Made In Africa

Made In Africa


Made In Africa Network is a U.S.

non-profit organisation established to assist the development of the African continent, by providing first-stage funding for the feasibility studies and business development of large-scale infrastructure projects. The Network is a independent spin-off of the for-profit Made in Africa founded by Ozwald Boateng, the Ugandan Prince Hassan Kimbugwe, and barrister Chris Cleverly in 2006. Made in Africa

Untitled album 19/07/2015

The Afrikan C-Section

by What You Don't Know 100 on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 10:40pm ·

African C-Section
A white man named Dr. R.W. Felkin, a missionary, shocked the European medical community when he published in the Edinburgh Medical Journal in 1884 that the Banyoro surgeons in Uganda performed caesarian sections routinely, without harmful effects to the mother or the infant. A group of European surgeons went to study in Uganda for six months before they could successfully learn the advanced surgical techniques demonstrated by the Africans.

In 1880 AD in Europe, the mortality rate was almost 100% for mothers delivering their babies by C-Section(that is delivering babies through the abdomen).. THIS IS WHY THE EUROPEANS HAD TO GO TO UGANDA TO LEARN HOW TO PROPERLY PERFORM A C-SECTION AND THEY WERE ALSO TAUGHT TO ROUTINELY WASH THE SURGEON'S HANDS AND THE MOTHER'S ABDOMEN WITH ALCOHOL PRIOR TO SURGERY TO PREVENT INFECTIONS!!!!!!

I Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the TRUTH!!!!!

Africa 101 Book | 101 Ways To Make Money in Africa 18/02/2015

Why you should read this book...


"Africa is a land of opportunity; it’s the world’s last market frontier and the second-fastest growing economic region of the world. Africa’s economic journey to catch up with the rest of the developed world is a trillion-dollar opportunity for those who know where to look.

Right now, there is a silent revolution going on in Africa. While the rest of the world sees a continent that’s stricken with poverty, diseases and conflict, what they don’t see is a continent whose time for prosperity is already here.

We wrote this book to show you a side of Africa the media doesn’t talk about very often. We wrote this book to show you the unbelievable business opportunities that exist in Africa and the amazing success stories that prove their viability and profitability. We wrote this book to spark your brain with innovative ideas that will make you money in Africa.

In fact, we wrote this book for two classes of people. The first are Africans and non-Africans outside the continent who want to start a business here. The second are the millions of potential entrepreneurs who currently live in Africa but have no idea what kind of business to start.

Above all, we wrote this book for people who want clear, factual and actionable information about the kinds of businesses that will work in Africa."

Africa 101 Book | 101 Ways To Make Money in Africa Do you want to inspire yourself with ideas? Are you planning to start a business in Africa? Are you looking to quit your job? Here's what this book will give you: Lots of amazing business ideas in one place! It could literally take you years to find and research all the business ideas contained in t…

MADE IN AFRICA 16/12/2013



1. We Will Wait For No One 2.We Will make The Things Africa Needs 3. We Will See Challenges As Opportunities to Invent, And Invention As A Means To Proving African Ingenuity 4. We Will Be Obsessed With Improving Things Weather Just A Little Or A Lot 5. We Will Show the World How Sexy African Manufacturing Can Be 6. We Will Hunt Down New Skills, Unmask Locally Made Materials, Keep Our Work Sustainable And Be Kind To The Environments In Which We Make 7. We Will Share, And Help Each Other Make What We Share 8. We Will Be Responsible For Acting On Our Own Ideas 9. We Will Forge Collaborations Across Our Continent !0. We Will Remake Africa With Our Own Hands.

MADE IN AFRICA 24/07/2013


Made In Africa Network is a U.S. non-profit organisation established to assist the development of the African continent, by providing first-stage funding for the feasibility studies and business development of large-scale infrastructure projects.

The Network is a independent spin-off of the for-profit Made in Africa founded by Ozwald Boateng, the Ugandan Prince Hassan Kimbugwe, and barrister Chris Cleverly in 2006.

Made in Africa Network engages with entities that include international governments, multinational organizations, financial institutions, and private investors, to advocate for the continent and the network's supported projects, and to raise awareness of the economic changes taking place in Africa.

The Made in Africa Network was established to provide finance for feasibility studies, support and development of African businesses, and projects involved in the development of major infrastructure projects across Africa.

Our mission is to introduce a funding mechanism to assist successful businesses in Africa to transform their existing investments and prospects and to give Africa Independence through development and infrastructure.

We must each work regardless of distance to ensure ALL Africans enjoy security, peace and prosperity abroad and especially in our motherland.


This Network's mission is based on Ozwald Boateng’s statement: “It’s a well-known statistic that US$400 million of funding for feasibility studies and master plans across sub-Saharan Africa would develop over US$100 billion of infrastructure projects, which in turn would create a trillion dollars of value across Africa. The first step is often the hardest and we have created this Foundation with Atlantic Energy to make that step easier for Africans.


In interview, Ozwald Boateng discussed African diaspora returning to develop enterprises in the region, and urged more to do the same. Central to Made in Africa Network’s objectives is to encourage and provide support for these individuals.

The Network has made efforts to show that it considers African Americans - people of African origin – as part of its definition of the African diaspora, which it holds alongside those within Africa, as central to Africa’s growth story. At a network press conference on the “unification of the African Diaspora” was disseminated at the 9th Annual African Union (AU) Summit in Accra, Within it Ozwald Boateng stated:

“I felt that this [conference on unification] was important for me to be involved in for many different reasons, one of them is to allow African American’s to be part of this moment in history by inviting key African American’s to build a bridge between both continents - physically and spiritually… African Americans are a strong part of African’s future”.

Made in Africa has previously linked with significant African American figures including Jamie Foxx, Chris Tucker, Mos Def, Isaiah Washington and Herbie Hancock to further advocate for this unity among African Americans.
