Pink Tutu Tarot

Pink Tutu Tarot

Intuitive & channeled tarot reader and astrologer offering insights and advice to help navigate thro


✨I have 4 cute kitty photos for you to choose from this week. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. All 4 messages are posted below.✨🐈

Image 1 - If you chose this image, you might be going through a time when you are doubting your potential or questioning your worth. If you are looking outside of yourself for validation, you may be coming up short. You are being encouraged to look within, instead. Remind yourself how far you have come, how much you have learned, and how truly amazing you really are. Be proud. Stand tall. And know that you are worthy of all the blessings you seek…and more. 😽

Image 2 - If you chose this image, you might need to step back from a situation in order to gain some perspective. Allow yourself to indulge in some playful curiosity and challenge yourself to go beyond your initial impression. Maybe there is more than meets the eye here. Could it be that what you thought was a negative outcome or situation is actually something quite positive? Life is full of opportunities to rethink, reimagine and reassess. Have the courage to look again and you might be surprised at what you discover 🐈

Image 3 - If you chose this image, you may be overthinking a situation. Your mind is a powerful tool, but it can also get in the way sometimes. Whether you have a decision to make or a problem to solve, you are being encouraged to use your mind as a tool to aid your intuition, not as a replacement for it. You can’t think your way to the answer right now. Yes, use your analytical and reasoning skills. They will help you get closer to the answer. Then clear your mind and allow your intuition to step into the silence. It is here, in this space, that you will find what you need to know. 🐱

Image 4 - If you chose this image, you are approaching a special time when your hard work, trust and dedication are about to be rewarded. It may feel like a dose of good luck, but in truth, you have earned this. Be proud what you have accomplished and enjoy the fruits of your labor - but resist the temptation to rest on your laurels. Enjoy the moment and then continue moving forward. There is more to be done, and many more blessings awaiting you. 🐈‍⬛

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✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Koala Spirit 🐨
Spirit has a plan.

This week, you are being faced with a level of uncertainty about a situation in your life. You might be struggling with a decision, or dealing with something that is out of your personal control. Things may seem like they just aren’t going your way or that obstacles keep showing up on your path.

It is so easy during times like this to feel like the Universe is against you. To wonder what you might be doing wrong and how to fix it. Try to understand that you haven’t done anything wrong. Things are actually going to plan. Not your plan, but the plan of Spirit and your higher self, who know exactly what you need.

You will be shown the way. Just relax, release, and pause. It is in the pause that Spirit can step in and help you. You don’t have to figure this out alone. You will find the help you need in the stillness. Trust, allow and accept it when it arrives. 🧘🏼‍♀️

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid


✨Messages are posted below✨

In honor of Midsummer, I have 4 beautiful tree photos for you to choose from. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. All 4 messages are below.🌴

Image 1 - If you chose this image, you are being reminded of the power of your imagination. What do you envision for your life? What are your most cherished dreams? When you allow yourself to play and imagine and dream, you energetically begin to create a world that suits your soul. Never be afraid to reach for the stars. And to dream of a future that seems unrealistic. Life is a creative endeavor, and is only limited by your ability to imagine what comes next. 🏝️

Image 2 - If you chose this image, you may be feeling a sense of loneliness, even if you are surrounded by people. Your message today is to honor your feelings and feed your soul whatever it needs right now. You may need this time of solitude to recover from a past disappointment, to prepare for a future endeavor or to simply sit and be one with your own spirit. On the other hand, your soul may be crying out for connection right now. If this is the case, you may need to step out of isolation and seek friendship, conversation and company. There are times when we need solitude and times we need connection. Ask yourself what it is that you need right now…and step into that energy with an open heart. 🌵

Image 3 - If you chose this image, it is time to embrace your self confidence and reach out toward your future with a sense of controlled abandonment. You can do this. Your inner strength is blossoming and you are ready for the next step or stage of your life. You may have lacked the courage in the past to take on this role or challenge, and that’s ok. It wasn’t the right time. You are prepared now - mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There’s no need to hesitate. Allow this moment to blossom and bloom within you, fueling your future with excitement, achievement and beauty. 🌳

Image 4 - If you chose this image, it’s time to be brave and adventurous. You are being pushed to step out of your comfort zone and attempt something new or different than you have grown accustomed to. Look at life with a different lens and see things from a new perspective. What have you been ignoring or missing? What have you been shying away from? It’s time now to step into your power and take that leap of faith. There is no time like the present. 🪴

Thank you for sharing, commenting and liking 💗


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Flamingo Spirit 🦩
Embrace the in-between.

