Tyler Grey

Tyler Grey

Former military, current Hollywood, future still in development.


Been awhile since l've posted and the reason is: It's been a
VERY rough couple of months with this strike in Hollywood. It has cost me a lot and a lot more than just money. That being said I have also learned a lot and many things that I don't think I would have learned any other way. As bad as this situation is and has been, I won't die from it so in the grand scheme of life it won't matter. I say all this because even know that it is very hard to not stress in the present even when you know it will be ok. I'm working on that. The reason for this post is to say: Stop judging yourself. For months I've been saying mean things to myself about "how did I not see this coming", "I should have done this or that" etc. You did the best you could at the time with the information at the time. Period. So take it easy on yourself when you make mistakes. Lastly: so what does this post have to do with the photo? Nothing. I just thought it was a good picture.🤷‍♂️
Have a great weekend!


I'm smiling not because my life is perfect but because l accept that it never will be. I have so many things I am grateful for and the things I want to change l am working on. I have finally found what I was searching for my whole life and every morning I wake up thankful. I still have a long way to go to get where l want to be but at this point l understand that it's the journey that IS life not arriving at the destination. Like any journey what's important is less where you go and much more who you qo with. On that note make sure you chose wisely and most importantly make sure you are the one choosing rather than just being chosen and going along for the ride.
This was my first professional photo shoot which was a lot of fun.Thanks for the great work and fun!


A quick snippet from my new podcast! Full video is up on my Patreon! My first guest is and seeing as how he is also an actor we filmed this mini show before the podcast. I have always live "Between Two Ferns" and so this is the military/ veteran version entitled: "Between Two Berms". I hope you like it.


Just posted a new video to Patreon about Tasers! I am a big fan of them: (using not being used on) and I do a breakdown of the pros and cons. If you haven't checked out my Patreon come check it out! Also the Raffle is now updated with bundle tickets which qives you more chances to win at the same cost! Also for those that have asked: the only company that Meta allows for raffles is this one and it's in the Uk which is why it's in pounds. It's strange but they are the only ones authorized so I have no choice. That being said, they are a pretty solid company based on my experience with them!


So this is something cool. It is an E&E kit that was issued to me by my unit and has a lot of stuff in it for the size. had another one thatl used but this one is brand new. This Raffle has a lot of cool things like this and I only had time to film certain things but there is so much awesomeness in the lots! The sword stuff alone is truly amazing and all one of a kind. To enter see the link in my bio above! Thanks al!


Here are some images of the stuff in the next raffle.
Don't miss your change these swords are ACTUAL Samurai swords with papers from Japan. If you don't know the story of Japanese swords from WWIl then you need to look it up as it is fascinating. In short: WWIl officers and senior enlisted were required to carry swords. If you had a family heirloom AKA passed down blade you got the fitted in WWl koserai (grip, suba, sheath) then went to war. After the war the US started destroying all the swords until some Japanese scholars convinced a U.S. general that they weren't just "weapons of war" they were culturally significant works of history and art. The general agreed to not destroy the swords on the condition they couldn't stay in Japan. Therefore every Gl was allowed to take a sword or simila. What most US soldiers did not know was that some of these swords had blades that were passed down some for over a 1000 years. That is why there are 1000's of real Samurai swords in the United States and Britain the vast majority brought in somewhat accidentally after the Great War. This captured my imagination and I spent a lot of time and money according these amazing works of art. Of note l am not a historian and that is my brief explanation of the past which l have no doubt is somewhat different from what actually happened. l am a storyteller not a history teacher so please don't take every detail as fact. What is a fact is that every Samurai piece is truly amazing and when you see the hand made craftsmanship up close it will amaze you l promise.


Link to enter the raffle is in my bio! I didn't think I would be doing a 2nd raffle but I also hadn't finished going through all my stuff in storage. I have also decided to let go of some true relics that I love but am letting go after much self debate. Also, I am keeping this open to shipping internationally. BUT know if you are international it may take some time to get all your stuff as last raffle one winner in Europe it would have cost $5000 to ship everything he won which was 10x more than I thought. Same with the meet and greet, if you are International please understand I have to have the time to fly out there. Keep in mind that the relics are one of a kind and a part of Warrior history! Looking forward to seeing who wins these two lots!


