Check out the "monat & curly ethnic testimonials' for more tips.

Use this page to reference MONAT user's before and after pics, get tips for product use, or ask for advice on MONAT's PREMIUM anti-aging Hair & Skincare Products.

Restructuring Collection Social Shareable (March 2019) 18/04/2020

Restructuring Collection Social Shareable (March 2019) Naturally based anti-aging skin care & hair care products - with an unrivaled business opportunity, a culture of family, service & gratitude

9 new photos by Erica Edge 17/04/2020

You know I'm this page is so you can look at what has worked or not for others. I have been using the products since July 2018 after watching youtube reviews with my hair stylist for 2 hours. New growth was the first plus and faster drying time! Nearly 2 years later & I no longer hate wash day as much as I use to. Hopefully it's helpful and you are able to hang in there while we see which products get the effect you want! I finally decided to start sharing about the product 3/ here we are


9 new photos by Erica Edge