

Freedom starts here! A free education platform for South Africa! For us, by us.. Come join da Zela's! A free education platform for South Africa and its people!

Helping you find a passion, start a side hustle, learn a local language and so much more! We are here to promote, uplift, and empower our generations for real happiness! For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


It is time to take a break and focus on the bigger picture ...

We will be off social media for the next month to focus on creating greater value to our Educ'ish community πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

In this period of solitude, we have many exciting and adventurous projects that need building and reflection βš’

SO, keep an eye out for our return with a BANG !!!!

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Lead by example - Follow those that went before you !! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

It is so important for your children and extended family to fully understand what financial situation you are in, so that they can both support you to get to the next goal, as well as to not put any unnecessary pressure on yourself ...

The worst thing we can do with our money is to go beyond what we can afford, just to make someone else happy for the short term. Children also need to understand what it actually takes to make money in this world, on what it gets spent on towards basic living, and also how to make the most of what they have !

By teaching yourself and your children about these financial decisions, you empower them to truly make a big difference in their lives as adults, and possibly a huge impact on the success of your community. βš’πŸ‘Œ

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


The Business of Happiness!!! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

Educ'ish is an EMPOWERMENT platform that puts your personal development first. Our biggest AIM is to promote your uniqueness, help you find your passions, and how to truly get the best out of life! As South Africans, we are blessed with creativity, culture, humour, ingenuity, and community.

So, let’s highlight our special ingredients to the world!!! We are not just going to give you Free knowledge – More importantly, we are going to teach you what to do with it! βš’

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Money comes and goes as we get older in life. Some days are good, and others are a struggle. So, we want to share some simple money management tips you can try out to help find the stability we all need in life!

This is your Free course that will take you through the concepts of spreading your budget, using what you have, and planning for the future! βš’πŸ‘Œ

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Sticking with it ! βš’βš’βš’

Not everything is going to go to plan, sometimes life just gets hard. The important thing is to stick by your principles, and the changes you have made ...

When you get something wrong, treat this as a new lesson for what to avoid next time it comes up. We learn a lot of new lessons everyday through life experiences, so make the most of them and keep looking for the support of those that care for you.

Don’t give up, it will take a while to make a real long-lasting difference, but it will be worth it in the end when you are able to turn those dreams into realities. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Need some hustle ideas? The easiest and most natural Side Hustle to take up is with a skillset you already have ! βš’πŸ‘Œ

This could be baking, photography, Woodwork, DJ’ing, and any other skill you know you are good at. These are perfect as you already are a specialist in the field, know what it takes to complete the task and will have some previous work to show off. If you are lucky enough to have one of these, then all that is needed is to set up your business operation and start selling!

But if you didn’t make that cut then not to worry… We have some options for you to consider. We have a free PDF document with as many side hustle options we could think of. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Read through all of these options for some inspiration on what you could pick to start! Find it in Week 1 of our CEOs in Training Bootcamp for FREE!!!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Am I sharing my true self to others? Let's look into the best way to start being authentic with your community πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Am I actually talking to my community online or preaching from a distance? What am I giving back to others? Create a list of talking points you would consider sharing on social media that you feel strongly about.

Break them down into topics or segments – This is your first content creator series to start producing and sharing as a new entrepreneur on the block! Video or blog, your choice, but make sure your personality is deeply engrained within the voice. βš’πŸ‘Œ

Give yourself a voice to be proud of ...

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Try something different... This is the century for the creatives ! βš’πŸ‘Œβš’

It is time to follow a career that allows you to express that passions. So, we have created an amazing segment called the Alternate Careers!!! These are not how to guides but focused on giving you an idea on what to expect in making it a career.

From a voice over artist to a photographer - we have so many inspiration cases just for you. Inspiration on demand πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Collaboration is Everything in South Africa! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

We are always looking for new partnerships, content, and South African Talent. So, if you have an idea or concept you want to make a reality – Reach out and let’s get cooking!

We love working with Non-Profit organisations as well, so don’t think twice about asking for help ! βš’πŸ‘Œ

Reach out to us on email or the below social channels! Let us know your comments, thoughts, and ideas…

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


β€œIf you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb βš’πŸ‘Œ

If you don’t tell your target market what you are selling, they won’t know you are selling anything. Regardless of what you want to sell, you need to find the right people willing to take you seriously !

