Gracefully Fueled

Gracefully Fueled

Helping busy humans find energy again through simple nutrition. Design your plate. Design your life.

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 27/12/2023

Maybe it’s ditching the all-or-nothing mentality.
Maybe it’s habit stacking.
Maybe it’s digging deeper on how you can improve your sleep.

We’ve arrived…. New Year Resolution time.

How about instead of focusing on the newest diet or supplement- we peel back the layers to why you could be holding onto the extra weight that can’t be cured with a restrictive caloric regimen? 👀

Diets are dead.

Knowing the difference is your superpower.

Let’s work together on identifying yours! ⚡️

Fueled 30, 60 or 90 day packages available
Individualized coaching walking you through how to identify your unique health.
Fuel + feeling journal
Meal plans available

It all starts with a 30 minute free consultation.

Book yours today! 🔗 in bio⬆️

Fill your plate. Fuel your life.


PRO TIP: Punishing yourself is never the right motivation.

Not eating.
Binge eating.
Cleanses that aren’t done with real food
Suffocating your nutrition by taking out food groups for quick fixes.

Or my favorite… UNDEREATING….

You know what does work?

Rewarding progress.

☝🏼Eat your veggies first.
✌🏼Have another glass of water before the sweets.
🤟🏼Intentinally indulge: Have a sugar cookie instead of 2. Chew it. Savor it 🤘🏼

And then remind yourself what IS still changing when you take small steps.

Switch your mindset. Change your life.

Yesterday I had an amazing piece of oatmeal coffee cake with a client.
This morning I rested instead of worked out..

And I’m ok 🙂

No surprise I can be an impulsive & impatient person, but this health journey has taught me to see progress & be patient in SO many other areas 🥹

Friends- I want you to know this- there will ALWAYS be reasons you shouldn’t progress- but all you need is one that reminds you why you can 💗

The more we learn, the better mentors we are for the next generation 🥹

You can too- let’s work together on movement and/or nutrition. I’ve got some options for you based on your goals 🔥

Progress is waiting for you to decide 🫶🏽

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 28/11/2023

Coming off the holiday break into these last 5 weeks of 2023- this came at a perfect time ✨

Apply this however you see fit in this season💕

How we gain energy matters.
What we spend it on also matters.

Allow the only thing to be perfect in this season is the birth of our Savior who is the light of the world….. not about the gifts, decorations, holiday drama, or holiday outfits.

Once you dismantle where your energy typically goes in this season- there will be even more room for giving & also time for resting + reflecting on where your journey leads 🤍

And if you’re looking for an option to gain clarity on nutrition & why you keep getting stuck - allow Gracefully Fueled to assist you on your journey🤍All packages on our website 10% off this week!


Wanna limit the post holiday bloat?

Try a few of these things:

👉🏼Limit sugary beverages- save it for a piece of 🥧

👉🏼 Survey the food line first. Go for your veggies + protein first & then those potatoes. I try to keep like about a 1/2 c serving. Having more protein + fiber & less sugar/starch in your meal will help lessen your sugar spike & needing to 😴 after.

👉🏼 Bring your waterbottle. Hydration is key. Our body sends the same signal if we are hungry or thirsty. So Drink up first friends (I aim for 12 Oz of water before every meal)

👉🏼How do you know they’ll be veggies at the meal? Bring a dish! Some of my faves: veggie dish, stir-fried veggies in a teriyaki sauce or even just some bags of frozen veggies- keep it simple 🤘🏼

👉🏼 Last but not least have a plan to MOVE. Get outside (it’s going to be gorgeous!) Play catch, frisbee, go on a walk after the meal, and extra credit if you get your workout in the morning! Your blood sugar spike + crash will thank you which means = more sustainable energy + vitality 👏🏽👏🏽

Got any others? Share them ⬇️


Happy Thanksgiving Fuelers 🍁
We are so grateful for our Fueled Family, good health, & the chance to begin again in this life ✨
Wishing nothing but the best to you & your loved ones in the year ahead 🤍
Cheers to fueling better + feeling better!

