Kidney for Kern

Kidney for Kern

Someone we love needs a kidney. Please help us spread the word to find a donor!


Tuesday at 4:00 AM we got THE CALL to tell us that they had a kidney that was nearly a perfect match for Daniel! We rushed to St. Luke’s in Kansas City, and spent the day prepping for the big event. The kidney was in transit from Washington state and the surgery was estimated to be at 6:20 PM. We found out that they retrieved the kidney at the airport, and somehow it ended up on the carousel with the luggage! When it finally arrived and was inspected by the doctor, it was much later, and he went under anesthesia at about 9:30 PM. At 3 AM I got the call that it was done and was able to see him. His body is responding great. We still have a lot of recovery ahead, but everyone is impressed with how well he is doing. We are beyond grateful for these amazing events and the love and support of family and friends. It’s events like this that make us realize how lucky we are. Thank you from both of us. 


We made it! He's finally on the transplant list!


GREAT news! Daniel is ON THE TRANSPLANT LIST! After exactly a year of getting him healthy enough to get on the list-we made it!
IF you are interested in finding out if you're a match, call Tracey Dickey, our living donor advocate at 816-932-2214 or email [email protected] to find out next steps. He is type O blood (can take + or -). Here are the specifics:
Need to have type O blood
Can't be diabetic
Can't have high blood pressure
Can't have kidney stones
Must be between 21 and 65 yrs old
Our insurance pays for your medical workup
We are so grateful for your prayers and support through this process! Giving a kidney is a HUGE request and he is very uneasy for me to even put this out there, but if it is in your heart to give, we would be eternally grateful. Thank you for the love and support!
