Sound Bath at Parsippany NJ

Sound Bath at Parsippany NJ

Are you looking to de-stress, release tension, and find inner peace? If yes, then this meet-up is right for you!

Relax, Rejuvenate, and Reawaken your inner self through meditative mantra music.


Are you looking to de-stress, release tension, and find inner peace? If yes, then this meet-up is right for you!
Relax, Rejuvenate, and Reawaken your inner self through meditative mantra music.
Come experience inner happiness, through the ancient power of congregational soul stirring kirtan music, a universal form of meditation that’s both fun and easy!
We're sure you will appreciate this most unique melodic encounter. To top things off, the session ends with snacks.
Contact us today to join!!
Note: Only for ages 18+