New Road Health Coaching

New Road Health Coaching

Online health consultation, specializing in Lyme disease and other chronic illness.

Photos from New Road Health Coaching's post 01/03/2024

When I was sick with , I thought there was no chance I would ever have a family. I was in no condition to even pursue a romantic relationship, much less be able to conceive and have the strength to carry and birth a baby. I had given it up, especially considering the risk of passing on my suffering to other innocent lives.

But by God’s grace and years of commitment to my healing, not only have I been able to experience a wonderful marriage, but now the blessing of a child of my very own. 💗 Little girl is healthy and VERY active, and my pregnancy so far has been remarkably easy. I am so thankful! ❤️

To those whose dreams - be it a family or something else - have been halted by chronic illness, don’t give up! Your dreams may change, they may look different than you imagined, but you can find a way to live a fulfilling, and yes, a HEALTHY life. The work of caring for yourself is 100% worth it. I did it, and so can you! 💚

I'm proud of myself. 10/02/2024

New post on my Substack!

What you are proud of yourself for?

I'm proud of myself. I've come a long way, and so have you.

Photos from New Road Health Coaching's post 05/10/2023

I’m so proud of Melissa for putting in the hard work to get well for herself and her beautiful family! It’s an honor to work with clients who are so invested in doing the right thing for their bodies. 💚

Whether or not you have a healthcare professional on your team, I’m here to give you the personalized guidance and support you deserve. Let’s talk!


I'm so excited to announce that I finally launched my New Road Health newsletter! This first article was a lot of fun to write. Check it out at and please subscribe!

Photos from New Road Health Coaching's post 31/08/2023

Tomorrow’s Super Blue Moon 🌕 is all over the news, and while this astronomical event is a bit of a rarity, every full moon is a big event for another reason…

That’s when the PARASITES come out to play. 😳🪱🦠

In a world where we don’t pay much attention to cycles of nature, that may sound weird and superstitious, but there’s a scientific reason for it. During full moon, our bodies produce more serotonin and less melatonin, which creates an optimal environment for parasites to reproduce. And yes, humans are hosts to parasites much more commonly than you think!

This increased parasite activity creates more inflammation and toxic load on the body, which causes flare ups of symptoms like joint swelling and pain, skin problems like rashes, itchiness, and acne, tummy troubles, mood swings, and teeth grinding (nearly always a sign of parasites). If you notice that things always seem to get worse once a month, like clockwork, around the full moon, it’s a strong indicator that you may be hosting some uninvited guests.

And while the monthly parasite party is on, it’s the perfect time to serve those pests their eviction notice! Up to three days before and after full moon, and especially the day of, eat extra antiparasitic foods like pumpkin seeds, garlic, and jalapeño peppers, and take some antiparasitic herbs. My favorites are black walnut and clove, and there are many others effective against different types of parasites. (Of course, never start a parasite cleanse without making sure your drainage pathways are open and ready to clear out the junk!)

Have you heard of the connection between full moon and parasites before? Let me know in the comments, and feel free to ask any questions you have!


This morning, one of my clients messaged me with thanks for “diagnosing” their issue before the doctors did. While I’m flattered and honored that I was able to help, here’s the thing…

I don’t *diagnose.*

I look for root causes, which often come down to a handful of crucial factors, regardless of the symptoms presented. And sometimes I find that an official diagnosis can even get in the way of a person’s progress because it narrows the focus too much - the goal becomes tackling a *disease* rather than restoring *health.*

If you’ve spent years chasing a diagnosis for the symptoms you’re facing, may I suggest another approach? It can certainly be reassuring to have a name for what you’re experiencing, but if it’s slowing down your recovery, maybe it’s not worth it. At the end of the day, what you need is to get your life back! And I’m here to help you do just that. 💚

Ready to get to the bottom of your health issues and start feeling like yourself again? Send me a DM!


Here’s what one happy client had to say about his New Road experience!

“Jessica was able to find the source of the problem of my health challenge very early. I highly recommend her coaching service.”
-Frank A.

Thanks, Frank, it’s been a pleasure working with you! 💚

Photos from New Road Health Coaching's post 15/07/2023

It’s road trip season out there! 🚗 And your healing journey is a bit like a road trip too. Maybe you’ve been going solo, getting totally lost on unmarked roads. Or maybe you’ve handed over the wheel to someone who claims to know the route, but seems more interested in visiting their own favorite tourist traps than getting you to your destination. Maybe you’re not even sure what your destination is!

Here’s the thing: you know your vehicle (your body) better than anyone. Don’t give the keys to someone who doesn’t care about it as much as you do, who might drive it through terrain it’s not equipped for. Stay in the driver’s seat!

But just as importantly, don’t go it alone. You need someone who knows where the rest stops and gas stations are, someone to read the map, someone to keep the snacks and jokes coming. Find an experienced health team who will support you in your journey and aren’t annoying backseat drivers.

