Serena Winterburn, School Trustee Candidate

Serena Winterburn, School Trustee Candidate

In my culture we have an understanding that everything we do is for the next 7 generations. Be change

Equity in Action – Survey « Cowichan Valley School District 21/07/2023

I’ve made my voice clear about where I stand with equity. Many families feel as though they are not a part of the public consultation concerning their children’s education. This is an opportunity for you as a family member to weigh in on equity in your school systems.

Equity in Action – Survey « Cowichan Valley School District Cowichan Valley School District

serena freedom bear on TikTok 07/06/2023

Here is a perfect example of how consultation has been obscured, and our families have been rendered voiceless right here in the Cowichan Valley. Tonight school board trustee meeting was not only insulting to our families, it was an active and current demonstration of how our school board trustees are failing our families.

serena freedom bear on TikTok School board trustees in the leave families voiceless

serena freedom bear on TikTok 07/06/2023

Congratulations to the premier of New Brunswick, Blaine Higgs, for his demonstration of understanding what public consultation is as well as the importance in recognizing the family/parents in a child’s education. Thank you for taking your constituents concerns seriously and speaking to this extreme tactic being utilized all across Canada, including here in the Cowichan Valley, to actively shut down conversation and conduct actual consultation with families.

serena freedom bear on TikTok Policy 713 under review HUGE movement coming out of

Journalists win legal battle against Antifa-linked Canadian Anti-Hate Network 12/11/2022

During Municipal elections Canada Anti-Hate Network also targeted myself and other canidates all across Canada by writing articles on us. There were no examples of hate, nor where there quotes of hate in the hit piece written about me.
Guilty by association is a tactic by said organization and a means to censor and discredit under “anti-hate”.

Journalists win legal battle against Antifa-linked Canadian Anti-Hate Network The judge concluded that “the evidence disclosed that CAHN did in fact assist Antifa and that movement has been violent.”


Some of us candidates are gathered at the school board in Duncan awaiting the final reports which have just been received, from early votes. The elections officer has just arrived and we are awaiting the final determination…

Equity Scan Survey Login 18/10/2022

OK families this is where YOU get to have your voice heard through participation in a local survey to do with EQUITY
You’ve heard me speak in regards to equity vs equality.
Equality says that we all have the right to equal opportunity. Equity says that as a minority group, I will never be equal in voice and therefore others must be quieted to give them an opportunity. You have heard me speak personally in regards to how equity has been damaging to my esteem, identity and how it created a self fulfilling prophecy when I was a child. Equity is racist by nature and perpetuates an attitude of victim hood. I would also point out that while we are quieting the voices of other groups of people that this too is damaging to their esteem and identity. These are the same types of ideologies which we have seen in the past and that have imposed upon us as Indigenous people. 
However, I believe in truth and reconciliation and I believe that this can be achieved through equality. Through the sharing and celebration of ALL diversity.

Please *participate* in the survey if you are among our local families. If you are outside of the municipality please look into your own school board as there is most likely a survey for your area.
((Please see my video pertaining to equity that has been pinned in the comments))

Equity Scan Survey Login This survey is for any and all students, parents, and staff in the school district. Participation is voluntary. This survey is anonymous and the information you provide is confidential.

Photos from Serena Winterburn, School Trustee Candidate's post 17/10/2022

Apparently it’s not over yet… Still waiting for the early votes. Was scheduled to be announced Tuesday and has now been moved to Wednesday. However I don’t believe that this will change whether or not I make it on the board.
I have to say in reflection this morning I feel extremely proud to know that I have been able to represent the voices of over 2800 families. Let’s take that into consideration just for a moment… I stepped forward as a candidate who believed that all voices deserved representation and to be heard without discrimination and exclusion. On general Election Day 2800 families felt that I was representing their voices which had previously been unheard nor represented. I’m extremely humbled to know that I was able to give them voice. I look forward to seeing the final determination on Wednesday on just how many families across our valley put hope in me to have their voices heard and represented.
Extremely humbled by this experience.
Hiy Hiy 

