Russian Neurolanguage Coach

Russian Neurolanguage Coach

Learning Russian as a foreign language. The first session is free.

Изучение русског? It's totaly different structure to traditional language learning.

Neurolanguage Coaching® is unique delivery with brain-friendly coaching communication. In learning process:
● We don`t follow books - we follow learner's way (we will discover it)
● Non-directive style of learning session
● Potentially faster language learning
● Whole process Brain Friendly
● Content and input always depend on clients wishes

Break the language barries! Enjoy learning! Try the f

Learn A Language Fast and Efficiently with a Neurolanguage Coach 17/01/2022


Learn A Language Fast and Efficiently with a Neurolanguage Coach Learn A Language Fast with a Neurolanguage Coach - The Worldwide Neurolanguage Coaching® Network - Find a Neurolanguage Coach near you

Photos from Russian Neurolanguage Coach's post 27/12/2021

The GROW model you provides a framework to encourage students to take responsibility for actions.
Use these questions to generate new ideas and re-focus on your learning goals.



Neuroefficiency! 🧠




Reading “IDIOT”…


How the Sun influences on me:)

Happy Sunday!

Get outside in the sun today🧠🌅🌞


Scientists once thought that the brain stopped developing after the first few years of life. They thought that connections formed between the brain’s nerve cells during an early “critical period” and then were fixed in place as we age. If connections between neurons developed only during the first few years of life, then only young brains would be “plastic” and thus able to form new connections.

Because of this belief, scientists also thought that if a particular area of the adult brain was damaged, the nerve cells could not form new connections or regenerate, and the functions controlled by that area of the brain would be permanently lost. However, new research on animals and humans has overturned this mistaken old view: today we recognize that the brain continues to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This phenomenon, called neuroplasticity, allows the neurons in the brain to compensate for injury and adjust their activity in response to new situations or changes in their environment.

How does neuroplasticity work? A large amount of research focuses on this question. Scientists are certain that the brain continually adjusts and reorganizes. In fact, while studying monkeys, they found that the neuronal connections in many brain regions appear to be organized differently each time they are examined! Existing neural pathways that are inactive or used for other purposes show the ability to take over and carry out functions lost to degeneration, and there is evidence that reorganization in the adult brain can even involve the formation of new neural connections. Understanding the brain’s ability to dynamically reorganize itself helps scientists understand how patients sometimes recover brain functions damaged by injury or disease.

More info:


The concept of neuroplasticity was first introduced in the 1800s

The term “neuroplasticity” was only first used by Polish neuroscientist Jerzy Konorski in 1948 to describe observed changes in neuronal structure (neurons are the cells that make up our brains), although it wasn't widely used (or even accepted) until the 1960s.

For better or for worse, your brain can change. Make sure you spend time each day building a better brain!!!


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Очень круто! Алексей, Сергей, благодарю за эту конференцию 👏👏👏

В эту субботу (31 июля) Языковой Центр GAME в сотрудничестве с единомышленниками со всего мира проводит уникальную международную онлайн-конференцию по игровому обучению языкам. В фокусе будет русский язык. На конференцию зарегистрировались уже более 500 участников!

Программа и регистрация:



Just a little reminder😉🧠


During my career, I’ve met many students who felt less motivated than usual. They were exhausted and irritable. Every lesson they were less and less inspired and creative…
What did they all have in common?


Nowadays it’s widespread, but it’s possible to diagnose and treat with the right steps.

The first step is recognition of Burnout.
What is Burnout? It’s negative emotional, physical and mental reaction to prolonged study. It’s when you study the same material or work on the same project for weeks and months…

If you have burnout here are some common signs:
➳ You feel exhausted even if you slept more than usual
➳ Loss of confidence in studying abilities
➳ Lacking motivation to have lessons
➳ Feeling bored / uninterested / anxiety / depression
➳ increasing of bad habits such as staying up late, overeating or any other habit you tend to acquire when you are stressed
➳ It can cause such problems as insomnia, headaches, depression and etc

Can you PREVENT burnout?

To be continued…





This is what I do at every Russian NeuroLanguage Session: connection to real goals…

Monday today, time for the TIP OF THE DAY!

Educational, infographics every day

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Neuroplasticity 👏👏👏



In case if you are interested in history of Russia 👏👏👏

Как увлекательно рассказать об истории России?

История нашей необъятной страны дарит преподавателям РКИ неисчерпаемый запас тем для обсуждений. Но какие источники помогут разнообразить уроки и не дадут заскучать студентам?