You may be feeling anxious about a situation this week, eager for something to come to a resolution, or for a big moment to arrive. You may not have all the answers you’re looking for…yet, but some things can’t be rushed. The Flamingo Spirit brings an energy of balance and calm to help you experience the joy of anticipation while embracing exactly where you are right now.

Enjoy this in-between time. We are often in such a hurry to get to some time or place in the future that we miss out on all the wonderful things right in front of us. What is meant for you will never pass you by, so there is no need for worry or fear about what is to come or wonder if you’ll miss out. Just be here now. Be grateful for this moment in time and soon enough, what you are waiting for will be at your doorstep. 💗

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid

The Month Ahead. What To Expect! // Timeless pick a card tarot reading 16/06/2024

The Month Ahead. What To Expect! What You Need To Know

Timeless pick a card tarot reading

The Month Ahead. What To Expect! // Timeless pick a card tarot reading This reading takes a look at the upcoming month in this timeless pick a card tarot reading. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A ...


I hope you enjoy this week’s beautiful, watery images. I have 4 of them for you to choose from. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments.

All 4 messages are posted below. 💦

Image 1 - If you chose this image, you may soon feel inspired to move in a new direction. This could be a literal move to a new location, or a shift in another area of your life. Either way, it’s a change that may be scary and exciting at the same time. You might not know exactly how this situation will play out, but if you follow the flow of inspiration, you’ll end up in the right place. A little bravery now could bring wonderful opportunities for happiness for you down the road. 🌊

Image 2 - If you chose this image, you are experiencing or approaching a time of genuine happiness. Does that make you nervous for some reason? It shouldn’t, but it might…perhaps because part of you feels like you don’t deserve it. You do deserve to be happy. Your kind nature, compassionate heart and giving spirit are reason enough. Believe in your own worth and allow these blessings to come in. Remind yourself that it’s ok to be happy. Be present in this moment, and be grateful. Release any worries, regrets or feelings of guilt. This time is for you. Enjoy it. ⛲️

Image 3 - If you chose this image, you may be wondering if the time, effort and work you are putting into something is worth it. Will it pay off? Will it bring the happiness and achievement you imagined when you started? The Universe is encouraging you to believe in yourself and the dreams you hold close to your heart. Remind yourself what inspired you to follow this path or begin this project in the first place. Doubts creep in when we can’t see the big picture and we aren’t sure how something will play out. This is a time when you have to trust and believe. There are no shortcuts here, but your patience will pay off. 🫧

Image 4 - If you chose this image, you may be going through a challenging time right now. The Universe wants you to know that you are being protected and guided during this time. While it may be difficult, trust that it is temporary and nearly over. In every life, a little rain must fall. It makes us stronger, more resilient, and more compassionate toward others. But the sun will come out again soon. Appreciate this time for what it is - a chance to learn something new about yourself or about life in general. And take heart in the message here today, that all will be well. ☔️

Thank you for sharing, commenting and liking 💗

Your Health, Money, Love & Career. What To Expect! // pick-a-card tarot reading 13/06/2024

Your Health, Finances, Love/Relationships & Career. What To Expect!

Pick-a-card tarot reading that looks into all 4 areas of your life, and what to expect. 🤑💗

Your Health, Money, Love & Career. What To Expect! // pick-a-card tarot reading This reading takes a look at 4 area of your life - your health/wellness, finances, loe/relationships and your career. Choose your card & group and click on t...


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Turkey Spirit 🦃
Give with gratitude and grace.

You are being given a chance this week to show your love and appreciation for the blessings in your life, by giving of yourself to someone else. Consider sharing what you have - whether that’s time, money or something else you have to offer, to help ease someone else’s burden.

You might feel like you have nothing to give. Nothing to spare. But look again. A moment of loving friendship costs nothing, but can change someone’s day. A smile and a kind word to a homeless man on the street, when the rest of the world avert’s their gaze, can remind him of his own worth. Simple acts of giving that can mean so much. Just look around and you’ll find ways to show your gratitude and to pay it forward by acting from a place of love and generosity. Even the smallest gesture helps make the world a better place. It changes the energy around you and around those you help - which then ripples out into the world in untold ways.

It’s easy to focus on our needs. To look at what is lacking in our lives. But the quickest way to attract the gifts we need is to offer a gift of our own to someone else. 🎁

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid

This Message Is For You! Messages From Spirit You Need To Hear. // #pickacard #tarotreading 09/06/2024

This Message Is For You! Messages From Spirit You Need To Hear.

This Message Is For You! Messages From Spirit You Need To Hear. // #pickacard #tarotreading This reading brings messages from Spirit. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A PERSONAL READING:


This week I have 4 happy, innocent baby images for you to choose from. I hope these make you smile! 😀 Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. All 4 messages are posted in the comments ✨

How To Get To The Next Stage Of Your Life.🔥 Where You Are Now - Where You're Headed. 04/06/2024

How To Get To The Next Stage Of Your Life. 🔥 Where You Are Now - Where You're Headed.