Photos from Serena Winterburn, School Trustee Candidate's post 16/10/2022

Children dance in the background waving Canadian flags as the evening comes to a close. The last of the guests begin to make their way home after an evening of celebration and recognition.
As the last person to leave the campaign party, I took a moment to be present to what was within my heart…
Many messages this morning asking how do I feel about the results of the election…
I feel many things and yet nothing at all, all at once.
I’d like to say that this journey has left me unfazed, however that would not be true. I can feel that it has changed me, shaping me and preparing me for what is next.
There were many raw nights that I cried at that which was held in the hearts of our communities and other candidates. To feel so deeply is a gift that also comes with consequences. I spent this campaign speaking to the lack of integrity and the moral bankruptcy which has penetrated our society and the hearts of our communities. This was a very difficult place to carry truth into.  At times it was so disheartening that it easily could have birthed discouragement yet it revealed to me disappointment. Disappointment in what we have normalized as a way to communicate with each other. We have excepted these ways as our status quo in politics and as acceptable behaviour from those whom would step forward as our leaders. It is this same disappointment that has birthed the conviction within my Soul to speak towards the fractured morality of our communities. It was on this same journey that I also bore witness to the most profound beauty, this beauty is difficult to put into words.
Thank you to my family and my friends who have supported me in so many ways throughout this campaign. Without you I would not have been able to give voice to all that was bridged.  The love and gratitude that is there has somehow settled deeper into my heart and will forever live there.
Thank you to all the volunteers, complete strangers that have stepped forward to support me in every way from donations to volunteering to gifting self care and encouragement. The passion and the sense of conviction within their own hearts was powerful to behold. Such love, support and dedication was touching, inspiring and was testimony to the beauty that still exists in this world.
Thank you Jason, Deb, Sam, Leslie, Nikki, Colleen, Lori, Liz, Angela, Jen, Savannah and each of you behind the scenes. You held me through this, you were my pillars and I do not have words that can touch the gratitude felt.
Most importantly thank you to Mike and my children for understanding and gifting me the opportunity to show up with as much love and passion for others as I’ve shown up with for you. Thank you for the sacrifice you have made and thank you for all the ways you have supported me. It is this support that is the foundation that my pillars stood upon to help hold me up. Without your sacrifice and understanding this would not have been possible.
I love you.
What was most humbling and Soul shaking through all of this are the diverse people whom have come forward and gifted me the opportunity to give them voice in halls that previously silenced them. To have people weep on my shoulder in gratitude for finally having their voice represented. The vast amount of people who whispered their gratitude for fear of the persecution they might face for voicing their concerns or needs publicly. This has touched me more deeply then words can express, as this alone gave validity to the purpose of this difficult journey and just how necessary it is to keep going for those who would be silenced.
We will now be the voices there within the school board meetings, the consultation phases, holding these boards to accountability. Whether they got in there legitimately or falsely they will have to rise to the accountability that we will hold them to. So we can put our energies towards something that we can not change or we can put our energy towards being the change.
Thank you for walking this journey with me and I look towards tomorrow as we continue to walk together.
Hiy Hiy
Serena Freedombear Winterburn


There is so much this campaign has brought to light. Where so many were contented to allow others to make the decisions for our children, our families and our communities without little to any proper consultation, the community has now awoken. Awoken to proper debate and hearing the voices of all community members, even those they hold in disdain.
We’ve brought our voices to the halls that they were not previously welcomed in. We raised our communities concerns and have given voice to so many.
We witnessed the most deplorable attitudes and behaviours by those whom are not only meant to represent our families but scoff and publicly falsify not only others but misrepresent themselves.
We’ve witnessed unethical and immoral behaviours and normalized it as politics. The same behaviours I’ve taught my children are behaviours of low character.
We watched voter fraud encouraged as a means to silence voices and disrupt the democratic process.
This wasn’t the end, but just the beginning as we all now hold our current boards, councillors, directors and mayors to an accountability like never before.
We are the change and I look forward to seeing our new board members rise to meet the accountability that they will now be held to. For this reason it IS a win.


Be the first to know!✔️ Watch a livestream of North Cowichan's election results as they become available on Saturday, October 15 beginning at 8pm. Visit and click on "view live stream".

Photos from Serena Winterburn, School Trustee Candidate's post 14/10/2022

I was recently approached by an “antihate” blogger who opiniates for numerous “antihate“ networks throughout the valley, to comment on a piece prior to it going public. While I wanted to believe that it would be an objective piece, in my heart I suspected it would be biased.
One of the things I asked as a Nehyew woman is that she kept my words intact and did not take them out of context. I was sure to ask her more than once to please ensure this journalistic integrity. Unfortunately this was not upheld. Important aspects of my quotes were taken out. I will post my full statement below, as our words as they are spoken are important to remain unmanipulated.

