United Voices Against Injustice

United Voices Against Injustice

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You cant separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.

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Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating today.

Especially to the Muslims of Palestine and Kashmir. They have right to celebrate Eid more then anyone else because they fasted under the cruelty of evil. They bowed down to no one but Allah and kept their trust in Allah.

Those world leaders who turn blind eye toward what has been happening to innocent, unarmed and peaceful worshippers should think once again.

Fear GOD for being biased and protecting evils of Israel, we all will be questioned on the day of judgement.

May Allah unite Muslims and give them the "jazba-e-imani" to stand up against injustice and to protect their holy places.

We can only truly be happy if Allah gives peace to our hearts and fill it with Iman.

Eid that we celebrate in qibla-e-awal will be the greatest of all.


Palestine is bleeding from decades now and the whole world is silent.

Forget about the non-muslims, our own muslim leaders and heads of muslim states are silent besides couple of them.

This is such a shame for the whole humanity that just because there is a regime that is feeding money and protecting interests of individuals, we are letting them kill innocent people, commit homicide and destroy holy places of Muslims.

This is pathetic that world leaders are quite and turning blind eyes to the matter, how can you even call yourself human if you do not feel for other humans ?

In this world you only get what you strive for so if we want justice, if we want peace and if we want our holy place free then we have to strive for it.

Let us unite as a nation, as an Ummah and as human beings to raise voice against this cruelty.

Join hands and say out loud



Happy labours day to all.

Its because of our labour force that we are able to run our country's economy.

In this pandemic, let us raise voice for our labours. Government should provide all the required safety equipment to them so that they can work without fear.


Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Ramadan Kareem.

May this month brings justice, peace and love in our country and around the globe.

Let us promise today that we will not hurt anyone by our hand, our tongue or our deeds.

Stay blessed, stay united


Importance of rule of law can be determined by this hadith of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

Narrated `Aisha: Usama approached the Prophet on behalf of a woman (who had committed theft). The Prophet said, The people before you were destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishments on the poor and forgive the rich. By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! If Fatima (the daughter of the Prophet ) did that (i.e. stole), I would cut off her hand.

We need to consider what direction are we heading?

Join hands with us and raise your voice against injustice.


- Public Awareness Massage -

Government of pakistan passed this act of 2010 which protects women's rights at workplace.

So if you are a working women and are facing any kind of gender based discrimination or harassment, you can go to court against that.

In province of Punjab, you can call the helpline number 1043 at anytime and your complaint will be addressed as soon as possible.

Know your right, Live independent



All of these are considered as Harassment.

Unfortunately many of these are not even considered wrong especially in 3rd world countries.

Lets increase awareness together and give everyone a healthy and safe working environment.

Have you ever faced any of these ?


Workplace harassment is the belittling or threatening behavior directed at an individual worker or a group of workers.

This is the biggest threat to effective workplace management especially in the societies such as Pakistan.

We need to create a fair and just working environment for everyone to bring the best out of people.

Have you ever faced workplace harassment?


23rd March is marked as Pakistan Resolution Day in history.

Today was the day when Muslims of subcontinent decided to speak up against the injustice and demand their right as an independent country where they can practice their religion and values freely.

Resolution was presented in 1940 and after 7 years of sacrifices, struggle and fight for the rights, Pakistan was founded in 1947.

Let us all learn the lessons from this that never give up on your rights, fight as long as you can and success will you yours.

Happy 23rd March to all Pakistanis around the world.


The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms.

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

Save planet EARTH, Save humanity


They said its take strong nerves, physical fitness and a man to be a fighter pilot but this BOSS Lady proved them all wrong.

Ayesha Farooq is a Pakistani fighter pilot from Hasilpur, Bahawalpur District, who was the first woman to become a fighter pilot in the Pakistan Air Force.

In 2013, she became the first Pakistani female fighter pilot after topping the final exams to qualify.

You nailed it girl, today we pay our gratitude to you and thank you for changing the mindset of millions.

You are an inspiration to many. You are a true BOSS LADY.


Justice Majida Rizvi is the first woman judge of a High Court in Pakistan.

She practiced in the High Courts and Supreme Court and taught Law in Hamdard School of Law.

She is the perfect example of determination, focus and hardwork. She achieved something that was considered impossible.