New on Patreon, just did a video and breakdown on how to avoid falling victim to credit card skimmers. It would be nice to live in a world where you didn't have to think about someone ripping you off while you are getting gas but criminals now days don't rob you at knife point, they rob you digitally where they aren't at physical risk. Awareness is the single most important aspect of self defense and this is just one of many things I will be putting out. Link to my Patreon my bio! Come join for the info, stay for the fun or vice versa. Have a great week!

Photos from Tyler Grey's post 24/06/2023

For 5 years I was part of a documentary done by my good friend .roman.waugh. It was quite a journey to film and honestly it feels now like someone else's life. We were talking about veterans mental health in 2008 and I am happy with the information that we put out. I've been asked about how to find it and so l put the link up in my bio. I hope anyone who watches gets something from it.


This is a picture of my me when I was a sniper team leader which means: less shooting, more radio talking. This picture was our Afghanistan train up in Yakima WA. This trip was probably the happiest l ever was in the military. I was at that point where you know so many people because no one has hit their ETS dates. I was also an E5 which was the perfect rank: in charge of 4 and not yet dealing with any politics. Speaking of politics: I don't post any on social media. It's not that I am unaware, it's that I believe the intent is creating conflict between the classes that aren't at the top. I believe that self sufficiency is the new rebellion and that is what I will be teaching on my Patreon show. To come join see the link in my bio.


First trailer released for my new old show that will only be released in full on my Patreon! I did 5 mini episodes 6 years ago but then had to stop due to other commitments. Now it's back and filming again all new content. I will also be releasing all of the unreleased episodes which you can see some footage of in the trailer. As a kid | wanted to be half Rambo, half James Bond. This show will show you how to become that. I can't make it any more clear than that! See the Patreon link in my bio, let's goooo!! Brought to you by CCWSafe if you don't have this coverage, get it.


Nice to have my Twitter back after it being hacked by well...hackers. Come follow me for no other reason than the fact that anything I say is limited to 140 characters! That alone is worth it! On a serious note: I am for any platform that advocates free speech so l'm truly happy to return now that that is the case. Update On the Patreon side: it is no longer my group, it is a community and we are qoing to take it much much further. Come check it out we have donuts.


Happy Father's Day to this man who somehow is still alive.This picture was from a NASCAR race that I was able to take him to for his birthday thanks to SEAL Team. It is tied for the happiest I have ever seen him and I will remember it forever. I sincerely thank him for everything he did for me which made me the person I am today. My Dad grew up not knowing his father. He still doesn't to this day. I realize now he was doing what we knew while struggling with his own issues of abandonment. I was too young to understand at the time but now the message is crystal clear: I will break that cycle when I am a father. Sometimes I now feel like our purpose in life is simply to break generational trauma. I type this with gratitude that I had a father and that he is still around today. Happy Father's Day dad! I am putting this nugget in here as a warning to myself if you ever figure out how to create an FB account as you will bring it up. Like an early warning radar.


Had a sinus surgery on Wednesday which hopefully fixes the small problem of not breathing in my sleep. I totally thought | would be fine the next day and yet it's Saturday and my head feels like it's ging to explode. Monday I will be releasing the trailer for my new show and later in the week the first episode of my Podcast entitled: "The As Yet Untitled Podcast". Very exciting stuff, try to stay in your seats. Have a great weekend everyone!


So little did I know it, but this was the last photo before my eyes were opened to how amazing your life can be if you accept that it deserves to be! Thanks so much to everyone who wrote me a message about the SRS Podcast. I will get back to every single person who wrote me (except you in the gorilla costume; you need help) in the next week or so, I truly appreciate taking the time to write me a message. Also, this coming week; the trailer will be posted for my new show on Patreon! The link to my Patreon in my bio, have a great weekend everyone!


