The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

Republicans have become Trump's puppets... enabling and covering up things they know are wrong.

Shedding some light to show, it's not the same GOP it used to be.

Trump’s National Anthem Hypocrisy 18/02/2020

This is the man who sparked outrage over Kapernick's "taking the knee" protest during national anthem. Hypocritical much?!

Trump’s National Anthem Hypocrisy At his Super Bowl party, President Donald Trump appeared to be goofing off during the national anthem, even though he has criticized those who disrespect the...

“Nobody Repects Women More Than I Do. Nobody.” 17/02/2020

“Nobody Repects Women More Than I Do. Nobody.” Imagine a man so brazen with his infidelity that, while on a family vacation wth his wife and 3 kids, he has his mistress staying at a hotel nearby.


Last month, Iran launched a ballistic missile strike on US base in Iraq in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani. Afterwards, Trump told is that NO US troops were injured or killed in that attack. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

The WH later changed that number to 11, then 30, then 54, then 64. In actuality, 109 US troops suffered traumatic brain injury in the attack.

When asked about the discrepency, Trump said,. " "I heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it is not very serious."

Easy for you to say, Mr. Bone Spurs.


Donald Trump has made a mockery out of our democracy and disgraced the office of the POTUS. He's pushed the limits of his authority and behaved more like a child than the leader of the free world. He's also a compulsive liar, so accustomed to manipulating the truth, he does it when it doesn't even matter. I can't count the number of times over the last three years that I've thought he finally went too far and screwed up beyond redemption.

Yet, here we are. He's still going strong and getting bolder every day.. all made possible because of the enabling, cover-ups, and "looking the other way" members of his administration and House and Senate Republicans. They've become his puppets.

When it comes to his supporters, many see his character flaws but are willing to overlook them. Others thrive on the way he acts, it just makes them like him more. Either way, they can't be swayed of their devotion.

I think, however, some of the people who voted for Trump in 2016 are now questioning their decision, if only silently. They're the ones who have always voted Republican and can't see theirselves doing otherwise. So, instead of listening to that little voice in their head, they tune it out. With this page, I want to give that voice some volume, make it too loud to ignore.

Any hope of making Trump a one term president lies with these voters. We need to show them that they can break away from the party they've always sided with. We must convince them that, under Trump, it's not the same GOP it used to be.
