Empower ur knowledge

Empower ur knowledge

general knowledge






Many of us are regretting 2020 for being so complicated and conjusted but there is not complete fault or negativity residing in the year 2020 it was one of that biggest challenges which human had to pass with courage and positivity Alhamdullilah...this year gave us multiple nevil things ,new experiences,great time to spend with family real strength to be united to get success in every state either it is our comfort zone or not so be thankful to Allah to give us this year and making us stronger than previous an hope and really pray from bottom of my heart to have a new ,better, healthy and happy year ahead....❤️❤️



Companion ❤️
We all need some company ,some partner at every path of our life as it could be in any shape it could be ur family friend ,school friend, college friend male or female it doesn't matter at all your soul need to be with some positive vibes within your company regardless the gender of person in front of u so our soul could heal some time itself with that companion's kind words ,it could celebrate the joy of life with that companion not every relationship need to be certified according to it's gender it must be equal with souls of equal emotions not the gender discrimination so that to rate it according this society 🥰


Depression the most cold world of today's society as everyone is dealing in their own form of communication to their own personality don't u think ???life is easier in simple version with some friends and family along with it's simplicity but when it comes with your wishes ....
Here we all know that this term depression has become so common that the society name it as ur laziness as the ability of your wishes to not do anything if you are still on bad till 3 a.m you are supposed to be lazy not depressed according to the people outside your box they definitely believe you are a person lying over and over again and again for the sach of your laziness not cause of your depresses feelings ...you are eating too much so it's your irrelevant hunger due to being free all the time that make you feel hungry but not the depression which cause you feel hungry out of time due to the over activity of your brain which cause you need more and more nutrition to consume energy... There are so many forms of depression running in the homes working places at your family to be seen but we just take it easy so that the personality is supposed to be too much lazy.so people don't judge anyone who is supposed be surrounded by you but not helped by your good words , praise or concerns.....


In 710 AD, Muhammad bin Qasim conquered the Sindh and Later the Balochistan. Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the region. Sindh became predominantly Muslim due to Sufi saints whose missionary dargahs dot the landscape of Sindh. Ratodero is considered about 350 years old. During British rule Ratodero became a Taluka of Larkana District and for a period part of the Bombay Presidency.


Ratodero Taluka (Sindhi: رتوديرو ‎) is a Tehsil of Larkana District in the Sindh province of Pakistan, it is located some 28 km from the district capital Larkana. Before the independence, the city has a special reputation for its sweet products. The most special is known as Mawa and handmade caps known as Sindhi topi and footwear. At present the principal trade of the town is that of paddy and rice, and there are many rice mills.
