Aya's readings - conscious feminine

Aya's readings - conscious feminine

you're here to access YOUR magic. �
It's absolutely time. not later. not one day



Are you a tarot/oracle card reader?

YOU KNOW this is your path. Deep down. Behind the fears, "what ifs", "buts", and maybe some unplesant experiences with the cards. READING cards is YOURS to do. Period.

Some of you struggle with yourself. Between channeling energy which seems to weigh you down, taking on your "client's" energy (which only ever matches yours), doubts. You do not have full access to your gifts, you don't trust your higher self.

Maybe, you are a "pretty good" average reader but you have NOT tapped into what MAKES YOU special as a reader. What is uniquely yourself, what only YOU bring to the table.... many of those things perhaps would seem futile when serving clients spiritually/ as a channel.

This is for you if you read cards "good enough" but you know there is more. You know more desires to flow through you... meet you half way and expand your OWN knowledge. Your OWN god wisdom. Your ability to tap into energies. Emotions. Visions. Words. You can receive more, transform your readings from "meh" to amazing, receive far more information and ALSO receive your ideal clients, enjoy your process without submitting to doubts... but submitting to the self. Purely...

Read without getting stuck about the clients "story" and not feel dead after each one you receive. Also, quit under-charging to satisfy your "clients( which are not really yours, they are a result of lack thinking)", to your TRUE clients who are happy to inquire about your SOUL prices.... because they know you can back it up.

This is going to be a LIVE session group. I will add things and channel based on the people who join, which will be freaking amazing. You also get direct answers/channeling from me about your process. This will be forever access and change the way you do readings FOREVER.

The price is 250$ for 6 weeks (One time payment) and will be in a facebook group container with other readers. Pm to discuss and JOIN!


Readings 💋
Come to my page! Can't see your comments through other groups.


PM for a personal reading ❤💋❤
You'll never step out of my space the same ever again.


If you're reading this you probably have something you ENJOY doing... something that lights you up. You enjoy giving advice, selling something, talking about something that you know other people desire as well.

But you don't sell it. You don't allow yourself to step into having profit being made out of that thing. And you know you should. Why? Because you feel it deep down in your belly.

You feel it's YOURS to enjoy... to experiment with and through... to just be absolutely in the flow of and brilliantly experiment with. But you choose the comfort of not doing. The comfort of submitting to the illusion of being stuck. Not being the creator of your experience. Because it's less scary there. It doesn't poke at your comfort zone. It requires no effort but drowning in your fears, negative emotions you allow into your emotional body and self pity.

Self pity can feel strangely good. Because you step back from your responsibility. Then there's always some villain to blame for your lack of doing. But... if you're here you are ready to choose differently. You are ready to let your gifts absolutely motherf**kin' shine. It's time. So I'm offering you this package where...

+ You learn the things that hold you back from opening your business NOW.

+ You learn the base which upon you'll build your entire business.

+ You learn to identify the type of clients you actually want to receive.

AND... for this special price you can ALSO get my pre-ordered channel your power masterclass once it comes out which will include:

+ How to connect with your guides.

+ Grounding and finding your goddess space.

+ Why you feel iffy about charging. (Hint: you're always going against yourself energetically)

+ Why validation is irrelevant and shouldn't be a focus.

+ More delicious stuff as I channel it. ❤💋



Love your business masterclass is FOR:

* People who have wanted a business for a while, doing what they love, and might even have an idea of what it looks like.

* People who desire to make a living quite possibly from home, or provide services that their soul is aligned with giving.

* People who cannot seem to shake the desire off (because you are not meant to. you are meant to start) yet do not seem to just start and get on with their dream life.

*People who have little means (capital) to start and still desire to experience abundance on a much bigger level than they are used to.

* People who have a passion burning in them.. maybe for some time.. wanting to do something different than their 9-5 job.

* People who have NO experience in business, no website, nothing. Just themselves, a heart full of love and their creative juices.

*People who desire to start NOW! Build their business NOW! People who are TIRED of waiting!

Sounds like you? Good.

You get all this deliciousness for 45$
And you could be starting NOW.
Not next year, next week, next month...

Pm to finally invest in your dream.


Nothing will change if you KNOW something. EVERYTHING will change once you apply that knowledge.


I stand corrected. In my attempt to gift others with a new pair of eyes to look with in order to shift their lives I have poured above what their "container"(=space to receive the new codes) is able to contain, because they are still holding onto the old ways of their container despite desiring the change.

