Intraoral X-Ray Sensors

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors

Our modern, hi-tech oral imaging equipment help doctors and lab technicians will make the patient's


No more oral fears!
Intraoral x-ray sensors are very attractively priced and they come with a financing option! With intraoral x-ray sensors in the clinic, dentists can grow their business three-fold!
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The modern-day intraoral service!
Our goal is to ensure a great experience for our patients! Our modern, hi-tech oral imaging equipment, experienced doctors and skilled lab technicians will make your experience pleasant and hassle-free.
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Why are Intraoral xray sensors a must have piece of equipment in your dental practice? The thin, ergonomic design of the sensors and the long cord ensure the device sits neatly in the patients’ mouth. It enhances patient experience.



Is your dental practice up to date with current equipment and technology? Our Apex Sensors are a great tool in the hands of dentists. It’s the best choice for dentists making a transition from film paper-based imaging and storage to Digital Imaging and Storage.



Does your dental clinic have an imaging sensor?

These are small x-ray imaging sensors designed to fit comfortably into a patient’s mouth, dental intraoral x-ray sensors provide images shown to be every bit as diagnostic as film radiographs.

Find out more about how to upgrade your dental practice at


One of the pieces of equipment that a dental clinic must have these days are oral sensors with compatible imaging software. This will help dentists with dental procedures as well as make the patient experience comfortable.

Visit to get your software installed.


Most dental work is intricate and needs to be closely monitored when it is being done. Being able to take detailed images to see inside the mouth can help dentists. Our imaging software takes extremely detailed images that can help your dental procedures.



Dental professionals today are increasingly using digital dental imaging software for detecting dental problems and disorders. It makes the patient experience much better. Grow your dental clinic with Intraoral X-Ray Sensors.

Check them out at


Dental treatments can be corrected with small procedures and treatments but they are extremely delicate and need careful scanning and intricate work.

Visit to get your imaging software.


An overbite can be caused by teeth misalignment: Having a good imaging software that can scan the misalignment can help make dental treatment and procedures easier.

Get your dental software installed from


Your tooth enamel can pick up stains from to***co abuse, dark colored beverages, and poor oral hygiene. This can cause other dental problems too.

A good digital imaging software can help in getting dental treatments right. Visit


WIth the help of digital imaging, dental care has come a long way. Chemical processing can be bypassed and you can digitally transfer and enhance images, using a digital image capture device. They are designed for high quality images even in hard-to-reach areas.



HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Have a safe and fun-filled Halloween!


Are you wary of getting new imaging software because you are not sure that it will be compatible with your existing systems? Our software bridges many popular practice management systems. So, the fact that you have another system will not be a problem.

Visit to get your imaging software installed.


What is an underbite in orthodontics?

Improper positioning of teeth can lead to this problem. This makes it difficult to chew and can cause related problems like headaches, pain in the neck, etc. There are dental procedures to reposition your teeth to lessen the problems caused by underbite.

Digital imaging helps in this treatment. Visit


How do dental sensors help in orthodontics?

Orthodontics deals with straightening or correcting teeth and gums that are not positioned properly. Digital imaging makes the dental procedures and treatments with regard to your teeth easier.

Get your imaging software at


Do you have multiple dental clinics that you consult at? Would it be easier to have a core system that allows you to access your dental images wherever you are. Intraoral Sensors offers a large active-imaging area, USB and wireless connectivity to image-capturing computers means large images can be transferred quickly.

Get this imaging software at


Bad breath and bleeding gums could be indicators of diabetes. Dental x-rays can show the first stages of bone loss. A sore and painful jaw could foreshadow an oncoming heart attack. Digital imaging can help in dental detection.

Check out the latest imaging software at


Dental problems can be difficult to diagnose and detect. The dentist will need to conduct a thorough exam, which may include X-rays, to determine the source of the pain. Our oral sensors ensure full imaging in one exposure.

Visit to get an efficient imaging software installed.


A doctor's priority is the patient and making the patient as comfortable as possible during treatments. Our oral sensors have easy-to-use and self-descriptive interface that ensures doctors are spending less time on the instrument and more on the patient.

Get your imaging software at


Dental treatments and procedures require intricate work and the dentist needs to be able to see inside the mouth clearly. Our Intraoral dental sensors make it easy to dee detailed images clearly.

Check out these sensors at


Have you installed an imaging sensor in your dental clinic yet? You should. They are so comfortable as these small x-ray imaging sensors are designed to fit comfortably into a patient’s mouth. They provide detailed images.

Find out more about how to upgrade your dental practice at


Why go digital? Digital dental radiographs (digital X-rays) detect, diagnose, treat, and monitor oral conditions and diseases much more efficiently.