She inspired many other women and today we pay our gratitude to your efforts.

You are the real BOSS LADY


Samina Khayal Baig is a Pakistani high-altitude mountaineer who in 2013 climbed Mount Everest and then all Seven Summits by 2014.

She is the first Pakistani woman to climb Everest and the Seven Summits.

She is also the first and youngest Muslim woman to climb Mount Everest, having done so at the age of 21.

Keep on inspiring everyone Samina, wish you more success in future.



Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova is a member of the Russian State Duma, engineer, and former cosmonaut.

She is the first and youngest woman to have flown in space with a solo mission on the Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963.



Happy international women's day


Manuel made history for the first time on 12 December, 2018, by becoming the first transgender boxer to compete in a professional fight - which he then won.

In September 2019, he became the first transgender face of the boxing brand Everlast.


Janet Mock

the producer, writer and director signed a three-year, multimillion-dollar deal with Netflix, becoming the first openly transgender woman to be able to call the shots at a major content company.

It gives her free rein to shine a spotlight on communities that have been overlooked by Hollywood.

She showed everyone that hardwork is the key to success regardless of what people say or think.

She is inspiring a lot of others to follow her footsteps.


Nisha Rao is a Pakistani transgender lawyer and activist.

In 2020, she became the first transgender law graduate in Pakistan.

You have achieved a milestone. You are inspiring many more to follow your path.

👏👏 Well done👏👏


This was such an amazing decision by the government of pakistan however we need to change people by educating them, providing them the knowledge of how to treat people and give respect to everyone.

We need to create job opportunities for transgender so that they can earn living in a decent way.

We need to do all that has not been done since independence.

Join hands with us to raise awareness.


Mr. Otis Frank Boykin another African-American inventor who formed the future of technology.

Otis Boykin’s most notable contribution to science was likely the circuit improvements he made to pacemakers after losing his mother to heart failure.

A contribution that has saved countless lives since. But this single improvement was among a long list of achievements.

His invention saves people regardless of their race, colour or religion.

In this Black History Month, lets pay our gratitude to Otis for his amazing work.


Another milestone achieved by African American to make our lives better, protect ourselves and live secure.

Marie Van Brittan Brown was a nurse and an inventor. She was the inventor of the home security system in 1966, along with her husband Albert Brown.

She gave us something that is now part of everyone's life.

In this Black History Month, lets pay our gratitude to Marie Van for such an amazing invention.


Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. was an African-American inventor, businessman, and community leader.

His most notable inventions were a three-position traffic signal and a smoke hood notably used in a 1916 tunnel construction disaster rescue.

He gave us the traffic lights idea to save lives, manage congestion and make our lives easy while driving.

Remembering his this black history month and paying our gratitude for his brilliant idea.


Black History Month

An initiative taken by Mr. Carter G Woodson for the people to know about the role of African-American in the history. He devoted his life to make this world fair for everyone to live.

This month tells us that no human being has any supremacy on others just because of their skin colour, cast or region. African-Americans have played a vital role in the development of the world especially America.

This month reminds us to put an end to racism and adopt diversity. It gives us opportunity to highlight the achievements and milestones achieved by African-Americans so that our generations respect and appreciate them.

Join us and let the world know that we are united.


90% of the cases of child abused reveals the fact that kids were being neglected by the parents and 70% of the times by mothers only.

We get ourselves too busy in earning money that we think we are doing all we can for our kids, however that is not the case.

Kids need your time, not your money. They need you, not the caretaker.

Spend time with your kids, listen to their everyday routine, create a culture of sharing what everyone did all day when you get home.

Quit the job if you have to, find a part time or work from home, start a small business that you can run from home, do whatever you have to, but never compromise on your responsibility towards your kids and that is giving them time and love.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments bellow.


The number of children at risk of sexual violence committed by armed forces or militant groups is almost 10 times higher today than it was in 1990.

We are portraying our world as dream land while on the other hand our kids are not safe.

We need to speak up, stand against injustice, inequality and war.

We need peace for our childrens.


Eliminating violence against children requires change in deep-rooted attitudes and behavior that sees it as acceptable in various parts of the world, especially as a form of discipline within the family and in schools and institutions.

Mobilizing all stakeholders, including community and religious leaders, to raise awareness and build upon positive social norms can overcome entrenched beliefs that condone violence.