🔹Проект журналиста Леонида Парфёнова «Намедни» - рассказы о самых значимых мировых событиях того или иного года.
Пример видео:
Что проходило в России и в мире в 2020, 1991 или 1941? Данный материал подойдёт для дискуссий на занятиях со студентами высоких уровней.

🔹Проект «Карта истории» - документальная игра о главных событиях России 20-го столетия. Вы можете попробовать себя в роли Виктора Цоя, Эльдара Рязанова, Владимира Высоцкого и узнать, как сложилась бы ваша жизнь, а что было в реальности. Отличный материал, чтобы познакомиться со многими ключевыми фигурами в истории и культуре России.

🔹 Канал «Краткая история» - небольшие видео о разных исторических аспектах. Для тех, кто не хочет вдаваться в излишние подробности. Подойдёт для работы на уроке, т.к. хронометраж роликов 5-10 минут.

Коллеги, какие ресурсы для обсуждения исторических тем используете в работе вы?


It’s absolutely true 👍👍👍

You got this!


It’s all about people…

Educational, infographics every day

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Timeline photos 04/06/2021


Educational, infographics every day

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New post by ELT ACTION! For more articles, resources, infographics and access to exclusive webinars, visit and subscribe FOR FREE to


You have a goal: to speak a language

For some, it is a joy to learn something new and interesting, to reach a new level of their skills.

And for someone - what a "horror", again to be taught something, a moment when you “were told” what you should do.

Feelings are most often associated with learning languages:

* fear - to say something wrong, to seem ridiculous when you speak, to look unprofessional…

* shame - fear of mistakes or homework not done…

* depreciation - I don't know anything and have been trying to learn the language for many years ...

There are also positive emotions: “Cool, I can speak!”

Learning languages can be resourceful, interesting, useful ...

But fear "emerges" ...

Fear can be viewed as an ally.
~ What is behind this fear?
~ What are you REALLY afraid of?
~ What's the worst thing that happens if you start talking?
~ But what if we look at fear as a source of strength?
~ What if you try to take a chance and take this step?

I suggest investigating this topic.
Write: "What fear of languages do you have and what would be the best solution for you?"


Why me....?

Some events in my life made me to tell the world that I am a good expert. Not many of my environment know about it 😉😉😉

So let's go 🙂
* I can listen to and hear people and really love communication. For now it is more online work. But what a pleasure is to see a living person, to tune in, to be in the flow and create with him;
* I am a “guide”. I work with people. And I have the opportunity to work with people from different countries. I "teach" the language and through the language I learn about the culture, history, mentality of others. This I can share with my Russian & foreign clients.

* I see and feel what a person needs at the moment. If the adult / child is not in the mood, then I can ask what happened and the person will tell ... and when he speaks out, then the session is beneficial and more productive;
* From the first minutes I understand what the client is talking about. I also ask the "necessary" questions and there is an understanding for both sides of where to move;
* I see how education systems work not only in Russia, but also in Europe, the USA ... and I have a story to tell 🙂 and share how we and “they”;
* Positive, kind, open, honest language coach, with whom time flies unnoticed, and the language "learns" easily (this what my clients usually say).

And if you are interested in facts, then here they are:
- More than 5000 hours of practice with people;
- Helped> 500 students SPEAK the language;
- Experience of working with people over 15 years;
- Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology, Master's degree
- Received the international certificate "NeuroLanguage Coach", as well as Advanced and Professional Levels;
- Work according to ICF (International Coaching Federation) standards

What else would you like to know?


The interview where I introduced myself as the 1st NeuroLanguage Coach of Russian as a foreign language:)


Questions I ask clients before starting to work

I have been working with people for over 10 years and I have developed a complete system of working with clients that helps me to be productive with them.

For example, there are questions that I MUST ask all clients.
Here they are:

Question 1. Why or what are you learning a language for? (Any) 👉
To understand the real MEANING of your goal.

Question 2. What is important for you to do in order to learn the language the way you want?
👉 To understand your "tools"

And a few more questions, thanks to I learn more about the situation of each client and can offer exactly what will suit them / provide a result.

FATHOM... your “reasons”

Research shows that motivation and needs are the keys to your success in "learning" a language. Do you know "Why?" Can you answer this question easily and honestly?

After all, sometimes it happens that it is NOT your decision to “learn” a language.
For example, "I need to at work" or "everyone learns and I need to."

