Trurify Certification

Trurify Certification

Welcome to Trurify Organization, where we're on a mission to revolutionize the world of packaging by promoting Authenticity and Originality.

Trurify provides packaging and product certification services to ensure the authenticity and originality, join our movement and showcase your commitment with our exclusive certification mark. We believe that consumers have the right to know the truth about the products they purchase, and businesses have a responsibility to adopt transparent and ethical practices. Our movement, #TrueIsRight, encour


When it comes to packaging, authenticity is critical. Consumers want to know that the products they buy are the real deal, and that what they see on the packaging is what they'll get. That's where Trurify comes in. We believe in the importance of authenticity, which is why we've developed a certification program that helps businesses demonstrate the authenticity of their products.

Authenticity is important for several reasons. For one, it ensures that consumers get what they paid for. If a product is marketed as natural, for example, it should be just that – natural. If it's not, consumers will feel cheated and may not trust the brand again. Authenticity also helps businesses stand out from the competition. By demonstrating that their products are the real deal, they can earn the trust and loyalty of consumers who are tired of being fooled by misleading packaging.

At Trurify, we believe that authenticity is not just good for business, but it's also good for society as a whole. By promoting transparency and honesty in packaging, we're helping to build a world where consumers can trust the products they buy. That's why we've made it our mission to help businesses demonstrate the authenticity of their products and give consumers the confidence they need to make informed purchasing decisions.


When we think of the products we buy, we often focus on their functionality and value. But how often do we consider the design and packaging that comes with them? The truth is, packaging plays a crucial role in our purchasing decisions. It's often the first thing we see, and can make or break our impression of a product. This is why supporting originality in packaging design is so important - not just for the sake of aesthetics, but for the hardworking designers behind them.

Original packaging not only makes a product stand out on the shelves, but it also supports creativity and innovation in the industry. When businesses and consumers prioritize originality, they encourage designers to push the boundaries of what's possible and come up with truly unique ideas. This not only benefits the designers themselves, but also the industry as a whole by promoting competition, creativity, and progress.

On the other hand, when we support copycat packaging or knockoff designs, we not only harm the original designer's reputation and livelihood, but also contribute to a culture of imitation and lack of creativity. It's important to remember that behind every successful packaging design is a team of hardworking individuals who poured their heart and soul into bringing their vision to life. By supporting originality in packaging design, we can ensure that these designers receive the recognition they deserve, and that the industry continues to thrive with fresh and innovative ideas.


In today's consumer-driven world, making informed product purchases is more important than ever. With so many choices and options available, it can be challenging to know what to look for when shopping. But by following a few simple tips and best practices, consumers can become savvy shoppers who make smart purchasing decisions.

First and foremost, it's essential to research products and brands before making a purchase. This includes reading online reviews, checking out the brand's website and social media pages, and even asking friends or family members for recommendations. Doing so can help consumers gain a better understanding of the quality, features, and value of a product, and can help them make more informed purchasing decisions.

Another good practice is to look for products with a certification mark. These marks indicate that the product has undergone testing and met certain quality standards. Trurify, for example, offers a certification mark that provides consumers with confidence in the authenticity and originality of the product. By choosing products with a certification mark, you can feel more secure in your purchase and avoid falling victim to deceptive packaging.


Have you ever seen a product on the shelf that looks eerily similar to a competitor's, only to realize it's a copycat brand? Packaging brand copycats not only impact the original business, but also the designers behind the packaging. These copycats often mimic the branding and packaging design of successful products in order to deceive customers into buying their knockoff products.

Not only is this practice unethical, it can also lead to legal and financial repercussions for both the copycat brand and the original business. Consumers may be misled into buying an inferior product, which can damage the reputation of the original brand. Meanwhile, the designer of the original packaging may see their hard work and creativity being stolen and used for another company's profit.

As consumers, it's important to be aware of the impact of packaging brand copycats and to support original businesses and designers. By purchasing products from original brands, we can encourage innovation and creativity in the industry. And as businesses, it's important to take action against copycats to protect your brand and the hard work of your team. Let's work together to promote fair competition and ethical practices in the packaging industry.


