Perpetual Inspiration

Perpetual Inspiration

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✨ Perpetual Inspiration✨
Inspired Living to Tap Into Your Infinite Potential
Remove Blocks & Barriers
Propel Yourself Towards Greatness
and LIVE Your Best Life

Transformational Change Agent
Psychotherapist & Transcendence Coach


Wouldn't it be wonderful if your life was one in which you felt you wanted to jump for joy? If you're in the muck, that's ok. I honor that. But if you've found yourself stuck for longer than you wish to be, then let's get ya' out of it.

Join the land of the boundless joyful living, the land of the shiny souls and find the light within you.


So often we are sucked into living someone elses dreams... to fitting into the "mold" of life around us. After all the years I spent counseling those who were at the end of their lives, I cannot tell you how sad it was to feel the grief of lost dreams because of it.

It's the greatest gift to live today knowing that you might die tomorrow. IF you were to die, WHAT do you WISH you could have done differently?

Once you find the answer out to that question, then take TODAY to move in that direction. For the sake of all of life, humanity, and the GIFT of evolution, I beg of you. LIFE WANTS you to live your destiny. AND I WANT YOU to live your dreams.


There's a wonderful trick to living the path of greatness. It exists within each moment from when we wake up to when we lay our heads down to sleep at night. It is as simple as perfecting the cap on the toothpaste, to making your bed impeccably well. When we develop an inner consciousness for great things at every level, it becomes only natural that this virtue extends outward to everything that we do.

So try making a list of common things you could do uncommonly well. Succeed in excellence on a small level and you're bound to find it at a greater one.


It's always fun to travel ot exotic destinations. To breathe in the air and feel the sun of some wonderful tropical destination. BUT WHAT IF you could live life on a vacation ALWAYS? Sound Crazy? It is, and it's absolutely amazing.

So if you want to LIVE paradise each day of your life. Join me, I live to take you on the path, where both the muck and the magic and life becomes the paradise from which you never want to return.

Pack your Bags :)


We ALL need a little Propane to help us ride high. Sometimes that propane is enjoyable, sometimes it stinks like s**. But remember, it's always propane that moves us.

What moves you?


Many years ago I stopped using the phrase "I've had a bad day". I decided then and there that I wouldn't consider ANY of my days BAD. Today, I have AMAZING days and Good Days. Sometimes I have "Interesting Days". I smile to myself when I have an "Interesting Day". Because those "Interesting Days" give me the chance to learn more about myself and the world. They are never BAD unless we decide for ourselves to put that label on it.

Try for yourself. What happens when you stop using the word "Bad" and replace it with Interesting? What happens when we STOP thinking of things outside as BAD or WRONG and instead, embrace them, smile, thank them and enjoy?

It might not happen overnight, but I challenge you to erase the negative labels from your mindset. Do it for a week, or a month and JUST SEE what happens there.


I've seen people come into their power as teenagers and some at the final stretch of their lives. There's no excuses when it comes to "time". It's NEVER too late to change lanes, switch paths, and LIVE the life you were always meant to live.

So join me, let's LIVE that life. Your dreams await you and all YOU need to do is to take that first step!


I love the dreamers. Everything that comes to form must first be created in the imagination. But let's take it a step further. Dream the Dream then MAKE A PLAN to take it into action. Need Help? I live for it!


There's nothing greater in the world than someone who lives the passion of their total being unapologetically. There are too many people who shy away from themselves and their power.

Don't do that.

Yes, there are times we all get lost and that's ok. Those are moments to check in with yourself and clarify WHO you are. Remember your purpose, clarify your dreams. And then LIVE IT and develop a IDGAF for each day you go forward. Because all GREAT things come from people who trudge forward with the attitude and BLAZE a new path.

So let's do this!


The practice of Yoga is far more than cultivating a rockin' body. The practice of Yoga helps us find peace within the tension. To see every stretch, every challenge, every slip and fall as an opportunity to grow, re-center and get back into form.