Here are examples of the learning’s "reasons":
* Traveling
* Hobby
* Education
* Culture and history
* For work
* Lesson for the head in retirement
* Relationship with a foreigner
* Return to family origins

By clarifying the meaning of "learning", it will help you find your real goals, motivation, thereby "learning" becomes more enjoyable and you can achieve the goal faster and successfully ...

I can help to clarify your “reason”, meaning, motivation. We do this at the first diagnostic session 👉 sign up!

What is your TRUE meaning to "learn" a language?


TRENDS in education:

📍Nanoeducation: identify student’s needs and set the learning goals;
📍 “Skill” learning: as a result, students retain skill language “learning" for life;
📍 Learning with feedback: when there is an opportunity to get attention, feedback and support from a LIVE language coach, not from a robot;
📍 Complex programs: everything is arranged in such a way that the participant goes from one point to the next;
📍Blended learning: when interaction takes place in a flexible system: both online and offline.

“Working” with a neuro-language coach includes all of these trends and more. Come if:
🔑 you are tired of learning “grammar” and still don’t speak;
🔑 you want to overcome the language barrier and reach a new level of language proficiency;
🔑 you are looking for new ways to "learn" the language;
🔑 you need your own style, speed, method;
🔑 you need a structure to consistently move from point A to point B

At our first meeting, we will have a diagnostic interview to learn more about your request and to see if we can be of service to each other.

If you are interested 👉 PM



When I do my business, I INSERT “meaning” into what I do.
You ask "Why?" 👉 everything is simple:

1. Sense is a very powerful source of energy. If I see meaning in my work, then not very interesting and routine activities (at first glance) can bring more joy to me and my client.

2. When I am in contact with my meaning, I feel and know my real goals and objectives, thereby getting a high-quality result. Many things are starting to get easier.

3. We often live according to other people's meanings, ideas that could have been imposed on us earlier. But if we know ours, then we act from internal motivation. And that means a different level of energy.

4. Often people look for answers outside of us, but they are all hidden within us. Everyone can answer the question: "What is my meaning?" and will get the keys 🙂

5. Sense is a terrific “tool”. Answering the question "Why?" 👉 you’ll find answers for yourself and for your coach to move on, for example, in language learning.

If you feel that you want to find your SENSE in "learning" the language, write in the comments and sign up for a diagnostic session 🙂


Когда я занимаюсь своими делами - я вКЛАДываю смысл, значение в то, что делаю .
Вы спросите «Зачем?» 👉 всё просто:

1. Смысл - мощный источник энергии. Если я вижу в своей работе смысл, то не очень интересные и рутинные занятия (на первый взгляд) могут принести больше радости мне и моему клиенту.

2. Когда я в контакте со своим смыслом, то чувствую и знаю свои настоящие цели и задачи, тем самым получая качественный результат. Многое начинает получаться легче.

3. Часто мы живём по чужим смыслам, идеям, которые могли быть нам навязаны раньше (например, в школе так говорили...). Но если мы знаем свои 👉 то действуем из внутренней мотивации. И это означает другой уровень энергии.

4. Часто люди ищут ответы во вне, а они все спрятаны внутри нас. Каждый может ответить на вопрос: «В чём мой смысл?» и получит ключи:)

5. Смысл – это потрясающий инструмент. Отвечая на вопрос «Зачем?» 👉 вы находите ответы для себя и для своего коуча, чтобы двигаться дальше, например, в изучении языка.

Если чувствуете, что хотите найти свой СМЫСЛ в «изучении» языка, пишите в комментариях и записывайтесь на диагностическую сессию:)



Цифра 5 - моя любимая:)

ВДОХновлена. Желание ТВОРИТЬ. Хочу РЕАЛИЗОВАТЬ СЕБЯ И СВОЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ. СЛЫШАТЬ себя ещё глубже. ВОПЛОТИТЬ намеченные идеи, цели, планы 🌝🌝🌝


Often on the eve of the New Year, we anticipate the beginning of a new stage ...
Preparing wish-lists, writing goals for the year, realizing what we want ... but sometimes wishes don’t come true.

Why it happens?
👉 We do not hear or listen to ourselves
👉 We follow the idea "I want it because I need it", "If I couldn't then, how can I now?" ...
👉 We often sabotage our attempts to start something new
👉 Programs "must" keep us running forward and drain us
👉 We avoid responsibility in solving important language’s issues

If you intend to devote 2021 to learning a language, then I have a proven method! It will remove "obstacles" and find your ‘why’ to study a new language.

The first session is a step-by-step strategy for moving from "I don't know and won't be able to speak the language" to "it's cool that I can speak and use the language."

Sign up and make yourself a nice gift 🌝🌝🌝



Let's talk honestly. Ok?
“Learning” a language with me is not about a textbook or “do as I say”.
I work with everyone, invest in everyone and this is my responsibility.
And it is important for me who I am in contact with and in what conditions we are.

I respect my time and other people, so I will write a post about who I will not work with so as not to waste time, energy and money 🙂

🙅🏻‍♀️ If you don’t know what you want 👉 don’t come to me. Don't waste your time just chatting. If you do not respect your time, we are not on our way.

🙅🏻‍♀️ Who wants a high-quality result but for little money. Yes, working with me cost more than tutoring, but I know that it is definitely worth it. Because I invest in you with my energy, responsibility for the overall result. And this is expensive.

🙅🏻‍♀️ If you think we will work like "the good old days”. No, I do not work according to the scheme: "You came - I spoke about grammar - you go home to do homework." In my case, it doesn't work. If you need it this way, I am not suitable for you.

It is how it is. Honestly.



Заглянем закулисье моей работы? 😊😊😊


Who do I work with?

Each session, each lesson is more than just a lesson. This is the exchange of energies, experience, knowledge. This is not just a lesson where we "learned" a new topic and then you went home to do your homework. No. This is work in three options: neuroscience, coaching and language.

This post is about who I work with.

🧩 My “client” is proactive. People who come to me are interested in learning more about themselves, they are ready to take responsibility for their "work". The client knows what he wants to work with (I am only structuring the "program"). There are classes when we can talk about personal experiences that affect the further "learning" of the language. And this is important. Your inner state.

🧩 My “client” knows WHY he came to me. This "why" we learn in the first session, so that later it would not be "painful to fall into the old patterns" of language learning.

🧩 My "client" may be a beginner or an advanced "user". Different people have different needs. And it's interesting with everyone. I really like to see the results of my "clients": when it works out, when they start talking, when we talk about very different topics ...

🧩 My “client” wants to SPEAK the language, not LEARN it. The goal is defined and clear and the steps and timing of its achievement are clear.

And soon I'll tell you who I don't work with.


Photos from Russian Neurolanguage Coach's post 08/12/2020

All people are different...

Yesterday's story showed that for many of you it is important to SPEAK when “learning” a language.

And how is it in reality?

Goethe once said: "It is not enough just to gain knowledge: you need to find applications for it."

How does it work in practice?
If you know why you are "learning" a language, then I can help you to achieve this goal. To find out what is your goal - I need to ask you and you need to answer.

In the photos - a small feedback from a beginner who started to learn Russian. When I see how a person is inspired by the language, they do it easily, quickly and cool 🙂

Tell me do you know what you really want in language learning?
What do you want to gain from this process?




Spring 2020. Pandemic. The World is in quarantine. Work online only. Stability is crumbling. What can I do? How to continue to develop myself professionally ?
Why did this crisis happen ?

I want to change something in my professional activity. Surfing the Internet, I came across the name "language trainer" ... hmm, I wondered what it was... I began to read more about it on the Internet and realized that I like what the language trainer does... A day later I paid for the first course... A week later I studied at on the NeuroLanguage Coaching course in English.

There was no limit to my happiness ...
Is it possible? Can I do that? Cool…

I have a coach's certificate and for me it's not just about my new professional level...

For me it's about:
- to be in the community of professional coaches ICF;
- to be in a flow;
- to be on a new level in my activity;
- to develop as a professional.

I am very happy with my work so far and the people with whom I work and their results. It's great that I can combine languages, teaching and coaching 🙂 3-in-1 🙂

Many thanks to my relatives, who supported me, my beloved friends, who encouraged me, my beloved clients, who have trusted and get pleasure and results from our joint work.


Весна 2020. Пандемия. Все на карантине. Работа только онлайн. “Рушится” стабильность. Что делать? Как дальше быть?

Хочу что-то поменять в своей профессиональной деятельности... по-старому не хочу, по-новому ещё не знаю, как...

«Гуляя» по интернету, натыкаюсь на название «language trainer»... хм, интересно, про что это... Я начала больше читать об этом в интернете и поняла, что мне отозвалось то, что делает language trainer… Уже через день я оплатила первый курс… Уже через неделю я обучалась у на курсе NeuroLanguage Coaching на английском языке.

Моему счастью не было предела. А что, так можно? Я так могу? И так могу? Как это круто:)))

У меня есть сертификат коуча и для меня это не просто про мой новый профессиональный уровень…

Для меня это про:
- быть в сообществе профессиональных коучей ICF;
- быть в потоке в своей деятельности;
- быть на новом уровне и развиваться как профессионал.