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 10/11/2023

🎉 Health and Beauty Giveaway 🎉

Let the gifting season begin!
We are teaming up with two other local rockstar women business owners that care about helping you look & feel your best.

This Friday, we will be giving away three exciting gifts to one lucky winner! 🎁🎁🎁

Swipe to see more details about each prize!

To enter:
🎁 Like this post
🎁 Follow each of our accounts Neutral Simplicity, SPRY Skin & Wellness, & Gracefully Fueled.
🎁 Tag a friend (or a few) in the comments
🎁 Share this post on your stories & TAG us for an extra 3 entries!

The winner will be announced here and on stories Nov. 17th. You do not need to be in the Cedar Valley area to win! Good luck!


What sets Gracefully Fueled apart from other wellness support?
We aim to be WHOLISTIC- meaning often clients don’t meet their goals before they come to GF because other ‘solutions’ don’t look at the overall person or season they’re in.
Health is a spectrum. Let us help you find the fuel that feeds you sustainable energy 💚
Along with your package you get more fun resources to support your journey so you can feel confident moving forward on your own✨
Design your plate. Design your life.
Are you ready?
Link to schedule a free consultation ⬆️fueled


For so many the results are the only thing focused on….

And yet it’s led to THE GAP between who we wanna be & who we are now…

Results are great, but are only sustainable when the ACTION aligns with our own expectations.

So how much do we focus on the action?


And why?

Because gosh is it so much more fun to think about what’s POSSIBLE…. Instead of doing the WORK right?!? 😳🙈🤯

Gracefully Fueled was created FOR that GAP.

Verbalizing expectations.
Aligning action.

To give you sustainable results (not to mention the confidence to continue your journey without paying for a coach forever🤍)

So if your expectations are what’s standing in your way too- I’d love to work with you!

Intentional work with no guesswork tools = so much more energy + time for what life has to offer!

Check out options to join me for individualized coaching. Link in bio ⬆️

And if not, know I’m always rooting for you.




No doubt a shake has started me off right daily for the last 7.5 years.

But you can’t take the breakfast out of the girl💋

Omelette station is coming back & both boys tried veggies in their omelettes ( )

PS- I love to sneak veggies into all of our meals- they don’t even know the difference!

PPS- Did you know it takes a child more than 20 times to decide if they really like a food or not?

Curious- where are all my other breakfast lovers at?!? What do you love to make?

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 10/09/2023

I can’t believe we aren’t talking about this MORE often in our society with more & more diabetic & pre diabetic diagnoses 🙈
The biggest thing I’ve learned is your glucose (how your body converts energy) is EVERYTHING!! It controls your energy & how your brain & body respond. So if you’re tired of the calorie counting & the crash dieting lets do a free introductory call to see if this coaching is right for you!
Link in BIO ⬆️

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 30/08/2023

“It’s great you have time to make healthier meals for your family, but I don’t have time for that.”

👆🏽A reply to one of my stories a few weeks ago.

It’s SO common to see these replies & I can see how that’s common these days with our hamster wheel society.

Between all the fad diets + information overload- no wonder people don’t know where to turn or what to believe.

What I’ve seen many work through - It’s not the TIME they don’t have- it’s the FOCUS 👀

I’ve been there.

The truth is my weight is a pendulum & it currently swings 5-7 lbs depending on hydration, clean eating, & amount of gluten, sugar, & sleep.

What’s helped me maintain a 35 lb weightloss after having my 2 boys? Simplifying nutrition to fit my life & not the other way around.

This weekend I enjoyed pizza & birthday cake so you can imagine how my gut & joints were feeling 👎🏼

The difference? I don’t wait for SOMEDAY to begin again because that day isn’t listed in our week.

I’m concentrating on protein + delicious veggies tonight with some chilli & a frozen bag of veggies 🥳


👉🏼You can start with adding more veggies to your quick meals.

👉🏼You can have an apple a day when you have a sugar crash after lunch (or reduce carbs & add more protein & fiber to decrease glucose spike)

👉🏼You can drink more water prior to eating to help digestion & improve nutrient absorption.

👉🏼You can meal prep on Sundays so you can be on track starting on Monday.

👊🏼And I can teach you all of this & more ☺️

Back to school savings at 10% off current coaching packages at

The habits you build now will no doubt come in handy as the holidays & winter approach 🤍


Gracefully Fueled was created for the busy woman who wanted to avoid the fads, get answers, & dig deeper into her own nutrition & lifestyle to reach HER sustainable goals.

Individualized plans MATTER.

Often time clients tell me ‘this journey is so much more than just what we eat.’

I couldn’t agree more.

Just as all functions of our body are connected so are all functions of our LIFE.

Food is just a small part of nutrition- how you treat yourself during every 24 hours is really what nutrition is all about.

So thank you for helping spread our mission organically + authentically.

When you take time to design your plate- you also take time to design your life 🍽️


Taking a second to shoutout our fueler for her milestone achievement! She is officially down 10 lbs in the past 2 months through simple + sustainable practices! When I asked Heather what she was most proud of she said how much I feel better especially when I have a very busy work & home life. (Isn’t that what we want the most mamas?!?) 🙌
I’m so proud of your willingness to learn, try new practices & seeking out solutions to the barriers in this chapter of life- no doubt it’s helped you design your plate so you can design your life 🤍
Looking to create & achieve a nutrition milestone goal yourself? Gracefully Fueled is here to help guide you in that journey!
Schedule a free consultation & in honor of Heather’s milestone- choose our 90 or 180 day plan at 10% off!
Link to our website ⬆️


When you become a client of Gracefully Fueled you unlock an individualized plan- no plan is the same with our clients.
Gracefully Fueled. A place where relationships come first so results
are sustainable.
Signup options available at our website ⬆️.
Let us help you design your plate so you can design your life.


See opportunities instead of threats 🙌

Need support through your wellness obstacles? Gracefully Fueled can help!

Design your plate. Design your life.


We all need time to process.
But so many of us get stuck in analysis paralysis- where you simply have too many goals + information & have a tough time prioritize it without feeling guilty becusee they don’t look like others.
Or MAYBE you’ve got a great tribe but health isn’t a priority?
Realizing your standards, priorities, & potential makes all the difference.
This is what my clients have said makes the difference here at gracefully fueled.
It’s a goal➡️priority➡️plan➡️navigating barriers➡️ sustainable success 🙌
If you don’t have that already in your tribe- let’s chat how GF can help you!
A free 30 minute consultation is waiting for you. Website link in bio ⬆️.
Payment plans also available to 90 + 180 day plans.
Let’s design your plate so you can design your life 🤍


When drinking on the job is 💯 legal 🥃 ✌🏼
Celebrating 3.5 years without alcohol inflaming my joints & wreaking havoc on my stomach.
You don’t need to totally cut alcohol out of your regimen like I did, but there could be so many benefits to finding alternatives that help you inch closer to your goals while you still get to enjoy life 🙌.
My favorites:
with all sugar coming from fruit juices.
a delicious functional seltzer that helps your body ease into a calmer state with the help of adaptogens & nootropics! (message me to get 20% off!)
Which one are you excited to try?

📸 cred to Rose Infinite Image Design


When discipline follows determination🔥
One thing you’ll find with me as your coach- I will forever be in the trenches with you in this wild life we get to live.
Sure there are some things I am closer to being a master on, but again health is always being discovered so I will also forever be a lifelong learner too.
Gracefully Fueled was built with an individualized approach based on trust, collaboration, & confidence to find the right tools for your journey 🧭
To do that- it’s essential we continue to learn + lead too.
8 years of coaching experience + now a Certified Nutrition Coach (with more exciting details coming)!
Want to?
Design your plate.
Design your life.
Options available at And if you need something customized- send us a message.


Never forget: You’re loved, you’re thought of, & you’re irreplaceable.
Treasured + celebrated.
the team at gracefully fueled 🌸


Let’s TALK because ‘fitting into ‘x’ is on so many of my clients’ & friends’ minds right now.

So what’s the big deal with a goal like this?

It’s an outcome goal.
Outcome based goals focus on the end result when really we should be taking a deeper look into the steps & process that will get you there 🙌
A process oriented goal allows you to DIG deeper than the outcome & focus on the steps you take on a consistent (not constantly) basis.
Need to improve at your nutrition goals?
Let’s work together to pinpoint the goals that make sense to you in this chapter & beyond- and get that closet supporting you again✨
Individualized coaching designed with your breakthroughs in mind.
Coaching options available in bio & ⬆️

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 15/04/2023

So many extremes.
So many options.
SO much info.
Here’s how I can help⬇️
Help you become your IDEAL self by your belief, barriers, & behavior breakthroughs ✨
Self coaching is a challenge when you only stay accountable to yourself.
I help you keep the promises to yourself that are most important to the FUTURE you who is healthy, happy, whole.
So, you ready?
Coaching options available at Mindfulness coaching included.
Let’s chat to see if I’d be a good fit for your goals.

Photos from Gracefully Fueled's post 05/04/2023

Fueling better = Feeling Better 🌱
As we age we not only identify imbalances, but also sensitivities. Aging can bring wisdom instead of pain.
Check out how to work with us. Website in bio ⬆️


The Sad Truth ✨

No doubt this is going to make some people’s blood boil- just like this story did for me.
There was NO conversation about proactive measures (when there are some) that could be taken.
There was NO talk about lifestyle - only genetics.
This isn’t about marketing this business. This is a reminder that it’s on US to challenge, ask questions, dig into research, & refuse to allow a band-aid approach to our SICK CARE system.
Educate ourselves & it becomes a conversation.
I 100% believe there is a time & place for medicine in our society- but we need to consider it’s physical + financial cost.
Advocate for ourselves. Advocate for the future generation.
Investing in how you fuel yourself may very well payoff in less doctor visits let alone chronic + preventable disease.
At the end of the day do you believe you’re capable of change? I’m here to help start with how you fuel 🤍


Life can be so unpredictable. And there are THOUSANDS of nutrition experts out there. I’m here to breakdown living a cleaner life with Cara☀️
One step at a time.
This is meant for the busy humans who want to maximize focus, endurance, & possibilities. 1 healthier habit can change your life- I’m here to help you believe + achieve ✨
Schedule your free 30 minute 1:1 session with me to determine if I’m a good fit to help you reach your goals. Website in bio ⬆️
Fuel better. Feel better.


This is going to be so much fun + rewarding ✨
Join us for Inflammation REHAB ✨
A 5 Day Facebook group where I teach you key ways to identify inflammation & some simple habits to adopt to help you minimize it✨
No supplements or specific meeting time required.
$50 sign up & there are 9 spots left- you won’t wanna miss this!
You’re not locked into these chronic conditions forever- there is HOPE!
DM Inflammation REHAB to get started.

Videos (show all)

We are meant to be progressive yet present ✨✨.. 3 TIPS to that kind of growth:1- Train your mind to see growth in more t...
Let’s TALK because ‘fitting into ‘x’ is on so many of my clients’ & friends’ minds right now.So what’s the big deal with...
The Sad Truth ✨No doubt this is going to make some people’s blood boil- just like this story did for me..There was NO co...
Life can be so unpredictable. And there are THOUSANDS of nutrition experts out there. I’m here to breakdown living a cle...
This is going to be so much fun + rewarding ✨..Join us for Inflammation REHAB ✨.A 5 Day Facebook group where I teach you...
When cleaner ingredients doesn’t have to mean bland🚫.Introducing our Buffalo Burrito 🥣 ..Base:1/2 c cooked brown rice 1 ...
Need breakfast to last you till lunch? Protein + healthy fats + fiber are your 3 superheroes!Chocolate Overnight Protein...
And we’re LIVE 🖥️🙌..What a dream this has been beyond the long hours & countless decisions- not to mention the amazing p...
Yes we’re just getting started 🔥Which is all the more reason why we’re so thankful for YOU difference makers in your hom...
Catching all the ☀️ + 🎣 this week 🤟🏼
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