally free.


I speak from experience. This is something that I have been struggling with for the past year.

When I started out at my first job, I was constantly in a panic about whether I deserved the role or not. It was a high-profile position and I was working alongside some of the smartest people I had ever met. As a result, it took me months to find my feet and get into a rhythm with my work.

Luckily, I found a mentor who helped me get through it. He taught me to channel my anxiety by contributing to the organization in ways which couldn’t be replicated by anyone else on the team. This gave me an opportunity to prove to myself that what I was doing was valuable and unique.

Now, I am in a position where people look up to me for guidance and advice. The thought of this still seems ludicrous at times. However, there is one thing that helps reign it in — imposter syndrome can be addressed by helping others who are 2 or 3 steps behind you.

So take all your doubts and insecurities and use them as fuel to help other people learn what you have learned along your journey so far!


How would you feel if you woke up one day to find that your social media account was no longer active?

You put all your hard work into developing a massive following on a social media platform only to realize you don't own the names and emails of all those people... They could shut down tomorrow and you'd lose most of your business.

Email, on the other hand, is owned by you and only you. Nobody has control over it! Use it to build a long-term funnel for your business.

If you are ready to build a strong foundation and framework to reach a consistent of $5,000/month DM " Foundation" to start chatting about the details and see if the program we offer would be a good fit for you.


Coaching has proven to be a multi-billion dollar industry, but I don’t know why it has not been clear value and pricing to clients.

You can benchmark what you charge your coaching clients based on the value they get from your program. Here is the point: It is NOT the value of time that you have invested, but instead, the results that they are getting from your coaching program.

What matters most is that they are getting tangible results they can use and profit from.

Results are the only measure of how you will be evaluated by your customers.

If you are ready to know that in the next 6 months you will have a structure in place to reach a consistent $5,000/month DM "Pricing" to discuss your offer and pricing.


If you don’t charge enough, people will not care enough to put in the work which leads to low commitment, low respect and they won’t see your program doesn’t deliver results.

When you set a fair price and let prospects know that they aren’t being “nickel & dimed,” will be willing to pay it. It is one of the most important decisions you need to make as an entrepreneur.

Price has one of the biggest influences on your conversion rates. A higher price point means a lower conversion rate and vice versa.

Price affects everything about your business: How many clients you get (and keep), your marketing efforts and more importantly, how much time people are willing to spend with you!


Those amazing ideas you have about coaching clients, how to provide the most value for them, make the largest impact in their businesses and how to give them everything they need to build a life-business that works for them ... are all lost.

Most coaches are only focused on one thing - themselves. They want more clients, bigger rates, more referrals and a better lifestyle NOW.

Follow the plan for 90 days (minimum) and you will have a nice warm pocket of cash or DM "Business Class Boss" to just start chatting about the details & see if the program we offer would be a good fit for you.


Business owners are going through hell. Their businesses are telling them how much work they have to do and more importantly, how little they are good at it. This is depressing.

It doesn’t help that we’re in the age of the internet and information overload which tells us we can build this or that brand, be an overnight success, or make six figures next month by working three hours a day.

Forget all that noise. Let go of the ones holding you back, including yourself. Whether you’re stuck in a 9-5, an entrepreneur, or just thinking about starting your own coaching business and DM "BusinessClassBoss" for a free business audit session


You feel the calling of fulfilling a desire to start your coaching business and touch lives with love, and share your knowledge with the world.

Business Class Boss is a program that helps you start and grow your coaching business in 90 days.

Our Website Is Now Live!
Link In Bio!

Videos (show all)

You could be doing better than you are right now in your coaching business.What if,  the only thing standing between you...
When it comes to handling objections one of the thing that many people lack is confidence in you and or your products an...
Zero Clients
Your business is like a child, one that you birthed with your passion for something. Can you predict and meet all its ne...
It's not just the offer.Your offer stinks.There, I said it! Your offer stinks.Now, before you start getting all defensiv...
BUILD REAL, NOT ROBOTIC! If you want to attract your first 5 coaching clients on Facebook, then you have to be real, aut...
I've had a number of people ask me what I did to get my first 5 coaching clients. The short answer is: I was shameless. ...
What Is Your Niche? What Pain Do You Solve?#niche #business #businesscoaching #sales #marketingstrategy
Not knowing where your business is heading.It's like treading water, there are no signs of improvement but you're not mo...
In a recent survey of over 3000 entrepreneurs, 80% mentioned that they had failed at sales in the past, and 60% said the...
How would you feel if you woke up one day to find that your social media account was no longer active?You put all your h...
Those amazing ideas you have about coaching clients, how to provide the most value for them, make the largest impact in ...