Sacred Essential Life Force Recovery

Sacred Essential Life Force Recovery

Holistic items & Essential oil blends create with love and infused with Crystal's for healing mind, body, and soul. Energy healing. EFT & TFT therapy.

Recovery mentorship. Sound therapy.


Hello to all of the followers on this page. I have created a new page for my business that I recently started. Please click the link. Come on over and give me a follow! I am doing a giveaway and also discount on services. Thank you and all of my love. - Marsha

Rooted Soul Recovery Intuitive Energy Healing & Sound Therapy. White Mountains, AZ

Self Sabotage - Stuck Protecting Yourself 19/06/2023

Self Sabotage - Stuck Protecting Yourself From my "San Diego 2023" workshop. Watch the full recording on my Premium platform at Support on your Journey with Teal's Spi...

Photos from Sacred Essential Life Force Recovery's post 06/07/2022

I've recently experienced a trigger that was a hard lesson for me. However it was a good lesson for me in standing up for myself.


Who else has communication struggles?


I love this. It is so true. We are all just sharing our experience with one another.
We all have our battles and wounds.
We all have ability to help another heal through our stories and understanding.


Anxiety and depression are very real..
What if your anxiety and depression are brought on, when your true authentic self is not matching with the person you are trying to be? This certainly makes sense.

I believe that to be the case for me sometimes. Others it is triggers from my past. Other times, circumstantial, and sometimes it is physical symptoms manifesting as emotional/mental. Just as emotional/mental symptoms can manifest as physical.

There are many things that can cause anxiety and depression. If you are suffering from either of these, you are not alone.

What do you feel is an underlying cause of these for many people? For yourself?


Mother earth is powerful. She is healing.


Filled an order this morning.
Super Hippie spray ✌❤🙂
Did you know that I can create kid safe blends for a variety of things?
Kids are back to school and their stress levels can become elevated. (Yes, kids get stressed out too!) Oils are a good way to help calm them. I also recommend incorporating meditation into their routines.
Maybe they need to focus? Worried about germs? Having anxieties? I can create something that is safe for them to use.


Another chakra oil set ordered. I love making these. I pour so much love and energy into each bottle ❤. I am very passionate about holistic medicine. It has changed my life.


Do we have any other artists or crafters? What do you make? Share your magic. I did this sunset painting this morning. Art is medicine for me. ❤


Listening to someone and paying attention, is one of the greatest gifts you can give.


Who can relate to this?


Cut the cords from anyone who holds negative energy and pain within you.


You are perfectly Incredible, just the way you are. Love your uniqueness. ❤💙💚


Who is in?


We are learning lessons along the way.


*** Trigger warnings, but I'm going to get real right now*******
You never know.
You never know when it is the last time you will see someone.
Hug them.
Talk to them.
Be given the opportunity to tell them how much they mean to you.
Cherish every moment.
Each second, as if it is the last one.
I lost a dear friend to su***de this week.
This hit home for me, yet again. I am devastated.
How can we help those who are silently suffering?
What can we do to show them that their life has value? That they matter.
Our people are hurting.
Our planet is hurting.
Is love enough?
Su***de hotlines, do they work?
When someone has made up their mind, is there anything that can change that decision?
I have been there.
To that place of darkness and despair.
I've nearly lost hope so many times.
What do we do to change that?
Is it selfish to take your own life, or is it actually selfish to consider someone as selfish for taking their life?
We have no idea the wars people are battling, down there, where the spirit meets the bone.
This is not my first time dealing with losing someone from su***de.
I ask myself, what could I have done?
As I'm sure others are asking the same thing.
Its tragic. Truly. But, that persons pain is also tragic. The pain that puts you in an utter darkness where you cant find your way out.
How do we prevent this?
Again I ask, is love enough?


To all those, thank you for being so wonderful.


Are your Chakra's blocked?

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