SUTRA-The Power of Subconscious mind

SUTRA-The Power of Subconscious mind

This page is about scientific & spiritual knowledge to understand & harness the infinite power of su


Thought, Feeling and Body sensation are the three edges of a triangle. Managing thoughts have a profound effect on your feelings. As both thoughts and feelings, if not managed may leads to serious mental health and may manifest in your physical body as pain or disorder or disease.

Feeling are reaction to our thoughts. As we master our thoughts we change feeling. When we cease to have negative thoughts your feelings reflect our thoughts.

So what comes first thoughts or feelings. A new born have no thoughts but just feeling. At subconscious level based on feeling a thought pattern gets developed. Then the environment and conditions gives it thinking process.

How to make friends with our feelings? First acknowledging the part of you generating that feeling . This awareness that a part of you need your attention reduces this feeling discomfort if its painful. Change your view towards feeling as it's there with a message and as you practice mindfulness you will get expert day by day in identifying these messages from body.

How to connect with your feeling? By breathing deeply and exhaling deeply. And as you do that talk to that part, as if you are talking to a child. The sub conscious part of you will connect you in the form of a memory, image , sound or any other sensation. Use your intuition or take help of Life Coach to identify the message behind it. We have more energy to enjoy life as we became comfortable with our feelings.

Thoughts and feeling defines would you like yourself to be know?


Being an Integrated Marathon Coach, I develop special bond with my Runners as we spend some exciting moments together on Road. Recently I am shocked to hear that one of my runner committed sucide. Runners and I am talking about long distance Runners are strong minded personality. I don't know what made him to take this extreme step, but it is very clear that one have to develop RESILIENCE POWER in own life. Resilience is the measure of your ability to bounce back in any area of the life when you hit that low.

Developing Resilience in any area of the life is an ATTITUDE. Life brings all different ups and downs. Staying in resourceful zone adds quality to our life. Resilience is about firing back in life when you are at lower dip. You have to develop this RESILIENCE attitude every day, how?

First and foremost attitude of building Social Network. This is a challenge for introvert people. We are a social animal and as we interact and move within society, we develop habit of talking and sharing. Look out for social group which vibrates with your frequency. I suggest if you are looking for change in life, which is an another ATTITUDE of resilience, look for new Social group which vibrates with your Life Goals. Hugging, laughing and those lighter moments with friends helps to release Oxytocin - a happy hormone in our body. This Social Network provides you that rope to pull you back when you are getting sucked down.

Another Attitude of resilience is Personal Development. I interact with many professionals and every one invest a considerable amount of time and money in Technical learning with the hope that it will give them better package or may give them edge in the competition among peers. And this learning never stops in this fast Technologically changing world. However if I ask them what they invest in Personal Development, alas they have no clue about it. Most of them live with their heavy emotions and limiting beliefs and had accepted that as the way of the life. A person who had invested in Personal development is better able to handle life draining situation such as job or financial loss. Consult your Life Coach what should be your path for personal development and also put aside a budget for you and your family's personal development.

There are many things I want to point out which help you with the attitude of RESILIENCE, but Self Love is something I don't want to miss. When you get up in morning look at your body and feel your feelings. Are you abusing your body? You don't need tobaccos, alcohol, cocine, charas or Ganza to abuse your body. No Physical activity, eating wrong foods or overeating, preferring TV shows over sleep are worst form of abuse one can do to it's body. The best way to show this self love is what we discussed earlier, connect with right social network which stays active, cook healthy food, meditate, do natures walk, dancing etc.

So ask yourself what's my RESILIENCE power? ...
What's goes down comes back up with stronger force....

Uday Bhosle
Life Coach


Spiritual intelligence
We talked about IQ in general and we respect one with high IQ with some superiority degree. I am not saying it's bad, but that's not the balance. A balance in life is established when one have balance intelligences such as Rational Intelligence, Financial intelligence, Social Intelligence and the major one sought after IQ - Emotional Intelligence. But the most neglected one is Spiritual Intelligence.

SI or SQ is about knowing beyond the physical body. It's about knowing self. If other Intelligence is about solving problem SI is about solving the problem at a higher level. Because some of the problems have no solution when you apply your best IQ or EQ.

We are stuck in the Newtonian concepts just because it was formulated first. SQ is about Quantum Physics and thanks to Dr David Hawkins and the formulation of scale for you to measure- The consciousness level scale as he describes in this all books and in his primary read "Power vs Force".

Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall book 'Spiritual Intelligence' also gives a good insight about this dimension of intelligence. Another read is Dr Awdhesh Singh "Practising Spiritual Intelligence" understand this intelligence.

In my coaching I have seen clearly that people who tries to solve problems using SQ have solution which is more inclined to best interest of humanity and supported by Higher consciousness. And these people grow faster in corporate or any walk of life they are in.

So what is your SQ? The good part is everyone have the capability to sharpen the SQ...


This concept is introduced by Gay Hendricks in his book The BIG LEAP. ..its called as hitting UPPER LIMIT
Our resistance to success and happiness is embedded somewhere in core.
Because of this resistance one sabotage the success in any area of life.
In any area of life if you see your curve going down, then it's a sign that you are hitting your upper limit. Awareness and realization helps you to gather resources to limit the impact of upper limit.
In my health coaching I find clients achieve a good level of fitness and then the mindset that I don't deserve good health leads to self sabotage such as a serious injury and as a result they deny themselves from any fitness regime.
So here is the mantra Gay Hendricks provided. I allow myself to grow in success, abundance, love and creativity each day and I inspire the people around me for the same. Say it with emotion every day in morning when you wake up.
What is important in this mantra is second line, where you not only affirm but put in practice to inspire people around you.. For example.. If you are enjoying health then don't keep it just with you, go ahead and take with you more people in this journey...
Enjoy your success by making more people successful


Do you have Goals to manifest?

Join the Meditation session with Reflective Meditation where you will do relaxation exercise, followed by an activity which will help you to manifest your Goal at subconscious level.

Take a pen and paper and write the limiting thoughts or beliefs you have when you bring that Goal in mind. Next try to visualize your Goal ...what you see, hear and feel about your Goal.

Happy Meditation


Todays Meditation topic is Thinking empowering thoughts ..

Everyday we deal with more than 60000 thoughts. Our thoughts are the creative force of our life, if we able to channelize them for our advantage. How we manage our thoughts gives us an unique identity.

Thoughts originates from our deep sub-conscious mind and how our sub-conscious mind is programmed is our thoughts pattern. Other way round is to look at your thoughts to understand your sub-conscious structure.

A person when challenged in relationship may act aggressive because of the emotionally charged thoughts originating from core subconscious mind. On the other hand other person may act with compassionate because of loving thoughts originating because of challenged relationship. The difference in both cases are how subconscious mind is build throughout the life.

By having a empowering thoughts change the way you live life and makes you love yourself more. Helps you to achieve your goals with more abundant life force.


You may be hearing about Subconscious mind for the first time, or you might have heard about it vaguely or you might have good understanding about it or you might be in state where you are already benefiting from it. Whichever state you are in you are welcome to join with us to understand how consciously using the power of subconscious mind can enhance the value of your life.

This is open community to discuss and learn about subconscious mind. We wish you enjoyable journey...a great transformational journey...
