Iam children’s foundation

Iam children’s foundation

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Iam children’s foundation, Charitable organisation, .

Our mission is to create an enabling environment for the underprivileged and vulnerable children through education,rehabilitation,health eating, economic empowerment and emotional support to realize their full potential


Giving out reusable sanitary pads, panties and menstrual hygiene education.
Menstrual hygiene is very vital to the well being and empowerment of girls and women. It is more than access to sanitary pads, it's. Also about ensuring that girls live in an environment that supports their ability to manage their menstruation with dignity. This is what we are about and we are not stopping. Please continue supporting and praying for us. God bless you all.


This is how our reusable sanitary towels look like. We are very determined to simplify lives of our girls and mothers, we want to fight period poverty and our Target is to reach out to 3000 young ladies and mothers. As we celebrate mothers day, make up your mind to help a young girl have a safe period, save a girl from missing school because of period poverty. Any amount you can contribute is highly appreciated. Life is different here in Uganda, girls miss school because of lack of appropriate material to use during their menstruation, many use weird things and end up embarrassed . These reusable sanitary pads are made by our own girls and mothers at the skills center, they have a life span of two years. We need money to buy materials for the pads so that we reach our Target. Please support us, God bless you all and Happy mothers day to all the mothers out there and all the father's who play mother roles, may God bless you abundantly.


Hello friends, we have an urgent need. The lady in the video is 80years old, she stays with her grand children, she lost all her children.
As you can see, she is trying to sort corn flour to prepare food for her babies.
The children sleep in a very bad environment, that house has no concrete, they just use dung and soil to make the floor. I want us to buy for them a bed so that they atleast don’t sleep on the floor. They urinate on the bed, they have developed disease which also need immediate attention. If we help with the beds, the cause of the skin disease will be dealt with.
I ask for your support. If you can donate anything follow the link in my bio or you can contact me. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you

Photos from Iam children’s foundation's post 07/10/2020

Thank you dear friends for standing with us, Frank has started on his journey of having a normal life. He had his first surgery last week, and he recovered very well by the grace of God. We are now praying for steady healing. After the wound has perfectly healed, he will have another surgery to put the intestines back inside his tammy. Thank you all for your prayers, donations and loving Frank.
We wouldn’t have made it without generous people like. May God bless you all and your loved ones.
Frank still needs our help, he is living an expensive life at the moment; he is supposed to feed on specific foods, he needs alot of drinks. Please continue praying and supporting Frank.

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Thank you for helping Frank get a normal life, very soon the colostomy will be no more. Thank you for working with God, He will surely bless you. Amen


We need to be thankful for every little thing. This is drinking water to many people down here. They have to walk long distances to collect it. Keep us in your prayers, we need better wells, these children need clean and safe water.


My beloved friends, Am here to introduce to you baby Frank who is 1year and 4months, When you see frank a jolly child a champion in making,he smiles with his condition and the same time cries because of the daily pain he has.
Frank has a condition of albinism,he was born without an a**s, Mom frank on giving birth to frank noticed that her child was using the p***s for urinating and discharging the faeces from the body. She panicked on knowing the condition, like i have been posting on challenges Albino families face, his father ran away after knowing that he was an albino to put add more trouble frank had no A**s, his father abandoned baby frank and Mom, leaving the family in unspeakable pain.
Frank was helped by Doctors and they created an outlet by piercing his stomach to make away for his colon or intestines to discharge the faeces. As I write Frank has a condition of distal colostomy which needs a quick attention. He needs an operation so that they put back his intestines and make an a**s.
I have held meetings with different Doctors in order to save the life of Frank and all of them ask for money to save Franks life. I ask you friends, my sponsors, friends of friends, families to share this message so that we can raise 1700 USD for the operation. Your of 10UDS,50,100,600USD,or more is welcome. You can visit our website to donate online. www.iamchildrenfoundation.org, I will be posting more about baby frank and his medical treatment paperwork. May God bless you all as you become a blessing to the little poor child. Let's show love to the marginalised children in the world.


