Restorative Sexual Health Clinic

Restorative Sexual Health Clinic

Restorative S*xual Health Clinic is aimed at restoring you to the natural process of intimacy and powerful s*xual connection with your partner.

Book an appointment with us and let's discuss.


As part of the S*xual Health Awareness week, read what Connor has to share. 🧡 Let us be advocates of active listening and encourage men in our circles to break the stigma that comes with the s*xual performance of young men. That men are also allowed to enjoy intimacy rather than just bravado.

To read, check the link below! ⬇️*x-drive-and-s*xual-performance-anxiety/


This week is WA's S*xual Health Awareness so for every day we will be sharing with you some facts or stories that you might love to know about, share to friends, or would be helpful to you.


We really hope you got it right! 😜 Happy Valentine's Day!

Enjoy your Valentine's however way you want to celebrate it! ⁠

Oh... in case you've forgotten, we're still offering 10% off to join the rising celebrations. 🙃⁠

Use code NAUGHTY at check-out!⁠

Shop below:


So P***s Project podcasters, you asked for it so we have delivered. This is a story where things post prostate treatment didn’t go quite as planned. Mr Positive P***s had a long rough road but got there eventually. Both Jo and I have had a lot of feedback that we have presented positive stories re prostate cancer rehab. So we have listened and given you a view from the not so rosey side.

Today, we speak with Positive P***s who didn’t have the happiest of starts.

Listen and we hope for you to learn a lot. 🧡

Check our the link below to have a listen!


World Cancer Day

It's World Cancer Day today. Also a time to raise awareness - for all kinds of cancers.

For prostate cancer, about 1 man in 8 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime (

When you're 50.
You need to have a conversation with your doctor about PSA testing.
If you're of African or Caribbean descent, do it at 45.
If you have a family history, do it at 45. (


As you will all be aware, we are in 5 days of lockdown in WA so I would like to explain how this will affect you and any appointments with RSHC.

Your health is still very important to us so we will still be offering face-to-face appointments or you can change it to telehealth (phone, zoom, or skype).

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like your appointment changed to telehealth otherwise we will expect to see you at the usual appointment time wearing a mask.

If you would like to book an appointment then the procedure is as usual, contact Jodie the Admin Angel or book online.

Also don’t forget, we now have weekly clinics available at Joondalup and appointments can be arranged within one week.

Now we are in lockdown it is more important than ever to get the bits working!

Stay safe,
~ Melissa


Episode 18 is up! For this episode, we talk with Heather.

Heather talks about the most recent innovation there is for medical s*x toys – s*x toys for persons with disability.

Listen as to how this innovation came about, the inspiration to create it, and all the people who brought this masterpiece together.

Heather, Dr. Jo and Melissa also discuss about Heather’s book entitled The Handi Book of Love, Lust & Disability – a book full of stories, inspiration, and a mind opener.

As Heather says, the goal of the book is to open us into the doors of what other people go through to hopefully change our perspectives and be able to build empathy more – for others and for ourselves. Do remember that S*xual pleasure is a human right.

Listen here: https://thep***


For your Friday night podcast session, Episode 17 is up!

Listen to Claire as she discusses about life, grief, and moving forward.

Listen here:


We're back! And we hope everyone had a great holiday!

For today's episode, meet Pedro, the Portuguese Prick (Pedro's term).

Listen as he talks about his journey, what made him change his mind and accept treatment and how or why he felt like losing his virginity all over again!

Check below to listen!


Timeline Photos


Happy New Year everyone!🎉 I am having some down time to re-energize for 2021. Excited to see you all again after the 18th of January when I will back to work. Right now, I’m having lots of fun with my favourite toy in my happy place.

~ Melissa 😘


Have a naughty naughty Christmas! Next Christmas make your wishes more specific especially when you order something big and long. 🤣⁠


To know more about Peyronie's disease, we have interviewed one young adult in one of our P***s Project podcast episode. Listen as he described his experience and what he did to face it.

Check the link below:


Episode 15 is up! Dr. Jo and I will a have break and we will back on the 13th of January 2021. 😉

We hope everyone will have an amazing holiday break! 🔥🔥🔥


Men’s mental health is as important. If given the chance, do engage in conversation. And take time to listen.


Episode 14 is up! Getting diagnosed with Testicular Cancer at 32. Check the link below to listen!


Glenn was diagnosed at 32 with Testicular Cancer. That was three years ago. And fortunately, according to him, his life is now back to normal.

Glenn talks about his experience from the time symptoms appeared to that time when he decided to have his check-up (6 months after experiencing signs and symptoms), to eventually going through the operation, and to changing his perspective on life after everything that happened.

Glenn’s advice to anyone experiencing some symptoms?

‘There’s nothing to be ashamed of, go see the doctor’. ;)

Testicular Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men between 18-35, affecting 1-2% of the population. To help you with checking your nuts, here is a very helpful resource from Movember:


Episode 13 of the P***s Project is up!

Craig is a men's health expert and also the author of Prostate Recovery MAP (Men's Action Plan 2). Listen as he talks about the importance of a holistic approach to men's health, explains what man points are, and why prostate cancer is not a war but a guerilla movement.

His advice: try to get the emotion out of the diagnosis.

To listen to the full episode, check the link below:

You can also listen to the podcast through your favourite podcast channels.

Do you have questions about men's health but too embarassed to ask? Send us a message and we will ask the question and find the answer for you!