After all, the truth of the matter, is that if it isn't stretching you even just a little. It isn't helping you grow.

If you can think of something today that is stretching YOU, can you think of it with gratitude? Try thanking the situation or person for giving you the grace of growth. I can guarantee you that this practice will shift your inner world, bring you peace, and help you shine.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being

👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Grow with Grace!

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Did you ever wonder why some rich people are poor and some poor people appear rich? It's about cultivating a state of abundance in the inner world. Entirely possible with the right mindset.

Take a moment to think of what you HAVE not what you LACK. Simple living by its nature is ABUNDANT living. And Living in Abundance means you have the ability to share ABUNDANTLY.

And sharing abundantly, is living a wealth beyond...

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers


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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend!


Success isn't for the dreamers, it's for the doers. Make a list each day of the 'doing' that makes you into the greatness you'd like to become. Take time at the end of each day to do an inventory of yourself. What did YOU do well? What COULD you have done better? Step by step, you find that you have arrived, with your head in the clouds but feet firmly planted on the ground. Take that walk and find your unique path forward.


✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Step Forward to Greatness

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Life is one great adventure if we're courageous enough to take the leap. Learn to develop trust in yourself. Put a blindfold on and walk around, engaging all your senses. The more you come alive from the inside, the more you'll trust that you are powerful beyond.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers


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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend!


There's a lot of opinions out there.

Stay the course

Live your dreams

Share your magic

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Rock IT!

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How many times have you felt judged by others? Judged for not being enough, not saying or doing the right thing?

When we live the power of our being and love ourselves NO MATTER WHAT. None of that really matters... it's all just a bunch of noise.

It saddens me to think of all the people who morphe their brilliance to 'fit into the box' of the world.

Don't do that.

Everyone's got an opinion... and if their 'opinion' feels like they're throwing bricks... take those bricks and build a fortress. Build a CASTLE for yourself and your dreams.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being

👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Live Like a King

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Our culture and our minds are forever creating distractions...

Distractions away from the SOURCE of it all.

Everyone KNOWS the old adage that happiness is an "Inside Job".
But What are you doing today to live that Truth?

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being

👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Come Home To Yourself

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COVID-19 has given us the gift of a lifetime.... One where we are no longer distracted by all the clutter of the outside world.

So many of us are stuck at home, with ourselves.

How has that been for you?

In my experience, it's been amazing to see how difficult it is to spend time alone for many. It feels like "going crazy" when we cannot interact with the outside world.

But it's really a calling to take a step back and venture inward... inward to the YOU, US, and I that we are all too quick to ignore.

YOU is waiting for YOU to come keep it company. Ask it questions, get to know IT when no one else is watching.

This IS the adventure of a lifetime....

From someone who has traveled the external world, I can say with certainty that this is so.

So Come Play, in yourself, I promise you, you won't regret it!

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live To Live The Power of Your Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Come Home :)

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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend!



I know there are times in my life where I've lived unconsciously... moving from moment to moment, day to day, month to month...

Doing.. Not observing.

Captivated by mind's incessant chatter, without a state of curious reflection.

Today, I love to watch my thoughts AND Challenge them.

To ask myself, is THIS really true?

So often we are a victim to our conditioning, a victim to our unconscious motives and desires... a victim to our fears and our cultural programming.

I invite you to stop for a minute and watch your thoughts. Write them down like a scientist doing an experiment.

What do they say about you? What do they say about the way you think about others in the world?

By peeling back the layers you will discover that there's a rather interesting stranger living in your body. And once you get to know that stranger, REALLY get to know that stranger, then you will FINALLY be able to accept or REJECT anything "IT" decides to tell you is true.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Examine The Stranger Living Within

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There is SO much about this thing called 'life' that we do not know. As a recovering over-thinker, this reality has been maddening at times. I have at various moments, wanted SO desperately to 'put things in a box'.