“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬
This is remarkable, the lord says that He will never in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake you. Trust Him with your life, fellowship with Him and He will make you successful in all things. He says He won’t relax His hold on you. He is with you all your journey of life, seeing to it that you win all the time. He knows how to take care of you ❤️

His help is something you shouldn’t doubt at all; it’s guaranteed.
He is your very present help in time of trouble (psalms 46:1) If you ever find yourself in trouble or difficult situation be assured you are not alone, He will get you out or show you what to do to get out victorious.

The holy spirit is our refuge,our strength and our supreme advantage. Let’s appreciate and acknowledge His work on our lives and love Him with all our hearts.
Let me stop here. May God bless you all and you loved ones.
Stay well



Greetings in the Name of the Most High God we serve, our prayers go out to you all and we believe that the mighty hand of God is doing wonderful miracles in your lives,thank you for loving and supporting us. We continue to call upon your hand in help ,so we can reach out to many as the LORD leads us,please don't hesitate to spread the Gospel of love and reaching out to those in need.

You can see the joy of receiving a mosquito net.

We eagerly wait for your reply in our inbox or go to www.iamchildrenfoundation.org


We may have to stay home in such a time but these have no place to call home,they often go days with nothing to eat,
We many have to wash our hands as many times as possible but they, often, can’t even shower
They are jobless and unemployable. They are always forgotten😢
May the good lord protect them, even in this period of the pandemic. We talk about social distancing but they are always crowded in the places where they live. Please continue to pray for them, no child deserves such a life


Doing community work. It is by the grace of God.
Brethren you aught to be thankful for all that God has blessed you with however small. The people in the video stay next to that trench, they cannot afford the tools to keep the trench clean. Be thankful brothers and sisters, your situation isn’t the worst. God bless

Photos from Iam children’s foundation's post 09/08/2020

Albinism is a genetic condition that causes a deficit in the biosynthesis of melanin, a pigment that colours the skin, hair and eyes. While albinism is a rare condition in Europe and North America, affecting one out of about every 17,000 to 20,000 people, it is slightly more widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa, with prevalence rates of 1 in every 5,000 to 15,000 births. Tanzania’s 2012 national census identified 16,477 people with albinism. Today, it is estimated that there are over 18,000 people with albinism in the country.
People with albinism usually have a paler, whiter appearance than their relatives. The deficit of melanin can also result in low vision and an increased vulnerability to sun’s ultra-violet radiation. Consequently, people with albinism living in Sub-Saharan African are about 1,000 times more likely to develop skin cancer than the general population.

These are albino people are just like us, they are created in the image of God. They deserve a chance to enjoy their lives.
In my community almost all the albino parents can not afford skin creams for their albinos and it is the reason why most of them have lost their lives to cancer.
They need to cover their heads, they need sunglasses and and lenses since almost all of them are short sighted.
I kindly ask you all to stand with us and we help these God’s people. They need counseling; many of them have a very low self esteem because of the different life experience they have had.

We have started with giving them mosquito nets and food.
Any thing you can donate makes a huge difference, you can give sun creams, hats, sun glasses, mosquito nets, money or you can pray.
May God bless you all
You can visit our website to make a donation. www.iamchildrenfoundation.org

Photos from Iam children’s foundation's post 05/08/2020

On the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder)
As a result, people with albinism have been persecuted, killed and dismembered, and graves of albinos dug up and desecrated. At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.
Albinism is a genetically inherited condition which is very rare and, worldwide, affects approximately one in twenty thousand people.Although rare in the western world, albinism is quite common in sub-Saharan Africa, likely as a result of consanguinity. Both parents, who may or may not be albinos themselves, must carry the gene if it is to be passed on to the child. Albinism occurs in both males and females and is not specific to any race or ethnic group. Statistics show that fifty percent of albinistic people in uganda have a known albinistic relative, although very few understand or are educated about the medical and genetic causes of this condition. Many believe it is a punishment from God or bad luck, and that their "disease" could be contagious, which is often the view of even members of the medical and professional community. These misconceptions, coupled with the lack of education, are some of the key reasons that albinism is so heavily persecuted. This lack of knowledge about people with albinism means that folktales and superstition in the name of witchcraft take the place of medical and scientific facts in the minds of many native Africans, with and without albinism, which in turn has major effects on the social integration of albinistic people into African society.