Trurify's certification criteria is a rigorous process that ensures only high-quality products are certified. Our members must meet two essential criteria: authenticity and originality. The authenticity criterion requires that all information on packaging or products is genuine and truthful. This ensures that consumers can trust the information provided on the packaging and make informed decisions about their purchases.

The originality criterion ensures that the packaging and product design are original and not plagiarized. This criterion helps to promote innovation in product design and packaging, as well as protect against the infringement of intellectual property rights. By requiring originality in our certification criteria, Trurify encourages businesses to invest in creativity and innovation, which ultimately leads to better products and services for consumers.

Trurify's certification criteria is not only a way to ensure high-quality products, but it also promotes transparency and trust between businesses and consumers. Our certification process provides consumers with the confidence that they are purchasing genuine and original products, and helps businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors. By meeting our certification criteria, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to quality and transparency, which can help to build long-term relationships with consumers.


Trurify, a leading certification organization promoting ethical and truthful packaging, has conducted a survey to gauge the impact of its certification mark on consumer confidence. The survey, which has been completed by over 37,952 individuals, reveals that 93.6% of consumers indicated that they are willing to purchase packaging carrying Trurify's certification mark rather than packaging without any certification. This is because consumers are often pressed for time and may not have the resources or knowledge to verify the authenticity and originality of every product they purchase.

By having Trurify's certification mark on their packaging, businesses can provide consumers with a quick and easy way to verify the quality of the product. As a result, consumers are willing to pay a premium for the added confidence and peace of mind that the certification provides. The Trurify certification mark not only promotes transparency and honesty in packaging, but also gives consumers assurance that the product they are purchasing meets certain ethical and quality standards.

In today's business landscape, building consumer trust is more important than ever. By displaying the Trurify certification mark on your packaging, you can differentiate your brand from competitors and show consumers that you are committed to social responsibility and ethical practices. Join the Trurify movement today and together, let's promote and build a more honest and transparent business landscape.


In 2008, a major scandal rocked the Chinese dairy industry, when it was discovered that infant formula and other milk products had been contaminated with the toxic chemical melamine. The scandal led to the deaths of six infants and sickened over 300,000 others, sparking outrage and international condemnation. At the heart of the scandal was deceptive packaging and labeling, which misled consumers into thinking that the products were safe and nutritious.

The use of melamine in the milk products was intended to artificially boost their protein content, allowing the manufacturers to charge higher prices. However, the use of the chemical had devastating consequences, exposing the dangers of deceptive packaging and labeling practices. The manufacturers had deliberately falsified the nutritional content of their products, and had used deceptive packaging to hide their malpractice.

The 2008 Chinese milk scandal serves as a tragic reminder of the dangers of deceptive packaging and labeling. Consumers place their trust in the information provided on packaging and labels, and when that information is false or misleading, it can have devastating consequences.


In today's business landscape, being socially responsible is no longer just a nice-to-have, but a must-have. Consumers are demanding more transparency and honesty from the brands they buy from, and one way to meet this demand is through truthful packaging. By accurately and honestly labeling your products, you not only promote transparency but also build trust with your consumers.

But the benefits of truthful packaging go beyond just building trust. By becoming a Trurify member and displaying our certification mark on your packaging, you demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility and supporting the movement. This can further enhance your brand reputation, as consumers will see your brand as one that cares about ethical practices and values honesty.

Moreover, the Trurify certification mark can serve as a powerful marketing tool, as it stands out on store shelves and can attract consumers who prioritize honesty and transparency. By joining the Trurify movement, you can differentiate your brand from competitors and show consumers that you stand behind your products' truthfulness. Let's work together to promote and build a more honest and transparent business landscape.


The Trurify story is a tale of one man's journey to create a better world. As a designer, he had always been fascinated by packaging design and spent countless hours studying what made products sell well. But during his research, he uncovered a dark truth - that many businesses used deceptive tactics to trick consumers into buying their products. It was a revelation that shook him to his core. How could he stand by and watch as these unethical businesses profited at the expense of innocent people?

The founder's first instinct was to create a movement to fight against these injustices. He wanted to teach consumers not to be easily swayed by packaging claims and to show these businesses that they couldn't get away with their deceitful practices. But he didn't have the resources to launch such a movement at the time. It was a dream that had to be put on hold.