If you need help to identify your destination or get back behind the wheel of your healing, let me be your navigator! I’ve been where you are, and I love helping people succeed in their own health journeys. Get in that driver’s seat and let’s go on a New Road adventure! 🚙💨


I didn’t take the month of June off my social media on purpose - it’s just what needed to happen for the time of life I’m in right now. Worrying about my lack of Facebook presence was not helping me move my health coaching work forward, so I let it sit on the back burner and focused on other priorities, and my life and work are better for it! And guess what? Facebook was still here, waiting patiently for me.

One of the biggest struggles I see with my clients (and people in general) is that they (we) are TOO DARN BUSY. No one has time to do All The Things, but we still try to stuff as much into our lives as possible and then wonder why we’re falling apart at the seams. My friend, please slow down! Cut down the quantity and focus on the quality.

It is 100% okay to let go of some things that are dragging you down. Your time is precious, and you need to decide carefully where you will spend it. Make a time budget, and don’t feel guilty about saying no if an activity doesn’t fit in. Yes, chronic illness will tighten your time budget. You can either fight that fact and make life worse for yourself, or accept your limitations and say no in the moment so you will have greater ability to say yes later.

Make your health a priority. Make your closest relationships a priority. Make your spiritual wellbeing a priority. If other things need to wait a month, or a year…or three…that’s okay. When you get back to them, it will be as a better person and with more joy.

What do you need to take a break from? Tell me in the comments (because if you say it you’re a lot more likely to do it)!


Hello from my lovely outdoor office! 👋🏻🙂🌿

It’s the last day of Lyme Disease Awareness Month, so I wanted to give you one more reminder of my special on new client consultations! Even though we’re out of time for sessions in May, I’ve decided to extend the offer - book your initial consultation TODAY by midnight, and I’ll still give you the full discount of 25% off!

If you’ve been wanting to give health coaching a try, now is the time. Take a brave step and start your New Road journey now! 💚


From one woman to another…I see you. I see your pain, I see your frustration at yet another dead end, I see your struggle to find your identity. I see the difficulties of your healing journey with the added complexities of a female body.

And I see your strength, the endurance it takes to care for yourself, oftentimes while taking care of others. I see your resilience, your creativity, your determination to live life to the fullest. And I’m here for you.

Ladies, let’s look out for each other! If there’s a special woman in your life who is struggling with chronic illness, tag her in the comments with “I see you” and I’ll give her half price on an initial consultation with New Road Health Coaching.

As a health coach, I’m here to listen to your needs, dig deep to find your unique answers, and be your cheerleader as you rediscover the vibrant, healthy woman you were made to be. Ready to enlist support for your healing journey? Let’s talk!


This Thanksgiving Day, I’m so thankful that God brought me this far in my health journey and gave me the ability to help others who are hurting. And thankful that I had an attitude of gratitude to get me through the hard years of Lyme disease. 💚

Did you know that gratitude is a key factor in whether people who go through a traumatic event will develop PTSD or instead experience the phenomenon of Post-Traumatic Growth? Building a daily habit of gratefulness can actually help strengthen your resilience to overcome the trauma of chronic illness or other life circumstances. What better day to start than today?

Even if it’s been a rough day (I spent most of mine on the couch or in bed), what are you thankful for today? Tell me in the comments!

P. S. If you haven’t entered the giveaway yet to win a consultation from me and a fun-filled care package, check out my Instagram to enter by tomorrow!


I’m doing a giveaway on my Instagram! If you need some personalized and compassionate health help and/or a sweet care package (who doesn’t?) head over to on IG to enter! 💚


A recent analysis by BMJ Global Health showed that at least 14.5% of people worldwide have been infected with Lyme disease during their lifetime. That means the odds of getting Lyme at some point in your life are about 1 in 7. (The same odds as dying of cancer, ironically.)

If Lyme disease is that prevalent, what can you do to avoid being part of the statistic? First of all, prevention! Don’t think that because you’re not an “outdoorsy person” it can’t happen to you. Know how to protect yourself from ticks.

Secondly, but perhaps more importantly, take care of your immune system! Maintaining good general health is your best defense against Lyme and most other illnesses (cancer included).

And if you’re thinking, “It’s too late for me,” don’t despair! You can join the growing number of people who are thriving after Lyme. I did it, and so can you!


What is Lyme arthritis?

One of the most common symptoms of Lyme disease is joint pain, especially in large joints like knees and elbows. Lyme bacteria thrives in collagen-rich areas of the body, and causes inflammation leading to pain, swelling, and stiffness. Even children can experience the crippling discomfort usually associated with osteoarthritis in elderly people. If you are struggling with unexplained arthritis symptoms at a young age, Lyme should be a consideration.

The good news is, Lyme arthritis is almost always fully reversible! With proper care addressing the root causes, you can have strong, pain-free joints and live an active life. And whether you have Lyme or not, don’t wait until your later years to start caring for your joints - healthy foundations now will save you a lot of trouble later!

Need some help to get your joints back in shape? Get 25% off your initial consultation if you book a coaching session with New Road during Bone and Joint Health National Action Week (October 12-18)!


Business cards are in! It’s finally getting genuine, honest-to-goodness, actually real, folks. Consultations are open, and if you sign up for my newsletter at my website (or message me), you’ll get 10% off your first appointment!

