Magic is a method that allows you to act on your future to make it happier for you or for the people around you.
There are several kinds of magic: White Magic, Red Magic, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria and all of them are specials.
)0(Buenos dias a todos!!!
Estoy preparando pociones magicas para el placer del cuerpo y los sentidos... Pronto )0(
On this Venus-ruled Friday, with the moon in Venus-ruled Ta**us, it’s the perfect day to make this earthy, love-drawing perfume.
You will need the following:
* 10 drops vetiver essential oil
* 5 drops patchouli essential oil
* 5 drops vanilla essential oil
* A 5 ml glass bottle
* A quartz crystal point
* Sweet almond oil
Combine the essential oils in the glass bottle. Close the lid and shake gently. Then bury it at the base of a tree (ideally in your yard or the yard of someone you know so it won’t be disturbed) to let it absorb the deep, sensual energies of Mother Earth. Place the quartz crystal point on top to mark the bottle’s location and further empower it with magic.
In seven days, dig up the bottle, wash off the dirt, and fill it the rest of the way with sweet almond oil. Shake gently to combine. Apply to your wrists, belly, and heart to attract romantic attention, enhance sexual attraction, and help magnetize the love you desire.
Witchcraft For Coping With COVID-19: Banish, Protect And Heal The outbreak of the novel coronavirus is a global crisis that is also impacting every area of our lives. As witches, our work for banishing, protection and healing involves both the mainstream practices and our deeper work with the magick and medicine given to us by the goddess.
Trucos caseros para brujear y sentirse mejor. Hay que amarse y cuidarse.
)0( Aqui tienen la receta para hacer agua Florida en casa...Que lo disfruten!!! Muchas Bendiciones en este tiempo de cuarentena. )0(
Estoy preparando unos Rolls On con aceites esenciales con propósito mágicos y terapéuticos!!! Ya mismo estaran listos
Working on something witchy😊
Taino Art - Atabey Goddess of fresh water and fertility, Earth Spirit, Spirit of all horizontal water.
Atabey Goddess in blue tones and gold!
Oil paint on canvas
6x6 inches
Atabey is the supreme goddess of the Taínos, one of two supreme deities in the Taíno religion. She was worshipped as a goddess of fresh water and fertility; she is the female entity who represents the Earth Spirit and the Spirit of all horizontal water, lakes, streams, the sea, and the marine tides.
This deity was one of the most important for the native tribes that inhabited the Caribbean islands of the Antilles, mostly in Puerto Rico (Borikén) and Haiti/Dominican Republic.
Atabey or Atabeira defines prime matter and all that is tangible or material and has several manifestations. One is the aforementioned nurturing maternal figure. Another is Caguana: the spirit of love. The last is Guabancex (also known as Gua Ban Ceh): the violent, Wild Mother of storms volcanoes and earthquakes.
Alternate names for the Taíno mother goddess are Iermaoakar, Apito, and Sumaiko and Taíno women prayed to Atabey to ensure a safe childbirth.
Diosa Taina Atabey en tonos azules y oro!
Pintura al óleo sobre lienzo
6x6 pulgadas
Atabey es la diosa suprema de los taínos (pueblos nativos en la era precolombina), una de las dos deidades supremas de la religión taína. Fue adorada como una diosa del agua dulce y la fertilidad; Ella es la entidad femenina que representa el Espíritu de la Tierra y el Espíritu de todas las aguas horizontales, lagos, arroyos, el mar y las mareas marinas. Esta deidad fue una de las más importantes para las tribus nativas que habitaban las islas caribeñas de las Antillas, principalmente en Puerto Rico (Borikén), Haití / República Dominicana y La Hispaniola.
Atabey o Atabeira define la materia prima y todo lo que es tangible o material y tiene varias manifestaciones. Una de ellas es la citada figura materna nutritiva. Otro es Caguana: el espíritu del amor. El último es Guabancex (también conocido como Gua Ban Ceh): la violenta y salvaje Madre de las tormentas, volcanes y terremotos.
Los nombres alternativos para la diosa madre taína son Lermaoakar, Apito, y las mujeres Sumaiko y Taíno rezaron a Atabey para garantizar un parto seguro.
🐰Ostara se aproxima y estamos preparando unas sorpresas🐰