Missionary Tanya Gilsey

Missionary Tanya Gilsey

Hello, this channel is a Christian-based channel. It is focused on God and the Bible and learning m


💗Happy Veterans to my handsome husband Andrew Gilsey. I Love you. Thank you for your service. 💗


🙏Prayers for my health and stress please.Thank you all. Hugs. 🙏

‼️Israel, What Is Really Going On???? ‼️ 15/10/2023

❤️My newest video. ❤️

‼️Israel, What Is Really Going On???? ‼️ 🤔Are you being deceived? Are we seeing Bible Prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes? Watch CBN, and other Christian sites such as Tom Hughes, etc.,...

Phil Wickham - Battle Belongs (Official Lyric Video) 09/09/2023

Phil Wickham - Battle Belongs (Official Lyric Video) Brand new single “Battle Belongs” from Phil Wickham. Listen or Download now at the links below.Apple: https://smarturl.it/BattleBelongs/applemusicSpotify: ht...


😪A friend shared this and I definitely feel it needs to be shared.😪
Her Sweet Willow,
Today is the same day that I took you to the doctor to get your 4 month shots.Before we left to go to the doctor I remember taking a picture of you in your green seat as you sat on the counter and watched me cook.It was a normal day.Your appointment was later in the afternoon.This would be the last picture that I would have of you normal.
Before we left to go to the doctor you were your normal self.Smiling so beautifully!
I didn’t know that my decision I made this day to take you to the doctor would justify your fate.You were so happy as we left the house.I remember looking in the rear view mirror and watching you play with your toys in your car seat as you smiled so sweetly!As we arrived to the doctor you were weighed.My heart felt happy when the nurse said you were 18 pounds!🥰Growing so perfectly!We were sent back to the waiting room to wait for your name to be called .Moments later we were led to the back.I wont ever forget that room we were in asked to sit in as we waited for the doctor .Georgia Bulldog theme covered the walls.You continued to play with your toys as we waited for the doctor.The doctor arrived and he smiled as he looked at you ! I won’t ever forget him saying “Wow! Her smile just made my day because today has been a rough day”....as he nodded his head.I remember laughing and feeling so proud of you and the affect you had on others.🥲 You would always light any room you were in!
After the doctor assessed you and went over how healthy you were and how perfectly you were growing he left the room.The nurse arrived.As she arrived she had a tray with your va))ines . 💉 I undressed you and layed you on the table.She proceeded in doing what she came in there to do as she poked you the first time.You screamed, your face turned bloody red and she couldn’t handle you as you fought her to stop.The nurse then asked me to hold you down for your final injections.This haunts me to this day.Your screams replay in my head.I did as I was asked thinking that what I was doing was to protect you! I held you down.You stared at me in agony.You had the Hep B, Prevnar 13, DTAP and rotavirus. The FDA approves 5mcg of aluminum as a safety measure , you were injected with almost 2,000 mcg of aluminum this day along with the aborted fetal cells,antifreeze,formaldehyde,ect...
As we left the doctor you screamed a high pitch scream for a matter of minutes in the backseat of the car and then fell asleep.This is when I lost you .When you awoke you were never the same,you were very lethargic.You were not yourself.You became very sickly instantly after.I tried to control your screams and your fevers .I thought I was doing the best that I could.You stopped eating and drinking .I kept telling myself you would get better ! I was wrong , I had no idea that your soul was getting ready to leave mine.A few days later I found you.You were lifeless.Your brain hemorrhage.You had a blood snot clot on your nose.I shook you and screamed for you to wake up and look at me.You never did...
You were gone.You were cold.I was so scared.Your heart had stopped beating as mine continued.The whole world stopped spinning.Your brain hemorrhage from the heavy metals, your liver also.Your body was too weak for the overload of heavy metals and toxins. Everything was a blur ..I remember it felt like forever for a first responder to get there and it was only a matter of minutes , he didn’t know you and I remember watching him from the porch as he tried so hard to bring you back on the back of the bed of the truck when I know in his heart that he knew you had been gone for awhile.I remember the cop stepped forward to walk up the steps of the porch and as he mumbled you were gone I screamed so loud nothing came out of my mouth, I was that scared .I remember having to make a decision so quickly rather to burn your body or bury you.Picking out your tiny dress and your coffin. ⚰️ I was given decisions that no mother should have to make.I miss you baby girl! Please stay with me the next few days because mommy is weak when it comes to you.
Since you have left Mommy has fought.So has many others ..We have traveled multiple times to the CDC in Atlanta, many meetings at the Capital.Robert F Kennedy Jr also came to educate the legislators on the Bill HB416 that would teach parents the harm of va))ines and the tripled schedule & ingredients.Multiple billboard’s have been put up in your memory to educate others.Your story is world wide along with thousands of other overwhelming stories that are the same as yours.You also have multiple songs that have been released in your honor.Your memory is definitely alive and you have saved so many! I’m so proud of you baby girl and the impact you have made from heaven!Your spirit is strong.
I’m so sorry for all of this baby, Mommy didn’t know.I do promise you one thing your death will not be in vain!I won’t allow it !You had a purpose and I’m watching it prevail.
Only one thing changed when you left.. “Everything”.