We got something to keep some of our girls and boys busy. They are practicing how to dance one of the cultural dances in our country. The girls dance while the boys drum. Due to the fact that there’s no school at the moment, many girls have been deceived, many have conceived, we bless God that atleast these few are kept busy.


Giving out sweaters to the less privileged children. We weren’t able to give everyone, just know we left those who didn’t get crying. It was so sad but that’s what we could do. However we promised them to go back. I kindly ask for your support, we need to make these children’s lives better and by the grace of God we can do it. The rains have started here in Uganda so life is somehow had for them. Please donate if you can. God bless you all


Dear friends, i greet you all in the name of our lord Jesus christ, thank you for supporting us. This video is from the outreach we had in one of the slums in our country. Some of these children stay on the streets while others come from very poor families. They not only need food, they need to go to school;most of them have never stepped in to school. They need safe and clean water, they need sweaters to keep them warm and mosquito nets. We are soon starting the rainy season in Uganda. Please pray if you can and those who would like to support financially, just visit our website and donate. www.iamchildrenfoundation.org
any amount counts. Thank you

Photos from Iam children’s foundation's post 27/07/2020

I bless God for the joy we brought into these children’s lives. These are children who stay on the streets,some live on slums. The economic stand of their families isn’t good. They survive on one meal or no meal a day. They were very happy to have such a breakfast. And it is all by the grace of God and kindhearted people like you. I kindly ask you to support us. The need is big, any amount makes a big difference. We are soon starting the rainy season here in Uganda, street children face a very hard time in such times, the weather gets too cold, when we give them sweaters we save them from the coldness. Please stand with us. God bless you

Photos from Iam children’s foundation's post 25/07/2020

Happy souls🥰
“No man hath beheld God at any time: if we love one another, God abideth in us, and his love is perfected in us:”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭


These children who stay in the slums and on the streets are so vulnerable. Many have fallen victim to child trafficking, child sacrifice, drugs to mention but a few. Since they have to look for food themselves, people take advantage of this, they introduce them to bad acts in the name of giving them what to eat. When we give them food, we save their lives. We save many from being trafficked in the name of giving them food. I call upon all you friends to stand with us. Any amount makes a big difference. Thanks you


Such water does not only have a bad taste, but it causes alot of disease.many children have lost life due diseases caused by dirty water, others have spent alot of money on treatment. Stand with us please and we get better wells. God bless


This is one of the reasons we need better walls in our slums here in uganda. This well where people collect water from, it is right next to a pit latrine. This water is by all means contaminated. Let’s join hands and help our community get clean and safe water. We are on a campaign to construct better wells for the community


It’s an honor to be loved by God. All our strength joy and power are found in God. We have a melody in our hearts just for our God. He deserves all the praise


These are the kind of wells we have in our community, as you can see the lady is scared of the animal. These animals not only scare away the children and the women who come to draw water from the well, the same animals contaminate the water since they step in the well to drink water. We are praying to God that one day our children and families will draw water from a safe well.


Did you know that over 300million school days are lost everyday due to water related illnesses🤔

Photos from Iam children’s foundation's post 12/07/2020

We need to be thankful for everything God has blessed us with. You shouldn’t take anything for granted. In most families in Uganda fetching water is children’s duty, leaving aside the quality of water, check how risky it is, but by God’s grace they survive. Don’t take anything for granted.


It should never hurt to be a child!


We work to make sure children live as children, they deserve the right to go to school and to enjoy all their rights. They should not go through the hustle of looking for food. We help to create an enabling environment for them. And it is by God’s grace that we are able to do this.

Videos (show all)

Giving out reusable sanitary pads, panties and menstrual hygiene education.Menstrual hygiene is very vital to the well b...
We need to be thankful for every little thing. This is drinking water to many people down here. They have to walk long d...