But what a marvelous thing it is, to live so free that we don't HAVE TO 'understand'..

What a marvelous thing to just float through existence and play in the playground like little children, who KNOW that they're cared for no matter what.

The "need to know" is nothing more than our own inner need for safety OR for pride/ego in 'knowing' we are right. Find peace within yourself.. SAFETY within yourself and all that goes by the wayside.

And THAT'S when the REAL fun begins. That's when all there is, is time to shine... time to play.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

To Live Free in The Mystery, Find the Safety & Security
To Just PLAY

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If ya have a brain, You are BOUND to experience doubt.

Doubt is WHAT the brain does...

It's how it functions.

As long as we can make peace with that fact, we can see it as nothing more than a passing moment. A function of our minds playing little mind tricks.

And Thoughts ARE NOT REAL unless you THINK that they are.

Can you see doubt as separate than truth?

Can you see the THOUGHTS in your mind as separate things from You?

Once you can, you start the journey of separating yourself from the power they have over you. And THEN you can start gaining POWER over them... power to transcend negativity, doubt, and all the little voices in your mind that hold you back.

We all have a song to sing.. a rhythm and a dance that we bring to the world.
I've met many people in my life, but not a one of them sounds the same.
Just as there are countless shades of colors in the rainbow, the world needs your unique beat to shine through.

✨Live in The Power of PI

✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Kill the Doubt that Holds YOU back!

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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend! ✨ -



We are BORN into the uniqueness of who and what we are.

Unfortunately, through the process of growing up, the world conditions us to be different.

And as I've heard before, Courage ISN'T The Absence of Fear. It is moving FORWARD, despite it.

So Jump in, BE YOU.

UNLEARN what you've been taught and go forward courageously, with the unique power of who you REALLY are.

✨Live in The Power of PI:

✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being ----

👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And LIVE Courageously

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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend! ✨ -



When we think of all the great men and women throughout history, we can easily see how many thought them 'crazy'. Indeed, 'crazy' means breaking down the barriers of 'normal' and living/thinking in a whole new way.

So how can we embrace our inner greatness, WITHOUT embracing our own inner crazy??

This crazy is EXACTLY from where all greatness springs.

So BE Great. Wonderfully, crazily Great.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Live Your Greatness

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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend!



We all have a song to sing.. a rhythm and a dance that we bring to the world.

I've met many people in my life, but not a one of them sounds the same.

Just as there are countless shades of colors in the rainbow, the world needs your unique beat to shine through.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Bring the World Your Jam, Your Own Unique Tune

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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend!



It's so easy to want to shrink from the pain and the discomfort of life. But it is precisely those moments that we can focus on what's going on in the inside.. uncovering the awareness within us and the light around us. especially in the darkest hours, this awareness awakens within us a perception of who we are and what really matters.

From this awareness, we find ourselves better equipped to set the guidebook of our lives and find precisely where it is that we're being called to strengthen the fabric of our hearts and minds.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

To Live in the Total Power of Awareness & Transform Your Life

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👩‍❤️‍👨 And Tag A Friend!



From the Genius Vault:

Have you ever come home from a long day of work, washed your face, taken off your suit, and slipped into something comfortable?

You know that feeling of ease.. that sigh, that breath of air that hits you as all your muscles relax?

Imagine living in that state always. Whether you're wearing your 'mask' for the world or not.

I once heard that: 'normal' is only a setting on a dryer. We're all a little crazy and that's the most marvelous thing about it all.

SO STOP pretending. Take off your clothes and embrace your inner Weirdness.

Because being weird is awesome.
Being uniquely YOU is being great.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Embrace Your Inner Weirdness

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Perpetual Inspiration's cover photo


Relief From Suffering

Just a brief lil' intro to invite YOU to join ME, on the adventure of a lifetime 🙂

We've ALL wished we were 'richer', 'smarter', 'fitter' more attractive OR more successful...

But did ya ever ask yourself why?

Well, I have a little secret for you...

In you lies the power.. the power to stop the nagging feeling of being 'less than' or not doing ‘good enough'.. the pain, the suffering, THE STRUGGLE with desperately NEEDING those things.

I’m not talking about wanting, wanting is fun 😉

I’m talking about being FREE from the enslavement of the NEED and enjoying them when they come (and they’ll come)...

How? when MASTERY of the mind begins.

When you master the mind, you trancend it. You REALIZE that YOU are MORE than IT.

From that point, everything becomes ENJOYABLE, and just about ANY-ONE-THING becomes possible...

From that point, you will either GET RICH or FEEL super rich. Your light will shine SO bright you'll BECOME more attractive to others (and most especially to yourself).

In FACT, Mastering the Mind MAKES YOU fitter... stronger... AND smarter too

HA! Eureka! The one-stop-shop of Greatness Starts here! 😂

When we learn to "Master the Mind" we get to ENJOY what it does for us. We get to USE it to WORK for us, instead of US a slave to IT.

After year's of living 'this path' and PERSONALLY finding the precise power and freedom I'm talking about here... Covid-19 gave me the rather unexpected gift of Time; Time to focus my energy on bringing PI (Perpetual Inspiration) into the world.

PI is intended to bring you a steady stream of inspiration, online postings, videos, classes, workshops, masterminds (and private coaching or 'therapy' if you'd like)...To help YOU find what I found... and FEEL what I feel.

My (soul's) sole purpose is to serve you... to help YOU get in touch with a deeper, more infinite part of YOU that is ALL you've ever wanted and NEEDED but didn't know it until now.

So please know, that I'm not trying to "Sell You" on anything.. It's just that living in this state of perpetual inspiration is the BEST thing I've ever found and I REALLLLLYYYY really really want you to have it too.

Ya' got nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain...

So come on in..and join me. Because I can't WAIT to watch YOUR transformation... and witness what you'll be able to do with YOUR life, once the gift of perpetual inspiration finds you too.

Perpetually Yours,



I don't know about you, but I know I've had times in my life where I've been bogged down by the caring 'advice' of another.

As a therapist, I find this process interesting. As a yogi, I find it quite distracting.

That's because the process of self-realization, actualization (or living our best self), all starts with the 'I'. This 'I' is as unique as a fingerprint. Our destinies are ours alone to live and exist within us like our own inner north star.

So in order to realize the self, we must tune INTO that inner guidance tune OUT all the noise.

The outer world of our experiences only serves us in offering potential paths to learn, think, feel, and do.

When you find that inner star, you can't always explain it, but you know it feels right.

For that reason, ALWAYS go towards the light of things that set your soul on fire. These are the guiding external triggers, designed to bring you home.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And Come HOME to your Own Inner North Star

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From the Genius Vault.. Confucius Says...

"It does not matter how slowly you go... so long as you do not stop"

We all have our own personal timelines of evolution. There's no sense comparing yourselves to others and there's no sense in getting discouraged that you aren't moving 'fast enough'.

So let yesterday be yesterday and tomorrow, be tomorrow. Live each day with a renewed sense of the 'now'. Do what you can in this moment and let the timeline and history of your life write itself.

✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being


👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And LIVE with boundless enthusiasm.

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Ooooo... I've got some bad news for you.

I know you don't want to hear it...But you need to

We're all on a journey towards 6 feet underground...

And I know that life can be hard, but it's nothing more than a playground to work through those challenges in a way that helps you LIVE the divine truth of your being.

Each day, we're called to show up "to work"... life is in session, and its moments are meant to be enjoyed.

SO LIVE IT! FULLY... It's the only one ya got.


✨Live in The Power of PI:
✨Perpetually Inspired To Live the Beauty of Our Infinite Being

👊🏼 Captivate Your Power

🎇 Conjure that X-Factor

🔥 Burn Down Them’ Barriers

And LIVE with boundless enthusiasm.

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