It also makes the patient experience much better. Install Intraoral X-Ray Sensors and see the difference. Check them out at


With our dental sensors, a dentist can adjust the contrast and density of an exposed dental image to optimize the recognition of caries. By increasing the contrast he or she will find it easier to recognize initial caries lesions. This can help in early treatment.

Check out our imaging software at


WIth Intraoral dental sensors, you don't have to worry about waiting time for your film to develop like it was before. This great imaging software has a large active-imaging area, USB and wireless connectivity to image-capturing computers.

This means large images can be transferred quickly from one computer to another. Check them out at


Are you thinking about revamping your dental clinic but wonder about getting that new imaging software? Worried that it may not be affordable?

Intraoral sensor offer quality imaging software at extraordinarily affordable prices. Check out our imaging software at


Many longstanding aspects of dentistry are currently in transition to the next stage including dental imaging. The great new oral sensors help the doctor to make more confident diagnoses, observe and treat dental diseases even earlier.

Check out the changing face of dental care at


Digital images are composed of pixels or rows and columns of images aligned to represent the intensity (gray level) of the image. The more pixels the images have the better the resolution of the final digital images will be.



Do you have a number of dental clinics and you wish you can send images from one location to another easily?

Digital radiographs can be transferred easily to other dentists with compatible computer technology, or photo printed for dentists without compatible technology.



When doing dental procedures, digital imaging can show a particular layer or “slice” of the mouth while blurring all other layers. This type of dental X-ray is useful for examining structures that are difficult to see clearly.

Our dental sensors can give you high resolution pictures. Visit

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors 13/10/2019

Are you one of the dental offices that have been overpaying for digital dental equipment from the big dental supply houses. Are you fed up with high priced dental x-ray sensors. We have a solution.

Get affordable and high quality dental sensors at

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.


Did you know that Intraoral Dental Sensors can work with any of your imaging software? They work with nearly every major imaging software including Dexis, Eaglesoft, VixWin, XDR and more!

See how they work with your imaging software at

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors 11/10/2019

Part of a dentist's job is to make sure that their patient is comfortable. Our Dental Sensors have such a thin design that it allows for maximum patient comfort. You know that a comfortable patient is a happy one.

Visit to get your imaging software installed.

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.


Does your dental practice have plush sofas and a lovely waiting room complete with an aquarium? I'm sure you have thought of many things to make your dental practice inviting.

Now visit and get the most versatile imaging software to complete the picture.

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors 09/10/2019

For many people going to the dentist is a nightmare. These days, dentists are going to great lengths to make sure that patients are comfortable with the type of instruments they use and the treatments.

Make your dental practice patient-centric by installing digital imaging software from

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.


Digital sensors features, including contrasting, colorizing, 3-D, sharpness, flip, zoom, etc., assist in detection and interpretation, which in turn assist in diagnosis and patient education.

It can greatly help in detecting dental problems. Get your imaging software at

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors 07/10/2019

Sometimes during dental treatment, dentists have to use toothpick-sized implants which are narrower than most commonly used dental implants. They are used primarily to stabilize a lower denture.

When they are being placed, having sensor imagery to help with the procedure is of great benefit. Check them out at

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors 06/10/2019

Accurate oral diagnosis and treatment are very closely linked to the quality of dental images. Dental imaging has come a long way since then and has shown tremendous progression along with its varied applications in fields of dentistry.

Bring your dental practice up to date with our digital sensors. Visit

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.


As use of digital radiography has become more common in the last decade with rapidly evolving changes in the way healthcare is administered, coupled with the amazing recent advances in imaging, most dental professionals are switching over to the digital sensor software.

Visit for the latest in digital sensors.

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors 04/10/2019

Digital imaging reduces the amount of radiation to the patient due to the sensitivity of the digital imaging sensors. Depending on the radiographic film used in the dental practice, radiation exposure time can be reduced as much as 90% when changing from radiographic film to digital sensors.

You will be looking out for your client's best interests. Visit

Intraoral X-Ray Sensors | Dental X-Ray | Intraoral Sensors Intraoral X-Ray Sensors - Superior imaging and hi-tech features make such equipment a reliable partner in the hands of doctors.

At Intraoral X-ray Sensors, we combine the latest in radiography with wireless and imaging technologies to create images.

Apex Sensors are a great tool in the hands of dentists. It’s the best choice for dentists making a transition from film paper-based imaging and storage to Digital Imaging and Storage. The thin, ergonomic design of the sensors and the long cord ensure the device sits neatly in the patients’ mouth. Apex Sensors are very attractively priced and come with a financing option. With Apex sensors in the clinic, Dentists can grow their business three-fold!