Мне приносит огромное удовольствие моя работа и люди, с которыми я работаю, их результаты. Это очень классно, что я могу совмещать языки, преподавание и коучинг:) 3-в-1:)

Огромная благодарность моим близким, кто меня поддерживал, моим любимым друзьям, кто сорадуется со мной, моим любимым клиентам, кто доверился и получает удовольствие и результаты от нашей совместной работы.



A clear head for making the right decisions ... where to get it?

Here are 5 unique elements of NeuroLanguage Coaching to help you better understand that "learning" a language is truly your goal.

1. You have a Desire for the language.
2. You have made a Decision and there is a definite goal. Assess what you want to achieve.
3. You are ready to use an effective strategy for getting there. You know exactly what you want to learn.
4. Your Actions as an individual path towards the goal. What positive experience would you like to have with the result?

And ta-da!!! “Cherry on the cake”:

5. Result (which is also determined by YOU).

Have you tried this approach in "learning" languages ​​before?

Write in the comments what you respond most to👇
Ясная голова для принятия верных решений... где её взять?

Вот 5 элементов уникальности NeuroLanguage Coaching, чтобы принимать верные решения в отношении языка:)

1. У вас есть Желание, связанное с языком.
2. Вы приняли Решение и есть определённая цель. Оцените то, чего хотите достичь.
3. Готовность - есть эффективная стратегия движения к цели и вы знаете, чему именно хотите научиться.
4. Ваши Действия как индивидуальный путь движения к цели, положительный опыт, который вы получите вместе с результатом.

И та-дам!!! «Вишенка на торте» 👉
5. Результат (который тоже определяете ВЫ).

Вы уже пробовали такой подход в «изучении» языков?

Напишите в комментариях, что больше всего отзывается? Какие техники помогают вам работать меньше, но эффективнее и успевать больше?👇

#русскийязыккакиностранный #нейрокоучинг

Photos from Russian Neurolanguage Coach's post 24/11/2020

How do you set a goal in "learning" a language?

Here's a post about the first session to help you CLEAR your purpose and to see your resources. And it's free.

Meeting Offline or Online (Skype) ✨✨✨
45 minutes. Structurally.

Throughout our work together, we will rely over and over again on your short-term goals, focusing on the big one that was defined in the beginning.

Knowing about yourself and clarifying your goal and objectives will make it easier to move towards your dream 🙂

Let’s go:) 🎈🎈🎈


Как перестать бояться собственных целей?

Если есть настоящая, честная, мотивирующая цель, что может мешать в её реализации?

Пост о первой сессии, которая поможет вам проЯСНИТЬ вашу цель, увидеть ваши ресурсы. И это бесплатно.

Offline или Online (Skype)✨✨✨
45 минут. Без воды. Структурно.

Больше 👉 в карусели.

В течение всей нашей совместной работы, мы будем опираться снова и снова на ваши краткосрочные цели, фокусируясь на большой, которую определили в начале.

Зная о себе и проясняя свои цель и задачи, вы будете легче двигаться к вашей мечте:)


Some simple steps we can take daily for better brain health!



People STUDY languages ​​for years, but DO NOT SPEAK. Each has its own "pain", "problem".

Here are the most common ones related to "learning" a language. 👇👇👇

♟ "I'm sick of it." I learn it, learn it, but I can’t speak. And there is no strength to study it, and does not ignite, and goals do not motivate.

♟ "I stopped at a certain level." I'm kind of talking, but I don't know where to go next. I feel that I can do more, but I’m confused and don't see any further development.

♟ "The child does not need anything, but he has bad marks. What should I do about it? How to make it turn on? How to involve him, but not to force him and have an interest?”

♟ “I want to speak the language, not to learn grammar. But I'm not doing anything. I think, do I need it? And I can’t make a step and tread on the spot "

This is just one part of the requests / "questions" that I have with my coachees.

What "questions" / "pain" are similar to your situation? Write in the comments 👇

I know that many who begin to "learn" the language need support, understanding what kind of relationship you have with the language and what to do next.

👉 "Learning" a language using the NeuroLanguage Coaching method is aimed at precisely working with your actual request. Help you to cope with what hurts you RIGHT NOW. A clear plan, specific resources, my support for a specific, measurable result.

#русскийязыккакиностранный #нейрокоучинг

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Reading “IDIOT”…
