Holistic Restorative Movement with Debbie Lawrence

Holistic Restorative Movement with Debbie Lawrence

Creating space for mind, body and soul using Qigong, somatic movement, yoga, Pilates, self-myofascia


A reminder of face-to-face classes running at the Newport Centre.

Qigong (Tai chi for Well-being) - 12.30.

Mature Movers - 11.30
Qigong (Tai chi for Well-being) - 12.30.

Pilates - 11.30
Qigong (Tai chi for Well-being) - 12.30.

Look forward to see you in class.


I have attached a link to a short blog post i wrote a little while ago about the words and language we use. How we cast spells with our words.. (spelling). I do love the thought of a little magic!

So how do you speak and what words do you use to speak about your body or experiences?
pain in the ........................
These words make me cringe a little - like 'ouch', that hurts!

How do you respond when a part of your body has a little grumble, such as an achey knee? Do you respond with curiosity and compassion or do you have a grumble back and call the body part an unkind name? (yes, it is a relationship)

Just start to notice! I work on this all the time. I am not saying i have it all sorted, because i don't, the learning is lifelong! Every day is a new day and every age is a new era of awareness as the body changes.

What i would say is a little kindness goes a long way and that includes kindness for self. This is something i stand for!

What i stand against is saying unkind words to your body and/or using words to punish and scold or treating the body like a machine.

I stand for 'love the skin you are in'...

I have much more to say on this (one step at a time)...

Here is a link to the blog....


Monthly self-care sessions.
Next one is Saturday 3rd April.
Max 8 people and 4 spaces left.


Rise and shine!
Start your day moving and flowing.
Early morning 7am Qigong practice with me (online) for all you early risers and insomniacs šŸ™‚ STARTS TOMORROW MORNING.
You can wear your PJs and bring a teddy, if you like šŸ™‚
Still deciding the flow (bit thinking the Shibashi set one).
I will need you to complete a screening form, so email me if you are interested in joining me.


Blog Archives - Blog

Qigong and Tai-Chi for Mood Regulation 18/01/2021

Interesting read about Qigong and Tai chi for mood regulation - .https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6519567/

Qigong and Tai-Chi for Mood Regulation Qigong and Tai-Chi are traditional self-healing, self-cultivation exercises originating in ancient China. These exercises are characterized by coordinated body posture and movements, deep rhythmic breathing, meditation, and mental focus based on traditional ...


More blog writing today - https://debbiellawrence.com/blog/

It is a learning experience indeed :-)

The content is based on a book i wrote but never published and which i chose to use as a blog instead. Whether it reaches anyone or resonates, who knows?

I have been told by Mr techie that what i am learning and doing to create the blog is some kind of on page and off page SEO.

Clueless really - just typing and adding images :-)


Happy New Year all!
Online timetable of classes (via zoom) eventually planned and here it is.
If you are interested, please email and I can send information. [email protected]


Last class via zoom today at 12. Qigong (tai chi for well-being) followed by a somatic relaxation, a body treat.
If you would like to join class today or in the new year pop me an email [email protected].
Hope to have timetable sorted today šŸ™‚


Delivering another qigong session today via zoom at noon if anyone fancies joining.


How about a spur of the moment qigong session at 12 today?


Morning all,
Planned another 12 noon qigong session on Zoom for today. Wondering what to do tomorrow - Maybe something chill out? TBC


Iā€™ve chosen to use the content of a self-help style book i started writing in 2016 as a blog. The planned book was tttled a 101 ways for loving kindness - a toolbox for self- healing.
You can read some of the starter ideas here, along with some personal reflections .... https://debbiellawrence.com/blog/.
Any thoughts, feedback etc welcome .....

Blog | Blog


Somatic self care classes (1to1 and small group - maintenance and bespoke/tailored) starting in new year (online initially). These are the tools. If you are curious or interested in a taster (or need to know where to get the tools) let me know.