Photos from Missionary Tanya Gilsey's post 07/09/2023
💝The Gospel Message💝 07/09/2023

💝The Gospel Message💝 🎁Do you want true happiness? Do you know where you will go when you die? Do you want to know how to start a new life? Then please watch this video. We are n...

👺Halloween, Trick or Treat?👺 07/09/2023

‼️Do not insult God and the Bible by celebrating non-Biblical, worldly, satanic pagen holidays. Just because you add Jesus's name too it does not make it any less of a sinful holiday. Does Halloween glorify God in any way? No it does not. You either follow Jesus and the Bible or you don't, your choice. You are accountable for your actions!!‼️

👺Halloween, Trick or Treat?👺 🤔"Do you know what happens around and on Halloween? Do you know what the Bible says about taking part in occult and evil things? Should CHRISTIANS celebrate...


💖 To enyone reading this around the world, including those who I do not know, the homeless, sick, dying, incarcerated, etc. I love you as a person who is made in the image of God, regardless of who you are, where you're from, or what ethnic backround you are from, but Jesus Loves you so much more, and He wants an intimate relationship with you.💖


❤️ From the beginning the Lord knew I was a handful, to put it mildly, lol. Yet, He chose me to be a Christian (born-again believer), a deciple, missionary, and adopted me as His own child, His little girl, princess, and part of the Bride of Christ.
❤️ Despite my wicked ways, mistakes, foolish choices, etc. He never once gave up on me. He Loves me for me.
❤️ The roads I have traveled have not been easy. Yet, I have no regrets. The trials and tribulations I endured with Jesus by my side, only made me stronger. I learned that if I lost everything thing and everyone in my life, I have Jesus and He is all I need.
❤️ I also learned to Love all people even those I considered my enemies. When I say I Love you and care about you, I mean it, it is not just empty words.
⚘️MissionaryTanya Gilsey



A guy or a girl sends you a friend request. They look nice enough, so you check them out on FB before accepting. Awe, they've got a nice Family and just the Cutest Kids. You don't know them; but, he's/she's a Family "person" and their profile and info is all good; so you accept their friend request.

It's your baby girl's first day of school. She looks SO cute in her new outfit and you just have to take a picture and post it on Facebook so all your friends and family can see.

You're so excited dropping her off that you 'Check in' to her school on FB saying...”I can't believe how big she's gotten. Time sure flies. One proud momma/daddy right here.”

Meanwhile, the mystery guy/girl whose friend request you hurriedly accepted previously, is saving that photo you posted of your daughter in her cute new outfit, to their phone and texting it to 60 or more (?) grown men across the world with the caption - American Female, Age 8,
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, ID # R8000.

Not only did you provide a picture of your little girl to a child trafficker, you've handed them the name and exact location of her school on a silver cyber platter.

You go to pick her up at 3:00 this afternoon; but, she's nowhere to be found.

Little do you know, your precious baby girl was sold to a 43 year old pe*****le before you even stepped foot off campus this morning; and, now she's on her way to Asia with a bag over her head, confused, terrified and crying.
A strange man she's never seen before, snatched her up from school in less than 10 seconds. She doesn't know where her parents are, where she's going, or what's going to happen next, it’s hard for her to breathe and she’s all alone and terrified!!!!! And, YOU did this to her, unknowingly...
But, now you know 😳

STOP posting everything about your Life and Kids on FACEBOOK!!!

Avoid posting children's photos, or on profiles! Change your Hometown! Don’t post Towns or Locations! People who know you, know where you live!

Please share this for the sake of all kids and parents!!!


They Are Closing In | Sunday Night LIVE with Tom Hughes 04/09/2023

They Are Closing In | Sunday Night LIVE with Tom Hughes If you'd like to support our ministry, please visit: https://hopeforourtimes.com/give/Connect with Tom Hughes!---LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/HFOTStay Connect...

This Is How AI Can Go Bad Very Quickly!!! 02/09/2023

This Is How AI Can Go Bad Very Quickly!!! The LAPD is about to deploy a new type of AI Tech that will open some ugly doors for some crazy things in the immediate future! Make no mistake, This is a re...


🎓Getting a College degree is huge for me. I couldn't have done it with out the Holy Spirit's help. Praise Jesus. I have an Associate in Science and Major in Human Services.
🎓I hope this inspires others. It is never to late. I am 52 years old. For those who do not know, I only finished eighth grade. I tried to go back to school but needed to quit school and a job to take care of my precious daughter.
🎓Later when I was 27, with three small precious children, I got my GED. Then three years ago I embarked on my college journey. Boy was it a challenge. I had a major operation, covid, my husband had a heartattack, and had long covid. Many times I felt like giving up but God gave me strength, along with my husband, family, and friends to keep going. Thank you all so much.
🌻Tanya Gilsey


I took 45 seconds... will you?

