Frost •ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴs sᴛᴏʀɪᴇs

Frost •ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴs sᴛᴏʀɪᴇs

"I:m BACK!"


Chapter 9

The atmosphere in the room was dense. Duncan stood up. His body had began the transformation.. Half of it remained human. He stopped with the incantation and looked at Bev and Loner, who were standing near the door looking at him.

“ Join me. Join us, and we will live a better life”, he said. “ The entity shall sent us free.”

Bev and Loner looked at each other. They knew that Duncan was being mad and he had lost him mind.

“ You have to stop this Duncan. You can't let the 'entity' into our world”, pleaded Loner.

Duncan's face frowned and began to tell his tale, “ The loss of my daughter broke me. She was the only thing I cared about. Many years of operation I performed, compelled me to find the solution of death itself. New life. That's when I began experimenting on people. To find a solution. I was helped by the entity. It showed me how to start new life. That's when I started combining flesh and matter beyond our universe. Evelyne was my first experiment, but nothing seemed to had worked.”

“ you experimented on my friend!”, said Beverly in an angry tone.

Duncan didn't answer the question. He faced back at the portal and began chanting. Loner took out his gun and short him from behind, but that didn't do an effect on him. He let out screech that made Loner feel pain. He was torturing him in his mind that he began bleeding out his nose.

“ I'll join you!!”, Bev said. “ please, leave him alone..”

He stopped. Loner fell down feeling weak. He was dizzy and his vision was blurry.

“ walk closer Child”, he said.

Beverly walked closed to him. She knew that she couldn't let him finish the incantation. Already half of the hospital was transformed, the whole world would be even worse. That's when she held Duncan as she threw themselves inside the portal. A bright light occurred which sealed the gateway. The robes figure vanished and the little girl melted.

Loner stood up and leaned against the wall. He went to triangle drawing but there wasn't any chance of getting Beverly back. The hospital began shaking and collapsing. Loner used that little strength he had left in him to get out of there as soon as possible.


2 comments, seriously?
And then you ask for stories 😐. Why aren't yall commenting. If I don't see more than 7 comments in each chapter , after this story, there won't be any stories coming.


Chapter 3:

Beverly sat there, still traumatized by the events that had unfolded in front of her. Detective Loner and his partner arrived to question her about what had happened. She recounted the incident with Marry and how she had been called to the psychiatric ward.

"So, what exactly happened?" asked Detective Loner.

"Like I already told you, I arrived when the killing had already taken place. Marry said that this wasn't her face and that she needed help," replied Beverly.

"OK, Ms. We're done here. Let's go," said Loner, leading his partner away.

Duncan came over to her. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she replied, though she wasn't. She stood up and started walking down the hospital hallways, her mind racing. She eventually arrived at Ward 9, Marry's ward. As she walked in, there was a nurse she had never seen before.

"Oh hello, Dr. D. told me that I'll be taking care of Marry. So, you don't have to worry about her," said the nurse.

"How come I've never seen you before?" asked Beverly.

"There are a lot of us in this hospital. Some of us are invisible," replied the nurse cryptically.

Beverly left the nurse to do her job and went to Ward 6. When she tried to open the door, it was locked. Out of nowhere, Duncan appeared.

"Is there a problem?" he asked.

"Yes, why is the door locked? I'm supposed to see Robert," said Beverly.

"No no, after what you told me about Robert in my office, I figured to move him to another ward. Don't worry, he's not your problem anymore," said Duncan. "I've assigned you to new patients."

Beverly didn't understand why she couldn't see her old patients anymore. The reason seemed a little ominous to her. But since Duncan was the boss, she followed the rules.


Timeline update :
Sixer ✓ Haunted ✓ The slenderman ✓ Oliver The void Sam & I Deer F. R. I. E. N. D. S “an LGBT story” S*x Ed It lurks Le abuela The Muse : Recreation Frost production's Unfortunate events Page 2099 The end of frost Production

Those are all the stories coming. Unless there are changes made.


Chapter 4: The Escape

Standing at the edge of the cliff, with no where to run, the slenderman walked close by. With the grip of fear, Sarah tripped and fell of the cliff. She screamed as she coming fast close to the ground. But the moment she her life was ending, she woke up!