Most people desire change, on multiple areas of their life. You will ask almost everybody and they will tell you they are willing to do everything to change... and, surely, they truly believe that to be the truth. But, this change reuqires you to empty out everything you thought you had. To empty out the experiences you cling onto to define your "heroic" past. The experiences you cling onto to blame your parents for your decisions. To blame the bullies. To blame every single thing you have become a victim to and deemed yourself less powerful from.

And so change is desperately sought after but not on the "expense" of your fake identity. You are willing to change as long as I do not step upon those areas of hurt where you continously victimize yourself every day, and rob yourself of a fu***ng mindblowing experience every day. Where you are a victim of other's words, emotions, opinions, decisions....

And so I repent. And I will not offer more than they are able to contain again without being absolutely clear... You will have to completely rid of every part of your old self to succeed in the path ahead of you. And that is why, energetically, many people are NOT ready to work with me. Many people come for a quick fix, which I refuse to give. Many also come for the change, but want the change to mold into just another part of the endless "truths"(=egoic lies) they have acquired throughout their lives... they try to make sense of the change, predict it, decide how it is going to be, unfold, look like. Because they have no trust in themselves and they sure as hell have no trust in the divine providing them with the magic they know they have a right for and an access point within themselves to experience.

So... I refuse to take any more people with the illusion you will remain the same. You have come into my container for everything to shatter and break so all that is left is actually YOU.

And it starts with taking the step to claim what is yours.


it stars with making true freedom and joy your priority,

not just something that will happen with the will of god,

one day.

I am offering mentorships.


The invesment is:

One month: 350USD

For 3 months: 1K (USD)

PM for a short call.

Realize, you will not step out of this the same.
and celebrate that instead of jumping from one thing
to another, and another...
wishing and hoping...
this thing will finally fix you.

You have the power.
and it starts with letting go of everything.
Are you ready?

Pour it all...
to the ground.


I don't care if you're the owner of your future.

I don't care if you're creating your wealth by imagining boxes of money being delivered to your door.

I don't care if you've been in the conscious movement for two months or twenty years.

I don't care if you're a healer, a shaman, a parent, a partner, or a CEO.

I don't care if you're enjoying astral projection, day dreaming or video games.

I don't even care that you're sad, mad, frustrated and tired with life.

Because all those things are irrelevant to YOU.

Because you're seeking your truth through the experience of others.

Because you're dictating your worth by a bunch of meaningless words you attached your identity to.

Because you're sitting here and crying & moaning about your reality when you don't even want 99% of the things you actively engage with.

People, things, experiences, relationships.

And so you allow the cycle to continue.
On and on. Allowing your fears to devour your true potential until all that is left is a poor, washed down version you call yourself... you.

No wonder you think you hate yourself,
When you sealed yourself tightly in a box,
And labeled it as freedom, security, my past, the way things are or the way I just am.

You actually hate that box.
You hate the limitations.
Never yourself.
You actually make yourself excited,
When you're truly

And acting
As... YOU.

111$ to initiate the breaking free.


You're not setting limits because you think about the reactions of others. Actually those are irrelevant to your boundaries 🕊


If the "truths" you received by a reader aren't inspiring you to take new actions what you got is actually reflections 😬🕵🏻‍♀️


STOP trying to find your purpose outside of yourself.

Your purpose is never outside of yourself, never in "thinking" or "wishing" or "complaining" and (shhh...) No even in wanting it.

Your purpose is encoded into you... it is a whole path that actually has little to do with what you think purpose is.

What if your purpose was not a destination, but a returning?
A becoming, a merging.. with the truth of who you are. The nature of truth is to be ever-present even in the midst of lies,
insecurity or stalling.

Your truth is currently inside you. It sits within, and it is ever present as is the nature of truth. Truth never vacates or dissappears... and so this process of not accessing it can be extremely painful for your human since nothing can make the truth of your BEING disappear... It is your BEING ater all.

And YOU are ready...
Of "becoming..."
Of "being..."
Of "returning..."
Of merging,
with the only thing
that is actually your truth,
and the only thing your truth was
ALL along.

This will transform your relationships, your partnership, your money, your outlook on life, your levels of joy, the natural flow of your life.

It starts here.
an exposure session of 1:1 with me,
where we check where you are
not listening to that voice deep within.


Book through my website or PM me.

You ready? ;)


My most recent client's review ;)
So.. who's ready to get free NOW?


❂ The first part in change is identifying where you are at.

♢ Fully. Without running away from it, hiding or rejecting that part of you... without making it right or wrong but simply watching it, observing, and receiving insights on the creative force behind it. (everything is a part of your creative force as you made it happen.)

♢ You can not watch the thing through the distortions of your fear and judgment. You can let that thing be without needing to alter it, change it, or do anything with it for a few days to simply watch it... observe where it shows up.. when.. why... what triggers it?