And practitioners, I’d love to partner with you! Send me a message and I’ll mail you some cards for free so you can easily share this resource with your patients and clients. It takes a team!

(Logo by the talented Rachel Davis of Newport Photo Co., sticker by Spoonie Sister Shop. everybody.)


Announcing my new logo! 💚

I love this design by Rachel Davis because it captures the heart of my business so well. I want every client I work with to experience GROWTH, life, and strength. The pain in your past can become the roots from which your future blossoms!


Wondering what my certifications mean? Or how much a consultation costs? Look no further!


Yes, I’ve had Lyme disease. No, I’m not scared of nature! 🍃

Many people struggle with PTSD about tall grass, forests, etc. after the traumatic experience of a tick bite and Lyme disease. That is perfectly understandable! Ticks are horrible creatures, and the potential of meeting one in its natural hideout might be just too much to handle. I’m on high alert when I’m in tick habitats, both for myself and others. I may have felt like a hero when I brushed one off my fiancé - no tick is going to get its dirty mouth on my man! 💪🏻

I’ll never be blissfully ignorant of tiny threats in the forest again. But that doesn’t stop me from doing what I love. If you struggle with Lyme PTSD, know that your fear is not irrational. But don’t resign yourself to avoiding nature forever! You CAN heal, physically and emotionally, and get back to fully enjoying outdoor activities. It takes time and patience, but don’t give up!

My passion is to help people with Lyme disease recover full health, not only physically, but emotionally as well. DM me to book a consultation today! 💚


I’m back! Well, sort of. 😊

I’ve been feeling like a bit of a failure for launching a business…and then it going absolutely nowhere. Because I haven’t put time into it. Because I just don’t have the time. But you know what? It’s okay.

It’s okay that I’m sitting grounded at the end of the runway. At least I taxied out there, and when I throw that throttle, this thing’s gonna fly. ✈️

I’ve put in the work to earn my certifications and the harder work of personal experience healing from Lyme. I have what it takes, and when the time is right, I’m going to get out there in the suffering world to help some people heal and thrive.

For now, I’m having grace with myself and accepting the unexpected requirements of my time. I’m fulfilling my commitments, even when it’s hard. I’m loving the people closest to me. And ultimately, I think that will make for a better New Road Health Coaching.

One last thing: I may not be as active here as I would like, but I am available! If you or someone you know needs a health coach now, I will gladly make time for you. It would mean the world to me (and certainly to that person who needs help to heal) if you’d spread the word! 💚


Strangely, getting well can be as difficult as being sick. Check out my latest blog post to read what I learned about about mindset and healing! (Link in comments)


"New seasons are a glorious thing. Whether it’s the first crocuses of spring, crickets on a summer evening, vibrant fall foliage, or a cozy winter fire in the hearth, it feels like a fresh mini-era opens up with every quarter revolution around the sun. The changes marking the progression of time always give me a sense of adventure and fresh enthusiasm for life."

New Road Health Coaching is OFFICIALLY OPEN! Read the full blog post (and book a consultation!) below.


He is risen!


Jesus, “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief…has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…and with his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:3-5).

Jesus gets it. He knows better than anyone what pain is. He is close to the sick and suffering, and voluntarily experienced the worst the world has to offer to make a way for our healing on the deepest level. Suffering is still terribly real, but thanks to Jesus, it doesn’t get the final word. Bring Him your weakness and hurt today and let Him make something new out of you!


I really like the picture on the left. Why? It’s one of the few I have that captures a little of how sick I was. I forget sometimes what Lyme disease did to me, the hours spent lying on the couch in pain, the fatigue that kept me from living life, the memories and words that were stolen from me. I don’t ever want to go back.

But…I wouldn’t change it. Why? Because it made the picture on the right possible. I learned what I could not have discovered any other way: compassion, acceptance, true joy, and a wealth of skills I can use to help others climb out of the darkness of chronic illness. I love who I am, and I thank God for the experiences that shaped me.

If you’re sick, snap a selfie. Because you CAN get better, and when you do, you’ll want to remember and celebrate how far you’ve come. And if you feel lost, maybe a health coach who’s been there is what you need! Send me a message - I’m here to help you through. 💚


Recharging in the forest. 🌲💚

Nature is healing! Negative ions and fresh air around trees and flowing water help clear the brain to reduce depression, fatigue, and stress. Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D for a strong immune system. Grounding (direct contact with the earth) may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. God made you to enjoy the outdoors - find a way to get outside today!

Have a favorite outdoor activity for spring? Share in the comments!


Welcome to New Road Health Coaching! My name is Jessica Smith, Certified Natural Health Professional and Certified Lyme Specialist, and my goal is to help you overcome chronic illness and live a vibrant life physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My personal experience with the struggles of Lyme disease has given me compassion, knowledge, and skills to help you recover and stay well. You CAN heal, and it would be my honor to serve as your guide on the journey.

Visit my website or message me your email to subscribe to email updates - the first ten people to join will receive 10% off an initial consultation!

Videos (show all)

Living an unhealthy lifestyle is simple - too simple! Sedentary habits, highly processed foods, poisonous household supp...