Black Freedom Project NY

Black Freedom Project NY

BFP will build infrastructure, expand capacity and advance organizing strategies for Black-led (and centered) groups across NYS.

We aim to collectively dismantle systems and policies that create barriers to thriving communities.


check out for links to recorded live streams and other info ❤️❤️

Emergency Legal & Safety Fees for DV Victim, organized by Shatia Strother 18/02/2022

There’s always a GoFundMe circulating, cause… CAPITALISM got us constantly fu**ed up in the game, but this one is seriously URGENT. Can’t share much but a mother and her children’s physical well being and safety is dependent on raising these funds and quickly. Please give what you can and/or share widely

Emergency Legal & Safety Fees for DV Victim, organized by Shatia Strother ***TIME SENSITIVE*** Urgent Mutual Aid Request to pro… Shatia Strother needs your support for Emergency Legal & Safety Fees for DV Victim


There’s always a GoFundMe circulating, cause… CAPITALISM got us constantly fu**ed up in the game, but this one is seriously URGENT. Can’t share much but a mother and her children’s physical well being and safety is dependent on raising these funds and quickly. Please give what you can and/or share widely

State Funding for NYCHA - SFY2023 14/02/2022

Join us on Sunday in demanding NYCHA funding!!!

Meeting ID: 812 6204 3944
One tap mobile +19292056099,,81262043944 # US (New York)

Contact: Marquis Jenkins [email protected] | (347) 837-6422

State Funding for NYCHA - SFY2023 I just wrote to New York State Senate and Assembly to demand State Funding for NYCHA

Campaign Endorsement Form 14/02/2022

I am joining the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and the Campaign in demanding the Federal Bureau of Prisons release Dr. Mutulu Shakur immediately!

Dr. Mutulu Shakur is a father, grandfather, healer, human rights organizer, and political prisoner, who has been incarcerated for 36 years. Dr. Shakur is 71 years old, has suffered 2 strokes, glaucoma, and has been battling Stage 3 bone marrow cancer for the last 2 ½ years. Despite being diagnosed with life-threatening bone cancer and catching COVID twice, he was denied compassionate release and has been denied parole nine times. He has served his sentence. Dr. Mutulu Shakur is a beloved and well-respected elder who deserves to be free now!

Here is how YOU can support:
Endorse the Campaign:
Sign and Share the Clemency Petition:
Donate to Dr. Mutulu Shakur:

Campaign Endorsement Form We, the undersigned, demand President Biden, the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Prisons to immediately commute the sentence of Dr. Mutulu Shakur, a father, grandfather, healer, and human rights activist. Mutulu has imprisoned by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) for over 35 years and has serv...


Vigil & Digital Action Live on Facebook:

Photos from Black Freedom Project NY's post 20/12/2021

They’re bout 1/2 way to the goal so let’s inch them further along! Swipe pics for page link and a few details…


LISTEN!!! For 20 yrs, been living that revolutionary practice, solidarity economics and community principles a lot of us talk mad s**t about! The house caught on fire this week and there’s no better moment than now, for us to dig in those wallets and show how much love and respect we have… Please donate and support their rebuilding!


We’re at it again, who’s gonna be BFP’s dope ass Director of Campaigns??? .jh


We are hosting a teach-in on the history & importance of Black August!!! Speakers TBA

(link also in bio!!!)

Photos from Black Freedom Project NY's post 24/06/2021

HELP THEIR STORY GO VIRAL!!! Share widely and come out Saturday!

Kareem Byam, 43, a disabled American veteran, and his wife Lisa, 43, are living through the worst possible racial trauma, and terror in Lake Grove, Long Island New York.

The couple has lived in their home for 3 1/2 years and since their arrival they’ve been met with racial slurs, death threats, dangerous snakes being put on their property, dead squirrels being put on their property, broken windows, racial profiling, false police reports, and a mob of racist white neighbors including a police sheriff attacking his family’s well-being.

Read the full story on the graphics and visit their gofundme for more information. Join us for an action outside their home this Saturday at 1pm. The situation is urgent, Kareem as a veteran, describes it as life or death.


If you haven't put it on your cal and registered already, make sure to handle that homies!

THEN... Join BFP tomorrow night starting at 7pm, for a BLACK AF-ONLY Juneteenth Celebration After Party!!!
Register HERE:


Calling all BFP fam and BLACK folks in NYS, it's time to take a break and celebrate all the fights we've won and survived this legislative session!!!




Less is More Press Conference is down in less than 30 min! Join us!


Thursday April 15th is 's launch!

12PM-1PM Press Availability: Q&A about the mission, vision, and goals. Register:

3PM-4PM Coalition Teach-In: Learn about BFP's priorities and how to join or support. Register:


Calling all our Black folks! Come celebrate with us next week, and give our homie Julian a proper send off as he starts his fellowship in DC!!!


We’re at it again! Expanding our staff and moving to do big thangs 🖤. Spread the word and/or apply... We need a dope ass NYS-based communications coordinator


A call for state-wide support from Long Island Progressive Coalition:
New York State Attorney General and Governor Andrew Cuomo need to immediately launch a full and independent investigation into the police brutality against Akbar Rogers. The officers who assaulted him, including the Freeport mayor’s sons, must be held accountable. The governor and attorney general also must investigate what led to the phony charges against Akbar.
Read full letter and sign on here:

Six Nineteen 16/06/2020

Need a Juneteenth action/event to plug into? Look no further, M4BL got us covered!!

Six Nineteen
