Peregrine Rolfing

Peregrine Rolfing

Rolfing seeks to establish a new relationship between the body and gravity. It provides fresh options for movement, perception, balance and being.

Timeline photos 19/08/2020

Do you ever pause during the course of your day and notice a heldness, tightness or general feeling of clenching? You may experience this in your pelvis, armpits, back, neck, mouth or somewhere else in your body. Chronic “parasitic” tension can lead to pain patterns, disassociation, wasted energy and an exhausted system. It can also create a feedback loop with anxiety. Sometimes it just takes a few moments of presence to release this tension and start to create a new pattern of support, harmony and ease. Try this with a pause after each sentence.
Take a minute and notice your next few breaths arriving, nourishing you and leaving. Feel the weight of your body in gravity’s field. Notice the texture of whatever material your feet are touching. Notice the temperature around your skin. Notice your shirt touching your back and sense into the space behind you. Let your eyes soften and even if it’s been a difficult day, let a small smile find its way to your face. Be gentle with yourself. You’re a child of this universe- no less than the trees and stars.
Through movement, embodiment and structural integration, Peregrine Rolfing is here to support you on your journey. Visit my website to set up an appointment.


In a session at Peregrine Rolfing, part of what we do is explore and reorganize myofascial patterns as they relate to our movement, thought and posture. We as humans are bioplastic. We can form negative patterns of movement or thought that drain the body of energy and vitality. However, we also have the ability to cultivate new patterns which serve us better in the present. Receiving Rolfing Structural Integration sessions not only brings ease by aligning your body in gravity; it can also help offer movement education, new options and support in your journey.