I will ask the most obvious question here. As an antihate blog… why are pieces written with absolutely zero examples of hate within the piece? There’s no journalistic integrity to put words like this on a candidate and have absolutely no proof of this within the blog… You can disagree with someone’s platforms and their ideologies however, there must be some form of journalistic integrity that remains in tact. Some form of morality.
Unfortunately I did not find it here in Erin‘s opinion piece.  It is hypocritical for one to claim they stand for something (such as against hate) yet to weild slander as a means to discredit someone when they disagree seems to be counter intuitive to what this blog is meant to stand for and what I presumed they were working towards.
There were no examples of “hate” spoken by the candidates highlighted in this “hit piece”, but rather was telling of Erin’s approach to writing in these biased, subjective submissions. It is extremely manipulative towards the readers to use inflammatory, divisive words and topics, such as “hate” without any examples of this being conducted or spoken.
I would also add that another candidate named Eduardo was quoted via a telephone conversation with the blogger. However in her bias Erin conveniently left out the fact that Eduardo belongs to an extremist group called (corrected) *COVID Action Cowichan*. His quote was used to cast doubt on other candidates while it was conveniently left out that this candidate has spent the past 2 1/2 to 3 years invested in having businesses across the valley shut down based on their medical choices and their ability to support their workers and their customers health choices.  Eduardo has participated in conversations across this island that hold the opinion that certain people should not have their voices represented or sit on boards and councils. It’s not my job to repeatedly assist this blogger in research and sharing of accurate information, however I felt it important to address these obvious inconsistencies and lack of journalistic integrity.

”Hi Erin,
Thank you for reaching out to me. As we’re just days away from the end of campaigning, it is an extremely busy time. I have had many requests for interviews by multiple media platforms. I understand that you are operating on a deadline and I feel the pressure that you have implied in this email. I would have much preferred to have the opportunity to have a discussion off the record after the campaign, however I understand by your email the intention of which your group wishes to move forward in.
I recall from your previous email, you stated you would like to hear my side of the story. I am unaware of what story you are referring to, so I am unable to address that at this time.
I did take the time to look into the group you are affiliated with and write for, as I am not aware of this group, nor have I heard of them previously to this email. I do feel this media platform required more of my time to understand the approach and objective of the journalists. I also believe in integrity and I needed to know that in submitting an interview that there would be journalistic integrity. This was suggested on the advice of someone who has had many years of experience as a journalist and is now in politics.
I am uncertain how some of the questions you have requested relates to the school board trustee position and what I am campaigning on, however I will approach some of these questions.
I do ask in submitting my words that they are left completely intact and not taken out of any context. As a tribal woman our words are important and as storytellers it is an integral aspect to keep the story of the person intact. My words are my story and they are my medicine. I would hope that as a Metis woman, you understand the importance of this as well.
You have brought up the Global Difference Group. I was introduced to this group in late spring and took the time to understand their objective and their direction. There was a time that I did share the initiatives they were working towards and invited others to explore their direction. I was involved with this group for a very short period of time before deciding that the group was not in alignment with who I am. There were various reasons for this decision from the dynamics the group operated under to the level of transparency. It was at a time that I needed to honour my spirit and where I was being guided. This guidance walked me in another direction.
You bring up the safety zones, which are a food security initiative for those who wish to invest in food sovereignty and community through the development of eco villages. The Global Difference Group and these food security initiatives are unrelated to each other. I am unsure of the correlation that was drawn between the two or my campaign. I am also perplexed to the relevance to an “anti hate” platform. I thought it better to correct you on this piece of information to ensure no false information is passed on or printed.
Sexual orientation, gender identity, as well as equity versus equality, are two separate matters that I have addressed multiple times both during campaigning, as well as on my personal and public platforms. When I speak of critical race theory it is in regards to the ideologies behind it that have correlations to equity. I do not claim that critical race theory is being taught in our schools. I have had multiple constituents reach out to me to inquire about my stance on critical race theory, which is why I put out a video addressing the topic and the correlations.
I understand what s*xual orientation gender identity programming has been developed for and how it is being implemented in our school systems. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that while I am in full support of LGBTQ2S community, I am not in support of the current implementation of the SOGI programming as it is. As a trustee, I believe it is my responsibility to represent the diverse voices of our families. There have been many families whom have had concerns with the resources that have been approved to support the implementation of the SOGI programming at a teacher’s discretion. Some of these constituents who have expressed concern include members of the LGBQT2S community. It has come to my attention that you are not in possession or are not aware of the said resources that have been approved in British Columbia. Again it was constituents that brought their concern on the resources forward. It was through the exploration of the said materials as well as through various conversations with diverse families throughout the valley that I understood that while the programming is in place to support, create inclusivity and provide a safe environment, the materials also imposed upon values both culturally and spiritually of many diverse families in our valley.
As the daughter of a residential school survivor, I understand what imposition has the potential to create. I believe that we can create an inclusive and safe environment for all children within our schools, while being sensitive to all families needs. I believe this can be done through the re-exploration of the implementation of SOGI. So while many would presume my voice to be one of hate and exclusion, it is actually one of further inclusion through exploring how we can better the implementation of SOGI.
I would hope this response fulfills the expectations of your organization and can respectfully be kept intact in context.

