Glorious Bible Church International

Glorious Bible Church International

Glorious Bible Church International is a bible centered Christian community, based in San Bruno Cali


"Divine Invasion through Incarnation"
This sermon answers the question, "What are the purposes of the Incarnation of Jesus?" Firsly, Jesus became a human being for God's purpose to distiguish between the believers and the non-believers. Secondly, in his humanity, Jesus demonstrated the glory, grace, and truth of God. Thirdly, the nature of God is disclosed through the life and ministry of Jesus.


GBCI Praise and Worship, December 6, 2020


"The Word Encompasses the World" The Relationship between Jesus and the World. The Word existed even the before the world was created. In fact, the Word established the world. The Word enlightens the minds of those who live in the world.


"Lord, I Will Give Thanks To You Forever"
Psalm 30 expresses the thanksgiving of the psalm singer for God's kindness to him. This song reflects the qualities of God that evoke a gesture of gratitude. Those who belong to God ought to thank him for correcting their wrong attitude and behavior. They should also thank him for his compassion on them and his concern for their well being.


"Celebration of Revelation"
This sermon which is based on Psalm 98 talks about the call for celebration in response to God's revelation of his salvation, making it available to all mankind. Believers are called forth to thank God for their redemption. They ought to teach others about God's faithfulness to his chosen people. They also need to tell the unbelievers about God's offer of salvation for all.


This sermon is about God announcing his sovereignty over earthly leaders. The reign of King Cyrus of the Persian Empire is a testament to this.
The prophetics oracle in Isaiah 45:1-8 contains three reasons why God announces his rule over King Cyrus: First, is to attest his power over him; Second, is to accomplish his plan through him; and third, is to assure his people about his deliverance for them.

Numerous times in the Scriptures, God affirms his good intentions for his people in view of the nations who invaded them or defended them.
No matter what is happening around the world, God is in control.
No matter who the leaders of the world are, God rules over them.
No matter who is the President of USA or Philippines or of any nations of the world. There's nothing to worry.
God is King of Kings! His power is superior over them.
There nothing to be afraid of.




This sermon is about God punishing the unblievers for their wickedness and unbelief. The destruction of the twin cities S***m and Gomorrah serves an illustration of the great judgment that will take place in the end. The fiery judgment against these cities depicts the punishment that God will execute on the unbelievers.


This video is a sermon about how to respond to false accusation and persecution. There are three principles based on Psalm 35 that believers can learn from and apply when confronted with wrongsdoings of people committed against them.


A Sermon on Nehemiah 9:5-8


Sermon on Romans 12:1-2


October 11, 3:00 PM, California Time, 6:00 AM Philippines Time (Oct 12)


The general subject of Psalm 7 pertains to the feelings which are to be entertained towards bullies and slanderers—towards those who reproach us when we are conscious of innocence of the charges that are alleged against us; and as all good men are liable to be placed in these circumstances, the psalm has a practical and general value. In response to the false charge and threats by his enemies against him, David resorted to prayer. He prays for deliverance from his enemies, and especially from this particular foe that threatened his destruction. He offers this prayer on the ground that he is innocent of the charges that are brought against him;—relying thus on the fact that his was a righteous cause, and appealing to God on this ground, and declaring his willingness to suffer all that his enemy attempted to bring upon him if he was guilty. He prays for the intervention of Divine justice on his enemies, on the ground of the general justice of God, and as a part of his general administration over men. In his own hopes, he trusts in the Divine discrimination between innocence and guilt, assured that God would intervene on behalf of the righteous, and that the principles of the Divine administration were opposed to the wicked. He speaks confidently of the ultimate destruction of the ungodly and of the manner in which it would be brought about. If they did not turn, they must be certainly destroyed, for God was preparing the instruments of their destruction; and the means which he would use would be the very plans of the wicked themselves. In the end, David says that, as for himself, he would praise the Lord according to his righteousness; that is, would adore and praise him as a righteous God.

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Rather than being envious of the prosperity of other people, have faith in God. #faithagainstenvy
GBCI Praise and Worship, December 6, 2020
GBCI Praise Worship November 29, 2020
"Lord, I Will Give Thanks To You Forever"
Celebration of Revelation
"Vengeance is Mine, I will Repay, says the Lord"
Wholehearted or Half-hearted