Just like yesterday, time's not stopping 🤞


When you're going through your s**t and you find some s**t that reminds you of going through some s**t... lam glad I kept this as most of my military stuff I destroyed or gave away within 1-2 years of getting out. That will probably sound strange to many people but I wasn't happy that got out though it was absolutely my choice to medically retire. I didn't want to be reminded of that job, that life and more importantly: that version of me so l tried to destroy and/or get rid of it. I'm glad this survived because it will always be a part of me and I would argue that it is a part that I don't know if | could see "me" without. The quickest way to a happy present is an accepted past and an optimistic future.


Pretty decent view from the gym..! No matter what happens to you in life, the way through it is always: "just keep swimming." Have a great week and if it applies; get out of your own way as there is a better life on the other side.

Photos from Tyler Grey's post 13/06/2023

So yesterday I went and got some of my tactical stuff so I could start making content for Patreon! So while I was at the warehouse yesterday I filmed a video going through some stuff which is a quick overview of things to come. The video is up now I have a lot of stuff to come and I am truly excited about this journey! I also talked to someone very well known in the industry and are going to be doing some content together that will be unique and ground breaking. If you want to jump in the Patreon journey the link is in my bio! I hope everyone has a great day!


Shameless teaser for the video l just put out. This is the single most important thing that helped me 13 years ago when started really trying to "fix" myself. I just posted a 9 min video about it on Patreon. So what is it about; your hormones and bloodwork. I cannot overstate the importance of knowing your baseline and how they affect not just your physical but more importantly : your mental health. No one wants to talk about this and I don't really know why, but I will. I'll say it again: this is the single most important thing I did on my path to being mentally healthy. I will continue to put out what I know worked at least for me. In the video l obviously qive a lot more info but if you have never researched this trust me when I say it's worth it.


Ah the arrogance of youth. Il always wanted to go "Akimbo" with AKs after the devastation with one playing "007" on the Nintendo 64. This was taken in Afganistán in 2002, feels like another life one separate from mine at this point. I think trying to reinvent myself in Hollywood was a little excessive as I got too far from a big part of who I am and will always be. Going forward feels good as l am integrating both sides of myself on all three timelines: past, present and future. The only way to be fully authentic is to be fully integrated. If you want to see what I'm up to: Cash me outside. Wait, no no I meant catch me on Patreon, the link is in my bio! Some won't get that reference and if not you're missing out.

Photos from Tyler Grey's post 09/06/2023

So as I figure out these platforms and how to promote stuff for the first time in my life, here is a preview of a video posted on my Patreon. I will be essentially downloading my brain onto that platform and putting out all of my knowledge and experience. Click on my Patreon link in my profile o join the fun. Oh and if someone thinks I am acting like a girl promoting her OnlyFans... it's because it's true.


Except from a recent post I did on Patreon. So a couple things: I love Patreon so far because they are not owned by a bigger
tech company so you can put out what you want so l will be doing tactical content that I have had and wanted to do but no ability to
put it out there. In addition I will doing things like the post here. Far as tactical stuff I will be doing a coaching program with fitness,
nutrition, shooting drills etc incorporated. I will be changing my Patreon in the next week into a 3-tier system in order to give each of the content types it's own tier. Thanks so much for all the feedback on the podcast it's strange how you say things you think are unique to yourself only to find out that so many others had a very similar experience. The lesson in that is this: open up. The more you do the more we connect with and understand each other better. Have a great week everyone!! Patreon.com/Greyman80

Photos from Tyler Grey's post 06/06/2023

I was lucky enough to go to Normandy in 2014 for the 70th anniversary of the D Day landings. I also got to talk to several Normandy Raiders which very sadly that pporturnity is now gone. It was amazing and hard explain how much it changed the way I view a lot of things. Podcast part 2 will be coming soon I am very happy people that some people are getting something they can take away for themselves from it. Thanks again for the feedback and happy June 6th. Oh also this picture is me over looking Pointe Du Hoc in 2014. It was something beyond words to explain.


Hi l'm Tyler and I have a control disorder. I want to control things around me to make them safe from harming me: physically and/or emotionally and to also make life "easier". Sound familiar to anyone else? There's only one small problem with this: It's impossible. You don't control anything around you and the more you try the more it will create anxiety, frustration and possibly even anger. So what do you do? Stop. Stop trying to control things, people, time etc. Control what you can and that is only ever yourself. Also it should be said that sometimes even that is tough or near impossible. So do your best to focus on and control yourself and your attitude towards everything external. Talk to anyone above 80 and they all say the same things: "I wish I didn't care as much as I did about things that never really mattered". In the words of Obi-Wan: "Let go Luke".

