Olamide Baddo

Olamide Baddo

Shakushaku Republic. Fans of Olamide the baddest


July on point !


How una see am ?


Always be grateful!!!
The journey chooses the man .


The sound naim be the concert.

You want the attention of the young? fix the Sound.

So, I was a guest at a certain university's final year student summit in 2017.

Hall was packed full. The crowds were three sets.

First, those who filled out the front rows . They've heard of the speaker or hold the event to some value, they want first row for speaker audience engagement.

Second the middle row,; just curious fellas who are neither interested nor indifferent. They just liked the publicity flier, and thought to pass the hour open to any surprise .

The third set couldnt care less if you brought Anthony Robbins to school and threw in Vusi Thembekwayo into the mix for good measure.

They are here because everybody who knows somebody that knows somebody on campus is present. They swipe up their phones to google the price list of any otherworldly mundanity like Perfumes, wristwatches, shoes, phones handbag worn to the place. Theirs is the hallowed dark spaces of the hall, set beyond the reaches of the camera lights. They are here for a different summit.

It was a nightmare outreach for me, mostly because i couldn't reach out to the audience.


It was probably the worse sound setup I've ever seen . A couple of huge turd dump, locally fabricated ahuja-like speakers set in front of stage facing the audience.

It was the only location the speakers were set in the entire hall. No monitor speakers feeding back to the guest-speaker. The guest would have to depend on the reverberated sound for feedback on voice/pitch quality.

It gets worse...

The hall was a masterpiece of engineering misadventure. The acoustic properties of the building were all out of wack. The reverberation time was nearly 10seconds- I kid you not. The noise and echo from the ensemble were so loud , beating back and forth against the tiled walls producing such flutter echoes that would make even Beyonce sound like the croaking of a street wannabe.

It didnt matter how gifted a speaker is, no one could respond if they couldn't make out what was being said.

Wouldn't it have been a thing of joy to blend all those crowds into one coherent audience? It would require the power of sound though.

If you want to command a conference, fix the sound. GenerationZ and millennials dissolve into huge concerts powered with nearly 100,000 wattage of pure refined sound tech.

If you struggle to keep the attention of young people in your meetings and church gatherings, do a sound check.

Raise a budget and invest in the quality of sound systems. Hire someone who has a proclivity for recognising good sound and get out of their way

Sound was one of the first elements in creation. "and God said..."

What are you saying?

Fix the sound!


*Inside the Mind of a Bewildered Young Person*

Read and share with young people in your network





*SS3 Students Intensive WAEC Revision and Online Mock Exams*

The SGC virtual learning programme is helping SS3 students prepare for their terminal exams just before schools resume.


1. Intensive revisions in top 10 WAEC subjects

2. Online Mock exams to be conducted in a virtual classroom and results declared immediately after each paper

3. workshops with WAEC examiners and officials to explore "why students fail"

4. Critical Thinking and problem solving sessions with Johnson Abbaly

5. Outstanding students (over 80% cumulative weighed average in the mock assessments) to be rewarded with membership into the Smartan Elite Programme.

6. It is free

*Sessions run from June 8th- 19th 2020*

Join the Telegram group with the link below



How una dey
