McNeill Criminal Law

McNeill Criminal Law

Diligent, discreet criminal defense representation in Barry County, doing whatever the job requires


Retail Fraud/Shoplifting

Most people charged with retail fraud (or shoplifting) in Michigan have no or little criminal history. Those accused often have jobs or take care of family, are educated, and have lived a responsible and honest life. Shoplifting or any criminal accusation is not in their character, and many accused often have no prior criminal history. These charges can result from an impulsive decision, an accident, or a moment of thoughtlessness. It is not unusual to find out that a person was under great stress or anxiety when a person is accused of retail fraud.

The real penalties of a retail fraud charge can extend well beyond a conviction, jail and or probation. A conviction for retail fraud can stay on a person’s criminal history and effect their future and future employment for a long time. Finding or advancing in a career, particularly with a job requiring a professional license issued by the state can be a big problem.

Prior convictions for a felony or misdemeanor retail fraud can enhance a retail fraud to a more serious retail fraud, second, or a felony, third degree. Jail is not mandatory for retail fraud charges, even with prior convictions. The goal of a competent lawyer handling these cases is to seek dismissal of retail fraud charges when possible, or get the charge reduced so that a person’s future and reputation are not ruined.


Barry County has some of the most significant drunk driving consequences in Michigan. A drunk driving conviction will have criminal consequences and result in sanctions from the Michigan Secretary of State. Having an experienced drunk driving attorney during this time is extremely important for advice regarding potential jail, driver’s license and vehicle sanctions related to the facts and circumstances of your specific case. Every case is different and there is no one answer or angle to consider in defending a DUI or DWI defense in Barry County, Michigan. If you or someone you care about has a drunk driving or criminal issue and would like someone to talk to for honest, competent representation, or just to answer your questions, call Shane.


In Barry County, there are far more errors of judgment than there are intended crimes. Talking discretely ~ at no initial charge~ to someone who has been both a prosecutor and a defense attorney can give perspective on making good decisions before charges are ever authorized. Know your rights and how our Court system works.


106B East State Street
Downtown Hastings

Only Criminal Law
Only Barry County

Hours by appointment


If you are being investigated or have been charged in Barry County, you need a criminal defense attorney who knows how to get things done, discretely and professionally.

McNeill Criminal Law only handles criminal matters, and only handles local criminal matters.

Shane will be there when needed.
Shane will answer and promptly return phone calls.
Shane will be discreet in handling the case from the beginning to its end, from every aspect of the case for your best outcome.
Shane will work diligently to communicate and negotiate on your behalf throughout the process.

And if needed, Shane will be ready to take the case to trial with his years of experience before the court.


During the investigation or after charging, know what the risks are and all your options. Get things done right.

Only criminal matters.
Only in Barry County.


Proud to be celebrating golf outings in Barry County since September 4, 2020!


Whether it is just after "something happened", during an investigation, or after charges have been issued and it's in Court, how you are represented makes all the difference in how tomorrow may present.

I will be there when needed.
I will answer and promptly return phone calls.
I will be discreet in handling the case to its end.
I will look at every aspect of the case for the best outcome.
I will work diligently to communicate and negotiate on your behalf throughout the process.
I will be ready to take the case to trial if necessary with my years of experience before the court.

McNeill Criminal Law | Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. 18/05/2020

Shane McNeill knows the criminal justice system and can negotiate your best interests whatever the situation.

Whether it is immediately after something has happened, during an investigation, or after charges have been issued, the most important call is the right call to the right person.

[email protected]

McNeill Criminal Law | Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. Helping individuals protect themselves and their rights while navigating the legal system for more than 25 years. If you need an attorney in Barry County, contact McNeill Criminal Law for dedicated representation I will be there when needed I will answer and promptly...


Considering going back to my marketing gurus at GreenStreet Marketing and changing the tag line to:

"You can talk to me, just preferably at a distance or through protective gear for the next two weeks, unless absolutely necessary."


Specializing in taco reconstruction since 1992


I'm not yet saying they are going to win the World Series this year, but they are 11-4 in Spring Training so far.


I got a phone call this week asking: "how you can do what you do"?

Matthew 25:36
36 'I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you looked after me.’


We recently had the opportunity to complete branding, billboards and website for a local criminal defense attorney McNeill Criminal Law !

McNeill Criminal Law | Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. 11/01/2020

When your freedom, your job, your ability to get around is at risk, hiring a lawyer who pays attention to the details could make the difference in avoiding jail, conviction and maybe save you big money for years to come.

DATAMASTER compliance is mandatory.

Have you been arrested for drunk driving and given a breath test? If you or someone you care about has submitted to a breathalyzer, call a lawyer who pays attention and will work for you.

McNeill Criminal Law | Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. Helping individuals protect themselves and their rights while navigating the legal system for more than 25 years. If you need an attorney in Barry County, contact McNeill Criminal Law for dedicated representation I will be there when needed I will answer and promptly...

McNeill Criminal Law | Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. 02/01/2020

McNeill Criminal Law | Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. Diligent. Discreet. Experienced. Helping individuals protect themselves and their rights while navigating the legal system for more than 25 years. If you need an attorney in Barry County, contact McNeill Criminal Law for dedicated representation I will be there when needed I will answer and promptly...


Visit our website:


Felony cases
Drug offenses
Drunk Driving/OWI
Domestic violence
Pre-charge investigations

Be protected, represented and informed about what to do/say, and what NOT to do or say.


When you need some help negotiating life's sometimes unexpected twists and turns.


Governor Appoints Former Prosecutor to be Barry County Circuit Judge

Vicky L. Alspaugh is a referee and magistrate with the Barry County Trial Court. She presides over cases that include domestic relations matters consisting of custody, parenting time, child support, and medical enforcement. Additionally, she hears cases of delinquency and child abuse and neglect. She previously served as an assistant prosecuting attorney for the Barry County Prosecutor’s Office and the Ogemaw County Prosecutor's Office.

Ms. Alspaugh is a member of the Barry County Bar Association and the Michigan Probate and Juvenile Registers Association. She earned her Juris Doctor degree from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School and Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University. Ms. Alspaugh lives in Hastings with her husband Micheal.

"I am honored to serve the people of the State of Michigan and especially the people of Barry County in this new capacity,” Alspaugh said. “I look forward to working with the Judicial Counsel in facilitating the continued function of the Unified Trial Court which has benefited the citizens of Barry County since it began."

This appointment was made to fill a partial term left vacant by the resignation of Judge Amy L. McDowell effective October 15, 2019. Alspaugh’s term will commence on January 1, 2020 and expire at twelve o’clock noon on January 1, 2021. If Alspaugh wishes to seek a full six-year term, she would be required to run for reelection in November 2020.


Don’t talk, don’t walk, don’t blow.

Talk to a lawyer. There may be penalties, significant penalties to not submitting to tests asked of you in a traffic stop.

Around the holidays there is always an increase in enforcement efforts against drunk driving. There is no excuse for drinking and driving. The police are doing their job in keeping all of us safe. If you choose to drink, you have a responsibility to everyone else on our roads to have a designated driver, or for you to take steps to get yourself home by means that do not involve jeopardizing everyone else on our roads.

However, if you or someone you know does get pulled over for suspicion of OWI, you can provide your license, registration, and proof of insurance. Don’t talk, don’t walk, don’t blow.

That’s it...take your lumps from there.
Perhaps the jail breakfast will taste a little better knowing that at least you didn’t aid in your own conviction.
