Hell Awaits
more pictures and videos @ http://www.myspace.com/hellawaits666satan
Empire Productions
It's coming
Don't forget to mark your calendars for this one, only $5 at the door!
Come celebrate Matts birthday at one HELL of a show! Come throw blood at him while we rip it up!!!!
I'll be reigning in my 41st year on Earth raging SLAYER! Come watch a great show!
Timeline Photos
Click here to support Help Save Metal Haven Grill by Metalhaven Mark
Show support to the only record store / Metal Grill in Chicago. They have a great vinyl & cd selection, a ton of metal memorabilia, & the food is KILLER!!
Metal Haven Grill
gofundme.com Those of you familiar with Metal Haven Grill know its a unique hybrid Restaurant/Record store concept. Not only is it a place for metalheads to network and congregate but it also has some great food. In only 4 months we have already been recognized by the Chicago Eater on their list of top Vegeta...
Hell Awaits's cover photo
We are adding a song to our next show. Any suggestions? It must be a song released in the 80's
February 6th SLAYER FANZ!!!
Hell Awaits is playing the after party for this show in the joint room. No cover for our set!