Our Father,
who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Amen 🙏
PS: I wish everyone who reads it would paste it on their page. It's a world prayer assignment, a couple of minutes for the health of all the sick, weary, and heartbroken.
AMEN. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


🌿In the times we are in, it can be hard to find a good Bible believing church. One that shares the Gospel of Jesus, still believe the gifts of the Spirit still happen, and that hold traditional values, etc.
🌿I have come across this issue as well. In the Bible people held House churches which are in comparison to Bible Study groups. Taking turns at each others homes. Fellowship is important. It would be wonderful to pray together, read scripture, sing, have pot- lucks, cookouts, help each other, etc.
🌿Does anyone else feel this would be a wonderful thing to do? I'm not sure if there is anything like this in my area. I know it happens out in places like Missouri. I am considering starting one if anyone is interested, please let me know.


In Bible times, people held church at each other's houses. Would anyone be interested in doing this?


🌿People Wake Up!! We are living in the End Times. Are you ready????🌿


🌿Jesus is our only mediator to God, not Mary or anyone else.🌿


‼️God hates Witchcraft. Here are some exsamples that are sins against God.‼️

END TIMES NEWS: The Barbie Movie, Merging AI with Brain Cells, Taylor Swift Earthquake and Vanuatu. 29/07/2023

‼️Do NOT allow your children to watch the new "BARBIE" movie, or any other LGBTQ agenda movie. Show love to your children by protecting them from such evil, siful, filthy things. Stop letting Satan and his demons fool and control you. You need to follow Jesus. ‼️

END TIMES NEWS: The Barbie Movie, Merging AI with Brain Cells, Taylor Swift Earthquake and Vanuatu. This is our End Times News Update for the week of Friday July 28th, 2023 with 7 End Times Headlines from all across the world.JESUS IS COMING BACK SOON....No...


‼️PARENTS, if you Love your children don't allow them to watch the "BARBIE" movie, or movies like it.‼️

6 Myths Christians Need to Shatter About Hell 20/07/2023

6 Myths Christians Need to Shatter About Hell The Bible tells us that everyone will exist eternally either in heaven or hell. As believers, we know hell is real but it is still a confusing notion. Here are six myths Christians need to shatter about hell.


‼️‼️People used to do whatever it took to keep their children safe and away from s*xual predators, and NOW their joining them and allowing them to take the innocents of children. Why are YOU giving your children to s*x traffikers and child molesters❓️YOU WILL BE JUDGED HARSHLY by GOD!!! My heart breaks for all children being exposed to the LGBTQ/P(Pedaphilia), Transgender movement. It is pure evil from Satan (this includes Satan Worshippers and demons)!! WAKE UP PEOPLE ‼️‼️

Justin Trudeau Dismisses Muslim Parents - Huge Protests Break Out Across Canadian Muslim Communities 18/07/2023

‼️I am in agreement with these Muslims regarding their Protest which they chant, "LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE"!!! Regarding schools teaching and agreeing with the Transgender, LGBTQ/P(Pedaphilia)Agenda!!!‼️

Justin Trudeau Dismisses Muslim Parents - Huge Protests Break Out Across Canadian Muslim Communities Hundreds of Muslim parents march against Justin Trudeau’s radical LGBTQ indoctrination of Canadian children. ‘Leave our kids alone!’ they chanted.Links in th...

"We're Coming for Your Children" Pride Parade Speaks Loud and Clear 18/07/2023

‼️This is promoting PEDAPHILIA, S*X TRAFFICKING and their Real AGENDA. SHAME ON Parents, Government, Elites, Teachers, etc. God will punish you. Like the person says in the Sound of Freedom movie, " GOD'S CHILDREN ARE NOT FOR SALE"‼️

"We're Coming for Your Children" Pride Parade Speaks Loud and Clear Elon Musk even taking to Twitter to share this viral video of Pride Parade attendees chanting, "We're Coming for Your Children". Musk saying, "These people s...

San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Takes Aim at Homophobic Stereotypes 18/07/2023

‼️WAKE UP PEOPLE, the LGBTQ/P, admitt and are bragging about coming for our children. WE MUST PROTECT OUR CHILDREN. ‼️

San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Takes Aim at Homophobic Stereotypes The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus is clapping back at conservatives with this 🔥 satirical song.» Subscribe to NowThis: http://go.nowth.is/News_Subscribe» S...

"Are You Ready ?" 07/07/2023

🌻Hello beautiful people. Please check out my video. Love and hugs. Please Subscribe to my channel, like, and share.🌻

"Are You Ready ?" 🐇Join me and enjoy nature as we chat about some important things. 🐇
