MicroJobs Africa
MicroJobs Africa, Africa's Global Freelancing Platform lets you get jobs done by expert and skilled
It is time to get paid for your skills and hustle. List your mJob today and start delivery jobs for clients in exchange for money - your money.
Microsoft says you need these skills post-COVID, and wants to help you get certified and employable for next to nothing.
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Africa's freelance platform to employ millions of jobless Africans.
Do you know Nigerians like you are making $100 - $500 per job on Freelancing sites, doing what?
Offering WordPress tasks, jobs, and gigs.
We help Zero-Skilled Nigerians become Expert in Wordpress Web Development to Make Money Immediately as a Freelancer by Providing you Easy-to-Master Set of Video Tutorials.
Drop your whatsapp number for full private presentation.
Do you know that according to Google, out of 2.3 million SMEs in Nigeria, only 7% or just 161,000 of them are online.
That leaves 2,139,000 (2.1 million) of them for you to tap into.
Deliver micro jobs, tasks or services that can grow their business and get paid for it per job.
It's not rocket science. You just need the right skills.
WordPress is one of the easiest skills to learn and acquire and use to deliver MicroJobs.
Ask "How".