This step in your Side Hustle is crucial as you are always working with limited time and resources. So of course, you want to spend all of that time selling to your specific target market. Yes, the people that end up buying your product/service may all be different and varied. But you always need to have a specific type of consumer in mind that will determine how you sell yourself, where you sell it and the experience they will get. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

We have an online bootcamp just for you to get that side hustle going - All for FREE !!!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Making the right choices! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

We can all agree on one thing, money alone does not bring happiness. But the truth is that it has a big role to play in our wellbeing, has an impact on our lives, and the quality of life we have.

Now, that does not mean we all need lots and lots of money to solve all of our problems. Often, money is the cause of serious damage and conflict in families and communities. So, what we want is to find the happy middle ground, where you have learnt enough about money and financial management to make the right decisions as you get older in life! βš’πŸ‘Œ

We have a short course story series to help you along that journey - All for FREE !!!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


What is the best learning method for you? βš’

Try to get an understanding of what best helps you understand and retain information – Then start looking for material in that space.

Thinking Point: Pick a skill you want to learn. Then find similar topics across different mediums to get a good idea of what you prefer to use in your personal space – Try Udemy / YouTube / Allison / Wikipedia / Book or Article / Ask a professional connection. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


First off you need to convince yourself that this is your best fit idea! βš’

Only once you have serious confidence in your Side Hustle and yourself then can you start selling the idea to others. But once you are happy, the best place to test your idea is with family and friends. Ask people for their time to pitch them your idea, not to buy into it straight away, but just to ask you questions and give their feedback. It’s ok if you don’t have all of the answers to their questions, and even if there is some criticism, take it as a learning curve.

This is your opportunity to fix any obvious issued that you may not have seen or something that may work better. The KEY to a successful Side Hustle is to keep your actual monetary costs as low as possible when starting out. This means if it doesn’t work out then you have only lost your time, with some valuable lessons received.

Use what you have at home, get creative with what is free out there on the internet (We will show you how!), and pull in favours from friends and family where you can. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Educ’ish is here for the long run, to provide the support and guidance you need to find a better life, filed with fun and passion! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

We want to travel the journey with you, from discovering your passions, growing your skills, and reaching all of your life goals. We will continue to build the future which we have promised, striving to make a difference in the lives of each and every South African along the way! Jump in to see the amazing offerings we have for you to step up as someone special!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Grow your own food supply - On a Budget !!!βš’

With this super fun project, we are solving THREE major problems in life!

One – Food costs are crazy expensive, and we need to fix that.
Two – We spend too much time indoors, so let’s get the family outside.
Three – You are what you eat, so we want that to be healthy.

So, we are busy creating an online course series that takes you from eating take outs to cooking with your own home-grown vegetables! Perfect for beginners… πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Coming soon-ish .....

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Becoming your own boss is possible... And there are others that have shown you the way !!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

We made this bootcamp just for you, to finally start that side hustle you have always wanted! But, starting is the hardest part – So this online bootcamp is the best place to be, and it’s all for FREE!!!

This is a 6-week Online bootcamp that will get you to ACTUALLY start your very own side hustle and be set up for success. We focus on free tools and sustainable methods to ensure you can grow your business into the real deal! βš’

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Start having the money conversation NOW!!!

We also included a really important segment on how to start the money conversation with your family and friends. This is such an important step in your financial wellbeing and creates the support you need to truly make a difference in your life and in your community...

We got a course series full of amazing stories, tips, and conversations you can try out right now!!!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


When you are dating - Cooking is a FLEX !!!!

We have some amazing South African recipes to share at home! This is our space to both celebrate and share our amazing culture of food, taste, and community… All from the best place in the house – The kitchen of course!

We have all of the best local dishes for you to actually make at home with the family. Forget about take-aways and start making something with real flavour!!!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Help is here! Real local Support βš’

Sharing South African support that makes a real difference for our people when they need it most …

This section is your emotional safe space! An ongoing list of real organisations and tools that can have a great impact on your life, for your family, and for those you care about!