How To Get To The Next Stage Of Your Life.🔥 Where You Are Now - Where You're Headed. This reading takes a look at what you need to do to get to the next stage of your life. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A PERS...


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Eagle Spirit 🦅
Spirit has your back.

The challenges, the confusion, the questions without answers and the doubts you have had within yourself have not gone unnoticed by Spirit. Your Spirit team understands what you’ve been dealing with and they are here to help you.

There are times in all of our lives when me must travel uphill through rocky terrain to get to our destination. We may not enjoy it, but in the end, it helps build our strength, resilience and trust for the future. You’ve been through the trials, and it’s now time to soar. With the Eagle Spirit guiding your way this week, you can expect things to feel easier because you will feel stronger.

Allow the wind to carry you where you need to be. Your massive wings are held up high by Spirit, helping you glide fearlessly forward. Have faith that you are not alone. You are strong, capable and powerful - and with the help of Spirit you can be unstoppable this week. Trust. Focus. And move forward. You’ve got this. 💪🏻

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid

Singles & Couples - What Next In Love! What You Need To Know and What To Expect // pick a card tarot 02/06/2024

Singles & Couples - What Next In Love! What You Need To Know and What To Expect

pick a card tarot reading

Singles & Couples - What Next In Love! What You Need To Know and What To Expect // pick a card tarot This reading takes a look at your love life and what is coming for you next. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A PERSONAL READIN...


All 4 messages are now in the comments. ✨

This week I thought I would bring you some sweet puppies to add a little brightness to your day. I have 4 images for you to choose from. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. 🐶

What's Unfolding On Your Career Path Ahead // pick a card tarot reading 30/05/2024

What's Unfolding On Your Career Path Ahead?

pick a card tarot reading

What's Unfolding On Your Career Path Ahead // pick a card tarot reading This reading takes a look at your career path and what is coming up for you. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A PERSONAL READIN...

What Do They Wish They Could Tell You? // pick a card tarot reading 28/05/2024

What Do They Wish They Could Tell You?

What Do They Wish They Could Tell You? // pick a card tarot reading This reading takes a look at someone in your. life and what they wish they could tell you. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A P...


Anyone else need this message today? 🙋🏼‍♀️ I genuinely believe Spirit brings us the messages we need to hear, when we need to hear them. Sometimes it’s in a social post, a video, a tv show or a song. They find a way. Believe the messages when you receive them. They work hard to get them to you. 💗

✨🔔Your ANGEL is saying
to you now... 🙏✨✨


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Starfish Spirit ⭐️
Open to infinite possibility.

This week brings a time of expansion, of possibility and inspiration. Allow yourself to reach for the things that inspire your heart, and to challenge any limitations that may be holding you back.

You may find yourself drawn to new ideas and directions you hadn’t fully considered before. Explore these ideas. Give yourself permission to play, to be curious, to dream. Like the sparks that kindle and grow into a roaring flame, one or more of these new ideas may become the foundation for something bigger in your life.

Stretch beyond what you know, what you believe and what you consider possible. This is not the time to play small or to settle for “good enough.” This is the time to imagine, to become newly inspired and to reach for the stars. The only limits on the possibilities for your life lie within your mind. Open yourself to more, and the Universe will respond in kind. ✨

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid


I have been reflecting today on the four seasons, and how they represent the changes the earth goes through over the course of a year - and how we often experience similar changes over the course of our lives (many times!). This week I have 4 beautiful images of the seasons for you to choose from. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. All 4 messages are below in the comments. ✨



✨🔔Your ANGEL is saying
to you now... 🙏✨✨


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Turtle Spirit 🐢
Slow and steady wins the race.

Your dreams and goals are materializing. What you have been manifesting is on its way to you. It can be hard to trust that this is true when we see so little proof that what we want and need is on its way. But this week’s card is reminding you that, while progress may seem slow and evidence may be scant, you are actually closer than you realize.

We can’t always see the ways that Spirit is helping us. How they create avenues of opportunity for us to follow. Sometimes, all we can do is trust and believe - even when it seems against the odds to do so.

There is no need to hurry. You will reach your destination at exactly the right time - when circumstances as well as your soul are perfectly ready. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep doing your part, and the Universe will oblige by opening doors and clearing the path before you. You are on your way. And you will win this race.