Her heart pounding in her chest. She was drenched in sweat, and her breath came in short gasps. She looked around, trying to remember where she was. That's when she remembered it was all a dream. “Sam!”
She stood up from her bed and ran to check on her son. She saw him sleeping peaceful. With let a sigh of relief and went back to her room.

And then she saw it. A long, thin tendril of darkness was wrapped around her, its cold touch sending shivers down her spine. She screamed, and then she saw him. The Slender Man was standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on her.

She tried to scream again, but no sound came out. She couldn't move.

Sarah felt herself being pulled towards the Slender Man, and then she was falling. She felt herself being consumed by the darkness, and then there was nothing.

Since that day, Sarah disappeared without a trace.

The end.


Chapter 3: The Stalker

Sarah watched as the Slender Man raised his hand, and then she saw it. A long, thin tendril of darkness snaked out from his fingertips, reaching towards them. She gasped as it brushed against the window, sending a chill down her spine.

"Sam, we have to go!" she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the window. They ran towards the front door, but Sarah stopped short when she heard the sound of footsteps behind them.

She turned around to see the Slender Man standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on them. Sam started to cry, and Sarah's heart sank. She knew that they couldn't stay here.

"Come on, Sam," she said, grabbing his hand tightly. "We're getting out of here."

They ran out of the house, the Slender Man following close behind. Sarah didn't know where to go. All she knew was that she had to get away from him.

She ran across the street, her breath coming in short gasps. The Slender Man was right behind her, his long strides eating up the distance between them. She looked around, but there was no one around to help her.

Sarah felt a desperate panic rising within her. She had to get away from HIM. She ran into the woods, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't know where she was going, she just knew that she had to get away from the Slender Man.

She heard Sam's footsteps behind her, and she turned around to see him staring at her, his eyes wide with fear. She grabbed his hand and kept running, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

She looked behind her again, and saw the Slender Man standing in the clearing, his tendrils of darkness reaching out towards them. She knew that they had to hurry.

They ran deeper into the woods, their footsteps echoing off the trees. The air was cool and damp, and Sarah could feel her breath fogging up in front of her face. They ran until the their way was cut short by a cliff.


Chapter 2: The Slender Man

Sarah was sitting on the couch watching her favorite reality show. But it seemed like all she was thinking about was what happened with Sam. The knock on the door startled her, jolting her out of her thoughts. She looked at Sam, who was staring at the door, his eyes wide with fear. "Who is it?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"It's him," Sam whispered. "He's here."

Sarah's heart sank as she stood up and walked over to the door. She took a deep breath and opened it, bracing herself for the worst. But there was no one there. Just the empty hallway and the sound of her own heartbeat.

She stepped back into the room, her eyes darting between Sam and the door. "Sam, what's going on?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"He's here," Sam repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "He's always here."

Sarah's mind was spinning. Who was this "he" that Sam kept talking about? And why did he seem to be haunting them? She couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

As she watched Sam, she saw him slowly stand up from the bed. He walked over to the window and looked out, his body tense. Sarah followed him, her heart pounding in her chest. And then she saw him.

The Slender Man. The tall, faceless figure that had been haunting Sam's dreams. He was standing in the field beyond the window, his eyes fixed on them.

Sarah's breath caught in her throat as she watched him. She had heard the stories, of course. The tall, thin figure that would appear out of nowhere, stalking children. But she had never believed it could be real.

Now, she wasn't so sure. As she watched the Slender Man, she felt a chill run down her spine. He was real. And he was here for her son.


Chapter 1: The Unexpected Visitor

The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the small town of Millwood. Sarah Johnson, a single mother, was just pulling into her driveway after a long day at work. She had been looking forward to spending some quality time with her boy , but the thought of what she was about to walk into made her stomach churn.

As she stepped inside, the first thing she noticed was the silence. Her younger son, Sam, was usually playing video games in his room, but there was no sound coming from behind his closed door. Sarah's heart started racing as she made her way down the hallway. She knocked on the door and waited for a response.

When there was none, she pushed the door open slowly, her eyes darting around the room. There was Sam, sitting on his bed, staring out the window. But there was something else there too.

Sarah's eyes widened as she saw her son talking to someone outside the window. She couldn't see who it was, but she could hear her son's side of the conversation. "Hello," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been waiting for you."

