The California Drifters

The California Drifters

Musical Duo Emily Jaye & Eric Berdon. Listen here:
"Love Me Like New" -


This song we wrote 5 years ago (before we were The California Drifters) is featured on tomorrow’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful
We wrote it about our first daughter, after we got through the exhausting newborn phase and started to settle in to life as new parents. This lyric sort of sums it up:
“I wake up. Stumble and fall in a dark rut...
Try to make light of this life, but...
Walls are closing in.
I see you, looking at everything brand new...
Doing whatever you want, to
Show me how to see the world.”
Thank you to our friends Heavy Hitters Music Group for the placement!


Tonight we are tracking vocals on our next single... and you better believe this is how we are dressed 😆


Celebrating the 2 week anniversary of “Love Me Like New” coming out 😆
OK but seriously. Have you streamed it? Added it to your playlists? Let us know! Link in bio.


Hoping we can all come up for air soon 😬🙏🏼


“How did you come up with that band name?” - Usually the follow-up question to “What’s the name of your band?”
We had the concept for this project last summer and had started writing songs, but didn’t have the band name yet. Every day I would say “what’s the name of our band going to be?” Eric had started making this summer drink that he dubbed “The Drifter”. We would put the girls to bed and sit in the hot tub with our Drifters and look out at our yard and the open space behind. One evening we’re drinking our Drifters, and I looked out and said “This is so California... What about - The California Drifters?”


This post will get me in trouble. It’s someone’s birthday (see person in photo) and this person does not like to make a big deal about their birthday. But my life is better because this person was born. So today I celebrate!


New band. Who dis?


This was the most epic moment from our Wedding in Florence. Right after getting married in the Palazzo Vecchio, we walked out onto the square (the Piazza della Signoria) that was packed with over a thousand people, who erupted with cheering and chanting “bacio! bacio!” until we kissed again. It was pretty surreal.
Later as we walked the streets of Florence, groups of people would cheer, congratulate, and give us their blessings as we passed by. We felt like King and Queen of Italy 🥰
Nothing compares to the magic we felt that day... except, maybe, for the life we’ve built since then 😍


Through the right glasses, life looks good to the last drop.
🎼La Vie En Vin🎶


Day 34 of Quarantine. We have entered the “Acceptance Phase”. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally, Acceptance.
We are settled in and have started looking on the bright side: We get to have loads of family time (which the girls are loving), and we are finding ourselves doing things at home that we normally don’t have time for with our busy schedules (like building mud kitchens and working on TCD music)
One thing I’m enjoying during quarantine: our slow mornings. I love not being rushed to get the girls ready, eat breakfast, pack lunches/backpacks, and hurry out the door for preschool. It’s been nice to slow down and have family breakfast together (vs mom and dad drinking coffee while rushing around prepping for the day). We’ve both been so much more present with the girls (and each other) and my hope is this will carry on with us after this pandemic is over.
It will be over, right?


Today is the Day! “Love Me Like New” is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, and anywhere else you stream music! Follow the link below and ADD it to your playlists (and let us know so we can brag about you!)
It feels symbolic to have this be our first release: It’s about a couple who has lost that spark and struggles to find their way back to where it all began. It’s very loosely based on our own story- we’ve been wanting to get that creative spark back in our relationship, and this project (and this song) is the result of that re-kindling. Hope you enjoy and share with your friends! Much love, TCD


Happy Eastover weekend! Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy, and enjoying your families today (you can go back to annoying each other tomorrow).


The California Drifters's cover photo


The California Drifters

The back story...

They met at a party. For him, it was forever at first sight. For her, it would take a little longer. It would take a chance friend who invited them both to play music at a small church in Santa Monica. It would take having him produce a record for her, and then another. It would take starting a band together.

Because there’s just not enough time in life to choose both colleagues and friends; who you work with is who you live with. The people you make music with are your friends, and your family. You spend holidays together, you celebrate and mourn together, you sit with each other through your darkness and lead each other back to the light, you invest your very souls in each other’s well being. Being in a band means being a band of brothers, or sisters… or lovers.

And that’s what happened with Eric Berdon and Emily Jaye.

Growing up, if Eric wasn’t playing blues guitar at mach 2 with his hair on fire he was doing it wrong. But, as most mavericks do, he grew up, and he grew into music that was less bluster and balls and more insight and emotion. His songwriting developed, and he found himself producing for other artists. Some notable, some not, but he was able to build a studio and put food on the table making music, and that was enough for him. For a time.