Respectfully Serena Winterburn.”


Last week I came across a quote. I’ve returned to it numerous times, slowly reading it over.

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are different than my own” -Audre Lorde

Contemplating the shackles that many have worn throughout history. From the shackles of gender enslavement, to literal persecution based on your spirituality or religion. Shackles based on where one originates from, to the shackles because of the pigmentation of one’s skin. Many have cast shackles on to others based on their s*xual orientation, their gender identity, and more recently because of their medical choices and their political views.
Shackles are shackles.
As a candidate I’ve given voice to those whoms shackles look different to the ones I have worn. Yet they are shackles nonetheless.
What do we do when one voices imposition or a difference of opinion? How do we as a society receive the diverse voices of our communities?
Most recently I have been received with unfounded labels and terms such as “hate speech, White nationalist, homophobe, far right, anti gay…” among many other unfounded terms without any evidence to corroborate these accusations.
This is most disheartening to see how we advocate for inclusivity and safe spaces for all children yet we as adults speak and act in ways that are counterintuitive to what we claim to stand for. We censor candidates and quickly manipulate their words and defame their character.  We normalize this by calling it politics. We see the media engage in bias opinion rather than non-partisan investigative journalism. Yet it is unethical and immoral to treat others in this way when we are trying to champion diversity. It seems we only want diversity of body but not of the mind. If others have a differing opinion or criticize the implementation of programming then we demonize them in every and any way we can.
So you see we cannot be free while we continue to perpetuate these societal norms, for it is just another form of Shackles. As we create these inclusive and safe spaces for all children within our schools, let us be sure that we are not being negligent of the shackles others wear, even when they look different to the shackles being worn by the ones we champion.
-Serena “Freedombear” Winterburn


Thank you for those who have had much understanding for my lack of availability through this campaign. There have been many requests for interviews. Unfortunately at this time I will be unable to commit to these engagements. As well I would also like to add that unless these engagements are nourishing of my Medicine, Soul and path and purpose, through transparent and truthful pretence, I cannot say that I wish to participate.
There have been numerous requests for interviews by varying media, however in my pursuit to understand these news sources I have not found confidence that these media outlets will report in an unbiased objective manner. For this reason I cannot respond in a timely manner to an interview until this confidence has been obtained.
I thank you for your understanding.


Source: socialmavrikbc

Approved Classroom Lessons
The BC School Act addresses the issue of which education resources are approved for teaching a particular lesson in British Columbia classrooms.
School Act
Part 9 General
Division 1 Ministry of Education and Child Care
Article 168 Jurisdiction of Minister

168 (2) The minister may make orders for the purpose of carrying out any of the minister's powers, duties or functions under this Act and, without restriction, may make orders

168 (2) (e) governing educational resource materials in support of educational programs

The School Act gives responsibility for approved classroom resources to the Minister of Education.
BC Minister of Education
On July 1, 2017 a new policy was created in the Ministry of Education on the subject of Learning Resources.

The timing for this new policy is one year following the change to the BC Human Rights Code.

The BC Human Rights Code was modified on July 25, 2016 by the addition of the words "s*xual orientation and gender identity or expression". Our MLAs made this legislative change on a single day, putting it through the first reading, second reading and third reading stages in that one-day session.

The relevant section of the Code now reads, in condensed form, "A person must not ... discriminate against a person ... because of the Indigenous identity, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, s*x, s*xual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or class of persons."

During debate in the Legislative Assembly on this change Laurie Throness, MLA for Chilliwack and who abstained from the vote on this legislation, at the time said, "To sum up this point, I don’t really think this bill is about protection, because transgendered people have always been protected in the B.C. human rights code. This is not about protection as much as it is about the programs that will flow from this special recognition."

"This leads me to my main concern. I want to move on to talk for a moment about the content of the programs to come and how they might affect people, particularly children, youth and impressionable people."

The content of the programs turned out to be problematic. These foreseeable problems arguably prompted the administrators in the Ministry of Education to bring in the new Learning Resources policy the following year because it in turn delegated the responsibility under the School Act for approved lesson plans from them to school boards throughout the province.

