Chocolate Meets Girl

Chocolate Meets Girl

Eat Chocolate, Live Longer

Millions Of Americans Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows 01/11/2020

According to an official survey, a disturbingly high number of Americans aren’t quite sure where chocolate milk actually comes from!

Millions Of Americans Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows We’ve heard a lot about what Americans think about things this election year. From who they’re going to vote for, to their opinions on issues from climate change to health care, opinion polls have spent countless hours and dollars trying to get inside the mind of the average American adu...


It's alright :)


Okay, the age old question - how to eat chocolate and still lose weight?

Drink enough water every day! Drinking water seems easy but for many people this is a big problem. Water doesn’t taste all that great generally because water doesn’t really “taste” like anything. But drinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easier the more you actually do it.

To begin with, you should drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat. This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?
If you really cannot bear the taste of water, try using a water purifying pitcher or filter. You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water – but no sugar or sweetener! Ice also helps.


Eat your veggies everyday!