Child labour, child marriages or any form of child abuse should not be acceptable at all.

Join hands with us to increase awareness.


It is very unfortunate that violence against children is still an issue.

According to WHO, globally, it is estimated that up to 1 billion children aged 2–17 years, have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past one year.

Let us all talk about this issue and increase awareness.

Let us stand united against injustice of any kind.

Join hands


Syria is bleeding.....whole world is sleeping

Time to wake up and stand united against injustice.

Join hands with us make this voice loud enough to be heard.


Israel launched missile attack on Syria killing 4 civilians as per SANA news agency.

It was an attack against pro Iranian forces in Syria.

We have talked about how Syria is a battle field of Saudis and Iranian forces and how Israel is supporting Saudis to gain influence in the region.

Israel has already expanded its boundaries way beyond their original map of 1947 and they are NOT stopping.

Children are dying due to hunger every year. In 2018 alone, over 1100 kids lost their lives. Pandemic was at its peak when WHO stopped medical funding for Syria last year and their is not count of deaths due to all this.

To protect the rights of people in Syria, international community needs to take concrete steps however we only see silence and point scoring by everyone.

What a shame to humanity


I.S brutality is returning back to Syrian towns

Its been years since Syria became battlefield for giants of the region. Various groups are getting support from abroad and are causing huge damage.

Its just a war between power hungry people. Iran and Saudis are fighting their war outside their countries, Israel is taking more control in the region and US is getting its cut out of it in forms of money by selling weapons to these countries.

Locals of the Syria are just fighting to survive, to live another day with their loved ones and rest of the world is worried about the 1 day delivery of their parcel from Amazon. This difference between the people and their lifestyle was created by purpose so that humanity can be divided and ruled by some power hungry animals.

Syria is not the only country, take Kashmir as an example and this puts a question mark on all of our claims regarding humanity.

Is there nothing that we can do for them? Can we not raise our voice at least?

We are so busy in our lives that we do not bother about any of this, we will only talk when this fire of war will reach us. Its very well said by Martin Luther king jr. That injustice somewhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Nobody is safe until everyone is safe.

Raise you voice against injustice by sharing.


Whole world is talking about how desperate everyone is with 3 months lockdown due to pandemic but has anyone ever thought about how it is for those under lockdown from over 500 days ?

No! Because we are not living in Kashmir

Our kids are not dying

Our women are not being r***d

Why should we care?

R.I.P humanity


Where are the human right organizations? Where is united nations? Where are our fellow Muslims?

How many more lives? How many more years?

Why there is no freedom for us?

Who will answer these questions?


Whole world is talking about what Indian government is doing against its minorities especially farmers, which mostly are Sikhs, are being dealt with brutality and suppression.

They are being provoked by the Indian government to change this peaceful protest into a fight for survival.

This attitude will derail human rights at massive scale. International community should get involved to stop this before it becomes too late.


People like them gives me hope and make me believe that humanity still exists in human beings.

She deserves this title as she worked hard for humanity standing next to her late husband Abdul Sattar Edhi who was a hero himself.

We all should learn from them and try to understand the peace and happiness they get after helping others. I am sure all of us want to sleep in peace at night, right?, Well this is the key to it.

Help others, live forever


I do not know where our society is heading to, continuous increase in r**e cases was already raising red flags and now this.

How can a father do that to his daughter? How mentally sick is he?

Its time for us to evaluate the cause of increase in these issues and address that once and for all before more suffer from the hands of such re****ed people.
**e **st

Videos (show all)

💪 BOSS LADY 💪Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova is a member of the Russian State Duma, engineer, and former cosmonaut.She...
Happy international women's day
This was such an amazing decision by the government of pakistan however we need to change people by educating them, prov...
Black History MonthAn initiative taken by Mr. Carter G Woodson for the people to know about the role of African-American...
90% of the cases of child abused reveals the fact that kids were being neglected by the parents and 70% of the times by ...
Syria is bleeding.....whole world is sleepingTime to wake up and stand united against injustice.Join hands with us make ...
Where are the human right organizations? Where is united nations? Where are our fellow Muslims? How many more lives? How...
Whole world is talking about what Indian government is doing against its minorities especially farmers, which mostly are...