2 spaces available at 12.15 for Qigong at Newport Centre, book via NPL app....


New Online Qigong (Tai chi for well-being) class running every Saturday morning (10am start) for 4 weeks (28 Nov, 5 Dec, 12 Dec and 19 Dec) - Ā£24. Spaces limited. Please email [email protected] to book.

Photos from Holistic Restorative Movement with Debbie Lawrence's post 09/11/2020

Card for today x


Classes start back today at Newport Live and there are now some spaces on Qigong (tai chi for wellbeing) with me at 12.15. Please book via the Newport live app.


Sharing again, because it is one of my favs ...........

ā€œAutobiography in Five Chaptersā€ By Portia Nelson
1.I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I fall in. I am lostā€¦.I am helpless. It isnā€™t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.
2.I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I pretend I donā€™t see it. I fall in again. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m in the same place. But it isnā€™t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.
3.I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I see it there. I still fall inā€¦.itā€™s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.
4. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I walk around it.
5. I walk down another street.
From: Sogyal Rinpoche (1992) The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. London. UK. Rider, an Imprint of Random House Group


I am a little technically challenged, so stay with me folks :-)
I am going to be creating a blog from a book i have written and never published (101+ ways to loving kindness for self), so will be sharing some tips and personal learning and reading via that communication tool.
I am also revamping the website debbiellawrence.com (with the help of my techie man)....
The page, well, it's all about creating space - mind, body, spirit and soul...(like weeding the garden to see what blossoms).


Updating website - debbiellawrence.com.


Changed the page name to offer clarity (i hope?

Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra (30 Min Meditation) 23/03/2020

Get comfy for this ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQjHSIHPJfw

Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra (30 Min Meditation) ā–ŗ Deva Premal & Miten - Gayatri Mantra (Into Light) ā–ŗ Buy Album https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/into-light-meditation-music/id383433853 Meditation Music is...


ā€œAutobiography in Five Chaptersā€ By Portia Nelson

1.I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I fall in. I am lostā€¦.I am helpless. It isnā€™t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

2.I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I pretend I donā€™t see it. I fall in again. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m in the same place. But it isnā€™t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.

3.I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I see it there. I still fall inā€¦.itā€™s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

4. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I walk around it.

5. I walk down another street.

From: Sogyal Rinpoche (1992) The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. London. UK. Rider, an Imprint of Random House Group


A class focus for the last couple of weeks has been breathing. Last week we blew bubbles (which helps to extend the exhale and enables a deeper inhale) and this week we rubbed a couple of drops of Eucalyptus oil into the palms of our hands and inhaled (eucalyptus relives congestion and supports respiration).

TEDxAdelaide Lorimer Moseley Why Things Hurt 06/02/2020

This is really worth watching! It is titled 'Why things hurt' - Lorimer Moseley. Informative and entertaining too - great speaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ylbrkstYtU

TEDxAdelaide Lorimer Moseley Why Things Hurt Why do we hurt? Do we actually experience pain, or is it merely illusion? In this video, Lorimer Moseley explores these questions, and position the pain that...


This may be of interest for anyone with low back pain.

Some people recommend exercising first thing in the morning (immediately on rising from bed) to manage low back pain. In his book, ā€˜The Back Mechanicā€™, Stuart McGill (2015) suggests this is the time when the discs are most hydrated and swollen, so it is NOT the best time to exercise. He suggests giving the body time to wake up and adjust before practicing any exercise.

One of many other key tips he shares in the book is to be mindful of how we perform our various daily movements, e.g. how we clean our teeth, lift and bend and how we sit and stand (which includes sitting on the loo). Is the spine in a neutral position or is it slumped during these activities - worth checking in!


Okay, checking to see what interest there may be for a movement based workshop to explore ā€˜effortā€™?
Nothing booked yet, it was an idea, as something I am exploring. Let me know thoughts.


All about the space.