Her heart pounding in her chest, Sarah stepped closer, trying to get a better look at whoever was outside. But when she looked out the window, there was nothing there. No one. Just the darkening sky and the empty field beyond.

Sam didn't seem to notice his mother's presence. He was still talking, his eyes fixed on the spot where the stranger had been. "You came back," he said, a note of relief in his voice. "I was worried you wouldn't."

Sarah's heart was racing now, her mind spinning with questions. Who was this person? Why was Sam talking to them? And why did they seem to disappear into thin air? She couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.

Without saying a word, Sarah gently guided Sam away from the window and sat him down on the bed. She tried to get him to talk about what had just happened, but he clammedup, refusing to answer her questions. All she could do was watch as her son's eyes darted around the room, like there was something sinister lurking by.



14. Final part

After 4 months of repairing their house, their lives became normal. People were routing for Emma for her heroic deed saving the town. She was the talk of the town. The asylum was banned and no one was allowed to go near it.

One day, emma was in the backyard, planting some flowers for a school projects, that's when a portal opened right in front of her. The light was so intense it momentarily blinded her. The portal was glowing with an eerie blue light, and tendrils of swirling energy were emanating from its edges. A girl came out wearing Black and white clothes, hair covering one eye with a serious face.

“ Emma, you have to come with me. My names Viper! ”

The end.
How was the story.
If you want 'Viper' inbox me on this account Mültiversé Aüthór




William was finally free. Power coursing through his ghostly veins. He floated towards the town, his steps silent and swift. The people of the town, unaware of his return, slept peacefully , unaware of the terror that was about to be unleashed.

As he reached the outskirts of the town, he raised her arms, and a powerful wind swept through the streets, sending leaves and debris flying. The townspeople woke up and all of them got of their houses. They looked up, startled, and saw the ghostly figure standing before them.

"You will pay for what you have done," william hissed, his voice echoing through the streets.

Panic spread through the town as the he began to wreak havoc. He turned over carriages, shattered windows, and sent people flying through the air. The townspeople screamed in terror as they ran for their lives, unable to escape the wrath of the vengeful spirit. The sky turned bloody red, as the ground began to split. The fiery pits of hell were opening up.
“ Emma, Emma wake up ”. Camilo was gently shaking her. She stood up and saw her father on the ground. His leg was broken.

“ Am sorry, I... I... Didn't mean for all of this to happen ”, said Emma, worrying and noticing the biggest mistake she made. “I know a way to stop him! ”

“ how? ”, Rosa asked.

“ The ghosts, the one in the mirror, all they wanted was to be free. Not revenge. They can help us take William to spirit realm. ”

They all looked at each other. Emma started breaking all the mirrors. One by one, spirits started coming out of them.

“Thank, you ”, said one of the ghosts. “we shall fuel you with power that you need to vanquish William! ”

All the ghosts went inside Emma, as she began floating in mid air. Her body started glowing, her eyes seeing the impossible. She became a goddess!




Dave,Rosa and Camilo ran out of the house looking Emma. It was midnight, and people were sleeping. There was no way that one of them saw Emma.

“ I know where she is ”, said Dave. “ The asylum! ”
They all headed to Dave's car, as they drove to the asylum. It sat like a dark shadow on the edge of the town, it's tall towers and broke widows gazing out into the night. Dave, followed by his wife and son went inside and started calling out Emma's name.

Meanwhile, Emma was in the mirror room with ghost William.

“ you can set us free Emma”, William said, his voice echoing around the room. “We've been waiting. You are our gateway. ”

Emma looked at William, confusion and fear written across her face. “How am I supposed to save all of you. I don't even know how this powers works? ”

“Sit on the chair ”, William commanded. “ we can harness the power and break the barrier that keeps us from being free. ”

“ Is it going to be painful? ”, Emma asked.

William looked at her with a brimming smile“No dear, you won't feel a thing😈”

She sat on the chair, as the old rusty machine got attached to her head. Dave walked In on them.

“ Emma, don't do this. Trust me”, Dave pleaded.

“Why can't I? Are hiding something also? ”, Emma asked.

“Listen, Emma. William is not to be trusted ”, said Dave.

“ And how do you know his name? ”, Emma questioned him. Secrets began revealing themselves at a slowly pace. With all that said, William fired up the machine. Emma screamed in pain. Before Dave could remove her from the machine, an energy surge blasted across the room, causing the family to be blown away by the wave and the mirrors to shatter. Emma became weak of power and fell down.

William wasn't using the power to free other ghosts, he was using it to power himself and become Supreme.

“ I shall destroy this town for what they did to me! ”




Many years ago, in 1863, there was a man named William, who lived in a small town called Creek wood. He was a kind and gentle lumberjack, loved by all who knew him. However, his life took a dark turn when he was accused of witchcraft by a group of superstitious townspeople. The accusation was based on nothing more than a series of unexplained events that had occurred in the town.

Despite the mayor's efforts to prove his innocence, the townspeople demanded that William get hanged by his neck to death. Seeing no other way out, the mayor reluctantly sent him to an asylum for the insane.

The asylum was a place of horrors, where patients were treated cruelly and left to rot. William's spirit was tormented by the cruelty he witnessed, and he longed for a way to escape. One day, while exploring the abandoned wings of the asylum, he stumbled upon a secret room filled with mirrors.

As he walked into the room, he felt an unsettling chill run down his spine. He knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't resist the urge to investigate further. To his surprise, he saw his reflection in the mirrors, but they were distorted and grotesque.

Suddenly, a high-ranking official from the asylum entered the room. “You are curious, William,” he said, his voice echoing in the room. “That's what I like about you.”

William tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. “What is this room?” he managed to ask. “Why are there mirrors?”

The official smiled, and it was a chilling sight. “You ask a lot of questions," he said. "Hold him down!”

More doctors came into the room, and they held William down. A machine was brought in, and it was attached to his head. The official flipped a switch, and William felt a searing pain shoot through his skull. His body started burning up, and he could feel his skin peeling off. A glowing light emanated from his body, and it was absorbed by one of the mirrors. It was his soul. He later realized that he was trapped in the mirror realm along with other patients . They were killed brutally and trapped in mirrors.

The asylum was eventually abandoned, left to decay and rot. William and the others were trapped for a long time.

Year : 2018
Two Boys ran inside the abandoned asylum and started exploring. One of them found a dusty room that was covered by a large blanket . He removed it and stood upon shiny silver mirrors.

“Boo! ”, his friend scared him. He jumped out of fright, bumping into one of the mirrors and made it fall. It's glass shattered across the room. The two Boys felt a chill up their spine, that's when they ran off. William was free. His spirit started to live in his house and chased away those who stayed there. There was no way of freeing the others, unless a GATEWAY was opened. The link between the spiritual realm and the human realm.




“She hates me,” said Rosa, her tears streaming down her cheeks. She and Emma didn't have the mother-daughter connection she had always wished for, and now that Emma knew what they had done, there was no way it would happen.

Dave, who was cuddling her, tried to comfort her. “She'll understand what we did,” he said. He stood up and went to Emma's room, knocking on the door.

There was no response. He knocked again, harder this time. “Emma? Are you awake?” he called out. Still no response. Biting his lip, he turned the k**b and pushed the door open. The room was empty and the window was open

“ Oh no!”

Meanwhile, Emma was walking inside the ayslum. The walls were covered in peeling paint and stained with age, revealing the dark, damp history that has unfolded within these walls. The floors creak and groan underfoot, echoing the cries of the long-gone patients. The air was thick with the musty scent of decay, mingled with the faint whiff of death.

Abandoned rooms lined the corridors, some of which still contain rusting metal beds and old medical equipment, left to rot. The rooms were dimly lit, with only a few flickering bulbs providing a faint glow. Shadows dance on the walls, casting eerie silhouettes that seem to move of their own accord.

The asylum's chapel was another haunting sight, with its stained-glass windows depicting scenes of torture and despair. The pews were empty, saved for a single figure huddled in the corner, rocking back and forth.“ You are here”, said the ghost male. “ Let's begin!”

The moons light shined on the room, revealing a Bunch of mirrors. One was broken. “ We've been waiting for you! ” Emma saw a Bunch of ghosts trapped in all the mirrors.




Everyone sat in uncomfortable silence. Dave and Rosa were talking in sign language.

“ Emma, sit down dear. We have to tell you something”, said Rosa.

“ o... K”, said Emma, as she sat down.

