ASE Mentorship and Tutoring UOttawa

ASE Mentorship and Tutoring UOttawa

A.S.E. (Academic Success Educators) is a non-profit, volunteer-based, tutoring
and mentorship organi



ASE provides free online tutoring and mentorship sessions to help you make it through this semester!

University of Ottawa - Science 18/01/2021


Transition into post-secondary can make you feel like you're constantly falling behind, or like you'll never meet the right community of friends. Entering university is hard, but with the right resources and support, you WILL find your rhythm!

Having experienced much of the same feelings as you feel now, we want to help out! A.S.E is a non-profit, student-run organization that provides tutoring and mentorship opportunities to undergrads in post-secondary institutions across Canada. There are no membership fees or charges so that we can make our services accessible to all!

We currently have tutors/mentors for the following courses:

ANP 1105
ANP 1106
BIO 1130/1530
BIO 1140/1540
CHM 1311
CHM 1321
HSS 1100
HSS 1101
MAT 1300
MAT 1332
PSY 1101/1501
PSY 1102/1502
PHI 1101/1501
PHI 1102/1502
PHI 2396

To connect with a tutor/mentor, fill out the following forms:
Arts/Social Sciences -
Science -

If your course isn’t listed above, please feel free to contact Emily and Fajr at [email protected]!

For any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to directly DM us

Have a great school year!

University of Ottawa - Science A.S.E is a non-profit organization that provides tutoring and mentorship to 1st years at post-secondary institutions. Fill out the form below to connect with a tutor and/or mentor for science courses!