♢ Then.. you move to inquisition. You ask yourself is this thing I am doing beneficial? Does it match the full expression of myself I desire to embody? is this what I desire to give my attention, focus and energy towards? Is this thing serving me? Yes? No? in what ways? is this thing serving me enough for me to keep it? to act based on it?

♢ From there, you recognize what is needed to discard in order to experience what you desire and what needs to strengthen. What you need to sink into and what you need to reject from your energetic body.

You breathe.
You trust.
and You do.

and you repeat this until you are aligned.

Book 1:1 to start the process.
Pm me for a Call about it.



How your lack of resilience hides itself under the term "love" in your relationship dynamics


Please PM me or send me questions you want to hear in a live.... do not send me reading questions but questions on how to start your transformation from the inside out. Questions that focus on your power, things you struggle with and need a new set of eyes to see it through. Thank you!




The kind of work that I do ;)
Btw if you're telling yourself you aware aware of everything but your reality isn't reflecting itㅡ your ego is lying ;)


Getting some delicious transformation channeling ;) who's ready to transform their relationships?


My website is fully upgraded.
Check ;)



Is he going to STAY?
Is he going to LEAVE?
Is he the one/for me?
Am I going to be successful?
Am I on the right path?
Am I doing the "wrong/right thing?"
Am I in alignment (since you are asking.... it's a no ;) )
Does god wants me to be with him?

Do you notice a pattern here?
YOU are AVOIDING making decisions.
You are AVOIDING listening to YOURSELF.

Because YOU ARE terrified of the responsibility of your choices : you are infusing your DESIRES with FEAR and terror, with lack of faith and resilience.

You are terrified of the PHYSICAL
result of YOUR OWN DOING!

So you let the cards decide.
Or you let your parents decide.
Or you let your child decide.
Or you let YOUR PAST decide.
Or you let that guy decide.
or your best friend.
or grandmother.

You let your FEAR decide!!
day in and day out what YOU will experience...
Because you see fear as a PART of you!

NO emotion but PURE JOY and pleasure is a part of you!!

It has ALL been installed deep inside you.
On and on.
Day in day out.
and you fed on it,
and you are feeding it,
like it is the most delicious, juicy,
fruit you even had fruit.

Time to choose DIFFERENT!

Book 1:1

1 MONTH x 350USD
3 MONTHS x 1000USD



Allow LOVE in.


We are switching to a GODDESS consciousness ;)

Who's liking it?


Just for today... Full clarity provision reading about ONE subject for 50$ ;)

Pm me.


What is YOURS, but you refuse to CLAIM it fully and take action in FAITH about it?


The card/s for today:

So.... Bring love into the situation + Trust your path.

You might be "stuck" in a situation and not exactly know where to go. You let your feelings of despair, the lies whispered in your ear of it never changing to consume any time/energy you can be putting to completely change and transform the situation into the blessing it DESIRES to be!

The universe, the all that is desires to bless you... not punish you... this is not a punishment from heaven but things you desires to be part of your path so you CAN clear them and move on... not sink, wail, and cry about them.

You can create the change.

You are the creator.

You are the standard!

If this resonated...
if this IS the time for change...


Charging less than you desire is a result of fear. what YOU SAY to the universe is fear of disappointment matters more than faith


it is NEVER my place to tell YOU what to do.. but you'd be a fool to think i'd deem my light for anybody's comfort!

Step up. Charge what you deserve. Set the boundaries. Speak from your heart. Say NO so you can say YES just as lovingly.

Say no to beliefs or others that do not match the reality you desire. Say NO to trusting anything but the divine and the WISDOM he had installed in YOU!

Wisdom that is available only to YOU...
which is what every coash is here to do...
Hold space,
point you to that space within you.
and show you that all you've been negating..
is actually your GOLD.

Listen... in... open your ears not to the outside,
but the inside.
You know it is screaming for you to listen.
it will not go,
or stop,
until you acknowledge it,
and give it room,
either to let it go,
or let be.


What are you NOT doing out of fear?

What will you do NOW through fear, not wait until it is gone? ;)


The fear before DOING something you know is yours, committing etc is not an indication of how delicious the path will be... merely an indication of where you are AT now... which... you can always let go of... and... isn't it the reason You choose commit in the first place ? ;)

Fear becomes irrelevant when you know it is yours!


You are here to get UNSTUCK! Stop lurking, step in, EXPERIENCE the magic.. stop "thinking" about it ;)


If you are reliant on the outside to fill the inside, you will ALWAYS have LESS (like WAY LESS..) than you desire ;)