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid


Today I am drawn to the beauty of nature, and especially the delicate strength of flowers. So, this week I have 4 beautiful flower images for you to choose from. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. The messages are below. 🌺

Image 1 - If you chose this image, you are beginning to see the light at the end of a long and arduous tunnel. You have battled the darkness and pushed yourself forward, not knowing or understanding exactly what would lie ahead. But now, the clouds are clearing and the sun is beginning to shine on you, your life, and the path you are on. It’s time to get excited again. Enjoy the sunshine - literally and figuratively. Things will be clearer and all your hard inner and outer work is about to pay off. 🌻

Image 2 - If you chose this image, you are beginning a time of personal retreat. Of going inward, freeing yourself from unhelpful distractions, and learning to listen to the song of your own heart. This is an important time. Don’t dismiss this opportunity. It isn’t wasted time. It is everything you need and more. When you come out of this time of inner reflection, healing and positive personal growth, you will feel like a brand new person, ready to take on the world. Enjoy this time of quietude. Your soul is building up to something magnificent. 🍃

Image 3 - If you chose this image, you are being encouraged to understand that there is more on offer than you see in front of you right now. If things don’t seem to be coming together the way you had hoped, and you find yourself struggling with a decision - give it a little more time. A plan is in motion and being developed on your behalf in the background. The waiting may feel painfully frustrating, but trust that it will all be worth it in the end. Pause for now. Just a little while longer. When that time comes, everything will seem to magically come together, and you will it’s time to make your move. 💐

Image 4 - If you chose this image, you are being asked to remember what you want for yourself in the longterm. What you want in the moment may conflict with the bigger picture of what you desire for your life. Don’t let instant gratification get in the way of the progress you have been craving. You are making changes or working diligently toward something that is important to you. Keep that goal in the forefront of your mind and every day, make choices that are aligned with your highest good. This is how you will get where you want to be. 🌸

Thank you for sharing, commenting and liking 💗


This helps me today. Maybe it will help you too 💗💗

✨🔔Your ANGEL is saying
to you now... 🙏✨✨


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Frog Spirit 🐸
Clear out the clutter.

What are you hanging onto that you no longer need? This could refer to practical items around your home or office. Items that used to hold a purpose for you, but are now just taking up space.

The Frog Spirit could also be referring to outdated ideas, attitudes, or perceptions. Where have your thoughts about yourself, the future or your purpose grown stale? Are you holding yourself to unrealistic expectations? Are you clinging to ideas that seemed perfect in the past, but no longer suit you or the path you’re on?

Now is the time to clear out the clutter in your life - in whatever form that makes sense to you. As you release what you no longer need, you make room for something even better to arrive. Trust that the Universe will provide. It’s time to let go and allow.

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid


Right now, you are someone’s angel.
They still remember you because of the time you were kind to them.
They think of you each time they wish to be reminded that there is still love that exists in the world.
And to them, the world is a more beautiful place because you exist,
and because of the love you have left behind.

Someone somewhere is praying to be like you or do what you have done. And for them, you are an inspiration. 💗

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Artwork by Catrin Welz-Stein

You NEED to Hear THIS Right Now! // pick a card tarot reading #spiritmessages 11/05/2024

What do you need to hear right now? Find out what your Spirit Guides are trying to tell you, with my latest pick-a-card tarot reading.

You NEED to Hear THIS Right Now! // pick a card tarot reading

YouTube channel

You NEED to Hear THIS Right Now! // pick a card tarot reading #spiritmessages This reading takes a look at what you need toner right now. Choose your card & group and click on the timestamp below.BOOK A PERSONAL READING: https://pinktu...


✨Weekly Focus Card✨

Porcupine Spirit 🐾
Time for beginner mind.

Not all surprises are good ones, but this week’s message from Porcupine Spirit is beaming with positivity. As this week unfolds, you may be faced with a situation that brings in feelings of insecurity, vulnerability or even a bit of fear - but trust that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Approach this time with the innocence and unconditional belief of a child. Be curious and fearless, and alive with anticipation. If you can step into everything the week has to offer with the mindset of someone who knows they cannot fail - you just might surprise yourself with how right you turn out to be. 😃

Thank you for liking, commenting and sharing this card if it resonates with you 💗🙏🏻

Deck: Spirit Animal Oracle
Colette Baron-Reid


Happy Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you! 😉😂). This week I have 4 out-of-this-world images for you. Which one speaks to you? Claim an image and drop the number in the comments. Your messages are in the comments 🪐




Have a happy and blessed Beltane 🧚‍♂️🌱☀️

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Let go of doubts and decide you can have the life you desire. The Universe will always help you when you believe 💗
Anyone else feeling this lately?? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
One Minute Advice ReadingThank you for liking, commenting and sharing if this reading resonated with you 💗🙏🏻