Photos from Tyler Grey's post 05/06/2023

We are live!! Shawn Ryan Show podcast is up! Go check it out, there are a lot of things in there that I've never said before and I truly feel those things will change the way some people look at themselves and their past. My website is up as well, it was rushed to be put upP So if you see any errors or changes to be made please message me so I can get them fixed! Also I started a Patreon! I am learning that platform but so far I think it is going to be good as I now have a place to create content for and that is exciting! I am finally accepting putting myself out there which goes against my fundamental nature but to grow you have to be uncomfortable so time to be uncomfortable! Thanks everyone l truly appreciate everyone on here, there is seldom something negative on here which on the internet is something that is exceedingly rare. Shows the quality of people who are on here and I won't let you down in the content I'll be putting out. Thanks again everyone!


Big day tomorrow, Shawn Ryan Show comes out as well as my website. I hope people get something from the podcast I feel we went super in depth and it's (in my opinion) a pretty comprehensive summary of my journey till now. The best part is that I'm writing the rest of it currently. You aren't just the main character in the story of your life, you are the author. Someone asked me once "in the story of your life, are you the hero or the villain." I still stand by my answer: both. Get out of your own way.


Me at my Ranger School graduation many pounds lighter than when I started. I went to the school as a Private First Class/E3 who had never been in charge of anyone and as a bonus in RAP week I made the mistake of answering an Rls difficult question about the movie "Red Dawn"which put me as the company First Sargent. I was overwhelmed but I got through it. The main lesson I learned was "when in charge, be in charge". Monday my website will be put up after years of debating if I should even do it. The other day remembered that saying and realized that it applies to your own life. YOU are in charge of it, so BE in charge of it! I'm looking forward to working with anyone that wants to change where they are, how they feel or both as they are essentially the cause of each other. The website link is now in my profile it goes live Monday the same day as the podcast I did with Shawn Ryan Show . Oh and no that isn't a coincidence, I am finally comfortable seizing on opportunities. I'll say it a million times: get out of your own way.

Photos from Tyler Grey's post 03/06/2023

Monday June 5 the podcast I did with Shawn Ryan Show comes out. It is a VERY in-depth interview about a lot of topics including the struggles I have had and some l still have to work on to this day. I believe many people will be able to relate and I hope that me talking about mine and how I got through them will help others. This Podcast the first time since my documentary that my diary footage
from many years ago is being used which l never thought anyone would ever see. That same day Monday June 5, my website will finally go live that I have been thinking about and working on for at least 7 years. Through the website I will be offering: coaching, speaking events, workshops, online classes as well as my own podcast as well as another podcast I will co-host specifically about relationships. People have asked me about this for years and it's always been something l have wanted to do. So why now? Because I finally figured out the last barrier to what I wanted in life: myself. I am finally getting out of my own way and since I have started that about a year ago my whole life has changed. Now I want to not just tell people how I did it for myself but show people how they can do it for themselves. More information to follow everyone have a great weekend!


This was a nice place to enjoy lunch. I am odd in the sense that I like cities and nature (the woods specifically) equally and am extremely comfortable and at home in both. I have a lot going on right now and I really didn't want to travel right now but to get where you want to go means often don't what you don't feel like doing. Have a great week! Oh and the sleeveless shirt isa costume not my personal fashion choice FYI! In fact I don't think I have ever worn a sleeveless shirt till this one!


I have had to stop and restart my fitness journey many times.I'm doing it again right now which is hard because you lose what took so long to gain. That being said: each time I lost those "gains" I gained experience from the loss. I now know that the body will adapt and I'll be able to push past my previous best IF I just keep pushing. Nothing is final unless you let it be. Have to stop working out is out of your control, but restarting is. Stop focusing on the number and focus on the effort. You can't also do the same weight, but you can always give all your effort at that time. Time to get back on the horse..