Episode 12 of the P***s Project is up!

For today's episode, we speak with Naomi. Naomi is a male to female trans woman. Please listen as she shares her story in a heartfelt, honest exchange. From overcoming her prostate cancer at 47, her challenges to becoming the woman she is now, and to advocating the importance of frequent PSA checks.

To listen to the full episode, just click the link in our bio.


You can also listen to the podcast through your favourite podcast channels (Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, etc).


The P***s Project Podcast is the place to come to find out everything you've always wanted to know about men's health but were too embarrassed to ask.

🌈 *xualhealthawareness


Have you heard of THERMIva? Is s*x painful, does your va**na not feel quite right, do you have stress incontinence or nocturnal frequency?, THERMIva could be your answer!

THERMIva is the latest technology that uses radio-frequency energy to gently heat tissue to reclaim, restore and revive feminine wellness. It uses a special wand applicator that may be applied externally to labial and v***ar tissues to restore normal tissue tone and function. Think anti aging for you va**na and v***a!

THERMIva can actually enhance the outer appearance of the va**na as well by plumping up the tissues and improving tone. The specially designed hand piece may also deliver radio-frequency energy inside the va**na to revive atrophic tissue and other structures.

The great thing about this procedure is how quick and easy it is.

All it requires is short 30 minute sessions one month apart with no anaesthesia, and then you are done.

Check the link in our below to know more about this procedure or book an appointment with us and let’s talk!


Episode 11 is up!🔥

For this episode, we speak with Professor Declan Murphy who is a Consultant Urologist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Dr. Declan specialises full-time in GU Oncology, prostate cancer in particular - from diagnosis to deeper treatment.

As an added bonus this week, Dr. Jo has put together a special addition on Pelvic Floor for you all which will follow this interview.

You can listen to the podcast on your favorite channels or listen directly here:



Sometimes, the first step to understanding what you are experiencing is to find someone to talk to. 🧡 Don't you agree?

Thanks, Colin!


Seeking medical help EARLY when signs and symptoms arise is a good initial way to combat Prostate Cancer. Make sure you or the men in your life get tested. Routine testing should start at 50 or 40-45 if a family history is present.



Having issues down there? Send us a message or call us.🔥 You can also know more about the services we offer on our website. Just click the link below:

*xologist 🇦🇺


Episode 10 of the P***s Project is up!

Listen here: https://thep***

Today, we hear an extremely passionate Lina Scaffildi talk about the emotional impacts of her proud husband having to wear nappies (continence pads) following surgery for prostate cancer and how this made her realise how difficult this can be for men.

You may have never considered it before but what does a man do with incontinence pads when out in public?

Men’s toilets do not come with sanitary bins so what is a bloke to do??!!! Here comes the amazing Lina (and Dr. Jo) to change that!

Listen to the podcast to know what happens! 🔥😉 Check the link below to listen.


The P***s Podcast is also available in your favourite podcast channels - Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, etc.

Enjoy listening!


If expanding was that easy. 😅



The P***s Project Podcast Episode 9 is up!

For this episode, we hear Percy’s story. Percy was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years after his father. He did not take the diagnosis seriously, to begin with, and waited 6 months before seeing the urologist. However, 3 years down the track, he is going well and is 90% back to pretreatment functionality.

Click the link below to listen to the full podcast:

Want the latest episodes in your inbox? Subscribe here!

You can also listen through your favourite podcast channels:
Apple podcasts:***s-project-podcast

Google Podcasts:***s-project






Thank you for this delightful poem! This was written by an amazing client of mine, he has so much passion for life and relationships. Feel free to share with anyone who would enjoy reading it, too. 🔥 You can share your own poems in the comments, too! 😉

Thank you, . ✨


My Thoughts On Pulse Duo (Hot Octopus)/ Nero and Viberect

Have you been thinking about these three and curious to know what effects each brings? I and my resident p***s, Roger, have some thoughts to share after experiencing them ourselves.

Learn about it below:

Restorative S*xual Health Clinic is aimed at restoring you to the natural process of intimacy and powerful s*xual connection with your partner.


Episode 8 is up!

This month is Movember which is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's su***de. The Movember Foundation runs the Movember charity event, housed at

We thought it would be fitting to start the month off with a mental health issue. So in this Episode 8, Jo and Melissa speak with Parry.

Parry is an ex-military and has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for many years. Parry talks about his journey from denial through to acceptance, diagnosis, and treatment. He speaks openly about how this illness has affected his life and those who he cares about and how he has found his way through.

Listen here:

You can now also listen to the podcast through youtube! Just click the link below:

Listen through your favourite podcast channels!

Apple podcasts:***s-project-podcast

Google Podcasts:***s-project



Restorative S*xual Health Australia

30% to 50% of the population experience s*xual dysfunction at some stage in their life.

S*x is important for everyone’s quality of life, for intimacy in relationships, for our mental, physical and spiritual health.

Restorative S*xual Health Clinic is aimed at restoring you to the natural process of intimacy and powerful s*xual connection with your partner. Melissa provides evidenced-based care in a non-judgemental, open and friendly environment. Her goal is to enable you to have the best experience with yourself and your partner. She believes all s*xual experiences should be enjoyable and pain-free.

Book an appointment with us, today.

Videos (show all)

My Thoughts On Pulse Duo (Hot Octopus)/ Nero and Viberect


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00