“ The reason, we left San Lois is because, it was dangerous..... for you. After we found out that you had this extraordinary gifts from a seer, we had to get you out of there. You might not remember, but this isn't the first time we moved”

Emma's eyebrows frowned, “ why can't I remember?”

“ All that matters is that we have to keep you safe at all costs. Do you understand”, Dave added. “Tomorrow morning, we are living”

With anger, Emma stood up from the couch and went to her room. Camilo was locked out, so he had to sleep with his parents.

Later that night, while Emma was sleeping, A sudden gust of wind blew through her room, ruffling her hair and sending a shiver down her spine. She ignored the chill and continued to sleeping , her heart pounding in anticipation. After a few moments, a male voice cut through.

“Emma,” it whispered, “I need your help.”

She opened her eyes, startled by the sudden intrusion. “Who's there?” she asked, her voice trembling.

“It's me,” the voice replied. “Anna.”

Emma's heart raced as she tried to place the voice. It wasn't familiar, but she remembered the name of the little girl. "What do you need?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her fear.

“I have a message for you,” the voice replied. “A message from the beyond.”

Emma sat up straight, her eyes wide with excitement. “Tell me,” she breathed.

“I will,” the voice replied, “but you must come to me first.”

A chill ran down Emma's spine as she realized she had no idea who she was talking to, as the ghost was invisible. But the promise of uncovering long-buried secrets was too tempting to resist. “Where do I go?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The voice replied, “To the old asylum on the outskirts of town. It's where we've been trapped for centuries. Meet me there at midnight, and I'll reveal all.”

There was doubt about the whole thing but to find the truth, she got out of the window and headed there.




Back at the house, Camilo was playing with his toys in the dining room. He heard low whispering that sounded like an argument coming from the kitchen. He walked there and eavesdroped at the conversation.

“We have to tell them the real reason why we left San Lois. Sooner or later they'll find out,” said Rosa, whispering as long as she can. “And there's something wrong with this place. It doesn't feel right.”

“Not this again, Rosa. It is not haunted,” said David with frustration.

“It spoke to me, David. I saw what was I was told years ago. She has a gift,” Rosa replied.

“Do you think she noticed it yet?” David asked.

“I'm not sure,” Rosa replied. “But we have to leave this place. I don't want to lose her.”

After that last sentence, Camilo moved behind the table counter and went back to play with his toys like he heard nothing. He knew his parents were hiding something, but he didn't have the right answer.

Meanwhile, Emma and Lucy were exploring the antique store. And then something caught Emma's eyes. She gasps loudly with disbelief. Lucy came to her.

“Hey, what's up? You OK..?” she asked her.

Emma called the owner of the store. He came to her.

“What is it, young lady?” he asked with his broad voice.

“Has this doll been here, in the store because... I've seen this doll before!” Emma said.

The owner looked at her with surprise. “Yea, it's always in its display case. Where did you see it?”

“Lucy, we have to get out of here,” Emma commanded.

They got outside the antique shop. Emma's nose started to bleed again.

“Hey, I'll see you tomorrow,” Emma said. Lucy was confused with what was happening to Emma. They parted ways. Emma went back home and found his parents and Camilo sitting in the dining room. They all looked at her with worry and concerning faces.

“There's something wrong here!” Emma exclaimed. Rosa and David looked at each other.




The next day was Saturday. Emma woke up and walked downstairs, as she found her family having breakfast. Her mother looked better than yesterday.

“Emma, Camilo here says that you've been wondering around at night?”, Rosa asked.

“ Can't I go to the bathroom? Either way, how are you feeling mom?”

“ Am better. I don't even remember what happened that day”, she said while gently rubbing her head. “ So, any plans for today”

“I planned to look around the town, just to clear my mind.”

Hours passed, as Emma got out of the house and started roaming the streets of Creekwood. She bumped into a girl from her class.

“ sorry, didn't see you there. Your name is Emma, right?”, asked the girl. “ I'm lucy”

“ nice meeting you Lucy. Yes, my name is Emma.”

“ So, you moved in that creepy house on j.p's Street?”

“yeah, what's wrong with it?”

“ Rumor has it that an man died in that house. No family has ever stayed in for the night. We were all surprised that all of you managed to stay in there for a whole 3 days, which is like awesome. That's why some people were scared of hanging out with you at school, because you live in a haunted house. Have you seen any ghosts? I'm sorry, I'll stop talking.”

“ OK, Lucy.... I did notice some strange things. Don't tell anyone, but I saw a ghost yesterday. And also at school that time my nose was bleeding”

“ You're kidding! How did you feel, when you saw it? ”

“ it was a little girl, she....”, before Emma could finish her sentence, her nose bled. “ sorry about that, this keeps happening recently”

Lucy gave her piece of tissue that she had on her side bag. Emma took it and wiped it out. She thanked her.

“ so where are you going?”, she asked Emma.

“ I was going to walk around creekwood. Wanna join”

“ yeah, there's nothing better I gotta do. It's nice hanging out with someone that's nice for a change.”

They walked together along the streets of Creekwood, chatting about random things. They passed by a small park, and Lucy pointed out a group of kids playing soccer.

"Wow, that looks like fun," Emma said, watching them kick the ball around.

"Yeah, I used to play soccer when I was younger. I was pretty good too," Lucy boasted.

They continued walking, passing by a few shops. Emma noticed a small antique store that she hadn't seen before. She stopped in front of it, curious.

"Hey, Lucy, do you want to check out this antique store?" Emma asked, pointing to the store.

"Sure, why not," Lucy replied, following Emma inside.




“ is she going to be ok dad?”, Emma asked. She was looking at her mother that was sitting on a wheelchair. She seemed to be terrified.

“ I really hope so Emma ”, said David. “ The doctors said that she had twisted her leg and hit her head hard on the floor.”

“ Dad, weren't you here? With her I mean ”, asked Camilo with curiosity.

“ I had just went out to look for a j...”, that's when he remembered the real reason they moved. “ I was outside checking the backyard of the house. I heard a crash and came in the house as fast I could. ”

Emma gave him an intimidating side eye. It was at night. They ate dinner and headed to sleep. Later on, Emma heard whispers. She stood upon from her bed and follower them. They led her on a room, where the doll was laying on the bed.

“ Don't be afraid, it's me ”, said the little girl form the bathroom.

Emma wasn't afraid of her anymore. She asked, “ who are you?”

“ My name is Annabelle. Anna for short. This used to be my house. ”

“ meet you ..Anna”, said Emma, scaref of what she was seeing. “ how come I can see you?”

“ That's what I wanted to talk to you about Emma. You can see the undead, spirits. You can sense them when they are around. Only you are the one that can Us”

“ Us? ”

“ There are more spirits in this town than you can ever imagine .”

“ How come I've never seen them? I only saw you?”

The little girl didn't reply. She just floated there without saying any word. With the uncomfortable silence, she blurted out. “ They are lying to you emma ”

“ what do you mean? ”. Before the little girl could answer, Camilo walked in and saw Emma standing alone in a creepy room.

“ Emma? ”, Camilo called her in a soft tone.

She looked behind her with a swift motion. “ Camilo, what are you up. You should be sleeping ”

“ I should be asking you. Why is your nose bleeding?”

“ Not again!”

Emma headed to the bathroom to wash the blood off. They headed to their bedroom and slept. Emma kept thinking about Anna, and how is it possible that she could see the undead?




Emma sat in class, her mind wandering. She couldn't concentrate on the lesson; her head felt heavy, and her vision was blurry. Everyone around her looked at her, but she didn't notice. That's when a teacher came to her.

"Emma, are you okay? Your nose is bleeding!" the teacher said, concern written all over her face.

Emma touched her nose and saw blood on her finger. She stood up and hurried to the bathroom. She splashed water on her nose, and when she looked up at the bathroom window, she saw a little girl with an old bloody dress, her hair wet, and her face scratched. When she looked behind her, there was no one there. She looked back to the window, and there she was.

"Don't be afraid," the little girl said. "I won't harm you."

"Who...are you?" Emma asked, her voice shaking.

"We'll talk more later," the little girl replied before disappearing from the mirror. Emma's nose stopped bleeding. She gathered herself and headed back to class.

Meanwhile, Dave arrived home, carrying some documents. "Honey, I'm back!" he yelled, but stopped as soon as he saw his wife at the bottom of the stairs, unconscious and bruised. She was bleeding. He quickly picked her up and rushed her to the car. He drove to the hospital, praying that she would be okay.

As he sat by her bedside, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her. He didn't know how he would tell the kids what happened.