Use what you need, keep it on hand for if ever you don’t know who to turn too, and share this with anyone you think may need some support!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Learn before you pay, and you will find that creativity is a taught skill…

Focus on the art of browsing and you may surprise yourself with innovation that was never an option! Find your strengths and gaps to fill. It all starts with inspiration, so that you believe you are capable! Let us help you find that strong sense of confidence in what you can become...

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


"The initial aim is to create such a strong association of yourself within a specific theme that you become the person they think of when they talk about a problem or solution within that space" !!! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

We have launched the latest course in our Alternate Careers segment, with none other than the amazing speaker that is Zanele Njapha - Founder of The UnLearners βš’βš’βš’

If you think you have the ingredients to be a public speaker, then this course is for you !!! Go check it out now...

All for FREE and on our Educ'ish Platform !

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Who's teaching the young ones???

Finally some FREE Financial literacy for South Africans! This online series is a collection of short courses aimed to teach South Africans of every age, how to handle money and life.

With a section for each stage of life, and a money category to match, you can pick and choose what you want to learn, in any order you like!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


I am the STAR !!!

Putting yourself in front of the brand as an individual can be a game changer… Let the world fall in love with what makes you special! The good and the bad, everything that makes up your personality is unquestionable.

Let your personality and culture shine through your product/service and customer experience, and you will never feel like an imposter. When you share yourself to your target market, they will start to approach you!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Not just another one....

It’s easy to Talk the Talk – Let us help you Walk the Walk! Check out all of the amazing FREE courses we have available to get the most out of life! We have an amazing App that gives you everything from the website and more!

Give us a Try!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


How to start finding a passion for life???

Pick a hobby or learn a skill that interests you. Once you become a master through practice, you are now the one others look up to!

Service based options are always the best way to reduce your costs upfront, but this does not need to be for everyone. If you have a product idea, then how can you reduce the costs to make it sustainable?

Thinking Point: What skillset could I reproduce for others that would warrant a payment?

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Helping you find your love for that South African flavour!!!

For both beginners that burn food, and experts that vibe in the kitchen. This is a growing list of all local South African recipes that local people have perfected at home…

The best place to start making your own amazing local food with your family!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Making a BIG deal about ME? Yes please !!!

Do I want to find support as a brand owner of the face of my brand? This may determine the platform you choose to share personal experiences.

Thinking Point: Find other business owners online that share their personal journey as entrepreneurs / working mothers & fathers / Etc. Relevance is key!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


Where skills and passion meet?

We all have some sort of talent or skill that is better than average, and this is purely a result of tradition or practice! Now, if we can pair that with a passion for the craft, then you have got the winning ingredients for your business.

Come and express your passions and we will help you create a life of passion!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


The Business of Happiness!!!

Educ'ish is an EMPOWERMENT platform that puts your personal development first. Our biggest AIM is to promote your uniqueness, help you find your passions, and how to truly get the best out of life! As South Africans, we are blessed with creativity, culture, humour, ingenuity, and community.

So, let’s highlight our special ingredients to the world!!! We are not just going to give you Free knowledge – More importantly, we are going to teach you what to do with it!

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!


How to start building your skillset?

You don’t go to the grocery store to buy everything that looks good. You buy the ingredients for the meals you want to make that week. Otherwise, you end up with a full fridge that is never used.

Building your skillset is the same by understanding we should focus on learning a new skill as and when it is required.

There is no correct path for personal development, you decide when you need an education based on the needs of your business or your personal journey.

Check out our platform through our website or Google Play App.

For us, by us ... Come join da Zela's!

Videos (show all)

Find a career that makes you feel special πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ If you can't find it then make it βš’οΈπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
All for you - All for FREE πŸ’―βš’οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
A side hustle has never been easier!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’―βš’οΈπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
Go find your happy place! πŸ’―πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦βš’οΈ
Be the main character in your life story!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
You are the future leader πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦βš’οΈ
Become a master at your passion!!! βš’οΈβš’οΈβš’οΈπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
Learn to make new friends πŸ”₯πŸ”₯βš’οΈβš’οΈπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
You can be anything you wantπŸ”₯πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦βš’οΈ Just start!
Find your passion βš’οΈπŸ”₯πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
Education that really helps - for FREE !!!
Start getting paid for you passion βš’οΈπŸ”₯ A side hustle is just a few moments of hard work away πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦πŸ’―