Rolling For Keeps

Rolling For Keeps

A D&D campaign set in its own world with new lore. The perfect combination of humor, drama, and WTF


Due to unforseen events the podcast has been cancelled


Let's share! What's your favorite class/race combo? For 5th ed I have to say mines Aasimar Paladin. -Tony/Kazahr/Rally.

Rolling for Keeps: Introduction by Rolling for Keeps • A podcast on Anchor 01/11/2019

We are live!

Rolling for Keeps: Introduction by Rolling for Keeps • A podcast on Anchor Welcome to this first episode of Rolling for Keeps, a Dungeons & Dragons podcast set on Mars in a post-apocalyptic future. Our first full episode will be released in the coming weeks on this feed, so stay tuned for that. In the mean time us players, and our Dungeon Master Matt, have prepared some in...


Hey guys. We actually found a different podcast starting at the same time as ours with the same name. Due to that we have agreed to change once again to Rolling For Keeps. We will be updated this page asap


Hey everyone happy to announce we will be changing our name going forward. We are no longer DM+4 from this day going forward we will be known as Once Upon a Dungeon. Thank you for being patient with us as we have been working on the changes. We our excited for the reboot and the future of the pod cast and hope you our as well.


We are currently working on a rebrand and name change to Once Upon a Dungeon. If we get the approval from Facebook expect to see the name change. Our other media outlets will be undergoing this change as well


Hey guys! We are currently working on a rebrand. Facebook denied our name change so I am making a new page and merging them. More information once it's all set up. Stay tuned for big changes. -Kazahr/Gramps/?

Timeline photos 02/10/2019

Changes are coming things are being ironed out give use a few more days to make the changes- DM Matt

Poor Luigi!!!



Sorry for the lack of updates. Changes are coming so I'm holding off on post til we have them ready


I'm playing a lot of slow characters right now so this hits home -Tony/Kazahr (Gramps)

Newest episode is live. Listen in and love us

Rolling For Keeps 20/08/2019

We love feedback. Message us anytime

Rolling For Keeps A D&D campaign set in its own world with new lore. The perfect combination of humor, drama, and WTF


Give us a listen. -Tony/Kazahr (Gramps)


DM: A wyvern is flying at you. It's Jaws are open and it's ready to attack. What do you do?

Shakra: *furiously plays violin at the wyvern*

DM: Does a 19 hit?

Shakra: wait what's happening?

DM:It's biting you, what were you expecting to happen?


Listen in to our wonderful DM torture his players. -Tony/Kazahr (Gramps)


Stay in on a rainy day and give us a listen

DM+4 • A podcast on Anchor 08/08/2019

It only feels right to start by posting our first episode. In the beginning we were DM+3, but those days are long past us now. More episodes to come -Tony/Kazahr (Gramps)

DM+4 • A podcast on Anchor Listen in awe as our players Helaman, Tony, Andrew and Caleb face off against the dangers DM Matt sets on them in a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition adventure. Will any of their characters survive this daunting adventure? Tune in to DM+4 every week to find out! This is a real play campaign brought to....


We will have links to the show up soon. For now enjoy some memes. -Tony(Gramps)