I am reminded of Iron Law of Oligarchy created by Robert Michels. This states that in any organization the permanent officials will gradually obtain such influence that its day-to-day program will increasingly reflect their interests rather than its own stated philosophy.

Ministry of Education Learning Resources Policy in Full

The formal policy document may be seen here.

Boards of education have responsibility for determining how learning resources are chosen for use in schools. Boards must have policies and procedures for choosing learning resources. For curricula implemented from 2016 onwards, most educational program guides will not include a list of Ministry recommended resources. Boards may continue to use learning resources specified in educational program guides published before 2016, as appropriate. For certain courses or grades, the Ministry may still recommend the use of specific learning resources from time to time.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care no longer conducts evaluation processes to recommend learning resources. This responsibility now rests with boards. Board policies and procedures should include a process for ensuring the list of recommended learning resources is up to date and aligned with changes in curriculum. This would include adding and removing resources from the list.

Any concerns or challenges to the use of a learning resource should be dealt with at the district level. Boards/authorities should also develop policy and procedures to challenge the use of a learning resource.

Boards may choose to use the services of the Educational Resource Acquisition Consortium (ERAC) to assist them in choosing or approving learning resources. ERAC maintains a collection of evaluated K-12 resources for the B.C. school system.

ERAC renamed as Focused Resources
Clicking the link Educational Resource Acquisition Consortium directs the visitor to the Focused Resources website.

Focused Resources describes its educational resources as:
Anti-Racism Resources
A collection of resources aligned with BC’s K-12 curriculum designed to promote a more comprehensive understanding of anti-racism, human rights, and diverse cultural experiences, histories, and contributions.

The question for trustee candidates is:
Does your Board outsource its evaluation responsibility to Focused Resources?

I am pleased to report that the Campbell River School Board policy on approved classroom lessons states:
215 1.3 Under the direction of the principal or designate, each school is expected to establish a School Learning Resource Committee. The committee will establish procedures for the selection and acquisition of learning resources.


The all candidate meetings have come to a close for the school board trustee hopefuls.
As a Matriarch my passion for children and Women inspired me to step into the unknown realm of campaigning. I am not your typical candidate, and in truth I don’t aspire to be.
As an Indigenous Woman I drew many correlations to the acquired wisdom and medicine I’ve gained through ancestral, lived experience, cultural, traditional and post secondary education. 
I’ve given voice to many families whose concerns have been silenced, in turn my own voice has been slandered with hateful unfounded terms meant to silence me and the many diverse families I am to represent.
I’ve spoken many times to the immorality of these tactics. I have used my most vulnerable family traumas to educate and bring awareness that we can not raise the voices of some in a attempt to be inclusive while silencing the voices and concerns of others.
I thank each and everyone of you who took part in these difficult conversations and remembered to walk with integrity, grace and an open heart and mind. I thank those who continue to show up in these difficult conversations even in the face of humiliation, discrimination and persecution. I thank those who did not attempt to shut this conversation down and instead allowed the opportunity to hear what they may have missed. I thank those who took the opportunity to see what needs to grow here so that families can be more than just a vote on a ballot but instead a voice for our future generations.
It takes a community is more than just a slogan, and every voice in this community is vital.
I will admit that there were many evenings that were spent in tears. As an indigenous woman the healing I have embarked upon was vital during this campaign. To be labelled as a white nationalist, anti-gay among many other disgusting unfounded slanderous terms in order to silence my voice… However, this woman was forged in the place of silence.
Regardless whether I become a school board trustee, I am grateful for the seeds that were sown in these conversations, and for the opportunity to give voice to all my relations, to all who have been silenced.
Let us do more than speak words of inclusivity and diversity but instead let our own actions demonstrate this.

*I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the many voices expressing a need for investment in our early childhood programming, before school and after school care and youth programming.
*I would also like to bring attention to the many voices who have acknowledged the extreme need for funding of EA’s and occupational therapist as a priority in the valley. Our children need to be supported in their education with a highlight to diagnosis, classroom support.
*I would also give voice to the many families who have expressed their concerns with the overcrowding of classrooms and the need to recognize that this has been an ongoing issue for decades.

I am Serena Winterburn,
I am Freedombear, 
I am Muskwa pimohtê maskihkiy mêskanaw
and I approve this message

Videos (show all)

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Signing by LEAs by Chiefs and delegates from each nationCowichan valley
When I made the decision to run as a candidate for the school board I did it so using discernment. It was a difficult ch...
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