Rebels against liberals

Rebels against liberals

anything against socialism


I have been ashamed of many things in my life, but the recollection of my course as a Confederate soldier has been for forty years, my chief joy and pride! If ever I was fit to live or willing to die, if ever I was worthy of my father's name or my mother's blood, if ever I was pleased with my place, suited to my rank, or satisfied with my sinful self—it must have been whilst I was marching under that white-starred cross upon that blood-red banner against the invaders of my native Southland. For that I want no forgiveness in this world or the next. I can adopt the saying of my great Commander, General Lee: "If all were to be done over again, I should act in precisely the same manner; I could have taken no other course without dishonor." -- John Richard Deering, Company K, 12th Mississippi Infantry

From -- Lee and His Cause: Or, The Why and How of the War Between the States

image: Maurice Westbrooks, 19th Alabama


All liberals are just waiting. because they cannot think for themselves.


Santa was from the South.

Mobile uploads 15/12/2022

The last words of a dying Confederate ...

Dear comrades on my brow the hand of death is cast,
My breath is growing short, all pain will soon be past;
My soul will soar away to that bright land of bliss,
Far from the pain and woe of such a world as this.

I left my home and friends to battle with the foe,
To save the Southern land from misery and woe;
I gave my life my all (oh! not to win a name,
Or have it e'en enrolled upon the scroll of fame.)

Not so, I only wished a helper brave to be
To save the glorious South from cruel tyranny;
My soul with ardor burned the treacherous foe to fight,
And take a noble stand for liberty and right.

But oh! how weak is man! It was not God's decree,
That I should longer live a helper brave to be,
Before another day I shall be with the dead,
And 'neath the grassy sod will be my lonely bed.

And should you see the friends that nurtured me in youth,
Tell them I tried to walk the ways of peace and truth;
O! tell my mother kind the words that she has given,
Have led her wayward child to Jesus and to heaven.

Farewell! farewell! my friends my loving comrades dear,
I ask you not to drop for me one bitter tear;
The angels sweetly stand and beckon me to come,
To that bright land of bliss that heavenly realm my home ...


Ding d**g the witch is gone
Nancy Pelosi
Your fired