Years passed, and the founder gained maturity, experience, and financial freedom. But the packaging market had only gotten worse. It was time to take action. He remembered his dream and realized that it was his social responsibility to create a movement to fight against these unethical businesses. And so, Trurify was born - a beacon of hope in a world of deceit, with the goal of promoting the movement and combating deceptive packaging.


Have you ever bought a product only to find out that it's not what it seems? Deceptive packaging is a common problem that many consumers face, and it can be difficult to spot. Here are six common types of deceptive packaging that you should be aware of:

Misleading claims - companies may make claims that aren't entirely true, such as using "100% whole grain" even if their product contains mostly refined grains.

Hidden facts - products may be labeled "sugar-free" but still contain hidden sources of sugar, such as high fructose corn syrup.

False imagery - products may use images that don't accurately represent the actual product, such as showing a lot of chocolate cream inside a biscuit when there's actually much less.

Overpackaging - using packaging that's larger than necessary or designed to make the product appear larger than it really is.

Copycat branding - companies may use similar packaging designs to their competitors to deceive consumers into buying their product.

Greenwashing - companies may make false or exaggerated claims about their product being environmentally friendly.

As consumers, it's important to be aware of the common types of deceptive packaging and to read product labels carefully. At Trurify, we are committed to empowering consumers by providing a certification mark that verifies the accuracy of product claims and ingredients. Our mark lets consumers know that a product has been rigorously tested and meets our high standards for transparency and honesty. By looking for the Trurify mark, you can have confidence in your purchasing decisions and trust that the product you're buying is what it claims to be. Let's all work together to spread the word about the importance of truthful and transparent packaging, and ensure that .


Are you tired of being deceived by misleading packaging labels? It's time to take a stand and join the movement. Our mission is to empower consumers with the knowledge they need to make informed choices about the products they purchase. By demanding transparency and accuracy from companies, we can put an end to deceptive marketing tactics and ensure that what's on the label is what's really inside.

At the heart of the movement is a commitment to truth and accountability. We believe that companies have a responsibility to be honest about their products, and that consumers have a right to know what they're buying. By supporting our movement, you're sending a message that you won't tolerate deceptive practices and that you demand better from the brands you love.

So, join us today and be a part of the solution. Use the hashtag to share your experiences with misleading packaging, and to call out companies that aren't living up to their promises. Together, we can create a world where transparency and honesty are the norm, and where consumers can trust that what they see on the label is what they'll get in the product.

Photos from Trurify Certification's post 11/05/2023

Deceptive packaging is a widespread problem that consumers need to be aware of! Check out our collection of highly deceptive packaging images that we've discovered and find out why it's not a good idea to trust a product based solely on its appearance. These examples illustrate how packaging can be misleading and designed to deceive consumers. Remember to cast your vote for the most deceptive packaging and share this post with your friends to spread awareness about this crucial issue!


Have you ever bought a product based on its packaging, only to discover that the product itself was subpar or even harmful? Unfortunately, this is a common problem in the consumer goods industry. Many companies use deceptive packaging to make their products appear more attractive or healthier than they actually are. For example, a product might be labeled "natural" even though it contains artificial ingredients, or it might be marketed as "low-fat" even though it's loaded with sugar.

This kind of deceptive packaging can be a real problem for consumers. Not only does it make it difficult to know what you're really buying, but it can also put your health at risk. That's why it's so important to be an informed shopper and to pay attention to the details. Take the time to read the labels and ingredients list, and don't be swayed by flashy packaging or catchy slogans.

At Trurify, we're committed to helping consumers navigate this complex landscape. Our certification mark is a guarantee that a product has been thoroughly vetted and meets our strict standards for quality and safety. By choosing products with the Trurify certification mark, you can be confident that you're making a smart, informed decision. So the next time you're shopping for consumer goods, don't forget to look for the Trurify mark!

Photos from Trurify Certification's post 10/05/2023

New products are released worldwide every day, and as a consumer, how do you choose the best one among countless products? This is extremely difficult, and we understand that. That's why having the Trurify certification mark is particularly important. Even if consumers don't have any relevant professional knowledge to review, they can know whether the product is high-quality based solely on the Trurify certification mark. This saves consumers a lot of time and effort in comparison shopping, and that's the purpose of the Trurify certification mark.

To apply for the certification mark, please visit:
